Main & Junior Market fall USD market rises

The Main and Junior markets of the Jamaica Stock Exchange declined in trading on Friday with the JSE USD market closing moderately higher as trading ended with the number and value of stocks changing hands falling, from the previous trading day, resulting in prices of 25 shares rising and 31 declining.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index climbed 892.58 points to 331,646.99, the All Jamaican Composite Index slipped 439.53 points to end at 357,690.12, the JSE Main Index dipped 675.66 points to end at 318,897.75. The Junior Market Index dropped 34.68 points to 3,722.15 and the JSE USD Market Index rallied 0.37 points to close trading at 224.94.
At the close of trading, 33,157,102 shares were exchanged in all three markets, down from 66,615,941 units on Thursday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to just $63.58 million, well below the $168.55 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 269,334 shares for US$34,981 compared to 222,252 units at US$66,982 on Thursday.
In Main Market activity, Wigton Windfarm led trading with 11.73 million shares followed by Palace Amusement with 10.10 million units and Sagicor Select Manufacturing & Distribution Fund with 1.63 million stocks.
In Junior Market trading, Dolla Financial led trading with 2.49 million shares followed by Stationery and Office Supplies with 1.34 million units and Omni Industries with 1.05 million stocks.
In the preference segment, Jamaica Public Service 9.5% lost $1 in closing at $2,699 and Sygnus Credit Investments C10.5% dipped $2 and ended at $108.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to value stocks, ended at 20.3 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.8 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Gains for JSE Main Market on Thursday

Trading sank well below the previous day’s levels on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market on Thursday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 55 percent with the value plunging 73 percent lower than on Wednesday, with trading in 55 securities compared with 57 on Wednesday, with prices of 19 rising, 18 declining and 18 ending unchanged.
The market closed on Thursday with 8,176,004 shares being traded for $42,458,252 compared to 17,985,127 units at $154,395,179 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 148,655 shares at $771,968 compared to 315,529 units at $2,708,687 on Wednesday and for the month to date, an average of 1,276,584 stock units at $12,716,237 compared with 1,439,408 units at $14,440,476 on the previous day and June with an average of 246,425 units at $1,945,941.
Sagicor Select Financial Fund led trading with 2.56 million shares for 31.3 percent of total volume followed by Caribbean Producers with 2.45 million stocks for 29.9 percent of the day’s trade and Wigton Windfarm with 977,128 units for 12 percent market share.
The All Jamaican Composite Index advanced 1,003.17 points to settle at 358,129.65, the JSE Main Index rallied 1,098.84 points to close at 319,573.41 and the JSE Financial Index added 0.40 points to end at 67.37.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 14. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with the financial year ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows eight stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close of trading, AS Bryden rallied $1.98 and ended at $38 in switching ownership of 13,248 stock units, Barita Investments popped 40 cents to $74, with 4,300 shares crossing the market, Caribbean Cement skidded $2.09 to finish at $62.11 in trading 6,297 stocks. Eppley fell 50 cents to close at $35 with 7,702 units crossing the exchange, Eppley Caribbean Property Fund climbed $3.88 in closing at $40.98 with traders dealing in 34 stocks, Jamaica Stock Exchange sank 54 cents to end at $10.55 in an exchange of 10,687 shares. JMMB Group dropped 50 cents to $23.39, with 54,461 units crossing the market, Key Insurance rose 40 cents to $2.05 with investors dealing in 1,360 stock units, Massy Holdings gained $1.90 and ended at $87.90 after closing after an exchange of 1,310 shares. MPC Caribbean Clean Energy advanced $2 to finish at $90 as investors exchanged 20 stocks, NCB Financial sank 78 cents to close at $57.10 with a transfer of 27,346 units, Proven Investments increased 95 cents to end at $19.95 after an exchange of 296 stock units and Scotia Group climbed $1.46 to $45.46, with 2,256 shares changing hands.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

