Big drop for Junior Market on Friday

Trading closed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Friday, with a big drop in the market index following a 10 percent decline in the volume of stocks traded, following a 28 percent drop in value compared to market activity on Thursday with trading in 40 securities compared with 44 on Thursday and ending with prices of nine rising, 20 declining and 11 closing unchanged.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index dived 51.06 points to end at 3,766.56, down 2.1 percent for the year to date.
The market closed on Friday with trading of 3,732,698 shares valued at $7,075,691 compared with 4,130,132 stock units at $9,762,303 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 93,317 shares at $176,892, compared with 93,867 units at $221,871 on Thursday. Trading for the month to date, averaged 151,929 stock units at $328,204 compared with 170,245 stocks at $375,489 on the previous day and compared to March with an average of 221,659 units at $464,382.
ONE on ONE Educational led trading with 1.23 million shares for 32.8 percent of total volume followed by EduFocal with 432,820 units for 11.6 percent of the day’s trade as the price hit a 52 weeks’ low in trading and Fosrich with 222,006 stock for 5.9 percent market share.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.5, based on the last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and none with a lower offer.
At the close, Access Financial declined $2.09 to $19.86 after an exchange of 121 shares, AMG Packaging fell 34 cents and ended at $3.12, with 500 units changing hands, Blue Power rose 23 cents in closing at $3.23 after an exchange of 69,564 shares. CAC 2000 dropped 67 cents to finish at $3.82 with investors transferring 569 stock units, Caribbean Assurance Brokers advanced 15 cents to end at $2.35 in an exchange of 84,264 shares, Caribbean Cream shed 30 cents to close at $3.58 with investors swapping 2,030 units. Derrimon Trading sank 10 cents to $2 in switching ownership of 207,716 stocks, Elite Diagnostic popped 25 cents in closing at $1.66 with traders dealing in 1,471 stock units, Image Plus skidded 7 cents to finish at $1.88 as investors exchanged 12,718 shares. Jetcon Corporation lost 7 cents and ended at 88 cents in trading 2,056 stock units, Knutsford Express slipped 80 cents to end at $11 with investors exchanging 2,293 stocks, Limners and Bards dipped 41 cents to close at $1.34 with a transfer of 11,395 units. Lumber Depot sank 36 cents to close at $2.34 following the trading of 181,052 shares, Main Event lost 66 cents to end at $13.61 in an exchange of 39,401 stock units, ONE on ONE Educational slipped 7 cents in closing at 92 cents with investors trading 1,225,460 stocks and Tropical Battery gained 13 cents to close at $2.18 after a transfer of 26,549 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Lacklustre trading on JSE USD market

Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market ended on Friday, with the volume of stocks exchanged rising 12 percent, with 38 percent lower value than on Thursday, resulting in trading in eight securities, compared to nine on Thursday with prices of four rising, one declining and three ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 209,773 shares for US$28,768 compared to 186,609 units at US$46,047 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 26,222 units at US$3,596 versus 20,734 shares at US$5,116 on Thursday, with a month to date average of 40,669 shares at US$3,482 compared to 45,694 units at US$3,442 on the previous day and March that ended with an average of 49,394 units for US$3,593.
The US Denominated Equities Index rallied 0.59 points to cease trading at 244.03.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 9.4. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, AS Bryden rallied 0.01 of a cent to finish at 22.02 US cents with investors trading 8,914 units, First Rock Real Estate USD share increased 0.49 of one cent and ended at 4.5 US cents after an exchange of 2,133 stocks, Margaritaville ended at 10 US cents in trading 3,335 shares. Proven Investments popped 0.99 of one cent to 14.89 US cents, with 181,504 stocks crossing the exchange, Sterling Investments fell 0.05 of a cent to end at 1.65 US cents in switching ownership of 1,267 shares, Sygnus Credit Investments rose 0.7 of a cent to 8 US cents as investors traded 2,983 stock units and Transjamaican Highway remained at 2.18 US cents after trading 9,137 stocks.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group US8.5% preference share remained at US$1.19 after an exchange of 500 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

