JSE post-election slip – Friday

The JSE retreated on Friday after the general election.

The JSE retreated on Friday after the general election.

With the Jamaica Labour Party winning Thursday’s general election, the Jamaica Stock Exchange main market continued to reflect uncertainty on Friday as 14 securities declined, 15 gained as 33 changed hands in all market segments in a shortened session. Trading resulted in 1 stock trading at 52 weeks’ intraday high.
A total of 9,546,869 units valued at $79,702,541 changed hands in all markets. The junior market accounted for 2,076,968 units changing hands, valued at $12,049,340.
The JSE Market Index suffered a fall of 303.49 points to 157,369.84 the all Jamaica Composite Index dropped 339.16 points to end at 174,825.97 and the JSE combined index dumped 488.18 points to close at 166,056.22.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading was 17 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 with lower offers.
JSE Sum 26-02-16At the end of the market activities, Cable and Wireless lost 5 cents as 4,538,475 units changed hands to close at $1.45, Caribbean Cement fell $3 to close at $30 with 22,375 shares changing hands, Carreras closed with a loss of $1.90 at $64.10, while trading 15,400 units. Ciboney rose by 5 cents to end at 19 cents, with 50,000 shares trading, Gleaner Company traded with a gain of 2 cents to close at $2.45 as 200,978 shares changed hands, Grace Kennedy ended with 25,417 shares trading to close at $82 after falling 50 cents, Jamaica Broilers traded 154,686 units to close at $14.50. Jamaica Stock Exchange traded 5,000 shares with a gain of 50 cents to end at $23.50, JMMB Group had 2,655 units changing hands with a rise of $1.39 to close at $11.80.JSE fn qts 26-02-16 Kingston Wharves had 14,225 shares trading with a gain of 5 cents at $11.45, National Commercial Bank had 254,071 shares changing hands with a gain of 60 cents to close at $41. Pulse Investments traded 20,000 shares with a rise of 48 cents to end at $3.70, Sagicor Group fell 50 cents with 515,847 shares changing hands at $23, Sagicor Real Estate Fund fell 45 cents with 49,758 shares changing hands at $11.50, Salada Foods traded 25,826 units at $8.50 after falling 75 cents. Scotia Group had 305,159 shares changing hands, to close with a loss of $1.19 to end at $30.81, Supreme Ventures closed at $6 with 17,200 units changing hands and Proven Investments ordinary share traded 804,200 units at 22 US cents after rising 1 US cent.

Juniors slip again on Friday

Lasco Distributors price dropped sharply on Friday.

Lasco Distributors price dropped sharply on Friday.

The junior market ceded ground again on Friday although advancing exceeded declining stocks as 5 stocks declined and 7 advanced leading to fall of 1.1 percent in the index. The market lost 22.36 points to end at 1,956.28 with 14 securities trading, 1 of which traded at 52 weeks’ intraday high. The market ended with 2,536,210 units changing hands, valued at $12,049,340.
At the close, 2 securities ended with no bid and 7 securities had no stocks being offered for sale. There were 7 stocks closing with bids that were higher than their last selling prices and none ended with a lower offer.
In trading, Access Financial fell 50 cents while trading 78,424 units to close at $17.50, AMG Packaging rose by 50 cents with 604 units changing hands, to end at $14.50, C2W Music traded 100,000 units and rose 2 cents to be at 45 cents, Caribbean Cream fell by 10 cents while trading 18,220 shares to close at $3.70. Caribbean Producers had 126,206 units changing hands to close at $5, General Accident traded 21,315 units at $2.50 with a gain of 10 cents,JM sum 26-2-16 Honey Bun ended with 17,122 units changing hands at $13.80 after rising 20 cents, Knutsford Express closed at $18.51 with 3,500 shares changing hands. Lasco Distributors lost 89 cents and closed with 809,400 units trading to end at $5.06, Lasco Financial rose 3 cents to end at $3.23 with 140,450 shares changing hands, Lasco Manufacturing ended trading with 1,040,376 shares and gained 40 cents to close at $4.35. Medical Disposables traded 22,000 shares to close 11 cents higher, at $3.50 after it traded at an intraday high of $3.70, tTech closed with a gain of 34 cents at $4.85 with 33,593 shares trading and Derrimon Trading preference share traded 125,000 units to close 1 cent lower at $2.15.

