Jamaica’s Unemployed down slightly in June

theGoodNewsJamaica’s unemployment rate for June 2015 saw an improvement over the similar period of 2014. According to the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN), 13.1 percent of the labour force were out of work when their Labour Force Survey was carried out, a reduction from the 13.8 percent level in the 2014 period.
Over the period, “the unemployment rate for males declined from 9.9 percent to 9.3 percent and for females from a very high 18.4 percent to 17.7 percent”, STATIN stated.
The number of unemployed persons decreased by 6,300 or 3.5 percent, moving from 179,300 persons in June 2014 to 173,000 in June this year. A total of 1,147,500 persons were employed at the time of the survey, 23,200 more than the 1,124,300 in June 2014. The Labour Force increased by 16,800 or 1.3 percent over the 1,303,700 recorded in June 2014, to 1,320,500 in 2015.In June 2015, the number of persons who were classified as being Outside the Labour Force fell by 12,700 or1.6 percent to 765,400 from 778,100 in June 2014.
Employment_jobsThe Occupation group, Clerks, saw 9,400 more persons or 9.1 percent being employment, raising the numbers employed from 103,000 in June 2014 to 112,400 at the middle of this year. Increases in employment were also observed in Craft and Related Trades Workers with an increase of 3.4 percent from 136,200 persons in June 2014 to 140,900. Employment in the group, Real Estate, Renting & Business Activities increased by 14,400 persons or 22.4 percent while the group Hotels and Restaurants Services increased by 8.8 percent or 7,300 persons.

Juniors close above 1,500 – first time

The junior market index closed above 1,500 points on Friday & could be heading for over 2,000 mark but not just yet.

The junior market index closed above 1,500 points on Friday & could be heading for over 2,000 mark but not just yet.

The junior market crossed over the 1,400 mark on Wednesday and closed with a rise of 20.35 at 1,512.59 points on Friday. The junior market gained 12 percent for this week as the index grew by 187.64 points and brings the total gains to 120 percent for the year against all stocks on the market rising 79 percent based on the combined index.
The junior market ended trading in 14 securities as 5 stocks advanced and 4 declined. A total of 3,259,403 units, valued at $12,418,302 changed hands. The market ended with 3 stocks closing at new 52 weeks’ high and 1 at 52 weeks’ intraday high. Three (3) securities ended with no bids to buy and 9 had no stocks being offered for sale. A total of 5 stocks closed with bids higher than the last traded prices and 1 closed with a lower offer.
In trading, AMG Packaging closed at $5 with 1,710 units changing hands, Blue Power closed at $13 with 11,908 units trading, Caribbean Cream ended with 102,200 shares changing hands at a new 52 weeks’ high of $4.35 to gain 40 cents, Caribbean Flavours traded 1,218,881 units to end at a new 52 weeks’ high of $4.60. Consolidated Bakeries fell 30 cents to end at $1.65, with 233,930 units changing hands, Derrimon Trading ended with 10,000 shares trading at $3, Dolphin Cove had 7,800 shares changing hands at $13 after rising 50 cents, JM - Trade 6-11-15General Accident gained 10 cents with 4,000 shares trading, in closing at $2, Honey Bun ended with 84,605 units changing hands at $5.20. Jamaican Teas fell 10 cents with 109,490 shares trading, to close at $3.80, KLE Group ended with 15,000 units trading at 45 cents, Lasco Distributors closed with 171,484 shares changing hands with a gain of 45 cents to $4, for a new all-time closing high. Lasco Financial closed with an increase of 15 cents at a new 52 weeks’ high $2.95 with a total of 731,001 shares changing hands and Lasco Manufacturing fell 10 cents to end at $3.80 with 557,394 shares changing hands.

Bulls continue to push higher on Friday

Scotia Group traded at a 52 weeks' high on Friday.

Scotia Group traded at a 52 weeks’ high on Friday.

