JSE Main Market falls, Juniors rise

Jamaica stocks rose on the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Thursday but overseas-based stocks pulled back, with the Main Market slipping as the Junior Market recovered some of the grounds lost on Wednesday but the JSE USD market closed lower following a drop in the volume and value of stocks trading falling.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index shed 206.43 points to end trading at 336,846.57, the All Jamaican Composite Index rose 1,082.80 to close at 363,466.02, the JSE Main Index fell 499.84 points to 323,758.65. The Junior Market Index climbed 29.96 points to 3,792.26 and the JSE USD Market Index fell 2.02 points to 237.31.
At the close of trading, 10,635,206 shares were exchanged in all three markets, down from 13,087,775 units on Wednesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounting to $38.4 million, down compared with $69.13 million on Tuesday and the JSE USD market closed after 250,247 shares were traded, for US$11,360 compared to 163,964 units at US$2,851 on Wednesday.
Main Market trading was dominated by Transjamaican Highway led trading with 1.41 million shares followed by Sagicor Select Financial Fund with 1.29 million units and QWI Investments with 888,809 units.
In the Junior Market, iCreate led trading with 612,599 shares followed by Future Energy with 573,561 units and One Great Studio with 415,210 units.
Main Market stocks rallying were NCB Financial rose $1 to close at $67.50 and Seprod rallied $2.10 in closing at $85.
Declining Main Market stocks included, GraceKennedy lost $1.75 to close at $78, Supreme Ventures declined $1.35 to $24.60 and Jamaica Broilers sank $1 in closing at $33.50.
Rising Junior Market stocks include Dolphin Cove advancing 70 cents in closing at $20 and Fontana increasing 52 cents to $10.60. There were stocks with big losses in this market.
In the preference segment, 138 Student Living preference share dropped $10 to end at $120 and Productive Business Solutions 10.5% preference share advanced $15 in closing at $1,075
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 21.9 on 2022-23 earnings and 14.1 times those for 2023-24 at the close of trading. ICInsider.com PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons between the same sector companies and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Investors need pertinent information to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The ICInsider.com PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
Investors should use the chart to help make rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector and not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume pertaining to the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Stocks moved higher on TTSE as volumes plunged

Trading fell on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange on Thursday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 79 percent with the value 60 percent lower than on Wednesday resulting from trading in 15 securities compared with 14 on Wednesday and ending with prices of five stocks rising, four declining and six remaining unchanged.
Investors exchanged 91,895 shares for $1,461,093 versus 429,773 stock units at $3,618,133 on Wednesday.
An average of 6,126 units were traded at $97,406 compared to 30,698 shares at $258,438 on Wednesday, with trading month to date averaging 15,680 shares at $134,522 compared with 20,798 units at $154,404 on the previous day. The average trade for December amounts to 17,065 shares at $239,371.
The Composite Index rallied 0.50 points to 1,214.35, the All T&T Index rose 0.96 points to 1,812.81, the SME Index remained at 70.72 and the Cross-Listed Index closed unchanged at 80.33.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows six stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and five with lower offers.
At the close, Agostini’s ended on Thursday with investors trading 1,442 shares at $68.50, Ansa McAl shed 90 cents in closing at $55 in an exchange of 545 stocks, Ansa Merchant Bank remained at $43, with 143 shares clearing the market. First Citizens Group fell 8 cents to close at $49.12 with a transfer of 122 stock units, FirstCaribbean International Bank remained at $7.05 with investors swapping 23,100 shares, Guardian Holdings ended at $19 after 1,000 stock units crossed through the market. Guardian Media gained 19 cents in closing at $2.20 with traders dealing in 306 units, Massy Holdings ended at $4.45 with 37,402 stocks changing hands, National Enterprises popped 8 cents to close at $3.98 with investors dealing in 10,000 shares. Point Lisas advanced 20 cents and ended at a 52 weeks’ closing high of $3.90 while exchanging 2,300 units, Prestige Holdings remained at $9.30 and closed after 4,292 stocks passed through the market, Republic Financial rose 16 cents to close at $123 as investors exchanged 6,788 stock units. Scotiabank sank 54 cents to $69.06 as 131 shares passed through the market, Trinidad & Tobago NGL dropped 2 cents in closing at $10.98 with investors transferring 108 units and West Indian Tobacco climbed 10 cents and ended at $9 in switching ownership of 4,216 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Lift for the JSE USD Market