JLP win pollsters blew it – election 2016

JLP man -2-16The Jamaica Labour Party won the general elections after a number of polls and forecast called it for the governing Peoples National Party. Two groups that the public is not used to for forecasting elections made a fool of themselves, suggesting the PNP would win at least 40 seats.
According to the university forecasters, the PNP chance of winning the election was down from 60 percent to 56 percent, since the refusal of the party to participate in the election debates. The forecast done by Dr Christopher Charles and Gleasha Reid was laughable when viewed against other facts and historical trends. For one, pollsters that have had a fairly good track record were pointing to, at best, a close election victory for the PNP, in what looked like a close race. One pollster out of Trinidad, did get the marginal seats right, when the polls they did showed a strong swing to the JLP.
The results of the 2016 election, is a clear indication that polls reflect the position at the time the poll is taken and does not necessarily forecast future outcome. The poll that the PNP seemed to have used to call the election, did not reflect the real party standing. IC Insider suggested, that past polls have always reflected an incumbency bias, as high as 5 percent, ahead of the actual official election period, this is pretty much what happened as the January polls by Anderson had the PNP at 27.5 percent and the JLP at 23.2 percent. When the JLP’s support is adjusted by the 5 percent, it placed both parties in a dead heat with a slight lead for the JLP. The polls show that both parties lost active support since September last year. The December polls show that the PNP lost 2 percentage points and the JLP a much larger 6.4 percentage points, taking the latter below the core position held from 2014 to June, of 25 percent.
About the January polls, IC Insider said “If the latest poll numbers were to hold come election day, the PNP would end up with about 54 percent to 46 percent for the JLP of the votes, on a head to head race, which would put the PNP slightly ahead of the 2011 election, when they took 53.40 percent of the votes, to the JLP 46.60 percent.
Interestingly, while the Anderson polls were pointing to a big win for the PNP, RJR News carried on their website, a story of a then recent canvass done buy the PNP in which Paul Burke says they are sure to win 32 seats, with 10 of the rest they have in doubt.
RJR News has obtained a copy of the report which outlines that the Party is sure of winning 32 of the 63 Parliamentary seats. Of the remaining 10 seats from the 42 which were won by the PNP in 2011, two are deemed at risk of being lost and eight have been declared hard to win”. This information does not reflect an outcome as indicated by Anderson polls.
There are a number of lessons from election 2016. Polls by themselves need to be examined against prevailing as well as past developments, to ensure they are in keeping with what the results are indicating. Events may take place that change the direction of the likely outcome, this is what may have happened this time around.
The polls showing the JLP at 25 percent of the electorate seem to suggest a solid base support, that is why IC Insider posted the need for the election turnout to be higher than 50 percent for the PNP to win. IC Insider had pointed out that the pollsters have never gotten the voter turnout right the question this time, with potential votes around 59 percent, it seems that the usual 15-20 percent difference was a bit too high.

