$6.95 much for Sagicor X fund rights

Hilton Rose Hall Sagicor X Fund recent acquisition

Hilton Rose Hall Sagicor X Fund recent acquisition

Sagicor Real Estate X Fund rights issue is priced at J$6.95 per share, 50 cents higher than the net book value of $6.55. The issue a non-renounceable for up to 598,134,700 new ordinary shares on the basis of two new shares for every five units held as at August 17 2015.
The stock closed at $8.50 on the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Friday August 7th with 34,000 shares changing hands. The closing date for the issue is September 2, 2015, with the opening on August 19. The gross funds expected to be raised is J$4,157,036,165 and are intended to be used to assist Fund to acquire a convention hotel in Orlando, Florida, which is affiliated with a major hotel chain. The rights issue document states that the “resort has 742 rooms with over 62,800 square feet of meeting and convention space. It is located in Orlando at the entrance to the Universal Theme Park. The balance of the purchase price is expected to be funded by way of a loan”.
Sagicor Pooled Diversified Investment Fund and other connected Sagicor entities which together own approximately 80% of the stock units of the Company have stated that they intend to take up all their Rights. Shareholders who do not take up any of their Rights will be diluted by 28.57% assuming that all the Rights Shares are taken up and the Rights Issue is not up-sized.
The Fund reserves the right, in the event of over-subscription for shares from the Un-allocated Pool to upsize the Rights Issue by releasing up to maximum of 149,533,675 shares into the Un-allocated Pool to meet demand from its shareholders. X Fund does not intend to up-size the Rights Issue beyond the aforesaid maximum. If the Rights Issue is up-sized to the maximum the issued share capital of the Company would be increased by 50% over the current amount of shares in issue of 1,495,336,750 stock units and a shareholder who did not take up any of his Rights Shares would be diluted by 33⅓%.
Sagicor group a better buy with a PE around 6 times 2015 earnings

Sagicor group a better buy with a PE around 6 times 2015 earnings

Buoyed by an abnormal first quarter results, earnings ended at 46 cents per share to June versus 27 cents for the six months to June last year. Unfortunately, the rights issue document fails to indicate what income and profit is expected from the property being acquired nor what the forecast is for the rest of 2015 for the overall operations, to allow investors an insight into what is to be expected.
The stock which is overvalued is unlikely to enjoy the generation of profits in the short run from ongoing operations to justify the price being asked. In a market where few stocks are selling at a premium to net asset value, it is difficult to see why rational investors would want to pay a premium to the market for such an investment and suffer later the prospects of disappointing earnings that will justify the price either. One only has to look at Proven Investments shares, where investors gobbled up the stock at inflated prices as high as 22 US cents only to see few buyers for it now at 18 US cents to realise that hype will often will out in the short run but reality sets in after.
Investors should know what they are buying but that is not clear from the offer document but Sagicor Group selling at a PE of 6-7 times this year’s earnings with a book value of $12.17 versus last traded price of $13 is a far better buy. The issue is taking place in a bull market so who knows what will happen?

Noose tightening around Cambios

FX_USPoundThe noose continues to tighten around the necks of Cambios. According to a recent release from Jamaica’s central bank, the Jamaica Bankers’ Association has given notice that some of its members will discontinue accepting foreign currency banknotes from or issuing foreign currency banknotes to Money Service Businesses (MSBs), effective on or before 8 September 2015.
As a consequence, deposit-taking institutions (DTIs) who act as surrender agents, by accepting funds on behalf of BOJ under the Bank’s Surrender Requirement, will not be accepting surrenders from cambios in cash.
Cambios that will be impacted by this action will be granted a 6-month moratorium on surrenders to BOJ, effective 17 August 2015, while alternative options are being explored to facilitate cambios to comply with the surrender requirement. At the end of the moratorium period on 17 February 2016, or before, BOJ will communicate with affected cambios on the new arrangements.
“Note that non-cash surrenders are unaffected by the banks’ decision, and in that regard, the moratorium does not apply to cambios that surrender via the use of noncash instruments” the BOJ release concluded.

Huge jump in National Flour’s profit

NFM logoTrinidad’s National Flour Mills reported a 200 percent jump in profit for the six months to June to $20.57 million versus only $6.79 million in 2014 and earnings per share of 17 cents and 10 cents for the quarter.
Profit fell in the June quarter from that of last year to $11.7 million versus $14.3 million but from higher revenues as profit margin shrank to 23 percent from 26 percent. Revenues climbed 15 percent for the six months to $245 million and a 10 percent gain to $124 million for the June quarter.
Helping the company is the sharp fall in the price of wheat on the world market from a high of more than US$700 to just over US$500 now but below US$500 per tonnes for quite a bit of the reporting period this year. National Flour earnings for the full year to December should end around 40 cents per share. NFM - 6-15The stock trades at $2.10 around 5 times earnings, a low valuation and if the company can maintain the level of profit now being generated and hopefully improve on that in 2016, the stock stands to generated a good level of appreciation. Investing in the stock is not without risk. The largest item of cost, wheat and the ability for management to adjust prices if wheat prices increase can be critical.
Borrowings have declined from $122 million at the end of the financial year in December last year to $57 million at the end of June while cash fuds are at $57 million while equity stands at $215 million.
The company shares are listed on the Trinidad Stock Exchange.