The US dollar market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange closed higher for a second day of trading in the new year on Wednesday, following a 219 percent rise in the volume of stocks changing hands, but with a 44 percent lower value than on Tuesday, resulting from trading in six securities compared to seven on Tuesday with the prices of three rising, two declining and one ending unchanged.
The market closed with 163,964 shares being traded for US$2,851 compared with 51,389 units at US$5,071 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 27,327 units at US$475, versus 7,341 shares at US$724 on Tuesday, with a month to date average of 16,566 shares at US$609 compared with December with an average of 28,010 units for US$1,403.
The US Denominated Equities Index rose 0.86 points to end at 238.67.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.5. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by ICInsider.com for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and none with a lower offer.
At the close, First Rock Real Estate USD share gained 0.13 of a cent and ended at 4.5 US cents while investors exchanged 1,000 stock units, Productive Business Solutions ended at US$1.78 with traders dealing in two shares, Proven Investments shed 0.35 of a cent to end at 14.6 US cents after investors traded 1,100 shares. Sterling Investments fell 0.03 of a cent in closing at 1.57 US cents with a transfer of just one stock, Sygnus Credit Investments rose 0.49 of one cent to 8.5 US cents with investors dealing in 9 shares and Transjamaican Highway popped 0.09 of a cent to 1.72 US cents after an exchange of 161,852 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Sharp fall for JSE Main Market

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Stocks pulled back in trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market on Wednesday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 40 percent and the value 16 percent lower than on Tuesday, after trading occurred in 60 securities compared with 62 on Tuesday, with 23 rising, 20 declining and 17 ending unchanged and ending in a sharp decline in the market index at the close.
A total of 7,001,247 shares were traded for $56,070,502 down from 11,588,245 units at $66,472,610 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 116,687 shares at $934,508 compared with 186,907 units at $1,072,139 on Tuesday. Trading for the month to date averaged 152,373 stock units at $1,004,452 compared with December that closed with an average of 264,266 units at $3,755,946.
Wigton Windfarm led trading with 1.78 million shares for 25.4 percent of total volume followed by Jamaica Stock Exchange with 1.43 million units for 20.4 percent of the day’s trade and Transjamaican Highway with 637,525 units for 9.1 percent market share.
The All Jamaican Composite Index dived 5,765.35 points to end the day at 362,383.22, the JSE Main Index sank 3,566.78 points to lock up trading at 324,258.49 and the JSE Financial Index fell 1.79 points to close at 70.51.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.6. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by ICInsider.com for companies with their financial year ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close, AS Bryden climbed $3.01 to close at $33.11 with an exchange of 10 units, Barita Investments increased 89 cents to $73.89 with investors swapping 6,134 stocks, Berger Paints popped 95 cents to end at $1.82 and ended at $57.66, with 10,876 stock units crossing the exchange, Eppley Caribbean Property Fund skidded $3 to $37 in trading 29,286 shares, General Accident sank 42 cents to $4.43 with 112,787 stock units clearing the market. Kingston Wharves rallied 45 cents to end at $26.95 as investors exchanged 18,030 stocks, Mayberry Group dropped 70 cents in closing at $7.90 after 7,314 units passed through the market, MPC Caribbean Clean Energy rose 49 cents to close at $89.50 and closed after 5 shares were traded. NCB Financial shed $1.50 and ended at $66.50 with an exchange of 152,874 stocks, Pan Jamaica declined 70 cents to $50, with 2,028 units changing hands, Proven Investments fell 98 cents and ended at $22.50 in an exchange of 8,932 stock units. Scotia Group dipped $1 to end at $38.50 with investors trading 13,371 shares, Seprod advanced $2.91 in closing at $82.90 after switching ownership of 3,375 units, Stanley Motta fell 68 cents to close at $5.36 with investors trading 1,939 stocks. Supreme Ventures gained 95 cents to $25.95 in an exchange of 43,554 stock units and Wisynco Group rose $1.25 to a 52 weeks’ closing high of $22.30, with 71,584 shares crossing the market.
In the preference segment, Eppley 7.75% preference share gained $3.99 and ended at a 52 weeks’ closing high of $22.99 with a transfer of 3 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Big fall for Junior Market