tTech the second takeover for the week

tTech now follows Caribbean Producer in a shift in ownership to a third party, when today 52 million or 49 percent of the listed shares of the company were traded on the exchange as the Main Market and Junior markets of the Jamaica Stock Exchange recovered loss grounds at the close on Thursday the JSE USD market declined after the market closed with a moderately higher volume and value of stocks changing hands compared with Wednesday, resulting in prices of 31 shares rising and 34 declining.
At the close of trading on Thursday, the JSE Combined Market Index rallied 1,303.95 points to 332,539.57, the All Jamaican Composite Index popped 1,003.17 points to 358,129.65 and the JSE Main Index climbed by 1,098.84 points to end the day at 319,573.41. The Junior Market Index rose 35.57 points to finish at 3,756.8 and the JSE USD Market Index skidded 6.88 points to end the day at 224.57.
At the close of trading, 66,615,941 shares were exchanged in all three markets, up from 27,362,023 units on Tuesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $168.55 million, below the $175.39 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 222,252 shares for US$66,982 compared to 448,485 units at US$18,478 on Wednesday.
In Main Market activity, Sagicor Select Financial Fund led trading with 2.56 million shares followed by Caribbean Producers with 2.45 million units and Wigton Windfarm with 977,128 stocks.
In Junior Market trading, tTech led trading with 52.01 million shares followed by Jamaican Teas with 3.01 million stocks and iCreate with 553,176 units.
In the preference segment, no stock traded with a notable price change.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to value stocks, ended at 20.5 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.9 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

tTech grabs 89% of the Junior Market

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Technology consultants, tTech dominated trading activity on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Thursday, accounting for 52 million shares in what is another acquisition of controlling interest in the company by Simply Secure Limited a company owned by Kevin Gordon and Rob Mayo-Smith, resulting in a 552 percent rise in the volume of stocks traded, with the value jumping 501 percent more than stocks traded on Wednesday.
Trading resulted in an exchange of 39 securities down from 40 on Wednesday and ended with prices of 15 rising, 20 declining and four closing unchanged and ended with the Junior Market Index popping 35.57 points to to end trading at 3,756.83, thus recovering 40 percent of yesterday’s loss of 87.25 points.
The market closed with trading of 58,236,687 shares for $126,195,317 compared with 8,929,651 units at $20,998,580 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 1,493,248 shares at $3,235,777 compared with 223,241 units at $524,965 on Wednesday with the month to date, averaging 361,089 units at $653,959 compared to 198,758 stock units at $283,771 on the previous day and June with an average of 318,732 units at $696,979.
tTech led trading with 52.01 million shares for 89.3 percent of total volume followed by Jamaican Teas with 3.01 million stocks for 5.2 percent of the day’s trade and iCreate with 553,176 units for 0.9 percent market share.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.7, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows one stock ended with a bid higher than the last selling price and four with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial sank $1.55 in closing at $19.95 in an exchange of a mere 182 shares, Caribbean Assurance Brokers gained 25 cents to close at $3.75 with 587 stocks clearing the market, Derrimon Trading rose 23 cents to end at $2.09 and closed after an exchange of 200 shares. Express Catering advanced 20 cents and ended at $4.05 in switching ownership of 10,790 stock units, Fontana dipped 7 cents to close at $7.88 after a transfer of 28,765 shares, Future Energy popped 14 cents to finish at $3.39, with 23,921 stock units crossing the exchange. Honey Bun fell 26 cents to $8.63 in trading 7,290 stocks, ISP Finance climbed $6.30 in closing at $27.30 after an exchange of just 2 units, Jamaican Teas dropped 25 cents to $2.15 in trading 3,010,199 stocks. Knutsford Express shed 10 cents and ended at $10.90, with 6,685 units changing hands, Mailpac Group declined 10 cents to end at $2.06 with traders dealing in 462,596 shares, Main Event lost 29 cents to close at $12.50 in an exchange of 10 stock units. MFS Capital Partners increased 12 cents to 98 cents after trading 50 shares, Omni Industries slipped 8 cents to close at $1.05 with a transfer of 109,639 stocks, Paramount Trading rallied 9 cents and ended at $1.08 with investors swapping 17,203 units. Regency Petroleum sank 21 cents to finish at $2.31 with 49,600 stock units crossing the market and tTech rose 25 cents to end at $2.30 with investors trading 52,014,452 shares, representing 49 percent of the issued shares.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Big drop for Junior Market