J$ makes gains on Friday

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50front Purchases by dealers of foreign currencies on Friday, resulted in the Jamaican currency gaining value against the British Pound, the Canadian and the US. The market closed with dealers buying the equivalent of US$34,870,069 in contrast to US$33,887,651 on Wednesday, while they sold the equivalent of US$29,135,013, previously US$$39,804,866. The market was closed on Thursday, the country’s independence day.
In US dollar trading , dealers bought US$31,870,265 compared to US$31,012,046 on Wednesday. The buying rate for the US dollar rose 11 cents to $116.64 and US$27,464,923 was sold versus US$38,461,884 on Wednesday, the selling rate fell 2 cents to $117.36. The Canadian dollar buying rate declined 70 FX sum 7-8-15cents to $86.73 with dealers buying C$1,062,270 and selling C$651,724, at an average rate that fell 44 cents to $88.90. The rate for buying the British Pound dropped $1.23 to $179.31 for the purchase of £1,246,745, while £641,270 was sold, at an average rate that fell 50 cents to $182.18. At the end of trading, it took J$127.56 to purchase the Euro, with a fall of $1.11 from Wednesday’s rate, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, while dealers purchased the European common currency at J$124.73 for a fall of $1.42 from Wednesday’s rate. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$293,253, while the equivalent of US$180,980 was sold.
Highs & Lows| The highest buying rate for the US dollar, gained 5 cents to $117.60, the lowest buying, the highest and the lowest selling rates FX H&L 7-8-15rremained at $96.15, $123.21, and $96.15 respectively. The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar dropped $7.65 to $89.45. The lowest buying rate eased 34 cents to $70.63, the highest selling rate fell $2.30 to $93.50 and the lowest selling rate declined 50 cents to $86. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, rose 70 cents to $184.10, the lowest buying rate inched up 16 cents to $147.49, the highest selling rate rose 22 cents to $190.14 and the lowest selling rate dropped $1.55 cents to $177.45.

Big jump at JSE on Friday

Scotia pushes market sharply up on Friday

Scotia Group pushes market sharply up on Friday

The Jamaica stock market closed on Friday with strong movement in the indices to hit the highest levels since March 14, 2008 on the all Jamaica Composite index, for the JSE index it’s the highest since September 19, 2008. The market closed with 9 stocks rising, 9 declining as 29 securities changed hands with 5,441,593 units trading, valued at $44,801,033, in all market segments. 4 stocks closed at new 52 weeks’ high. Scotia Group was the main stock contributing to much of the rise.
At the close, the JSE Market Index jumped 1,849.21 points to 100,992.53, the JSE All Jamaican Composite index climbed 2,066.95 points to close at 111,821.48 and the JSE combined index rose 1,994.84 points to end at 104,636.95.
JSE sum- 07-08-15 IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had a reading of 7 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 6 with offers that were lower.
In trading, Cable and Wireless ended with only 5,877 units changing hands and lost 4 cents to end at 40 cents, Caribbean Cement traded 47,000 shares to close at $7.10 after gaining 10 cents, Gleaner traded at $1.52, up 22 cents after 28,300 shares changed hands, in response the merger of the company’s media operations with that of Radio Jamaica. At the close, Gleaner closed with ten bids above the last traded price with the highest at $1.72, during the day the bid was as high as $2.22. Grace Kennedy traded 13,372 shares at $64, Hardware & Lumber lost $2.25 to close at $12.75 with just 2,006 shares changing hands, Jamaica Broilers had 11,888 shares changing hands, in closing at $6.37, to record a loss of 63 cents. JSE fn Qts-7-08-15The Jamaica Stock Exchange stock traded 67,824 units at $6.80, for a loss of 20 cents, Mayberry Investments had 292,002 shares trading at $3.10 to gain 10 cents. National Commercial Bank had 35,410 shares trading to close with a 49 cents loss at $30, Radio Jamaica traded just 1,200 to end at a 52 weeks’ high of $3.90 as the price gained 45 cents. Sagicor Group ended trading with 1,017,852 units at $12.96, down 4 cents, Sagicor Real Estate Fund closed at $8.50 while trading 34,000 units, Scotia Group ended with 794,735 units trading as high as $26 but ended at $24, Scotia Investments traded 10,000 shares at $27.08 for an 8 cents rise and Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference traded 166,500 units at $2.01..

