Cable & Wireless gains 32% on Tuesday

Cable & Wireless HQ Kingston

Cable & Wireless HQ Kingston

Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange ended with Cable & Wireless closing at 54 cents with the bid to buy 1,000 shares at 59 cents and opens up the stock to trade as high as 67 cents on Wednesday. the stock gained 32 percent for the day and 93 percent, since last week Wednesday.
There are 4.65 million units on offer, between 60 cents to $1, while 5.5 million units are on the bid at 54 cents, 1.3 million shares at 55 cents and 350,000 units at 56 cents. after the market closed, Cable and Wireless reported results for the September quarter, showing rising income from $4.4 billion to $5.1 billion and improved operating profit of $400 million versus only $54,000 in 2013 but increased finance cost from $660 million to $1 billion, kept losses to the same level as 2013, at $600 million.
Tuesday’s activity on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, resulted in the prices of 7 stocks rising and 5 declining as 24 securities changed hands, ending in 2,773,028 units trading, valued at $9,209,937, in all market segments.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 11 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 5 stocks with offers that were lower.
Main Market| The JSE Market Index gained 435.88 points, helped by the move in Cable & Wireless, to close at 73,092.83, the JSE All Jamaican Composite index rose 437.37 points to close at 80,439.24 and the JSE combined index gained jumped 460.06 points to close at 74,951.59.
Gains| Stocks gaining with last traded prices, at the end of trading in the main market are, Cable & Wireless ended trading with 1,568,705 shares while gaining 13 cents or 31.7 percent to 54 cents, Caribbean Cement closed with 11,500 units to close with a gain of 4 cents to $2.45,
Pan Jamaican Investment closed with 30,120 units to close 15 cents to $50.15 and Proven Investments finished trading with 65,350 shares to close with a gain of 0.01 cents to $0.18 US cents.
JSe 11-11-14
Firm| The stocks in the main market to close without a change in the last traded prices are, Carreras closed with 20,006 shares changing hands at $35.99, Jamaica Broilers concluded trading with 47,332 shares at $4, Mayberry Investments finished trading with 44,000 shares changing hands $1.50, National Commercial Bank ended trading with 42,000 shares at $17, Pulse Investments came to life trading 2,000 shares at 35 cents, Radio Jamaica had 40,000 shares changing hands at $1.18, Sagicor Group deal in 42,250 shares at $9.65 and Sagicor Real Estate Fund contributed a mere 500 shares at $6.60.
Declines| The last traded prices of stocks with losses at the end of trading in the main market are, Desnoes & Geddes closed with 29,617 shares trading 3 cents lower at $4.92, Grace Kennedy with 11,314 units to fall $1.90 to $58.10 and Scotia Group finished trading with 76,515 units with a decline of 2 cents to $19.75.
Preference| Jamaica Money Market Brokers 8.75% preference share traded 52,000 units at $3 and Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share closed with 3,800 shares changing hands at $2.

Caribbean Producers up 10%

CaribbeanProducers(CPJ)280X150 Trading in the Junior Market closed with Caribbean Producers gaining 10 percent, as the company with largest percentage price movement. There was a total of 686,019 units changing hands, valued at $857,142. The JSE Junior Market Index rose 5.37 points, to close at 665.91 as 7 securities traded, with the price of 3 advancing and 2 declining.
At the close, there were 2 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 2 stocks with offers that were lower. The junior market continues to exhibit weakness with 10 securities closing with no bids to buy. There were 4 securities that had no stocks being offered for sale.
In trading, Caribbean Producers finished with 20,000 shares with the price rising 20 cents to $2.20, Lasco Financial saw trading in 50,000 units and put on 8 cents to 98 cents and Medical Disposables ended with 10,000 shares with an increase of 4 cents to $1.94.
Lasco Distributors contributed 232,490 shares at $1.32 and Lasco Manufacturing ended trading with 235,894 shares at 95 cents.
Blue Power ended with 660 units as the price slipped 20 cents to $6.90 and General Accident finished with 136,975 shares with 2 cents fall to $1.53.