Stocks plunged the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange sharply lower on Wednesday, with the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator pointed to at the close on Tuesday with only 1 stock having a higher bid than the last selling price and 7 with lower offers with trading in 40 securities up from 39 on Tuesday and ended with prices of 12 rising, 21 declining and seven unchanged, resulting in the Junior Market Index sinking 87.25 points to end at 3,721.26.
Investors traded 8,929,651 shares with a 141 percent increase in value to $20,998,580 compared with 8,664,446 units at $8,710,916 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 223,241 shares at $524,965 compared with 222,165 stock units at $223,357 on Tuesday with the month to date, averaging 198,758 units at $283,771 compared to 194,536 stock units at $242,186 on the previous day and June with an average of 318,732 units at $696,979.
Future Energy led trading with 3.03 million shares for 33.9 percent of total volume followed by Omni Industries with 1.36 million units for 15.3 percent of the day’s trade and Indies Pharma with 972,611 units for 10.9 percent market share.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.7, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows seven stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and six with lower offers.
At the close of the market, Derrimon Trading skidded 24 cents and ended at $1.86 with traders dealing in 198,318 shares, Dolla Financial lost 7 cents to end at $2.55 as investors exchanged 88,998 stocks, Dolphin Cove climbed 25 cents to close at $23.50, with 9,320 shares passing through the market. Elite Diagnostic dropped 31 cents in closing at $1.59 with investors swapping 46,819 stock units, Fosrich fell 10 cents to $2.18 in an exchange of 571,669 shares, Future Energy declined 15 cents to finish at $3.25 with stakeholders trading 3,028,915 stocks. Honey Bun rose 9 cents and ended at $8.89 after a transfer of 30,588 units, Indies Pharma sank 15 cents to $2.50, with 972,611 stock units changing hands, ISP Finance dropped $6.45 to close at $21 after 17,383 shares were traded. JFP Ltd gained 8 cents to end at $1.15, with 52,050 stock units crossing the market, Knutsford Express popped 25 cents in closing at $11 with investors transferring 819 units, Limners and Bards shed 44 cents to finish at $1.54 after an exchange of 106,028 stocks. Main Event advanced 30 cents to $12.79 after 2,852 shares passed through the market, MFS Capital Partners dipped 13 cents to close at 86 cents in switching ownership of 485,584 stock units, Paramount Trading sank 15 cents to finish at a 52 weeks’ low of 99 cents with an exchange of 1,382 stocks. Tropical Battery rallied 7 cents and ended at $2.19 in trading 163,533 units and tTech dipped 25 cents in closing at $2.05 after an exchange of 52 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Main Market trading back to normal