JSE suffers big decline on Friday

The Main and Junior markets suffered a sizable fall but the USD Market inched up higher, with trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange coming back to earth on Friday, following the big bounce on Thursday with trading ended with the volume and value of stocks changing hands dropping sharply from that of the previous trading day, resulting in prices of only 27 shares rising and 39 declining.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index dropped 1,798.83 points to 339,161.61, the All Jamaican Composite Index sank 2,067.87 points to end at 365,157.55, the JSE Main Index shed 1,505.24 points to end at 326,418.42. The Junior Market Index plunged 51.06 points to 3,766.56 and the JSE USD Market Index rallied 0.63 points to finish at 244.03.
At the close of trading, 29,059,711 shares were exchanged in all three markets, well off from 555,998,264 units on Thursday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $240.14 million, vastly lower than the $1.808 billion on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 209,773 shares for US$28,768 compared to 186,609 units at US$46,047 on Thursday.
In Main Market activity, Carreras led trading with 10.79 million shares followed by Wigton Windfarm with 5.19 million units, then JMMB 9.5% preference share with 3.01 million shares, JMMB Group 7.25% preference share due 2024 chipped in with 1.66 million units and GraceKennedy with 1.31 million stock units.
In the Junior Market, ONE on ONE Educational led trading with 1.23 million shares followed by EduFocal with 432,820 stock units and Fosrich with 222,006 units.
In the preference segment, Jamaica Public Service 7% advanced $5 to end at $48 and Productive Business Solutions 9.75% preference share fell $9.92 in closing at $95.08.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 19.7 on 2022-23 earnings and 13.7 times those for 2023-24 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons between the same sector companies and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Investors need pertinent information to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
Investors should use the chart to help make rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector and not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to assess the value of stocks based on this measure quickly. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Rising stocks dominate Trinidad exchange trades

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Trading on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange ended on Friday, with rising prices outdistancing those falling by a decent margin following a market session that ended with a mere 5 percent decline in the volume of stocks traded but with a 201 percent jump in value compared with Thursday and resulting in 23 securities trading up from 18 on Thursday and ending with prices of 11 stocks rising, six declining and six remaining unchanged.
The market closed on Friday with 533,983 shares trading for $9,312,325 compared with 564,243 stock units at $3,090,685 on Thursday.
An average of 23,217 shares were exchanged for $404,884 compared to 31,347 units at $171,705 on Thursday, with trading month to date averaging 20,783 shares at $190,760 compared with 19,834 units at $107,287 on the previous day and an average for March of 28,236 shares at $236,496.
The Composite Index rallied 6.51 points to conclude trading at 1,218.74, the All T&T Index popped 14.10 points to cease trading at 1,831.31, the SME Index remained unchanged at 77.71 and the Cross-Listed Index dipped 0.22 points to 78.83.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, Agostini’s remained at $69 with traders dealing in 15 shares, Angostura Holdings advanced $2.63 to $22.74 in an exchange of 9,698 stocks, Ansa McAl ended at $57 with 17 shares clearing the market. Ansa Merchant Bank popped 20 cents to $45.30 with a transfer of 4,427 stock units, Calypso Macro Investment Fund ended at $23 after an exchange of 5,018 shares, First Citizens Group gained 39 cents and ended at $48.50 with investors trading 158 units. FirstCaribbean International Bank ended at $7.04 following an exchange of 21,825 stocks, GraceKennedy dipped 3 cents to close at $4.07 with investors trading 107,739 stock units, Guardian Holdings rose 50 cents in closing at $18.50 with 152 shares changing hands. Guardian Media remained at $2 after 50 stocks passed through the market, JMMB Group lost 1 cent to end at $1.50 as investors exchanged 7,592 units, L.J. Williams B share sank 1 cent to finish at $1.99 in trading 2,000 stock units. Massy Holdings rallied 4 cents to $4.40 after a transfer of 171,751 shares, National Enterprises shed 1 cent to finish at $3.89 and closed after 11,359 stock units were traded, National Flour Mills ended at $2.20 in an exchange of 21,240 stocks. NCB Financial dropped 6 cents in closing at $3.15 with investors dealing in 14,225 units, Prestige Holdings gained 50 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ high of $13 after trading 60,007 shares, Republic Financial climbed 49 cents to close at $119.99, with 44,227 stock units crossing the exchange. Scotiabank fell $1.50 to close at $70 with 9,733 units changing hands, Trinidad & Tobago NGL popped 5 cents to $8.50 with investors swapping 2,424 stock units, Trinidad Cement advanced 4 cents to end at $2.60 after 5,486 units crossed the market. Unilever Caribbean rose 25 cents in closing at $12.25 in switching ownership of 10,200 stocks and West Indian Tobacco gained $1.49 and ended at $15.49, with 24,640 shares crossing the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior Market drops

