Stocks to watch with explosive potentials

Better than expected reported profits compared with the prior period has been the driver of local stock prices since last year into the current year. Late last year, Transjamaican Highway and Scotia Group reported a surge in profits over the previous year and investors rewarded them with a jump in their price and they did that for Caribbean Cement that released results early last week.  
Last week, investors drove up General Accident shares to a new 52 weeks’ high and so too Caribbean Cement. The above are clear messages that profit growth outweighs interest rates as the driver of stock prices.
Three companies reported above average profits that should help lift prices over the coming days or weeks and are worth watching.
Caribbean Cement rose from $58 last week to trade as high as a new 52 weeks’ high of $69.90 in response to profits in the first quarter to March this year, from an increase of nearly 12 percent in revenues to $7.6 billion from $6.8 billion in 2023 with profits jumping 546 percent to $1.9 billion compared to a mere $289 million in last year first quarter.
Based on closing quotes buying interest is at the $60 level with a few shares at $61 but offers are at $69 to $70 levels and above. The gap could result in a standoff for a few days, with the stock popped strongly already.
General Accident reported earnings of $0.39 per share in its interim financial report for 2023 but released audited accounts with $0.52 per share earnings instead. The audited accounts show profit revised to $0.71 from $0.53 previously reported in 2022, based on the new accounting standard – IAS17 which requires insurance companies to report income and expenses dramatically differently from the previously used format. forecast earnings of $1.10 for the 2024 fiscal year. In the past two months, there was heavy buying in the stock, with 223,053 traded on Friday with the price closing at $6.50. A total of 1,026,154 units were traded during the week. In April, trading amounted to 19.77 million units and 23.8 million shares in March. These numbers suggest that Mayberry Investment disposed of the majority of shares they previously owned. At the close on Friday, there were only 8 offers on the board, amounting to less than 20,000 shares, up to a price of $9.57. There are 300,000 units on the bid over $5.95.

Caribbean Assurance Brokers selling at a PE of just 3 based on current year’s earnings.

Caribbean Assurance Brokers reported solid gains in profit for 2023 compared to 2022. The latest audited results show the company earning $0.47 per share, in line with’s projection before the release of the third quarter results that showed a fall in revenues and profit. The company reported earnings of $0.30 per share in the previous year. projects earnings of $0.65, for 2024.
Buying is strong at the $2-2.20 level but with the results, many of these bids will move up to meet supply, mostly at $2.55 and above. With the latest results, released after trading on Friday, there should be major adjustments to bid and offer prices at the start of trading on Monday.
Dolphin Cove closed at a 52 weeks’ high of $20.03 and seems to be grudgingly moving higher, with bids mostly under $20 for small amounts. Offers are drying up with just 14 on the board, between $21 and $25, amounting to 144,000 shares. The trendline indicates the price slowly moving towards $23 in the weeks ahead. With the first quarter results due in days, the trajectory could accelerate with tourist traffic and the recently increased dividend payment suggests that profit should be seeing a bounce.
Also to be watched is Caribbean Producers with just 4 bids at the close on Friday, but sellers are overwhelming buyers at the close. The price looks set to fall below $8, before too long.
JMMB Group is another stock under pressure with more sellers than buyers. NCB Financial releases results on Thursday and is expected to declare an interim dividend.

New ICTOP10 addition to explode

After a prolonged hiatus, the local general insurance Main Market listed, General Accident came to life during the week and hit a series of 52 weeks’ highs, to close at $6.50, with a rise of 8 percent. The company closed with few stocks on offer, a feature over the past few weeks. The price could get ignited in the coming weeks following better than expected audited results for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 that were revised upward from previously reported numbers.