Trading closed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Wednesday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 39 percent and the value 27 percent lower than on Tuesday following trading activity in 39 securities compared with 47 on Tuesday and ended with prices 14 rising, 17 declining and eight closing unchanged as the market gave back all of the year end gains from Friday and more, but it still held on the majority of last weeks’ Thursday 50 points gains as the Junior Market Index dived 79.45 points to end the day at 3,762.30.
Investors traded 5,922,564 shares for $13,058,153 compared with 9,655,336 units at $17,937,572 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 151,861 shares at $334,824 compared to 205,433 units at $381,650 on Tuesday with the month to date, averaging 181,138 units at $360,415 compared with trading in December with an average of 466,866 units at $1,111,272.
Lasco Financial led trading with 2.96 million shares for 49.9 percent of total volume followed by AMG Packaging with 557,050 units for 9.4 percent of the day’s trade and One Great Studio with 492,557 units for 8.3 percent market share.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.5, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by ICInsider.com for the financial years ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial fell $2.29 to close at $25.20 in an exchange of 42 stock units, AMG Packaging surged $1.50 to a 52 weeks’ closing high of $3.90 after investors ended trading 557,050 shares, Blue Power shed 40 cents in closing at $2.67 with an exchange of 999 units. Cargo Handlers declined $1.84 and ended at $13.08, with 301 stocks clearing the market, Caribbean Assurance Brokers lost 10 cents to end at $2.15 with a transfer of 471 units, Fosrich sank 11 cents to $2.30 after exchanging 313,872 stocks. Indies Pharma rose 17 cents to close at $2.92 in trading 20 shares, Jamaican Teas dipped 32 cents and ended at $2.27, with 24,377 stocks crossing the exchange, Lasco Manufacturing shed 14 cents in closing at $4.50 with investors transferring 1,946 shares. Lumber Depot climbed 26 cents to end at $2.65 in exchange of 502 units, Main Event increased $1.20 in closing at $14.34 with investors dealing in 1,640 stocks, Paramount Trading skidded 33 cents to $1.32 while trading 7,293 stock units and Spur Tree Spices popped 21 cents to close at $2.57 with 52,780 shares changing hands.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Pull back for JSE Main & Junior Markets