Republic drops 72 cents on TTSE

Trading on the Trinidad Stock Exchange ended with Republic Bank dropping 72 cents at the end of trading. There was activity in the market, with 11 securities changing hands, of which 4 advanced, 3 declined and 4 traded firm with a total of 638,480 units, valued at $1,740,915.
TTSE 11-11-14At the close of the market, the Composite Index lost 0.80 points to close at 1,145.6 the All T&T Index rose fell by 1.68 points to close at 1,962.76 and the Cross Listed Index increased by 0.01 points to end at 43.04.
Gains| Stocks increasing in price at the close are, Clico Investment Fund gained 4 cents to end at $22.15 while trading 9,366 shares valued at $207,457, Jamaica Money Market Brokers was the volume leader with 518,756 shares changing hands for a value of $233,440 and gained a cent to 45 cents, Scotiabank traded 682 shares at $58.13 up a cent and West Indian Tobacco traded 537 shares at $119.03 for a 1 cent gain.
Declines| The stocks declining at the end of trading are, Grace Kennedy contributed 40,000 shares with a value of $153,600, to close 1 cent down at $3.84 while by Sagicor Financial Corporation with a volume of 57,622 shares traded for $346,893, to end at a new 52 weeks’ low, of $6.01 after falling 4 cents, conversely, Republic Bank suffered a loss 72 cents to close at $120 as 1,285 shares traded.
Firm Trades| Stocks closing with prices unchanged at the end of trading are, Angostura Holdings with 1,000 units ended at $12.75, First Citizens Bank had 2,472 units trading at $36.76, Massy Holdings added 6,260 shares valued at $429,123 to close at $68.55 and National Enterprises traded 500 shares at $17.49.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 2 stocks with the bid higher than their last selling prices and 2 stocks with offers that were lower.

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El Gabriel 2The corporate area in Jamaica has the densest working population. Most workers would prefer to live close to work, property prices preclude many, from living within the urban area of Kingston and St Andrew.

2 bedroom unit living area

2 bedroom unit living area

The result is the rapidly growing residential areas in St Catherine, the neighbouring parish, as Jamaicans seek affordable housing close to Kingston.
Bedroom of 1 bedroom unit

Bedroom of 1 bedroom unit

St Andrew has some of the most expensive residential real estate in Jamaica. The reduction in readily available open spaces, has driven up the value of land and the selling prices of new units. While the cost of money has declined from very high levels, a few years ago, it is still high, compared with other countries within the Caribbean. Higher interest cost like higher land cost helps in driving the price of houses up and makes them less affordable to purchasers. As the prices climb and income levels remain pressured, many developers have reduced inputs cost, more often by downsizing lots or units. Units can be altered by square footage and high between ceiling and floor. Often, they utilize less expenses fittings, which the owner may change out, some later point in the future.
As more units are built in what is considered the preferred residential areas, there is a trend that has seen units being built some distant from the main areas.
Living room for 1 bedroom unit

Living room for 1 bedroom unit

IC Insider visited one such complex recently. El Gabriel is locate on Lindsay Crescent, just off Dunrobin Avenue and comprises 18 units 1 and 2 bedroom and penthouse units, priced between $10.4 million to $13.7 million.
The complex is gated, units are floored with porcelain tiles and have granite counter tops. The sizes are, 1 bedroom units 531 square feet, 2 bedroom – 816 square feet and penthouses 769 square feet.
The selling price per square foot works out at $19,585 for the 1 bedroom and $16,409 for the 2 bedroom units.

C&W trades 1m units at 54c

cable-and-wireless-worldwide600x250Cable & Wireless traded 1 million units at 54 cents as Scotia Investments sold the stock which was bought by NCB Capital Markets.
The trade leaves 275,995 units on the bid at 54 cents, just below are bids for 600,000 sahres at 50 cents, 1,064,000, 27,360, 300,000 and 2,975,000 units at 47 cents. the closest offer is 500,000 units at 60 cents.
The stock has gained 93 percent since it last traded on Wednesday last week at 28 cents, after Cable & Wireless Plc announced the acquisition of Columbus Communications and that the local company added 125,000 cell customers between April and September.