General Accident spreading wings

General Accident originally reported $0.39 per share in earnings for 2023 based on in-house numbers and released audited accounts with earnings of $0.52 per share, with that for 2022 revised to $0.71 from $0.53 previously reported in the audited 2022.
The 2022 results now reflect the impact of IAS17 which requires insurance companies to report income and expenses dramatically differently from the previously used format.
Caribbean Assurance Brokers (CAB) a former 2023/24 ICTOP10 company, reported solid gains in profit for 2023 compared to 2022. Earnings were downgraded when the company reported disappointing third quarter numbers. The latest audited results show the company earning $0.47 per share in line with’s projection before the release of the third quarter results with a fall in revenues and profit. The compared reported earnings per share of $0.30 in the previous year. The change in the 2023 results along with increased projections for 2024 resulted in the company returning to the TOP10 with projected earnings of $0.65, with the potential to report gains in the stock price of 500 percent.
CAB replaces Dolphin Cove after closing at a 52 weeks’ high of $20.03. Coming into the Main Market ICTOP 10 is Lasco Manufacturing with projected earnings for the current fiscal year ending March 2025 of $0.85 per share replacing Pulse Investments.
The main market top 10 saw Margaritaville falling 15 percent to $14.25 during the week followed by JMMB Group down 7 percent to $23.60, while Palace Amusement rose 6 percent to $1.08. Junior Market ICTOP10 witnessed an 8 percent gain in Edufocal to close at $0.96, with losses in Iron Rock Insurance of 12 percent to close at $2.20 and a 6 percent contraction in the price of AMG Packaging to $3.40.
The average PE for the JSE Main Market ICTOP 10 stands at 5.3, well below the market average of 13.1 and the Junior Market TOP10 sits at 6.9 over half of the market, with an average of 12.7.
The Main Market ICTOP10 is projected to gain an average of 284 percent by May 2025, based on 2024 forecasted earnings, providing better values than the Junior Market with the potential to gain just 207 percent over the same period.
In the Main Market ICTOP 10, a total of 16 of the most highly valued stocks representing 31 percent of the Main Market are priced at a PE of 15 to 103, with an average of 31 and 23 excluding the highest PE ratios, and a PE of 25 for the top half and 19 excluding the stocks with overweight values.
In the Junior Market IC TOP10 are 11 stocks, or 24 percent of the market, with PEs ranging from 15 to 45, averaging 21, well above the market’s average. The average PE in the top half of the market is 17, possibly the lowest fair value for stocks, currently.
ICTOP10 focuses on likely yearly winners, accordingly, the list includes some of the best companies in the market, but this is not always so. ranks stocks based on projected earnings, allowing investors to focus on the most undervalued stocks and helping to remove emotions in selecting stocks for investments that often result in costly mistakes.
IC TOP10 stocks will likely deliver the best returns on or around May 2025 and are ranked in order of potential gains, computed using projected earnings for the current fiscal year. Expected values will change as stock prices fluctuate and result in weekly movements in and out of the lists. Revisions to earnings are ongoing, based on receipt of new information.

Persons who compiled this report may have an interest in securities commented on in this report.

Falling Junior Market stocks crush rising ones

Fallen stocks were plentiful on Friday at the close of trading closed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange, after investors traded 43 securities compared with 44 on Thursday and ended with prices of 14 rising, 22 declining and seven closing unchanged following a 52 percent decline in the volume of stocks traded, with 50 percent lower value than Thursday with
The market closed with trading of 2,755,767 shares valued $7,072,014 compared with 5,795,105 units at $14,286,428 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 64,088 shares at $164,465 compared to 131,707 units at $324,692 on Thursday with the month to date, averaging 97,032 units at $227,067 down from 113,315 stocks at $258,008 on the previous day and April with an average of 204,118 units at $439,599.
Dolla Financial led trading with 686,474 shares for 24.9 percent of total volume followed by Everything Fresh with 522,652 units for 19 percent of the day’s trade and Express Catering with 211,271 stock units for 7.7 percent market share.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index popped 5.91 points to conclude trading at 3,803.31.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.7, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and two with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial rose $1.13 to $21.14 in switching ownership of a mere 97 shares, AMG Packaging declined 30 cents and ended at $3.40 with 33,522 units clearing the market, Blue Power gained 37 cents to end at $3.30 as investors exchanged 84,669 shares. CAC 2000 popped 7 cents in closing at $4.29 and closed after just 4 stock units changed hands, Caribbean Assurance Brokers shed 6 cents to finish at $2.20 in an exchange of 15,960 shares before the company reported a big jump in profit for 2023 that was up 58 percent to $123 million. Caribbean Flavours fell 12 cents to close at $1.58 after 2,702 stocks passed through the market. Consolidated Bakeries climbed 14 cents to $2.19 after an exchange of 105 units, Dolphin Cove increased 13 cents to close at a 52 weeks’ high of $20.03 after 1,171 stock units crossed the market, Everything Fresh skidded 11 cents in closing at $1.88 in trading 522,652 shares. Future Energy rallied 23 cents and ended at $3.54 with 21,519 stocks crossing the exchange, Indies Pharma sank 8 cents to end at $2.62 after a transfer of 1,164 units, Lasco Financial slipped 9 cents to finish at $1.60 with investors swapping 91,239 stock units. Lumber Depot lost 6 cents to end at $2.70 after an exchange of 147,822 shares, Medical Disposables advanced 53 cents in closing at $2.28 with investors transferring 820 units, Spur Tree Spices dipped 6 cents to close at $2.43, with 22,457 stocks changing hands and tTech rose 11 cents to end at $2.20 in trading 8 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Gains for JSE USD Market