The JSE Market Index bounced 1,756.11 points to 134,188.79 the all Jamaica Composite Index jumped 1,962.55 points to end at 148,919.83 and JSE combined index
surged 1,839.73 points to end at 140,201.06.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had a reading of 12 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 4 with offers that are lower.
In trading, Berger Paints dropped 30 cents to end at $3.50 after 40,000 shares were traded, Cable and Wireless recovered some more lost grounds to gain 15 cents, with 601,894 shares changing hands. On the offer were 174,235 shares at $1.05 with bid in at $1.02 to buy 50,000 units. JSE sum 6-11-15rCaribbean Cement lost 20 cents to end at $17.90, with 10,979 shares changing hands. Carreras had 45,200 units trading, to close at $55.50, the stock gained $1.50 to end at a 52 weeks’ high, Desnoes & Geddes traded 35,403 units at $30, Gleaner Company traded 20,000 shares to end at $1.90, with a loss of 2 cents, Grace Kennedy closed at $68.11 with a fall of 39 cents with 193,092 shares changing hands. Jamaica Broilers traded 209,180 shares to close at $9. Jamaica Producers traded 1,205,762 shares and lost 20 cents to end at $23.50, JMMB Group traded 303,428 shares to close at $10.80 with the price falling 20 cents, Kingston Wharves gained 40 cents and traded 31,327 units to close at $11.50 for a 52 weeks’ closing high, Mayberry Investments rose 3 cents to end at $4.21 by trading 502,040 shares. National Commercial Bank with 79,023 shares changing hands to end at $33. JSE Fn Qts 6-11-15Pulse Investments traded 112,631 shares but lost 5 cents and ended at $1.30. Sagicor Group dropped 5 cents with 137,091 shares trading, to close at $14.45, Sagicor Real Estate Fund traded 1,289 units, the price closed at $9.95 after rising 45 cents, Scotia Group ended with 2,574,294 shares changing hands and closed at a 52 weeks’ high after rising $2.50 at $29.50, Seprod fell 1 cent to close at $15.84 as 20,000 units traded and Proven Investments ordinary share ended at 22.98 US cents with 27,891 units changing hands.

2 stocks up 2 down on TTSE

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TCL closed up on Friday at $3.80.

TCL closed up on Friday at $3.80.

Trading remained subdued on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange on Friday, ending with 8 securities trading. The market closed with 2 stock closing higher, 2 declining and 4 remaining unchanged as 400,810 shares changing hands for a value of $6,172,165.
At the close the Composite Index ending with a loss of 0.42 points at 1,148.22 the All T&T Index declined 0.83 points to 1,949.97 and the Cross Listed Index remained at 45.46.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 7 stocks with the bid higher than the last selling price and 3 stocks with offers that were lower.
Gains| Prestige Holdings with 17,000 units changing hands ended at $9.92 to record a gain of 2 cents and Trinidad Cement closed at $3.80 with 2,400 shares changing hands with a rise of 5 cents.
TTSE 6-11-15 Declines| First Citizens Bank traded 2,140 shares and closed with a loss of 1 cent at $35 and Trinidad and Tobago NGL closed at $21.50 with 111,076 units valued at $2,387,860 trading after falling 50 cents, but had an offer at $21.50 to sell 1,058 units and a bid to buy 1,000 units at $21.
Firm Trades| Clico Investment Fund closed with 20,616 shares valued at $464,272, changing hands, to end at $22.52, Republic Bank traded 1,050 shares to close at $112, Scotiabank closed with 42,472 shares with a value of $2,654,500 changing hands, unchanged at $62.50 and Scotia Investments closed with 205,298 shares for a value of $338,742 changing hands at $1.65.

Jam$ mixed on Thursday

J$ 1972-2015 Flows of foreign currencies into and out of the system, fell back to normal levels from Wednesday’s heightened reading. At the close of trading, the equivalent of US$37,495,499 was bought by dealers, compared with US$70,261,659 on Wednesday, while they sold the equivalent of US$40,152,220 versus US$67,303,552 previously.
In US dollar trading , dealers bought US$34,396,866 compared to US$65,914,311 on Wednesday. The buying rate for the US dollar fell 15 cents to $119.43 and US$38,980,232 was sold versus US$65,742,994 on Wednesday, the selling rate remained at $119.88.FX sum 5-11-15 The Canadian dollar buying rate lost 28 cents to $88.14 with dealers buying C$875,428 and selling C$450,499, at an average rate that declined $1.22 to $90.12. The rate for buying the British Pound climbed 30 cents to $181.78 for the purchase of £1,562,561, while £363,843 was sold, at an average rate that rose 68 cents to $182.64. At the end of trading, it took J$130.21 to purchase the Euro, a fall of $1.06 from Wednesday’s rate, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, while dealers purchased the European common currency at J$127.93 for a decline of 68 cents from Wednesday’s rate. The US dollar equivalent of other currencies traded, amounts to US$74,193 being bought, while US$279,015 was sold.
Highs & Lows| On Thursday, the highest buying rate for the US dollar, rose 5 cents to $120.10, the lowest buying rate rose 5 cents to $98.45, the highest selling rate gained 5 cents to close at $126.15 and lowest selling rate jumped $1.98 to end at $100.39.FX hl 5-11-15 The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar dropped d $3.25 to $91.50, the lowest buying rate rose 29 cents to end at $73.25, the highest selling rate climbed 68 cents to $94.43 and the lowest selling rate remained at $86.50. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, jumped $4.22 to end at $188.32. The lowest buying rate rose 42 cents to $147.16, the highest selling rate dropped 26 cents to $188.08 and the lowest selling rate lost $1.60 to $175.60.