Trading closed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Thursday, with a 60 percent decline in the volume of stocks traded, with a 56 percent lower value than Wednesday flowing from trading in 44 securities up from 39 on Wednesday and ending with prices of 16 rising, 17 declining and 11 closing unchanged.
The market closed with trading of 4,130,132 shares for $9,762,303 compared with 10,446,628 units at $22,291,796 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 93,867 shares at $221,871, compared with 267,862 units at $571,585 on Wednesday with the month to date, averaging 170,245 units at $375,489 compared to 210,253 stock units at $455,956 on the previous day and March with an average of 221,659 units at $464,382.
Express Catering led trading with 805,692 shares for 19.5 percent of total volume followed by EduFocal with 793,618 units for 19.2 percent of the day’s trade and MFS Capital Partners with 461,757 units for 11.2 percent market share.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index shed 17.46 points to end the day at 3,817.62.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.9, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and two with lower offers.
At the close, CAC 2000 rallied 24 cents to close at $4.49 with traders dealing in 29 stock units, Dolla Financial dropped 10 cents to $2.70 as investors exchanged 235,216 shares, Dolphin Cove popped 41 cents to finish at $19.39 after trading 320 units. Elite Diagnostic sank 26 cents and ended at $1.41 with a transfer of 64,794 stocks, Fontana skidded 10 cents to end at $8.80 with investors swapping 129,128 units, Iron Rock Insurance gained 16 cents in closing at $2.51, with 76 stocks crossing the market. Jamaican Teas lost 28 cents to $2.40 with investors trading 35,389 shares, Knutsford Express slipped 9 cents in closing at $11.80, with 1,965 stock units changing hands, Lasco Financial rose 11 cents and ended at $1.91 in trading 5,980 shares. Limners and Bards climbed 28 cents to finish at $1.75 with 1,449 units clearing the market, MFS Capital Partners fell 12 cents to end at $1.53 with an exchange of 461,757 stocks, Tropical Battery shed 15 cents to close at $2.05 after 99,901 stock units passed through the market and tTech increased 29 cents to $2.30 in switching ownership of just one share.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Trading volume drops on JSE USD market

Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market ended on Thursday, with a 67 percent drop in the volume of stocks changing hands after a 133 percent jump in value than on Wednesday, resulting in trading in nine securities, compared to seven on Wednesday with prices of one rising, three declining and five ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 186,609 shares for US$46,047 compared to 560,085 units at US$19,785 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 20,734 units at US$5,116 versus 80,012 shares at US$2,826 on Wednesday, with a month to date average of 45,694 shares at US$3,442 compared with 61,740 units at US$2,366 on the previous day and March that ended with an average of 49,394 stock units for US$3,593.
The US Denominated Equities Index popped 2.61 points to end at 243.44.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 9.2. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and two with lower offers.
At the close, Margaritaville ended at 10 US cents in trading 2,103 stock units, Proven Investments dipped 2 cents and ended at 13.9 US cents after an exchange of 110,431 shares, Sterling Investments popped 0.1 of a cent to finish at 1.7 US cents with investors transferring 2,105 stocks. Sygnus Credit Investments shed 0.7 of one cent in closing at 7.3 US cents, following 51,168 units changing hands and Transjamaican Highway declined 0.02 of a cent to close at 2.18 US cents with a transfer of 2,375 shares.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group US8.5% preference share remained at US$1.19 after an exchange of 14,317 units. JMMB Group 5.75% ended at US$2.12 after 4,002 stocks crossed the market, Productive Business Solutions 9.25% preference share remained at US$12 after a transfer of 10 stock units and Sygnus Credit Investments US 8% remained at US$10.60 with 98 shares clearing the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Transjamaican dominated JSE trading

