Winning stocks barely moved Junior Market

Trading climbed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Thursday, with a 133 percent rise in the volume of stocks traded, and a 137 percent rise in value over Wednesday with trading in 44 securities compared with 42 on Wednesday and ending with prices of 16 rising, 11 declining and 17 closing unchanged.
The market closed with trading of 8,355,224 shares for $15,074,942 up from just 3,592,810 units at $6,363,318 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 189,891 shares at $342,612, compared with 85,543 units at $151,508 on Wednesday with the month to date, averaging 231,540 units at $517,914 compared with 235,064 stock units at $532,747 on the previous day and March with an average of 221,659 units at $464,382.
Stationery and Office Supplies led trading with 4.32 million shares for 51.7 percent of total volume followed by Spur Tree Spices with 1.13 million stocks for 13.5 percent of the day’s trade and EduFocal with 733,394 units for 8.8 percent market share as the stock traded at a 52 weeks’ intraday low of 85 cents and a closing low of 90 cents.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index popped 1.44 points to 3,758.39.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.5, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows three stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and five with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial dipped 13 cents to close at $21 after an exchange of 1,100 stock units, AMG Packaging lost 16 cents to end at $3.41, with 35,184 shares crossing the market, Cargo Handlers dropped $1.04 to finish at $12.85 with investors swapping 1,000 units. Caribbean Flavours sank 9 cents and ended at $1.59 after 2,145 stocks crossed the market, Express Catering rose 19 cents to end at $4.09 with investors transferring 250 units, Fontana climbed 30 cents in closing at $8.90 in an exchange of 5,101 shares. Honey Bun popped 65 cents to $8.10 with investors trading 48,537 stocks, Jetcon Corporation declined 10 cents to end at 85 cents in switching ownership of 150,026 stock units, Knutsford Express advanced 10 cents in closing at $11.50 after 11,920 shares passed through the exchange and MFS Capital Partners rallied 13 cents to close at $1.75 in trading 193,271 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Gains for JSE as trading jumps

Kingston Wharves and Pan Jamaica dominated trading with the stocks having the highest traded value on the Jamaica Stock Exchange in Thursday trading session and driving the volume and value well over Wednesday’s activities, with the market closing with Main Market indices and JSE USD market closing higher while the Junior Market just manage to eked out a gain in the last few dying moments of the market to close moderately higher, resulting in prices of 33 shares rising and 28 declining.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index climbed 1,198.94 points to 336,962.83, the All Jamaican Composite Index jumped 2,030.08 points to 362,251.00, the JSE Main Index rose 1,240.26 points to conclude trading at 324,184.12. The Junior Market Index squeezed out a gain of 1.44 points to close trading at 3,758.39 and the JSE USD Market Index rose 1.69 points to settle at 240.75.
At the close of trading, 17,138,332 shares were exchanged in all three markets, up from 11,705,524 units on Wednesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $147.59 million, well over the $43.87 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 66,053 shares for US$5,573 compared to 1,005,394 units at US$50,711 on Wednesday.
In Main Market activity, Kingston Wharves led trading with 2.51 million shares followed by Wigton Windfarm with 1.80 million stock units and Pan Jamaica with 802,202 units, while in Junior Market trading, Stationery and Office Supplies led with 4.32 million shares followed by Spur Tree Spices with 1.13 million stocks and EduFocal with 733,394 units.
In the preference segment, 138 Student Living preference share rallied $1 to end at $211 and Productive Business Solutions 9.75% preference share sank $4.99 to $110.01.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 19.9 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.3 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all  the Jamaica Stock Exchange ordinary shares grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.

Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Profit bolts 79% at AMG

Profit continued to surge at AMG Packaging in the February quarter, up 79 percent to $32 million from $18 million in 2023, the performance is better than the 72 percent rise in the first quarter. For the six months to February, profit was also up 79 percent to $84 million from $47 million in 2023.
Sale revenues rose by just one percent for the quarter, to $250 million from $247 million and popped 4 percent for the year to date, to $522 million from $501 million in 2023.
Two main features are at play resulting in improved performance. The company installed new multi-coloured machinery in early 2023 that measures and determine the cut for boxes which has helped in cutting operating costs as it is far more efficient than the original ones. Secondly, the price of paper declined in 2023 from 2022 and has carried over into the current year, the result is that raw material costs declined to 41 percent of revenues in the second quarter from 53 percent in 2023.
Historically, profit was stuck for years between $37 million and $62 million from 2017 to 2021 . In 2022 profit jumped to $105 million following a revenues surge of 41 percent over 2021 but fell back to $89 million in 2023 with some one-off cost, helping in pushing the profit down, otherwise it would have exceeded that of 2022. projects profit to come in around $225 million for this fiscal year ending in August.
Manufacturing costs declined by 12 percent in the February quarter to $154 million from $175 million and by 9 percent year to date, to $325 million from $356 million. Gross profit margin rose a significant 36 percent in the quarter to $96 million from $72 million and climbed even more for the half year to 39 percent to $197 million from $145 million in 2024.
Administrative expenses rose 18 percent to $33 million in the quarter and increased 19 percent in the six months to $66 million. Depreciation charges increased by 26 percent to $13.5 million in the quarter, and the half year to $26 million. Finance cost declined in the quarter, to $1.8 million from $2 million in 2024 and from $4.2 million to $3.6 million for the six months.
The operations generated $130 million in Gross cash flow, after paying dividends of $51 million and increased working capital needs, net flows were negative and pulled down the cash on hand from of $297 million in 2023 to $252 million.
Current assets ended the period at $651 million and include trade and other receivables of $143 million, up from $123 million in 2023, and cash and bank balances of $252 million, representing an increase over $144 million in 2023. Inventories rose a bit from $240 million to $255 million. Current liabilities at the half way marker amount to $152 million. Net current assets ended the period at $500 million.
At the end of February, shareholders’ equity amounts to $1.29 billion with long term borrowings of just at $66 million and short term at $19 million.
Earnings per share for the quarter amounts to 6 cents and 14 cents for the half year. IC computation projects earnings around 45 cents per share for the current fiscal year, with a PE of 8 times the current year’s earnings based on the price of $3.59 the stock traded at on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Junior Market. Net asset value ended the period at $2.53 with the stock selling at a premium of 41 percent to book value.

Main Market slides on thin trading

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Trading dropped on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market on Wednesday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 15 percent and the value 76 percent lower than on Tuesday, with trading in 61 securities compared with 59 on Tuesday, with prices of 21 stocks rising, 18 declining and 22 ending unchanged.
Trading netted 7,107,320 shares for $37,509,746 compared with 8,349,044 units at $156,852,014 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 116,513 shares at $614,914 compared to 141,509 units at $2,658,509 on Tuesday and month to date, an average of 954,617 units at $3,852,247, down from 1,031,265 units at $4,148,315 on the previous day and March with an average of 828,473 units at $2,341,254.
Wigton Windfarm led trading with 1.49 million shares for 20.9 percent of total volume followed by General Accident with 1.35 million units for 19 percent of the day’s trade in closing at a 52 weeks’ high of $6.20 and Lasco Distributors with 1.17 million units for 16.5 percent of the day’s trade.
The All Jamaican Composite Index sank 1,794.74 points to lock up trading at 360,220.92, the JSE Main Index dropped 1,004.10 points to lock up trading at 322,943.86 and the JSE Financial Index shed 0.36 points to cease trading at 68.72.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.8. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with the financial year ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows 11 stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and six with lower offers.
At the close, AS Bryden climbed $1.12 to $40 after a transfer of 907 units, Barita Investments increased $1 to finish at $72 with investors swapping 1,931 stocks, GraceKennedy slipped 97 cents and ended at $73 with a transfer of 76,208 shares. Guardian Holdings popped $10 in closing at $370 after trading 88 stock units, Jamaica Broilers gained $1 to close at $34 after an exchange of 15,572 shares, Jamaica Producers rose $1.14 to end at $23.02, with 12,001 stock units crossing the market. Mayberry Jamaican Equities sank 50 cents to $10 with traders dealing in 14,970 stocks, NCB Financial declined 53 cents and ended at $63.97 after 24,433 units crossed the exchange, Pan Jamaica lost 50 cents to finish at $47.50 with investors trading 11,241 stocks. Sagicor Group fell 65 cents to close at $41 as 12,998 units passed through the market, Sagicor Real Estate Fund dipped 50 cents in closing at $7 after an exchange of 4,782 shares, Scotia Group shed $1.10 to end at $44.50 with investors dealing in 29,354 stock units. Seprod rallied $2.17 to close at $82.17 in an exchange of 12,882 shares, Supreme Ventures dropped 50 cents to close at $24.50 with investors transferring 17,220 stock units and Sygnus Real Estate Finance advanced $1.21 and ended at $14 in an exchange of 202 stocks.
In the preference segment, 138 Student Living preference share skidded $5 in closing at $210 with an exchange of 16 units and Productive Business Solutions 10.5 % preference share rose $50 to end at $1200 in trading 4 shares.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Big jump in trading for the USD Market