The Main Market and Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange gave back some of the gains garnered over the past few trading sessions but the JSE USD market closed higher for the second day of trading as the overall trading levels in the markets pulled back from those of Friday and Tuesday, with the market weighed down by more big falling prices than those rising.
At the close of trading, 13,087,775 shares were exchanged in all three markets, down from 21,294,970 units on Tuesday,
with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $69.13 million, down compared with $81.4 million on Tuesday and the JSE USD market closed after 163,964 shares were traded, for US$2,851 compared to 51,389 units at US$5,071 on Tuesday.
Main Market trading was dominated by Wigton Windfarm led trading with 1.78 million shares for 25.4 percent of total volume followed by Jamaica Stock Exchange with 1.43 million units for 20.4 percent of the day’s trade and Transjamaican Highway with 637,525 units.
In the Junior Market, Lasco Financial led trading with 2.96 million shares, followed by AMG Packaging with 557,050 units and One Great Studio with 492,557 units.
At the close of the market, Main Market stocks rallying were AS Bryden, with a gain of $3.01 to $33.11, Seprod climbing $2.91 to $82.90, Wisynco Group up $1.25 to close at $22.30.
Declining Main Market stocks included, Eppley Caribbean Property Fund skidded $3 to end at $37, Caribbean Cement lost $1.82 and ended at $57.66, NCB Financial down $1.50 and ended at $66.50 and Scotia Group up $1 to $38.50.
Rising Junior Market stocks include AMG Packaging advancing $1.50 to $3.90 and Main Event increasing $1.20 in closing at $14.34. Falling stocks include Access Financial down $2.29 to close at $25.20 and Cargo Handlers declining $1.84 to end at $13.08.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index dropped 4,040.80 points to 337,053.00, the All Jamaican Composite Index skidded 5,765.35 points to lock up trading at 362,383.22, the JSE Main Index lost 3,566.78 points to end at 324,258.49. The Junior Market Index dropped 79.45 points to conclude trading at 3,762.30 and the JSE USD Market Index gained 1.52 points to settle at 239.33.
In the preference segment, Eppley 7.75% preference share popped $3.99 to $22.99.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 21.7 on 2022-23 earnings and 14.1 times those for 2023-24 at the close of trading. ICInsider.com PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons between the same sector companies and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Investors need pertinent information to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The ICInsider.com PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
Investors should use the chart to help make rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector and not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume pertaining to the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Trading picked up on in Trinidad

Trading picked up on the second trading day of the new year on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange on Wednesday, with the volume of stocks traded rising 182 percent with the value 413 percent more than on Tuesday resulting in 14 securities trading as was the case on Tuesday, with seven stocks rising, four declining and three remaining unchanged.
Investors exchanged 429,773 shares for $3,618,133 compared with 152,582 stock at $705,361 on Tuesday.
An average of 30,698 shares were traded at $258,438 up from 10,899 shares at $50,383 on Tuesday and trading for the month to date averages 20,798 shares at $154,404 compared to December with an average of 17,065 shares at $239,371.
The Composite Index fell 0.93 points to finish at 1,213.85, the All T&T Index fell 2.13 points to finish at 1,811.85, the SME Index remained at 70.72 and the Cross-Listed Index rallied 0.05 points to 80.33.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows seven stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, Agostini’s ended at $68.50, with 14,463 stock units crossing the exchange, First Citizens Group popped 9 cents to $49.20 with investors dealing in 368 shares, FirstCaribbean International Bank advanced 4 cents in closing at $7.05 after 2,446 units passed through the market. Guardian Holdings rose 40 cents to end at $19 as investors exchanged 2,850 stocks, Guardian Media shed 19 cents to close at $2.01, with 891 shares changing hands, Massy Holdings remained at $4.45 and closed with an exchange of 137,450 stock units. National Enterprises lost 9 cents in closing at $3.90 after investors exchanged 254,123 units, Point Lisas dropped 4 cents to close at $3.70 with investors swapping 700 stocks, Prestige Holdings remained at $9.30 after a transfer of 1,437 units. Republic Financial climbed $1.34 to end at $122.84, with 6,107 stocks crossing the market, Scotiabank increased 60 cents in closing at $69.60 with investors trading 1,063 shares, Trinidad & Tobago NGL rallied 1 cent to $11 with an exchange of 5,946 stock units. Unilever Caribbean gained 51 cents to close at $11.99 with 24 shares clearing the market and West Indian Tobacco fell 10 cents and ended at $8.90 with traders dealing in 1,905 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior Market slips into 2024