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The Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market closed on Friday, with a 9 percent rise in the volume of stocks that changed hands with 57 percent less value than on Thursday, resulting in trading in seven securities, compared to seven on Thursday with prices of two rising, two declining and three ending unchanged.
The market closed with trading of 107,250 shares for US$8,800 versus 98,700 stock units at US$20,672 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 15,321 shares at US$1,257 compared to 14,100 units at US$2,953 on Thursday, with the month to date averaging 18,676 shares at US$3,162 compared to 20,633 units at US$4,273 on the previous day and April with an average of 35,401 units for US$2,453.

The US Denominated Equities Index declined 1.43 points to lock up trading at 236.44.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 9.4. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows two stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and none with a lower offer.
At the close, AS Bryden ended at 22.49 US cents with 23,723 shares clearing the market, First Rock Real Estate USD share ended at 4.93 US cents with investors transferring just 1 stock unit, Margaritaville rallied 0.03 of a cent and ended at 10.03 US cents with 659 stocks crossing the market. Proven Investments slipped 0.43 of one cent to finish at 13.57 US cents with investors dealing in 11,324 stock units, Sygnus Credit Investments ended at 7.6 US cents with a transfer of 3,555 shares and Transjamaican Highway slipped 0.05 of a cent to end at 2.11 US cents with 67,875 units crossing the market.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group US8.5% preference share popped 7 cents to end at US$1.27 in trading 113 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

A Cemented Jump on the JSE Main Market

Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market ended on Friday, with Caribbean cement closing at a 52 weeks’ high after the price jumped $8.92 as the volume of stocks traded in the overall market declined by 58 percent with a 21 percent increase in value than on Thursday, with trading in 60 securities compared with 59 on Thursday and ending with prices of 20 stocks rising, 17 declining and 23 ending unchanged.
The market closed with 4,656,593 shares being traded for $66,077,872 compared with 11,013,773 units at $54,506,302 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 77,610 shares at $1,101,298 compared to 186,674 units at $923,836 on Thursday and month to date, an average of 186,674 units at $1,030,646, in contrast with 242,131 units at $994,721 on the previous day and April that closed with an average of 680,802 units at $3,619,595.
Transjamaican Highway led trading with 837,274 shares for 18 percent of total volume followed by Carreras with 662,564 units for 14.2 percent of the day’s trade and Wigton Windfarm with 642,927 stock units for 13.8 percent market share.
The All Jamaican Composite Index dropped 2,933.34 points to 358,098.21, the JSE Main Index declined 2,094.43 points to lock up trading at 320,793.99 and the JSE Financial Index dipped 0.50 points to settle at 68.49.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.2. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with the financial year ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows nine stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and six with lower offers.
At the close, Caribbean Cement rallied $8.92 to finish at a 52 weeks’ high of $69.90 with an exchange of 64,019 units, as investors tried to get on board following the excellent first quarter results, First Rock Real Estate increased 76 cents to $10.78 after 69,273 stocks passed through the market, General Accident dropped 63 cents to end at $6.50 after investors ending in exchanging 223,053 shares. Kingston Properties fell 20 cents in closing at $8.25 with 10,045 stock units clearing the market, Lasco Manufacturing declined 24 cents and ended at $5.05 with a transfer of 5,977 shares, Margaritaville lost $2.52 to close at $14.26 as investors exchanged 1,129 units. NCB Financial dipped 25 cents to $61.75 in switching ownership of 152,589 stocks, Sagicor Group popped $1.59 to finish at $41.60 with investors trading 2,445 stocks, Salada Foods advanced 25 cents and ended at $3.95 in an exchange of 4,638 shares. Scotia Group sank $2.70 to close at $41, with 21,477 units changing hands, Stanley Motta rose 30 cents in closing at $7.50 after an exchange of 72,781 stocks, Supreme Ventures gained 25 cents to end at $25 and closed with an exchange of 182,302 stock units. Sygnus Real Estate Finance climbed $1.05 in closing at $11.55 in an exchange of just one share and Wisynco Group popped 95 cents to $21.45 with 51,527 stock units crossing the market before the company released their third quarte results with flat earnings in the third quarter after tax .
In the preference segment, Productive Business Solutions 9.75% preference share shed $1.50 to finish at $113.50 with investors swapping 152 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Caribbean Cement at 1 year high