Bulls push 26 stocks up as 9 fell

bull The bullishness of Jamaica Stock Exchange continued on Thursday with all three main indices representing the main market being up, at the end of trading. A total of 44 securities were active, leading to 9,435,523 units valued at $123,466,769 changing hands, in all market segments. at the close 26 securities rose and 9 declined with 9 stocks ending at 52 weeks’ closing high and 1 at an intraday 52 weeks’ high.
The JSE Market Index shed 301.69 points to 132,432.68 the all Jamaica Composite Index gained 337.15 points to end at 146,957.28 and JSE combined index dipped 859.23 points to end at 138,361.33.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had a reading of 8 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 2 with offers that are lower.
In trading, Barita Investments closed at a new 52 weeks’ high of $3.66 while trading 61,000 shares to end at with a gain of 16 cents, after trading at $4, Berger Paints dropped jumped 80 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ high of $3.80 after 207,422 shares were traded. Cable and Wireless recover some lost grounds and gained 15 cents, with 2,120,843 shares changing hands. On the offer were 39,129 shares at 95 cents with bid in at 86 cents to buy 79,702 units. Caribbean Cement rose 10 cents to end at $18.10, with 183,769 shares changing hands. JSE sum 5-11-15rCarreras had a big trade with 1,006,300 units to close at $54 but with 1 million units being a cross, the stock gained 99 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ high, Gleaner Company traded 37,300 shares to end at $1.92, Grace Kennedy closed at $68.50 while gaining 30 cents with 16,379 shares changing hands. Jamaica Broilers traded 207,000 shares to close at $9 for a gain of 50 cents, Jamaica Producers traded 1,237 shares and gained 20 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ high of $23.70, Jamaica Stock Exchange closed with 46,000 shares trading with a gain of 21 cents at $10.86. JMMB Group traded 164,806 shares to close at $11 with the price gaining $1 for new 52 weeks’ closing high, Kingston Wharves traded 44,395 units to close at $11.10 for a 52 weeks’ closing high, after rising by 10 cents,Mayberry Investment rose 10 cents to end at $4.20 by trading 54,500 shares. National Commercial Bank with 47,367 shares changing hands declined 50 cents to end at $32.50. JSE Fn Qts 5-11-15Pan Jamaican jumped $3.49 in trading 19,650 shares to end at $85, Pulse Investments traded 60,000 shares to gain 15 cents and ended at $1.35 for a 52 weeks’ high. Sagicor Group dropped 20 cents with 1,225,725 shares trading, to close at $14.50, Sagicor Real Estate Fund traded 11,929 units, the price closed at $9.50 after falling $1, Scotia Group ended with 110,716 shares changing hands and closed at $26.17 after declining $1.03. Scotia Investments fell 70 cents to close at $26.80 as 811,400 units traded, Supreme Ventures ended at a 52 weeks’ closing high of $4.65, after rising 15 cents with 222,596 shares changing hands and Proven Investments ordinary share ended at 22.98 US cents with 73,500 units changing hands.

Juniors just 8 points from 1,500

Lasco Distributors closed at a new high on Thursday of $4

Lasco Distributors closed at a new high on Thursday of $4

The junior market just crossed over the 1,400 mark on Wednesday and closed less than 8 points from the 1,500 marks as bulls continue to their forward march. At the close on Thursday the index climbed 4.5 percent or 64.32 to at another record close of 1,492.24. The junior market ended trading in 17 securities as 8 stocks advanced and 4 declined. A total of 2,644,357 units, valued at $8,917,979 changed hands.
The market ended with 4 stocks closing at new 52 weeks’ high, while 3 securities ended with no bids to buy and 11 had no stocks being offered for sale. A total of 5 stocks closed with bids higher than the last traded prices and 2 closed with lower offers.
In trading, AMG Packaging closed with a gain of 15 cents to end at $5 with 10,575 units changing hands, Blue Power closed at $13 with 8,900 units changing hands, Caribbean Flavours traded 410,645 units to end at $4.50, Caribbean Producers traded 467,769 units and ended at $3.05. Consolidated Bakeries gained 15 cents to end at $1.95, with 10,000 units changing hands. Dolphin Cove had 6,739 shares changing hands at $12.50 after rising $1.47, General Accident ended with 37,959 shares changing hands, in closing at $1.90, Honey Bun ended with 14,160 units trading with a gain of 10 cents close at a new 52 weeks’ high of $5.20. Jamaican Teas had 10,501 shares trading, to close at $3.90, Knutsford Express closed with 19,622 shares trading, with a loss of 45 cents at $6.55, KLE Group end with 130,073 units trading at 45 cents for a rise of 1 cent, Lasco Distributors ended with 237,120 shares changing hands and closed with a gain of 45 cents at $4, for a new all-time closing high.JM - Trade 5-11-15 Lasco Financial closed with an increase of 15 cents at a new 52 weeks’ high $2.70, after trading earlier at $2.80, with a total of 774,689 shares changing hands. Lasco Manufacturing fell 10 cents to end at $3.80 with 349,918 shares changing hands, Medical Disposables closed at $3.40 with 108,574 shares trading and lost 10 cents, Paramount Trading ended with 3,102 shares changing hands and gained of 11 cents to $7.21 for a new 52 weeks’ high and Sweet River ended with 44,011 units changing hands at $3.86 after losing 1 cent.