Trading started the new year with the market slipping moderately as market activity ended on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Tuesday, with an 83 percent decline in the volume of stocks traded with an 87 percent lower the value than Friday and resulted from trading in 47 securities compared with 46 on Friday and ended with 15 rising, 25 declining and seven closing unchanged.
Investors traded 9,655,336 shares for $17,937,572, down from 58,141,717 units at $143,291,459 on Friday.
Trading averaged 205,433 shares at $381,650, compared with 1,263,950 units at $3,115,032 on Friday compared with December with an average of 466,866 units at $1,111,272.
EduFocal led trading with 2.46 million shares for 25.5 percent of total volume followed by One Great Studio with 1.59 million units for 16.5 percent of the day’s trade and Future Energy with 665,397 units for 6.9 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index declined 6.58 points to finish at 3,841.75.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.4, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by ICInsider.com for the financial years ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and six with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial popped $2.49 in closing at $27.49 after 5 units passed through the market, AMG Packaging skidded 62 cents to $2.40 after trading 23,184 stocks, Blue Power increased 41 cents to close at $3.07, with 973 shares clearing the market. Caribbean Flavours fell 25 cents to end at $1.67 with investors swapping 16,000 stock units, Derrimon Trading climbed 8 cents and ended at $1.93, with 56,341 shares changing hands, Dolphin Cove rose $1.27 to $19.37 in an exchange of 1,635 units. Fontana dipped 19 cents in closing at $10.01, with 26,660 stocks crossing the market, Fosrich sank 19 cents and ended at $2.41 with investors trading 566,382 stock units, Future Energy shed 25 cents to close at $3.69 after exchanging 665,397 shares. GWest Corporation advanced 9 cents to end at 97 cents with 5,360 stock units crossing the market, Honey Bun lost 29 cents in closing at $6.11 with traders dealing in 9,717 units, following the release of full year results showing a 15 percent rise in profits to $232 million or 49 cents per share, Image Plus declined 13 cents to $1.92 while exchanging 24,853 stocks. Indies Pharma dropped 34 cents to end at $2.75 in trading 247,531 units, ISP Finance jumped $2.49 and ended at $31.49 after an exchange of 11 stock units, Jamaican Teas fell 21 cents to close at $2.59 with investors dealing in 338,041 shares. Jetcon Corporation shed 9 cents to $1 in an exchange of 38,592 stock units, JFP Ltd declined 16 cents and ended at $1.38 after it closed with an exchange of 504,995 shares, Lasco Distributors rallied 25 cents to end at $4 as investors exchanged 172,225 stocks. Lasco Financial increased 16 cents in closing at $2.10 in switching ownership of 157,155 units, Lasco Manufacturing climbed 33 cents to close at $4.64, with 437 stock units crossing the exchange, Lumber Depot sank 28 cents to $2.39 with investors transferring 82,830 shares. Main Event dropped 76 cents to end at $13.14 after a transfer of 2,176 units, ONE on ONE Educational lost 10 cents in closing at $1 with a transfer of 551,012 stocks, Regency Petroleum skidded 28 cents to close at $2.20 with an exchange of 340,150 stock units. Spur Tree Spices dipped 40 cents and ended at $2.36 after investors traded 388,474 shares and Tropical Battery popped 10 cents to $2 after an exchange of 155,094 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Prices retreat to start 2024 for Main Market