Caribbean Cement buoyed by solid first quarter results jumped $8.92 to a 52 weeks’ high of $69.90 as investors placed buying pressure on the stock that is currently in low supply. The Jamaica Stock Exchange ended trading on Friday as the Junior Market rose moderately, as the Main and the JSE USD markets fell, with trading ended with the number of stocks changing hands falling, while the value greater than the previous day, resulting in prices of 32 shares rising and 38 declining.
At the close of the market, the JSE Combined Market Index dropped 1,966.60 points to 334,026, the All Jamaican Composite Index dived 2,933.34 points to 358,098.21. The JSE Main Index declined 2,094.43 points to 320,793.99. The Junior Market Index advanced 5.91 points to finish at 3,803.31 and the JSE USD Market Index shed 1.43 points to close at 236.44.
At the close of trading, 7,495,887 shares were exchanged in all three markets, down from 16,848,224 units on Thursday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $73.15 million, just over the $68.79 million on the previous day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 107,250 shares for US$8,800 compared to 98,700 units at US$20,672 on Thursday.
In Main Market activity, Transjamaican Highway led trading with 837,274 shares followed by Carreras with 662,564 stocks and Wigton Windfarm with 642,927 units.
In Junior Market trading, Dolla Financial led trading with 686,474 shares followed by Everything Fresh with 522,652 units and Express Catering with 211,271 stocks.
In the preference segment, Productive Business Solutions 9.75% preference share shed $1.50 to close at $113.50.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 19.9 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.6 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Rising JSE Main Market stocks top losers