Juniors market at a another high

Lasco Manufacturing new "I Cool" drinks - the stock closed at an all time high on Friday at $2.10.

Lasco Manufacturing new “I Cool” drinks – the stock closed at an all time high on Friday at $2.10.

The JSE junior market rose to another all-time high on Friday as 3 stocks rose and 2 declined with Lasco Manufacturing adding 39 cents to close at $2.10. The market gained 27.73 points to close at 1,039.38. At the close on Friday, 9 securities traded resulting in 2,897,842 units valued at $6,200,468 changing hands. The market ended with 6 securities closed with no bids to buy, while 6 had no stocks being offered for sale and had 4 stocks with bids higher than the last traded prices and only 1 with the offer being lower. Stocks trading are, Access Financial closed at $19 with 800 units changing hands, after trading earlier at $18, Cargo Handlers ended with 10,000 shares changing hands at $31, Caribbean Cream traded 5,000 units but lost 15 cents to close at $1.95. Caribbean Producers traded 196,806 units for a 1 cent JM - Trade 7-08-15 gain at $2.60, Derrimon Trading ended with 19,007 shares changing hands, with a gain of 10 cents to end at $2.35. Lasco Distributors traded 65,500 shares to close at $1.76, Lasco Financial Services traded 1,845,506 units to close at $1.90 after shedding 10 cents. Lasco Manufacturing with just 679,674 units changing hands, gained 39 cents to close at $2.10, for a new 52 week’s high and Derrimon Trading ended with 75,549 shares changing hands to end at $2.40.

Bearish tone continues on TTSE

Witco was the sole stock rising on TTSE on Friday

Witco was the sole stock rising on TTSE on Friday

Trading in the overall market ended with 17 securities changing hands on Friday with 1 stock gaining, 4 declining and 12 traded with the price unchanged. A total of only 321,993 shares traded, valued at $4,105,917.
At the close of the market, the Composite Index fell 1.03 points to close at 1,151.31, the All T&T Index lost 1.70 points to 1,958.27 and the Cross Listed Index dipped 0.05 at 45.17.
Gains| In trading, West Indian Tobacco gained 1 cent, in trading 4,921 units valued at $430,486 to end at $125.37.
Declines| Grace Kennedy closed with 16,318 shares changing hands at $3.60 for a 5 cents decline, Guardian Holdings had 6,000 shares trading at the close at $13.09 down I cent, Massy Holdings closed with 33,938 shares changing hands, 1 cent lower at $63.09 carrying a value of $2,141,487 and National Enterprises ended with 6,600 shares changing hands with a fall of 13 cents to $17.05 for a new 52 weeks low.
Firm Trades| Angostura Holdings closed with 8,173 shares changing hands to end at $14, ANSA McAL with 2,838 shares ended at $67.25, Clico Investment Fund traded TTSE sum 7-8-15.xlsxjust 760 units at $22.51. Firstcaribbean International Bank traded 4,008 units and closed at $5, First Citizens Bank closed at $35 with 5,753 shares changing hands valued at $201,355. National Flour trade 200,000 units at $2.10 for a value of $420,000. Praetorian Property Mutual Fund contributed 10,000 shares at $3.05, Point Lisas traded 10,000 shares at $4.06, Sagicor Financial with 200 units trading, closed at $6, Scotiabank traded unchanged to end at $62.31 with 734 shares, Scotia Investments traded 17,000 units and closed at $1.50 and Unilever Caribbean with 100 units changing hands, ended at $67.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 3 stocks with the bid higher than their last selling prices and 4 stocks with offers that were lower.

All JSE Index up 1,611 to 111,366 points

Gleaner Company traded at $1.53 at the opening with 28,300 units and now has a bid to buy 170,000 units at $1.50 and an offer to sell 99,000 at $1.88, the maximum price the stock can trade at is $1.69 today.
JSE Intra 7- 08-15The big trade is 793,675 units in Scotia Group, with the price rising $2 to $26, with Scotia Investments being the aggressive broker on the buy side. The stock was on offer at $26 with the bid at $23.66. Lasco Financial Services traded 1,350,000 units at 1.98.
In the process the All Jamaica Index trades at 111,366.23 up 1,611.70 points JSE Market Index fell 1,441.92 points to 100,585.24. The combined index gained 1,359.38 to be at 104,001.49 and the junior market index with only one stock trading was unchanged but with Lasco Manufacturing having a bid of $1.85 to but 8,500 units and an offer to sell at $2 the index could see changes soon.
Four stocks have declined at 10.30 am versus only two that rose out of just six that have traded, carrying a volume of 2,226,126 units.