Moderate gains for JSE majors – Thursday

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JSE build1 With polls suggesting a tight race in the general election on Thursday, the Jamaica Stock Exchange main market continued to reflect uncertainty on Thursday as 15 securities declined, 13 gained as 33 changed hands in all market segments in a shortened session. Trading resulted in 1 stock closing at 52 weeks’ highs.
A total of 6,057,172 units valued at $98,493,384 changed hands in all markets. The junior market accounted for 2,076,968 units changing hands, valued at $12,398,257.
The JSE Market Index added 31.86 points to end at 157,673.33 the all Jamaica Composite Index squeezed out 35.60 points to end at 175,165.13 and the JSE combined index dropped 841.58 points to close at 166,544.40.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading was 14 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 5 with lower offers.
JSE Sum 25-02-16At the end of the market activities, Cable and Wireless closed with a loss of 6 cents as 145,106 units changed hands at $1.50. Caribbean Cement continues with wild price swings, rising $3 to close at $33 with 36,000 shares changing hands, Carreras closed at $66 after gaining $1, while trading 31,891 units, Gleaner ended with a gain of 1 cent to close at $2.43 with 69,622 shares trading, Grace Kennedy ended with 25,660 shares trading to close at $82.50 after losing 50 cents. Jamaica Broilers fell 26 cents with 583,521 units to close at $14.50, JMMB Group had 280,100 units changing hands to close at $10.41. Kingston Wharves had 68,371 shares trading with a loss of 1 cent at $11.44, National Commercial Bank had 1,182,454 shares changing hands with a fall of 60 cent to close at $40.40. Palace Amusement dropped by $13 to close at $74 with 100 shares trading, JSE fn qts 25-02-16Pan Jamaican traded 4,231 shares but fell $1 to $94.50, Pulse Investments traded 206,000 shares with a fall of 48 cents to end at $3.22. Sagicor Group gained 45 cents with 4,270 shares changing hands at $23.50, Sagicor Real Estate Fund rose 25 cents with 1,000 shares changing hands at $11.95, Scotia Group had 136,020 shares changing hands, to close with a gain of 50 cents to end at $32. Scotia Investments had 7,550 units changing hands at $30, Supreme Ventures rose 49 cents to close at $6 with 114,353 units changing hands. JMMB Group 5.75% preference share traded 380,000 units at $1.06, JMMB Group 7.5% preference share traded 200,000 units and rose 5 cents to end at $2.15 and Proven Investments ordinary share traded 500,000 units at 21 US cents after rising by 1 US cent.

Juniors drop 16% from peak on Thursday

Honey Bun closed at a new 52 weeks' high on Thursday

Honey Bun closed at a new 52 weeks’ high on Thursday

The junior market lost much ground on Thursday, slashing 16 percent off its January high, as the heavy weighted Lasco Distributors dropped 15 percent in a shortened trading session, as the market closed early on election day.
Declining stocks beat out advancing ones 6 to 4 advancing leading to a big fall of 4.65 percent in the junior market index as a huge 96.48 points was slashed to end at 1,978.64. A total of 12 securities traded, 1 of which ended at a 52 weeks’ high. The market ended with 2,076,968 units changing hands, valued at $12,398,257. At the close, 2 securities ended with no bids and 8 securities had no stocks being offered for sale. There were 6 stocks closing with bids that were higher than their last selling prices and 1 ended with a lower offer.
In trading, Access Financial fell $1.50 while trading 1,426 units to close at $18, Caribbean Cream declined by 35 cents while trading 26,900 shares to close at $3.80, Caribbean Flavours closed with 6,586 units changing hands but fell 10 cents to $8.60, Caribbean Producers lost 10 cents with 67,954 units changing hands, to close at $5. JM Trd 25-02-16Consolidated Bakeries dropped 22 cents in trading 10,000 shares at $1.40, Dolphin Cove traded 3,100 shares at $15.62, to record an increase of 1 cent, Honey Bun gained 22 cents to close at a 52 weeks’ high of $14 with 408,083 units changing hands, Jamaican Teas traded 41,562 shares with the price remaining unchanged at $7.70. KLE Group closed with 47,759 shares changing hands at $2.50. Lasco Distributors closed with 204,850 units trading to end at $5.95 for a loss of $1.05, Lasco Financial gained 25 cents to end at $3.20 with 433,175 shares changing hands, Lasco Manufacturing ended trading with 825,573 shares and gained 10 cents to close at $3.95.

4 TTSE stocks rose 2 down – Thursday

Scotia Investments ended at a 52 weeks' high on Thursday of $1.72.

Scotia Investments ended at a 52 weeks’ high on Thursday of $1.72.