Trading surged on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market ended on Wednesday, with a 1,060 percent jump in the volume of stocks exchanged following a 244 percent pop in value compared with market activity on Tuesday and resulting in trading in 10 securities, compared to 12 on Tuesday with prices of three rising, three declining and four ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 1,005,394 shares for US$50,711 compared to 86,667 units at US$14,748 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 100,539 units at US$5,071 versus 7,222 shares at US$1,229 on Tuesday, with a month to date average of 36,785 shares at US$2,318 compared with 29,371 units at US$1,998 on the previous day and March that ended with an average of 49,394 units for US$3,593.
The US Denominated Equities Index declined 3.55 points to end at 239.06.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 9.3. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close of the market, First Rock Real Estate USD share dipped 0.58 of one cent to end at 4.02 US cents closing, with 4,258 units being traded, Margaritaville ended at 10 US cents with 600 stocks crossing the market, Productive Business Solutions remained at US$1.59 after investors ended trading 36 shares. Proven Investments fell 1.68 cents to finish at 13.02 US cents with investors transferring 186,935 stock units, Sterling Investments remained at 1.7 US cents after 117 shares crossed the exchange, Sygnus Credit Investments gained 0.01 of a cent to close at 7.95 US cents with traders dealing in 5,475 stocks and Transjamaican Highway rose 0.08 of a cent to 2.19 US cents in switching ownership of 806,663 units.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group US8.5% preference share ended at US$1.19, with 700 stock units crossing the market, Productive Business Solutions 9.25% preference share declined 50 cents to close at US$11 in trading 250 shares and Sygnus Credit Investments E8.5% advanced 10 cents in closing at US$10.70, with 360 stock units changing hands.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior stocks drift lower

Stocks drifted lower in trading on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Wednesday, following a 16 percent rise in the volume of stocks traded, with an 8 percent higher value than Tuesday with trading in 42 securities the same as on Tuesday and ending with prices of 15 rising, 17 declining and 10 closing unchanged.
Trading netted 3,592,810 shares for $6,363,318 compared with 3,102,805 units at $5,901,970 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 85,543 shares at $151,508 compared with 73,876 units at $140,523 on Tuesday. Trading for the month to date averages 235,064 units at $532,747 compared to 248,202 stock units at $566,245 on the previous day and March with an average of 221,659 units at $464,382.
On a day of low trading volume, EduFocal led with 866,123 shares for 24.1 percent of total volume followed by ONE on ONE Educational with 661,048 units for 18.4 percent of the day’s trade and Dolla Financial with 459,774 units for 12.8 percent market share.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index declined 24.08 points to close at 3,756.95.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.5, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows two stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close of the market, AMG Packaging popped 13 cents to finish at $3.57 as 65,002 stock units passed through the market, Caribbean Assurance Brokers shed 8 cents in closing at $2.20 with investors exchanging 4,900 shares, Caribbean Cream increased 38 cents to end at $4.25 with 21,863 stocks clearing the market. Derrimon Trading lost 5 cents in closing at $1.95 in an exchange of 2,300 units, EduFocal dropped 5 cents to close at 90 cents with investors swapping 866,123 stocks, Elite Diagnostic sank 8 cents and ended at $1.51 with an exchange of 50,824 units. Everything Fresh climbed 7 cents to $1.75 with 7,955 shares crossing the market, Fontana skidded 30 cents to end at $8.60 as investors exchanged 55,829 stock units, Honey Bun fell 88 cents in closing at $7.45 with a transfer of 8,318 shares. Iron Rock Insurance rose 10 cents to close at $2.52 with 214 units passing through the exchange, Jamaican Teas slipped 22 cents to finish at $2.44 in trading 3,618 stocks, Jetcon Corporation rallied 5 cents and ended at 95 cents, with 27,645 stock units changing hands. Knutsford Express declined 10 cents to $11.40 with investors transferring 11,430 shares, Limners and Bards advanced 7 cents to close at $1.54 after 6,805 units were traded, MFS Capital Partners gained 12 cents and ended at $1.62 in switching ownership of 300 stocks. Stationery and Office Supplies popped 12 cents in closing at $1.68 with trading in 4,131 stock units, Tropical Battery advanced 6 cents to finish at $2.12 with investors dealing in 327 shares and tTech rose 23 cents to end at $2.27 with 1,899 stocks crossing the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Fall for all JSE markets