The year-end push in prices gave back some of the gains at Friday’s close on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market as trading commenced for 2024 on Tuesday, resulting in a 76 percent drop in the volume of stocks traded as the value dived 92 percent lower than on Friday, ending with trading in 62 securities compared with 61 on Friday, with 13 rising, 31 declining and 18 ending unchanged.
A total of just 11,588,245 shares were traded for $66,472,610 compared to 49,282,609 units at $809,014,389 on Friday.
Trading ended with an average of 186,907 shares at $1,072,139 compared with 807,912 units at $13,262,531 on Friday compared to December with an average of 264,266 units at $3,755,946.
Sagicor Select Financial Fund led trading with 3.15 million shares for 27.1 percent of total volume followed by Transjamaican Highway with 2.45 million units for 21.1 percent of the day’s trade and Ciboney Group with 1.98 million units for 17.1 percent of the day’s trade.
The All Jamaican Composite Index climbed 1,130.72 points to settle at 368,148.57, the JSE Main Index rose 2,125.48 points to lock up trading at 327,825.27 and the JSE Financial Index added 1.65 points to finish at 72.30.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.6. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by ICInsider.com for companies with the financial year ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows nine stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and eight with lower offers.
At the close, AS Bryden declined $3.01 and ended at $30.10 while exchanging 2,070 units, Barita Investments fell $3.98 to $73 with investors dealing in 2,272 stocks, Berger Paints dipped 94 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ low of $5.75 after an exchange of 61,379 shares. Caribbean Cement sank 52 cents in closing at $59.48 after investors ended trading 6,211 stock units, Eppley popped $2.04 to close at $38.04 in an exchange of 1,386 shares, Eppley Caribbean Property Fund dropped $2.10 to $40 with investors trading 3,293 stock units. First Rock Real Estate shed 85 cents to end at $6.75 after an exchange of 3,000 units, GraceKennedy lost 45 cents in closing at $79.50, with 8,851 stocks crossing the market, Guardian Holdings jumped $49.98 and ended at $399.98 in an exchange of 24 shares. Jamaica Producers rose 50 cents to close at $22.50 after 7,000 stocks passed through the market, JMMB Group skidded $1 to $25 in trading 48,891 units, Kingston Wharves sank 50 cents and ended at $26.50 after a transfer of 13,043 stock units. Massy Holdings rallied $1 to end at $91, with 3,152 shares crossing the market, Mayberry Group shed 90 cents in closing at $8.60 as investors exchanged 3,759 stocks, MPC Caribbean Clean Energy dropped 88 cents to close at $89.01 in switching ownership of 655 units. NCB Financial lost $1.99 to close at $68, with 40,596 stock units changing hands, 138 Student Living increased 32 cents to end at $4.21 with a transfer of 11,200 shares, Proven Investments climbed 98 cents to $23.48, with 6,233 units crossing the exchange. Pulse Investments dipped 25 cents to close at $1.84 with investors transferring 160,749 stocks, Radio Jamaica fell 48 cents and ended at $1.45 after closing with an exchange of 171,837 stock units, Sagicor Group skidded $2.50 to $47 with 700,814 shares changing hands. Scotia Group rallied $1.10 and ended at $39.50, with 69,913 stock units clearing the market, Seprod declined $2.51 to end at $79.99 with traders dealing in 11,464 units, Supreme Ventures shed $2 in closing at $25 with investors swapping 159,371 stocks and Wisynco Group dropped 95 cents to close at $21.05 in an exchange of 34,165 units.
In the preference segment, Eppley 7.75% preference share sank $3 to $19 with traders dealing in 926 shares.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

New year’s bounce for JSE USD Market

US dollar denominated stocks pushed the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market higher to start off the new year on a positive note when trading ended on Tuesday as the volume of stocks changing hands declined by 86 percent with the value 79 percent lower than on Friday, resulting in seven securities being traded, compared to 10 on Friday with two rising, three declining and two ending unchanged.
At the close of market activity, 51,389 shares were traded, for US$5,071 compared to 367,867 units at US$23,588 on Friday.
Trading averaged 7,341 units at US$724 versus 36,787 shares at US$2,359 on Friday, compared to December with an average of 28,010 units for US$1,403.
The US Denominated Equities Index gained 6.62 points to cease trading at 237.81.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 10.3. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by ICInsider.com for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and none with a lower offer.
At the close, Margaritaville dipped 0.1 of a cent to end at 12.4 US cents with 78 being traded, Productive Business Solutions ended at US$1.78 in trading 1,011 units, Proven Investments fell 0.05 of a cent in closing at 14.95 US cents with 7,526 shares clearing the market. Sterling Investments remained at 1.6 US cents while exchanging 6,205 units, Sygnus Credit Investments popped 0.01 of a cent to 8.01 US cents with a transfer of 1,000 shares and Transjamaican Highway skidded 0.11 of one cent to 1.63 US cents after an exchange of 35,445 stocks.
In the preference segment, Productive Business Solutions 9.25% preference share popped 30 cents and ended at US$11.50 in switching ownership of 124 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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