Trading activity ended with 11 stocks active securities on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange on Thursday of which, 4 rose, 2 fell and 5 remained unchanged, including 2 ending at 52 weeks’ highs and one at a low. A total of only 531,788 shares valued at $3,798,689 traded.
The Composite Index lost 0.07 points to close at 1,160.33, the All T&T Index fell 0.80 points to close at 1,901 and the Cross Listed Index gained 0.09 points to close at 55.52.
IC bid-offer Indicator| The Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator has turned negative with 7 stocks with bids higher than the last selling price and 11 with offers that were lower.
Gains| Clico Investments traded 25,505 shares valued at $574,135 to close at $22.55 with a gain of 5 cents, JMMB Group traded 175,000 shares and gained 1 cents to close at a 52 weeks’ high of 60 cents. National Flour traded 49,470 shares and rose 1 cent to close at $1.80 and Scotia Investments contributed 199,594 shares while gaining 2 cents to close at a 52 weeks’ high of $1.74.
TTSE sum 25-02-16 Losses| Massy Holdings fell 15 cents to close at a 52 weeks’ low of $59 with 1,130 shares changing hands and Unilever Caribbean ended with 295 shares trading at $67.81 after slipping by 1 cent.
Firm Trades| Ansa Merchant Bank traded 2,000 units at $38.95, First Citizens had 71,049 shares with a value of $2,486,715 changing hands at $35, Trinidad and Tobago NGL closed at $19 with 51 units trading, Trinidad Cement traded 8,025 shares at $3.51 and West Indian Tobacco closed at $112.30 with 279 shares changing hands.

JSE nervous in early trading – Thursday

The Jamaica Stock Exchange is off to an interesting start on general election day 2016, with losses far exceeding advances on Thursday, in the early morning session. JSE Int Cht 25-02-16After 75 minutes of the market opening, 28 securities have been active, accounting for 3,867,042 shares. A total of 14 stocks fell and only 6 rose.
The all Jamaica Composite Index lost -266.70 points to 174,862.83, the JSE Market Index fell 238.64 points to 157,402.83, the JSE combined index declined by 465.66 points to 166,920.32 and the junior market index dropped 26.64 points to 2,048.48.
Caribbean Cement gained $3 with 36,000 shares to be at $33, Jamaica Broilers Group traded 575,591 at $14.50, National Commercial Bank traded 1,181,244 shares at $40.70, Palace dropped $13 while 100 shares traded at $74, Honey Bun had 5,000 shares changing hands at a new high of $13.90 and Lasco Manufacturing down 21 cents to $3.61 with 779,866 units.

5 TTSE stocks fell 3 up – Wednesday

Sagicor Financial traded at a 52 weeks; high on Wednesday

Sagicor Financial traded at a 52 weeks; high on Wednesday

Trading activity ended with 12 stocks active securities on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange on Wednesday of which, 3 rose, 5 fell and 4 remained unchanged with 2 ending at 52 weeks’ highs. A total of just 135,968 shares valued at $2,823,492 traded.
The Composite Index rose 0.21 points to close at 1,160.40, the All T&T Index fell 0.16 points to close at 1,901.80 and the Cross Listed Index gained 0.08 points to close at 55.43.
IC bid-offer Indicator| The Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator has turned negative with 7 stocks with bids higher than the last selling price and 9 with offers that were lower.
Gains| First Citizens rose 1 cent while trading 22,620 shares at $35, with a value of $791,618, Grace Kennedy had 2,100 units changing hands at a 52 weeks’ high of $4.71 for a 5 cents gain and Sagicor Financial Corporation with 7,259 shares changing hands, gained 4 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ high of $6.70.
Losses| Clico Investments traded 16,470 shares to close at $22.50 with a loss of 1 cent, Guardian Holdings fell 15 cents to close at $13.95 with 1,130 shares changing hands, National Flour traded 50,000 shares and fell 1 cent to close at $1.79. TTSE sum 24-02-16Republic Financial Holdings lost 3 cents to close at $112.12 with 10,341 shares changing hands, at a value of $1,159,436 and West Indian Tobacco shed 5 cents to close at $112.30 with 458 shares changing hands.
Firm Trades| Agostini’s traded 500 shares at $17.01, Angostura Holdings ended with 358 shares changing hands at $13.60, Trinidad and Tobago NGL closed at $19 with 12,384 units trading and Trinidad Cement traded 13,478 shares at $3.51.

JSE main market sharp turn – Wednesday

Carib Cement dropped $4 to $30 on Wednesday.

Carib Cement dropped $4 to $30 on Wednesday.