Transjamaican Highway dominated trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Thursday with more than half a billion units traded valued at just over $1.75 billion, with trading resulted in the Main and USD Markets rising and the Junior Market JSE USD market closing lower as trading ended with the value and number of stocks changing hands surging sharply over the previous trading day and resulting in prices of 33 shares rising and 39 declining.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index climbed 1,326.81 points to 340,960.44, the All Jamaican Composite Index gained 1,625.36 points to 367,225.42, the JSE Main Index rallied 1,510.99 points to 327,923.66. The Junior Market Index declined 17.46 points to end the day at 3,817.62 and the JSE USD Market Index rose 2.55 points to close at 243.40.
At the close of trading, 555,998,264 shares were exchanged in all three markets, well up on 37,702,741 units on Wednesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $1.808 billion, up from just $178.27 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 186,609 shares for US$46,047 compared to 560,085 units at US$19,785 on Wednesday.
In the Main Market activity, Transjamaican Highway led trading with 540.57 million shares followed by QWI Investments with 4.40 million stocks, JMMB Group 7.25% preference share due 2024 ended with 1.98 million units and Wigton Windfarm closed with 1.42 million stock units being traded.
In the Junior Market, Express Catering led trading with 805,692 shares followed by EduFocal with 793,618 stock units and MFS Capital Partners with 461,757 units.
In the preference segment, Productive Business Solutions 10.5 % preference share advanced $11 to finish at $1,110 and Sygnus Credit Investments C10.5% popped $1 and ended at $110.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 21.93 on 2022-23 earnings and 14.3 times those for 2023-24 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons between the same sector companies and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Investors need pertinent information to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
Investors should use the chart to help make rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector and not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to assess the value of stocks based on this measure quickly. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Transjamaican steals Main Market spotlight

Trading surged on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market ended on Thursday, with Transjamaican Highway dominating with more than 540 million shares worth $1.756 billion, sending the volume of stocks traded up by a solid 1,967 percent with the value jumping 1,053 percent more than on Wednesday, with trading in 61 securities compared with 60 on Wednesday, with prices of 21 stocks rising, 24 declining and 16 ending unchanged.
The market closed after 551,681,523 shares were traded for $1,798,734,217 compared with 26,696,028 units at $155,976,938 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 9,043,959 shares at $29,487,446 compared to 444,934 stocks at $2,599,616 on Wednesday. Trading for the month to date, ended with an average of 3,224,837 units at $11,103,727, compared with 315,276 units at $1,911,868 on the previous day and March that closed with an average of 828,473 units at $2,341,254.
Transjamaican Highway led trading with 540.57 million shares for 98 percent of total volume followed by QWI Investments with 4.40 million units for 0.8 percent of the day’s trade, JMMB Group 7.25% preference share due 2024 closed with 1.98 million units for 0.4 percent market share and Wigton Windfarm with 1.42 million units for 0.3 percent of total volume.
The All Jamaican Composite Index climbed 1,625.36 points to lock up trading at 367,225.42, the JSE Main Index jumped 1,510.99 points to close at 327,923.66 and the JSE Financial Index popped 0.43 points to end the day at 70.40.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.2. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with the financial year ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows eight stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, AS Bryden shed $2.75 to close at $35.75 with investors trading 2,332 units, Barita Investments fell $2.27 in closing at $70.63, with 6,503 stocks changing hands, Caribbean Cement declined $2.45 and ended at $56 as investors exchanged 16,470 shares. Caribbean Producers shed 50 cents to finish at $8.90 in trading 98,724 stock units, Eppley Caribbean Property Fund climbed 51 cents to close at $37.51 after an exchange of 117 shares, First Rock Real Estate dropped 43 cents to end at $10 with investors swapping 284,351 stock units. Jamaica Broilers sank 60 cents to $32.90 in an exchange of 104,752 units, Jamaica Producers increased $1.30 to close at $24.30 with investors dealing in 5,026 stocks, Key Insurance popped 36 cents and ended at $2.57 with 2,094 shares clearing the market. Kingston Wharves skidded 30 cents to finish at $30 with investors transferring 29,870 units, Margaritaville lost $1.02 to end at $15.98 in switching ownership of 3 stocks, Mayberry Group slipped 46 cents in closing at $6.92 after 3,448 stock units passed through the market. NCB Financial advanced $1 to $65 in an exchange of 4,109 shares, Pan Jamaica rose $1.40 and ended at $49.90, with 2,533 stock units crossing the market, Sagicor Group gained 30 cents to finish at $41.50 after a transfer of 18,896 stocks. Scotia Group rallied 80 cents to end at $46.70 after 132,003 units were traded, Supreme Ventures sank 99 cents in closing at $23.50 with a transfer of 15,342 stocks, Sygnus Credit Investments skidded 30 cents to close at $10.50, with 63,922 units crossing the exchange and Sygnus Real Estate Finance fell $2.60 to $10.20 with traders dealing in 242 shares.
In the preference segment, Jamaica Public Service 7% rose 99 cents in closing at $43, with 6 stock units crossing the market, 138 Student Living preference share dipped 53 cents to close at $217.50 after exchanging 2 shares. Productive Business Solutions 10.5 % preference share advanced $11 to finish at $1110 and closed with an exchange of 249 stock units and Sygnus Credit Investments C10.5% popped $1 and ended at $110 with an exchange of 587 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Winning Trinidad stocks ruled supreme