30% is New Circuit Breaker

Marlene Street Forrest - General Manager of the JSE

Marlene Street Forrest – General Manager of the JSE

The final trading information for the Jamaican Stock market will show that Cable and Wireless did not trade on Friday, even as 264,000 units were put through at 37 cents per share. The trades were eventually cancelled.
At 37 cents, the price moved just over 15 percent, which is 0.20 cents from maximum of 36.80 cents possible. The stock exchange does not trade stocks in Jamaican dollars for fraction of a cent, do not round up the figures, in computing the 15 percent limitation. On Monday, the stock could not trade above 41 cents, which is 15 percent above Friday’s bid of 36 cents, even as there were investors prepared to buy above this level.
Later this month, could be as early as next week Monday, the 15 percent restriction will give way to a new regime of 30 percent in one day but in two tranches of 15 percent each, one hour apart. The rules will still permit the bid to exceed the closing price or the offer to fall below it at the close, thus permitting the stock to trade at more than 15 percent from the closing price, on the next day.
According to information from the Jamaica Stock Exchange, the new rule is as follows, “No stock should trade +/-15% from the close price or the effective close price at the opening of the market. The effective close price is determined whenever the closing bid is greater than the close price or whenever the closing ask is less than the close price. Use the closing bid as the effective close price, if the value is greater than the close price or use the closing ask as the effective close price, if the value is less than the close price. However, during the day if the Circuit Breaker is triggered for a security, the security will be halted for an hour to allow for the release, circulation and absorption of any relevant market news and a cool down period while investors consider their options. After the hour has passed the security will be released for trading and the new reference price, which is a simple average of the trigger price and the close price, will be used to determine the trade range for the remainder of the day. The price of the trade that triggered the Circuit Breaker should not be +/-15% outside of the original prescribed price band. The stock will not be allowed to trade +/- 15% of the new reference price.”
IC Insider spoke with the General Manager of the exchange who advises that the plan is to start as of Monday November 17th. But certain technical challenges with the trading platform could delay its implementation. Until the beginning of December.
The change came after investors were surveyed of the Stock exchange recently. The circuit breaker was implemented in the 1990s based on complaints by some investors about large swings in the price movements of some stocks, which was felt by some as manipulation of the market. The rule did not find favour with a number of the players in the market for several years.

J$ gains against US & Pound

On Monday, the Jamaican dollar gained slightly against the US dollar and the Pound but lost value against the Canadian, as authorized dealers purchased the equivalent of US$47,873,352 versus US$39,911,362, on Friday and sold the equivalent of US$42,619,796 compared with US$31,492,889 on Friday
FX sum 10-11-14In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$41,018,591 compared to US$34,063,940 on Friday. The buying rate for the US dollar fell 7 cents to $112.41 and US$36,753,282 was sold versus US$28,225,359 on Friday, the selling rate declined 1 cent to end at $112.90. The Canadian dollar buying rate, jumped 83 cents to $98.69 with dealers buying C$5,440,083 and selling C$4,885,455, at an average selling rate that rose 32 cents, to $99.44. The rate for buying the British Pound dropped $1.40 to $176.21, for the purchase of £1,094,673, while £556,852 was sold, at $179.06, a fall of 27 cents. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$363,123, while the equivalent of US$680,535, was sold.
FX HL 10-11-14Highs & Lows| The highest buying rate for the US dollar, rose 41 cents to $113.51, the lowest buying gained 17 cents to $92.02. The highest and the lowest selling rates were unchanged at $117.91 and $91.85 respectively. The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar climbed 30 cents, to $99.85, the lowest buying rate remained at $78.44, the highest selling rate fell 55 cents to close at $101.65. The lowest selling rate gained 50 cents to $95. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, declined 70 cents to $179.30. The lowest buying rate drifted down 78 cents to $143.18, the highest selling rate climbed $2.42 to $184.58 and the lowest selling rate dropped 95 cents to $172.50.