TTSE closes slightly lower

TTSE build Trading remained subdued on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange on Thursday and ended with 8 securities trading. The market closed with 2 stock closing higher, 1 declining and 5 remaining unchanged as 147,366 shares changing hands for a value of $2,670,288.
At the close the Composite Index ending with a loss of 0.23 points at 1,148.64 the All T&T Index declined 0.46 points to 1,950.80 and the Cross Listed Index remained at 45.46.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 7 stocks with the bid higher than the last selling price and 4 stocks with offers that were lower.
Gains| Guardian Holdings closed with 10,910 shares changing hands, for 10 cents higher at $12.90 and Trinidad and Tobago NGL closed at $22 with only 107 units trading after rising by 1 cent but had an offer at $21.99 to sell 7,350 units.
TTSE 5-11-15 Declines| Massy Holdings with a volume of 2,610 shares 39 cents in closing at $62.
Firm Trades| Angostura Holdings with 28,679 shares valued at $401,506 changing hands, closed at $14, Clico Investment Fund closed with 81,144 shares valued at $1,827,380, changing hands, to end at $22.52, First Citizens Bank traded 2,140 shares and closed at $35.01, National Enterprises traded 1,490 shares to close at $16.50 and National Flour Mills with 20,506 shares changing hands closed at $1.97.

Markets are up in early trading

The main and junior markets are up in early trading in Thursday morning session but the main market is still below levels reached in Wednesday morning trading up to 10.35am.
The Jamaica stock market after 75 minutes of trading, recorded gains in the indices. The all Jamaican Composite index gained 329.84 points to 146,949.97, the JSE Market Index rose 295.15 points to 132,426.14 the JSE combined index climbed 386.63 points to be at 137,888.73 and the junior market index rose 12.09 points to its highest level of 1,440.01.
JSE int 5-11-15Trading resulted in 31 securities changing hands with a volume of 4,619,249 units as 15 stocks gained and 5 declined and a number of new all-time highs were reached with the Jamaica Stock exchange.
Some buying as come in for Cable and Wireless as the stock traded 2,082,202 shares as the price added 2 cents to 82 cents and as high as 85 cents. The stocks now has bid of 82 cents to buy over 400,000 shares on the offer is at 90 cents. In the wider market, Scotia Investments traded 798,900 shares at $27.50 and Supreme Ventures traded 220,796 units at $4.65.

Strong C&WJ mobile growth

Cable & Wireless HQ

Cable & Wireless HQ

Strong growth new mobile subscribers at Cable & Wireless Jamaica, continues to September, according to the latest quarterly report released earlier today by the United Kingdom listed CWC communication PLC (CWC), putting the number of mobile customers around 890,000. In our biggest region, the Caribbean, our Jamaica business, continued to attract new mobile subscribers (up 161,000 or 22 percent) and gain market share, where our market share of 31 percent has grown by 5 percentage points in the last 12 months leading to 10 percent revenue growth (14 percent at constant currency) and 45 percent growth in EBITDA. Across the Caribbean, Project Marlin investments in 2014/15 helped drive a US$15 million or 10 percent increase in mobile revenue with HSPA+ speeds now provided across the region, and a US$9 million or 9 percent rise in broadband revenue as we grew our subscriber base. Total Caribbean reported revenue grew 6 percent year over year, with EBITDA rising 22 percent. As integration momentum builds, an even stronger second half is expected”, the CWC report stated.
The report went on to state, “In the first half of the current fiscal year, our total number of network sites grew by 10 percent and our mobile networks carried 93 percent more data traffic, with Jamaica data traffic up 241 percent, BTC up 137 percent, Panama up 81 percent and Barbados 73 percent higher.”
In the Caribbean, the company said “we completed Phase 1 of our broadband expansion in Jamaica passing 800 homes in Portland with Phase 2 underway and set to pass an additional 7,300 homes taking our total homes passed to 276,000. We also began installation of a new backbone to upgrade core capacity to multiple 100Gbps links. In Trinidad, we passed an additional 4,800 homes with HFC, taking our total homes passed to 311,000 in Trinidad and we passed an additional 19,000 homes with FTTH in Barbados taking our coverage to over 100,000 homes passed. In the Bahamas, we have completed the design phase of our plans to pass 14,200 homes.”

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