Scotia in big index push

Scotia gained $2 this maorning

Scotia gained $2 this maorning

Gleaner traded at $1.53 up from $1.30 on Wednesday following the announcement of the merger of the Gleaner’s media operations with that of Radio Jamaica. The trade took place at the opening with 28,300 units, the stock now has a bid to buy 170,000 units at $1.50 and an offer to sell 99,000 at $1.88, the maximum price the stock can trade at is $1.69 today.
The real big issue is the trade of 793,675 units in Scotia Group rising $2 to $26 with Scotia Investments being the aggressive broker on the buy side. Lasco Financial Services traded 1,350,000 units at 1.98.
In the process the All Jamaica Index trades at 111,449.70 up 1,695.17 points JSE Market Index fell 1,516.60 points to 100,659.92.

RJR Gleaner a formidable political force

RJR_Newslogo150x150 The Gleaner Company has been feared by the political forces of Jamaica for decades, as they know the pressure that the entity can wheel. The most telling evidence is the battle of socialism versus capitalism in the 1970’s when the paper relentlessly stood up against the then government of the day and won. If the political forces were fearful of the power of the Gleaner, combine the Gleaner with the other news media powerhouse in the country, RJR and the fear levels must have gone up several degrees since Wednesday’s announcement of the merger of the media business of the Gleaner Company, with that of RJR.

Oliver Clarke Gleaner chairman

Oliver Clarke Gleaner chairman

On Wednesday the boards of Radio Jamaica, (RJR) and The Gleaner Company (Gleaner) announced that their directors have signed an agreement which will see the combination of their respective media businesses.
The transaction, is to be pursued through a court approved scheme of amalgamation and will be a stock for stock deal. Radio Jamaica will issue 1.2 billion shares on a one for one basis to shareholders of The Gleaner Company in exchange for 100 percent of a newly formed subsidiary Gleaner Company (Media) Limited (GCML) which will hold the assets of the media entities of the Gleaner Company.
Simultaneous with the transaction, the remaining publicly traded Gleaner Company, with non-media assets comprising mainly real estate and other investments will be renamed. This will result in the shareholders of the Gleaner Company Limited owning 50 percent of Radio Jamaica’s stock and existing RJR shareholders owning the remaining 50-percent of the combined business.
The coming together will create the country’s leading Media Company, providing, print, online, radio, television, cable television and new media products and services.
The combined entity will have revenues of J$5.2 billion and assets of just under $4 billion. RJR had profit of $113 million for the year to March this year and Gleaner had a loss of $57 million for the year to December 2014. RJR had total assets of J$1.66 billion and the media segment of the Gleaner had assets of $2.17 billion.
“This combination creates a stronger company that delivers maximum value for our shareholders, greater career opportunities for our employees and superior experience for our customers,” said Christopher Barnes, Managing Director of Gleaner Company Limited. ”Both management teams have built industry-leading suites of products and services, and we’re excited to be part of delivering all of the possibilities to Jamaican consumers,” He added.
The expanded media group which will be renamed once the transaction is complete, is to be led by Chief Executive Officer, Gary Allen with Christopher Barnes as Chief Operating Officer. Lester Spaulding is to be Chairman with Hon. Oliver Clarke as Deputy Chairman.
“The current market, with the amount of existing players, is saturated; especially where there is low economic growth. When added to the recent moves by local telecoms to enter the media space, heightened competition is sure to put increased pressure on the industry. It is therefore very important that Jamaican media look also to shore up their resources in order to engage in the fast changing landscape, as well as to preserve the independence required for our media to do its work on behalf of the Jamaican people” Lester Spaulding stated.
tvj st-03 The transaction close, subject to shareholder and court approval along with regulatory review and other customary procedures, is expected by the end of 2015.
Radio Jamaica was listed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) in 1994. The company is the parent entity in the RJR Communications Group. The members of the Group are RJR 94FM, FAME 95FM, HITZ 92FM, Television Jamaica (TVJ) and TVJ-Sports Network, Reggae Entertainment Television, RETV, and Jamaica News Network, JNN.
The Gleaner Company Limited, established in 1897, is the parent company of a group comprising media operations and investments in Jamaica, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Publications include the 180 year old Gleaner Newspaper in continuous publication since 1834, The Sunday Gleaner, The Star and Weekend Star, the UK Weekly Gleaner, the Weekly Gleaner and Star in USA and Canada, Gleaner Online, Independent Radio Company (Power 106FM, Music 99FM), other print publications, websites and the Gleaner Archives.
This is a big merger and one that will require lots of skills to ensure that the mix of people who are involved can be brought together with little fall out and fall out there will be, if the full benefit is to be achieved from the merger. The greatest benefit will come from a large staff cut as areas of duplication in the newsroom and administration are eliminated.
Initially, the big winners will be the Gleaner shareholders who will be getting over $3 in value for sale of the Gleaner assets to RJR, in addition they will still have shares in the remnant of the Gleaner.

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