C&W jumps 28% more gains ahead

CWJ nwIn Monday’s activity on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, Cable & Wireless traded just 25,000 shares at 41 cents, the highest price the stock could trade at for the day as it gained 28 percent form the last traded price of 32 cents that it traded on Thursday. At the close the bid was at 47 cents with buying for 1,391,360 shares. Just below the highest bids are 7.92 million units on the bid at 41 cents. Supplies that were offered a 50 cents were pulled shortly before trading closed, leaving offers at 60 cents, but the stock cannot trade above 54 cents, on Tuesday.
Trading resulted in the prices of 7 stocks rising and 3 declining as 24 securities changed hands, ending in 2,567,049 units trading, valued at $7,942,673, in all market segments
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 9 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 stocks with offers that were lower.
Main Market| The JSE Market Index lost 185.93 points to 72,656.95, the JSE All Jamaican Composite index fell 207.8 points to close at 79,951.87 and the JSE combined index gained declined by 169.98 points to close at 74,491.53.
Gains| Stocks gaining with last traded prices, at the end of trading in the main market are, Cable & Wireless closed with 25,000 shares changing hands 9 cents higher at 41 cents, Desnoes & Geddes exchanged 9,420 shares while gaining 35 cents higher at $4.95, Pan Jamaican Investment contributed just 1,545 shares traded 50 cents higher at $50 and Scotia Group ended trading with 101,774 units and put on 17 cents to $19.77.
JSE 10-11-14 Firm| The stocks in the main market to close without a change in the last traded prices are, Gleaner saw trading in 1,550,630 shares at $1.05, Grace Kennedy ended with 500 units to close at $60, Jamaica Money Market Brokers closed with 47,800 ordinary shares at $7, Jamaica Stock Exchange concluded trading with 792 shares to end at $1.84, Proven Investments contributed 17,000 shares to end at 18 US cents, Sagicor Group ended trading with 24,545 shares at $9.65, Sagicor Real Estate Fund ended trading with 33,650 shares changing hands ended at $6.60 and Supreme Ventures closed with 77,202 shares trading at $1.73.
Declines| The last traded prices of stocks with losses at the end of trading in the main market are, Ciboney finished trading with 3,000 units to fall 1 cent to 7 cents and Mayberry Investments exchanged 209,025 shares traded with a loss of 1 cent to $1.50.
Preference| Jamaica Money Market Brokers 8.75% preference share finished trading with 193,450 units at $3.

JMMB maintains dividend

jmmb150x150 Jamaica Money Market Brokers (JMMB) is holding the December 2014 dividend payment steady, with the amount paid last year, at the same time.
JMMB declared of a dividend of 16 cents per ordinary share payable to shareholders on record as at November 21. to be paid on December 16, 2014. The stock will trade ex-dividend on November 19, 2014.
The company paid a dividend of 17 cents per ordinary share on June 26, this year. A payment of 16 cents per share was made on December 18, last year.

No stock declined on TTSE Monday

Trading on the Trinidad Stock Exchange on Monday, ended with 8 securities changing hands,of which 2 advanced, none declined and 6 traded firm with a total of 206,158 units, valued at $2,315,534.
TTSE sum 10-11-14At the close of the market, the Composite Index rose 0.39 points to close at 1,146.41, the All T&T Index rose fell by just 0.09 points to close at 1,964.44 and the Cross Listed Index increased by 0.09 points to end at 43.03.
Gains| Stocks increasing in price at the close are, First Citizens Bank contributed 2,458 shares with a value of $90,356, to put on a cent at $36.76, Jamaica Money Market Brokers with 107,309 shares changing hands for a value of $47,216, gained 2 cents to close at 44 cents.
Declines| No stock declined at the end of trading on Monday.
Firm Trades| Stocks closing with prices unchanged at the end of trading are, Angostura Holdings with a volume of 3,396 shares traded for $43,299 and ended at $12.75, Clico Investment Fund with 88,840 shares valued at $1,965,050, to end at $22.11, Guardian Holdings added 2,000 shares to end at $13.55, Massy Holdings traded 1,055 shares valued at $72,320 to close at $68.55, Republic Bank contributing 100 shares and closed unchanged at $120.72 and Scotiabank traded 1,000 shares to close at $58.12.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator showed 1 stock with the bid higher than the last selling price and 2 stocks with offers that were lower.

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