All three markets of the Jamaica Stock Exchange declined in trading on Wednesday and ended with a sharp rise in trading on the USD market, with trading in the rest of the market enjoying a modest increase in the volume of stocks changing hands but with a fall in the value traded compared with the previous day and resulting in prices of 32 shares rising and 33 declining.
At the close of trading on Wednesday, the JSE Combined Market Index shed 1,130.34 points to end trading at 335,763.89, while the All Jamaican Composite Index dropped 1,794.74 points to close at 360,220.92, while the JSE Main Index lost 1,004.10 points to close at 322,943.86. The Junior Market Index fell 24.08 points to lock up trading at 3,756.95 and the JSE USD Market Index declined 3.55 points to end at 239.06.
At the close of trading, 11,705,524 shares were exchanged in all three markets compared to 11,538,316 units on Tuesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amount to $43.87 million, well below the $162.75 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 1,005,394 shares for US$50,711 compared to 86,667 units at US$14,748 on Tuesday.
In Main Market activity, Wigton Windfarm led trading with 1.49 million shares followed by General Accident with 1.35 million units and Lasco Distributors with 1.17 million stock units.
In Junior Market trading, EduFocal led trading with 866,123 shares followed by ONE on ONE Educational with 661,048 stock units and Dolla Financial with 459,774 units.
In the preference segment, 138 Student Living preference share skidded $5 in closing at $210 and Productive Business Solutions 10.5% preference share rose $50 to end at $1,200.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 19.9 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.6 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

More funds enters JSE USD Market

Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market ended on Tuesday, with a 43 percent decline in the volume of stocks changing hands after a 166 percent jump in value compared with Monday, and resulting from trading in 12 securities, compared to 10 on Monday with prices of five rising, four declining and three ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 86,667 shares for US$14,748 compared to 152,339 units at US$5,545 on Monday.
Trading averaged 7,222 units at US$1,229 versus 15,234 shares at US$554 on Monday, with a month to date average of 29,371 shares at US$1,998 compared with 32,963 units at US$2,123 on the previous day and March that ended with an average of 49,394 units for US$3,593.
The US Denominated Equities Index gained 1.19 points to end the day at 242.61.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 9.5. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and one with a lower offer.
At the close, AS Bryden climbed 0.51 of one cent in closing at 23 US cents after an exchange of 200 units, First Rock Real Estate USD share rose 0.58 of one cent to 4.6 US cents with investors transferring 1,080 stocks, Margaritaville remained at 10 US cents in an exchange of 80 shares. Productive Business Solutions ended at US$1.59, with 27 stock units changing hands, Proven Investments advanced 0.97 of one cent to close at 14.7 US cents in an exchange of 7,992 shares, Sterling Investments popped 0.19 of a cent to end at 1.7 US cents after trading 36 stock units. Sygnus Credit Investments rallied 0.34 of a cent in closing at 7.94 US cents with a transfer of 11,059 stocks, Sygnus Real Estate Finance USD share ended at 9 US cents and closed after 65 units were traded and Transjamaican Highway declined 0.09 of a cent to finish at 2.11 US cents with an exchange of 59,749 stocks.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group US8.5% preference share shed 0.85 of one cent and ended at US$1.19, with 6,000 units crossing the market, Productive Business Solutions 9.25% preference share dropped 85 cents to close at US$11.50 with investors dealing in 259 shares and Sygnus Credit Investments E8.5% lost 10 cents to end at US$10.60, with 120 stock units crossing the exchange.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Trading jumps on the JSE Main Market