Rising stocks edged out those declining on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market on Thursday, following a 37 percent dive in the volume of stocks traded with a value 13 percent lower than on Wednesday, after the market closed with trading in 59 securities as it was on Wednesday and ended with prices of 23 stocks rising, 19 declining and 17 ending unchanged.
Trading ended on the Main Market with 11,013,773 shares  with value of $54,506,302 from 17,557,651 units at $62,870,817 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 186,674 shares at $923,836 compared to 297,587 units at $1,065,607 on Wednesday and month to date, an average of 242,131 units at $994,721 compared with April that ended with an average of 680,802 units at $3,619,595.
Wigton Windfarm led trading with 6.75 million shares for 61.3 percent of total volume followed by Sagicor Select Financial Fund with 960,224 units for 8.7 percent of the day’s trade and Carreras with 902,879 stocks for 8.2 percent market share.
The All Jamaican Composite Index slipped 335.71 points to 361,031.55, the JSE Main Index gained 439.55 points to end the day at 322,888.42 and the JSE Financial Index fell 0.19 points to close at 68.99.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.2. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with the financial year ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows nine stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and five with lower offers.
At the close, Caribbean Cement shed $2.02 to finish at $60.98, after trading at an intraday 52 weeks’ high of 65.90 and ending with 24,310 stock units crossing the market, with supply being meagre at the close and suggesting the price is set to jump sharply the days ahead, following blow out first quarter results. Eppley sank $1.62 to $37 with an exchange of 658 shares, Eppley Caribbean Property Fund popped $2.79 to end at $39.99 and closed with an exchange of 298 stocks. First Rock Real Estate skidded 58 cents in closing at $10.02 with investors trading 2,219 units, General Accident increased 98 cents and ended at 52 weeks’ high $7.13 after hitting an intraday high of $8.01 with a transfer of 8,471 shares, leaving just five offers on the board at the close with prices between $7.13 and $9. Guardian Holdings climbed $9.79 to close at $369.99 after investors ended trading a mere four stock units. Jamaica Stock Exchange rose 95 cents to $11.47 with investors dealing in 1,059 stocks, JMMB Group lost 36 cents to end at 52 weeks’ low of $23.64 in an exchange of 37,485 units, Massy Holdings rallied $1.39 in closing at $90 with traders dealing in 64,327 shares. Mayberry Group dropped 89 cents to finish at $8 in an exchange of 624 units, Mayberry Jamaican Equities gained 30 cents and ended at $10.80, with 300 stocks clearing the market, MPC Caribbean Clean Energy fell $14 to close at $81 with a transfer of 102 stock units. NCB Financial slipped 50 cents to $62 after an exchange of 112,237 shares, Pan Jamaica advanced $1.07 to finish at $51.06 in trading 17 stocks, Sagicor Group dipped $1.96 and ended at $40.01 after 52,159 units crossed the market. Scotia Group rose 70 cents in closing at $43.70 in switching ownership of 77,686 stock units, Seprod rallied $1.40 to close at $83.50 as investors exchanged 6,274 shares, Sygnus Credit Investments declined 30 cents to end at $10.50 after 84,675 stock units passed through the market. Sygnus Real Estate Finance shed $1.39 to $10.50, with 6,000 units crossing the exchange and Wisynco Group fell $1.30 to end at $20.50 with investors swapping 105,554 stocks.
In the preference segment, Eppley 7.25% preference share popped $1.10 in closing at $20 after an exchange of just one share. Eppley 7.50% preference share dipped 63 cents and ended at $5.50, with 201 stocks changing hands and Sygnus Credit Investments C10.5% gained $1.50 to close at $110 with investors transferring 7,737 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

JSE USD trading drops

The Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market ended with a 34 percent fall in the volume of stocks traded with a 32 percent lower value than on Wednesday, resulting in trading in seven securities, compared to five on Wednesday with prices of two rising, one declining and four ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 98,700 shares for US$20,672 down from 148,890 units at US$30,599 on Wednesday.
Trading on Thursday averaged 14,100 shares at US$2,953 versus 29,778 stocks at US$6,120 on Wednesday, with a month to date average of 20,633 shares at US$4,273 compared with April ending with an average of 35,401 units for US$2,453.
The US Denominated Equities Index popped 3.15 points to end the day at 237.87.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 9.4. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows three stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and one with a lower offer.
At the close, AS Bryden ended at 22.49 US cents trading 59,354 stocks, First Rock Real Estate USD share declined 0.02 of a cent to 4.93 US cents in an exchange of 500 units, Proven Investments remained at 14 US cents after 12,071 shares crossed the market. Sygnus Credit Investments ended at 7.6 US cents as investors exchanged 886 stock units, Sygnus Real Estate Finance USD share popped 0.2 of a cent to finish at 9 US cents with 300 shares clearing the market and Transjamaican Highway increased 0.06 of a cent and ended at 2.16 US cents with investors dealing in 23,080 stock units.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group 5.75% ended at US$2, with 2,509 units crossing the exchange.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Moderate trading for Jamaica Stock Exchange