With polls suggesting a tight race in the general election on Thursday, the Jamaica Stock Exchange main market continued to reflect uncertainty on Wednesday as 16 securities declined, 9 gained as 35 changed hands in all market segments. Trading resulted in 2 stocks closing at 52 weeks’ highs.
A total of 9,862,201 units valued at $166,875,309 changed hands in all markets. The junior market accounted for 2,918,009 units changing hands, valued at $20,407,860.
The JSE Market Index suffered a big fall of 1,632.23 points to 157,641.47 the all Jamaica Composite Index dropped 1,824.11 points to end at 175,129.53 and the JSE combined index dumped by 1,936.89 points to close at 167,385.98.
JSE Sum 24-02-16 IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading was 16 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 9 with lower offers.
At the end of the market activities, Cable and Wireless closed with a gain of 10 cents as 103,800 units changed hands at $1.56. Caribbean Cement fell $4 to close at $30 with 1,133,522 shares changing hands, Carreras closed at $65, while trading 205,078 units, Ciboney ended at 14 cents with 210,000 shares trading, Grace Kennedy ended with 7,150 shares trading to close at $83. Jamaica Broilers climbed 45 cents with 426,559 units to close at $14.76, JMMB Group had 637,636 units changing hands with a loss of 59 cents to close at $10.41. Kingston Wharves had 14,225 shares trading with a gain of 5 cents at $11.45, Margaritaville Turks traded 506,000 shares at 15 US cents, JSE fn qts 24-02-16Mayberry Investments traded 76,234 units to close at $4.80 for a rise of 10 cents, National Commercial Bank had 514,148 shares changing hands with a gain of 1 cent to close at $41. Pulse Investments traded 5,900 shares with a fall of 70 cents to end at $3.70, Sagicor Group fell 1 cent with 784,897 shares changing hands at $22.10, Sagicor Real Estate Fund fell 30 cents with 8,888 shares changing hands at $11.70, Salada Foods traded 19,327 units at $9.25. Scotia Group had 328,060 shares changing hands, to close with a loss of $1.50 to end at $31.50, Scotia Investments had 297,000 units changing hands at $30, after rising 75 cents, Supreme Ventures fell 1 cent to close at $5.51 with 1,230,000 units changing hands. JMMB Group 7.5% preference share traded 167,678 units at $2.10 and Proven Investments ordinary share traded 262,083 units at 20 US cents.

Juniors slips sharply – Wednesday

CAC 2000 closed at new high of $7.36 on Wednesday.

CAC 2000 closed at new high of $7.36 on Wednesday.

The junior market ceded ground again on Wednesday although advancing and declining stocks were equal with 6 declining stocks and 6 advancing leading to fall of 2 percent in the index. The market lost 44.03 points to end at 2,075.12 with 13 securities trading, 2 of which ended at 52 weeks’ highs. The market ended with 2,918,009 units changing hands, valued at $20,407,860.
At the close, 1 security ended with no bid and 6 securities had no stocks being offered for sale. There were 8 stocks closing with bids that were higher than their last selling prices and 3 ended with lower offers.
In trading, Access Financial fell 50 cents while trading 764,000 units to close at $19.50, AMG Packaging dropped had 20,000 units changing hands, to end at $14, Blue Power traded 4,440 shares and fell 29 cents to end at $9.30, CAC 2000 had 12,500 shares changing hand, to close at a 52 weeks’ high of $7.36 after rising 34 cents. C2W Music traded 5,637 units at 43 cents, Caribbean Cream rose by 15 cents while trading 107,800 shares to close at $4.15, Caribbean Producers had 30,000 units changing hands, to close at $5.10, Dolphin Cove traded 500 shares at $15.61, General Accident traded 690,326 units at $2.40 with a gain of 20 cents. JM sum 24-2-16Honey Bun ended with 7,674 units changing hands at $13.78 after rising 8 cents, Knutsford Express gained $1.01 and ended at a 52 weeks’ high of $18.51 with 1,500 shares changing hands, Lasco Distributors closed with 193,650 units trading to end at $7 for a 6 cents loss. Lasco Financial declined by 15 cents to end at $2.95 with 279,491 shares changing hands, Lasco Manufacturing ended trading with 297,431 shares and fell 40 cents to close at $4.20, Medical Disposables traded 477,623 shares to close with a loss of 1 cent at $3.39, and Paramount trading closed with a 6 cents gain at $11.30 with 45,437shares trading.

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