Trading climbed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market on Tuesday, with 36 percent rise in the volume and after a 429 percent surge in value over Monday, with trading in 59 securities compared with 61 on Monday, with prices of 20 stocks rising, 18 declining and 21 ending unchanged.
The market closed with 8,349,044 shares trading for $156,852,014 up from 6,145,603 units at $29,633,029 on Monday.
Trading averaged 141,509 shares at $2,658,509 compared to 100,748 units at $485,787 on Monday and month to date, an average of 1,031,265 units at $4,148,315, in comparison with 1,117,606 units at $4,292,885 on the previous day and March that closed with an average of 828,473 units at $2,341,254.
Sagicor Group led trading with 3.04 million shares for 36.4 percent of total volume followed by Wigton Windfarm with 1.63 million units for 19.5 percent of the day’s trade, Transjamaican Highway with 1.13 million units for 13.5 percent market share and General Accident with 1.08 million units for 12.9 percent of total volume.
The All Jamaican Composite Index sank 4,420.59 points to culminate at 362,015.66, the JSE Main Index skidded 3,062.56 points to lock up trading at 323,947.96 and the JSE Financial Index dipped 1.00 point to 69.08.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.1. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with the financial year ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows 10 stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and five with lower offers.
At the close, AS Bryden lost $1.12 to close at $38.88 after 334 shares were traded, Barita Investments slipped $1.50 and ended at $71 after 9,956 stocks passed through the market, Caribbean Cement gained 75 cents to close at $57.99 after a transfer of 8,209 shares. Eppley sank $1 to end at $39, with 110 stock units crossing the market, Jamaica Stock Exchange dropped 55 cents in closing at $11.56 with investors trading 57,058 shares, Kingston Properties shed 32 cents to finish at $7.75, with 52,114 stocks crossing the market. Lasco Manufacturing declined by 30 cents and ended at $5.25 after an exchange of 35,532 units, Mayberry Jamaican Equities rose 50 cents to $10.50 with 400 stock units clearing the market, NCB Financial fell 75 cents to end at $64.50 with an exchange of 32,268 shares. Proven Investments dipped 50 cents to close at $21.50 after investors traded 1,103 stock units, Scotia Group rallied $1.60 to finish at $45.60 after an exchange of 28,074 stocks, Seprod increased $2.42 to end at $80 with traders dealing in 1,110 units and Supreme Ventures popped $1 to $25, with 8,401 stocks crossing the exchange.
In the preference segment, Jamaica Public Service 7% gained $3.01 to finish trading 22 units at $50, 138 Student Living preference share climbed $5 in closing at $215 after exchanging one share, Productive Business Solutions 9.75% preference share skidded $3.45 and ended at $115 with a transfer of 110 stock units and Sygnus Credit Investments C10.5% popped $5.49 to finish at $109.49 with investors dealing in 2,000 shares.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Trading slips on the Junior Market

Trading closed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Tuesday, with a 35 percent decline in the volume of stocks traded with 44 percent lower value than on Monday and ended with trading in 42 securities down from 45 on Monday and closing with prices of 16 rising, 16 declining and 10 closing unchanged.
The market closed with trading in 3,102,805 shares for $5,901,970 down from 4,798,812 units at $10,594,590 on Monday.
Trading averaged 73,876 shares at $140,523 compared to 106,640 units at $235,435 on Monday with a month to date, average of 248,202 units at $566,245 compared to 264,995 stock units at $607,255 on the previous day and March with an average of 221,659 units at $464,382.
One Great Studio led trading with 1.06 million shares for 34 percent of total volume followed by Spur Tree Spices with 1.05 million units for 33.8 percent of the day’s trade and ONE on ONE Educational with 199,059 units for 6.4 percent market share.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index slipped 2.92 points to finish at 3,781.03.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.7, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows three stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, AMG Packaging advanced 7 cents to $3.44 in switching ownership of 106,018 shares, Caribbean Assurance Brokers popped 8 cents to finish at $2.28 with investors swapping just one share, Consolidated Bakeries increased 19 cents and ended at $2.19, with 2,273 shares crossing the market. EduFocal declined 5 cents to close at 95 cents with traders dealing in 22,734 stock units, Everything Fresh shed 6 cents to end at $1.68 with 3,905 shares clearing the market, Honey Bun fell 7 cents in closing at $8.33 with a transfer of 15,162 stock units. JFP Ltd popped 5 cents to $1.27 with investors dealing in 3,587 units, Lumber Depot rose 6 cents to end at $2.56 in an exchange of 5,000 stocks, Mailpac Group rallied 11 cents in closing at $2.01 as 14,091 units passed through the market. Main Event gained 39 cents and ended at $13.99 with an exchange of 49 shares, MFS Capital Partners slipped 30 cents to finish at $1.50, with 41,551 stocks crossing the market, Spur Tree Spices lost 5 cents to close at $2.45 after a transfer of 1,049,690 stock units. Stationery and Office Supplies skidded 13 cents to $1.56 as investors exchanged 18,169 shares, Tropical Battery sank 5 cents in closing at $2.06, with 17,019 stocks changing hands and tTech dipped 23 cents to finish at $2.04 in an exchange of 5 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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