Winning stocks ruled supreme at the close of trading on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange on Thursday, following a 142 percent jump in the volume of stocks traded, valued 101 percent more than Wednesday’s trades and resulting in activity in 18 securities compared with 19 on Wednesday and ending with prices of nine stocks rising, three declining and six remaining unchanged and sending the primary market indices higher.
The Composite Index rallied 7.74 points to wrap up trading at 1,212.23, the All T&T Index popped 14.96 points to finish at 1,817.21, the SME Index remained unchanged at 77.71 and the Cross-Listed Index remained unchanged at 79.05.
The market closed trading with an exchange of 564,243 shares for $3,090,685 up from 233,476 stock units at $1,536,183 on Wednesday.
An average of 31,347 shares were traded at $171,705 compared to 12,288 units at $80,852 on Wednesday, with trading month to date averaging 19,834 stock units at $107,287 compared with 14,780 units at $78,998 on the previous day and an average for March of 28,236 shares at $236,496.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows six stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and two with lower offers.
At the close, Agostini’s advanced 40 cents to close at $69 after a transfer of 1,449 stocks, Ansa McAl rose $2.89 to $57 after 1,447 units were traded, Calypso Macro Investment Fund climbed 40 cents and ended at $23 in an exchange of 21 shares. First Citizens Group ended at $48.11 with 4,383 stock units changing hands, FirstCaribbean International Bank closed at $7.04 in an exchange of 10,303 shares, Guardian Holdings increased 23 cents to $18 after an exchange of 20,104 units. JMMB Group ended at $1.51 with 191,281 stocks crossing the market, Massy Holdings remained at $4.36 while exchanging 100,909 stock units, National Enterprises remained at $3.90 with traders dealing in 65,001 shares. National Flour Mills popped 5 cents to end at $2.20 in switching ownership of 14,404 units, NCB Financial popped 1 cent to $3.21 with investors trading just one stock, One Caribbean Media ended at $3.83 in an exchange of 101,650 stock units. Prestige Holdings gained 20 cents to close at $12.50 with investors swapping 18,380 shares, Republic Financial fell 49 cents to $119.50 with an exchange of 1,954 stock units, Scotiabank skidded 50 cents to end at $71.50 and closed with an exchange of 251 units. Trinidad & Tobago NGL sank 5 cents to a 52 weeks’ low of $8.45 in trading 3,122 stocks, Unilever Caribbean rose 25 cents in closing at $12 after an exchange of 29,283 units and West Indian Tobacco climbed $1.50 and ended at $14, with 300 stocks crossing the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Trading rises on the JSE USD market

Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market ended on Wednesday, with an 84 percent rise in the volume of stocks that changed hands after a 48 percent jump in value compared with Tuesday, resulting in trading in seven securities, similar to Tuesday with prices of three rising, three declining and one ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 560,085 shares for US$19,785 compared with 304,275 stock units at US$13,337 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 80,012 units at US$2,826 up from 43,468 shares at US$1,905 on Tuesday, with a month to date average of 61,740 shares at US$2,366 compared with March that ended with an average of 49,394 units for US$3,593.
The US Denominated Equities Index shed 5.61 points to wrap-up trading at 240.83.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 9.4. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and none with a lower offer.
At the close, First Rock Real Estate USD share fell 0.49 of one cent to close at 4.01 US cents in an exchange of 15,191 stocks, Productive Business Solutions remained at US$1.70, with 2,540 units crossing the market, Proven Investments rallied 1.1 cents to 15.9 US cents with investors trading 29,228 shares. Sterling Investments shed 0.1 of a cent to end at 1.6 US cents, with an exchange of 11 stock units, Sygnus Credit Investments increased 0.98 of one cent in closing at 8 US cents in switching ownership of 1,120 shares, Sygnus Real Estate Finance USD share popped 0.03 of a cent to 9 US cents while exchanging 459 stocks and Transjamaican Highway dropped 0.03 of a cent in closing at 2.2 US cents after 511,536 units passed through the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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