The Main and the USD markets of the Jamaica Stock Exchange rose moderately at the end of trading on Thursday but the Junior Market closed moderately lower as trading ended with fewer shares changing hands at a lower value than the previous day, resulting in prices of 35 shares rising and 38 declining.
At the close of the market, the JSE Combined Market Index rose 324.91 points to 335,992.60, the All Jamaican Composite Index declined by 335.71 points to end trading at 361,031.55, the JSE Main Index climbed 439.55 points to end trading at 322,888.42. The Junior Market Index fell 13.84 points to  close at 3,797.40 and the JSE USD Market Index rallied 3.15 points to conclude trading at 237.87.
At the close of trading, 16,848,224 shares were exchanged in all three markets, down from 21,758,231 units on Wednesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $68.79 million, compared with $71.03 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 98,700 shares for US$20,672 compared to 148,890 units at US$30,599 on Wednesday.
In Main Market activity, Wigton Windfarm led trading with 6.75 million shares followed by Sagicor Select Financial Fund with 960,224 stocks and Carreras with 902,879 units.
In Junior Market trading, Dolla Financial led trading with 1.65 million shares followed by Fosrich with 1.08 million stocks and Spur Tree Spices with 810,468 units.
In the preference segment, Eppley 7.25% preference share popped $1.10 to $20, Eppley 7.50% preference share dipped 63 cents to end at $5.50 and Sygnus Credit Investments C10.5% gained $1.50 to close at $110.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 19.9 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.6 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Trading jumps on the Junior Market

Stocks mostly declined at the close on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Thursday, after trading in 44 securities compared with 43 on Wednesday and ending with prices of 16 rising, 19 declining and nine ending unchanged following a 43 percent rise in the volume of stocks following a 75 percent jump in value over Wednesday.
The market closed with 5,795,105 shares being traded for $14,286,428 up from 4,063,270 units at $8,160,284 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 131,707 shares at $324,692, up from 94,495 units at $189,774 on Wednesday with for the month to date, averaging 113,315 units at $258,008 compared to April with an average of 204,118 units at $439,599.
Dolla Financial led trading with 1.65 million shares for 28.4 percent of total volume followed by Fosrich with 1.08 million units for 18.7 percent of the day’s trade and Spur Tree Spices with 810,468 stock units for 14 percent market share.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index lost 13.84 points to lock up trading at 3,797.40, with market down 1.3 percent for the year to date.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.9, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial climbed 20 cents to finish at $20.01 with 350 share clearing the market, AMG Packaging skidded 20 cents to $3.70 in an exchange of 16,927 stocks, Blue Power sank 26 cents in closing at $2.93, with investors trading 3,243 shares. CAC 2000 rose 38 cents to close at $4.22, with 7,006 stock units crossing the market, Cargo Handlers declined 15 cents to end at $12.85 as investors exchanged 15 shares, Caribbean Assurance Brokers gained 6 cents and ended at $2.26, with 6,731 stock units changing hands. Consolidated Bakeries fell 15 cents to $2.05 with traders dealing in 4,360 stocks, Dolphin Cove slipped 5 cents to end at $19.90, after trading at an intraday 52 weeks’ high of $20.03 before closing with an exchange of 36,412 units, Everything Fresh popped 24 cents in closing at $1.99 with investors trading 52,173 shares. Fosrich lost 10 cents to close at $2.19 after an exchange of 1,084,637 units, Future Energy dipped 14 cents to finish at $3.31 after 150,142 stocks passed through the market, GWest Corporation dropped 5 cents and ended at 95 cents in switching ownership of 2,534 stock units. Jamaican Teas shed 6 cents to end at $2.54 with 784,702 shares crossing the market, Jetcon Corporation rallied 13 cents and ended at 99 cents in an exchange of 123 stock units, Main Event increased 66 cents to close at $13.68 with investors swapping 3,585 units. Medical Disposables fell 53 cents to finish at $1.75 after an exchange of 3,975 stocks, Paramount Trading advanced 19 cents to end at $1.50 in trading 14,392 shares, Regency Petroleum slipped 12 cents in closing at $2.16 after a transfer of 26,188 units. Spur Tree Spices popped 11 cents to $2.49, with 810,468 stocks crossing the exchange and tTech lost 17 cents to end at $2.09 with a transfer of 2,264 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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