Absent a big trade in shares on Wednesday similar to the Caribbean Producers block on Tuesday, the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market ended, with a 96 percent plunge in volume with a 97 percent fall in the value of stocks traded compared with Tuesday, following trading in 57 securities up from with 55 on Tuesday and ended with prices of 16 stocks rising, 25 declining and 16 ending unchanged.
At the close of the market Caribbean Producers traded at an intraday 52 weeks’ high of $13.89 before closing at $11.10, Key Insurance ended at a 52 weeks’ closing low of $1.65 and Innovative Energy closed at a 52 weeks’ low of 82 cents.
The market closed on Wednesday with 17,985,127 shares being traded at $154,395,179 from 496,133,361 units at $5,190,393,912 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 315,529 shares at $2,708,687 versus  9,020,607 stock units at $94,370,798 on Tuesday, with a month to date average of 1,439,408 units at $14,440,476 compared to 1,637,128 units at $16,504,401 on the previous day and June that closed with an average of 246,425 units at $1,945,941.
Transjamaican Highway led trading with 5.49 million shares for 30.5 percent of total volume followed by Wigton Windfarm with 4.45 million stocks for 24.7 percent of the day’s trade. Innovative Energy Group closed with 1.93 million units for 10.7 percent market share, Caribbean Producers was next with 1.24 million shares for 6.9 percent of trading, Carreras contributed 1.21 million stock units for 6.7 percent of shares traded and GraceKennedy ended with 1.06 million units for 5.9 percent of the overall volume.
The All Jamaican Composite Index skidded 225.66 points to wrap up trading at 357,126.48, the JSE Main Index rose 203.31 points to close at 318,474.57 and the JSE Financial Index popped 0.09 points to 66.97.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.9. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with the financial year ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows 12 stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and none with a lower offer.
At the close of the market, AS Bryden sank $1.73 to end at $36.02 with a transfer of 1,752 stock units, Barita Investments shed $1.40 to $73.60 with investors swapping 11,441 shares, Eppley declined $1 to close at $35.50, with 104,119 units crossing the market. GraceKennedy popped 95 cents in closing at $73.95 after a transfer of 1,057,842 stocks, Guardian Holdings advanced $13.99 to finish at $359.99 in switching ownership of just 4 shares, Jamaica Broilers lost 63 cents and ended at $33.30 and closed with an exchange of 58,086 stocks. Jamaica Stock Exchange rose 74 cents to $11.09 in trading 22,062 units, Key Insurance dropped 40 cents in closing at a 52 weeks’ low of $1.65 after an exchange of 183,343 stock units, Lasco Manufacturing fell 40 cents to finish at $6 with investors trading 312,481 shares. Mayberry Group skidded 40 cents and ended at $8.10 in an exchange of 6,500 stocks, MPC Caribbean Clean Energy slipped $2 to end at $88 with a mere 4 units crossing the market, Pan Jamaica dipped $2.01 to close at $47.49 with an exchange of 1,523 stock units. Proven Investments fell 50 cents to $19 with 60,245 shares clearing the market, Seprod shed $1.67 and ended at $80 in an exchange of 8,728 units and Supreme Ventures gained $1.48 in closing at $24 with investors dealing in 6,872 stocks.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group 7% preference share declined 52 cents to end at $2.72, with 10,954 stock units crossing the exchange.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Markets’ trades drop back on Wednesday

Trading fell back to more recent normal levels on the Jamaica Stock Exchange declined on Wednesday following the big 45 percent acquisition of Caribbean Producers’ shareholding on Tuesday resulting in all markets closing lower as the volume and the value of stocks traded, pulled back sharply ended with prices of just 26 shares rising and 44 declining.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index shed 423.64 points to close at 331,235.62, the All Jamaican Composite Index skidded 225.66 points to wrap up trading at 357,126.48, the JSE Main Index rose 203.31 points to lock up trading at 318,474.57. The Junior Market Index sank 87.25 points to wrap-up trading at 3,721.26 and the JSE USD Market Index fell 7.18 points to conclude trading at 231.45.
At the close of trading, 27,362,023 shares were exchanged in all three markets, up from the Caribbean Producers boosted 505,129,200 units on Tuesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $175.39 million, well below the $5.2 billion on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 448,485 shares for US$18,478 compared to 331,393 units at US$15,388 on Tuesday.
In Main Market activity, Transjamaican Highway led trading with 5.49 million shares followed by Wigton Windfarm with 4.45 million stocks, Innovative Energy Group Ltd ended with 1.93 million units, Caribbean Producers had trading of 1.24 million units, Carreras closed with 1.21 million shares and GraceKennedy with 1.06 million units.
In Junior Market trading, Future Energy led trading with 3.03 million shares followed by Omni Industries with 1.36 million units and Indies Pharma with 972,611 stocks.
In the preference segment, no stock was traded with a notable price change.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to value stocks, ended at 20.1 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.7 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Trading climbs on JSE USD Market

In Tuesday’s trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market, the volume of stocks that were exchanged rose 32 percent, with a 24 percent lower value than on Monday, resulting in trading in five securities, similar to trading on Monday, with prices of one rising, two declining and two ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 331,393 shares for US$15,388 up from 250,977 stock units at US$20,236 on Monday.
Trading averaged 66,279 stocks at US$3,078 compared to 50,195 shares at US$4,047 on Monday, with a month to date average of 26,802 shares at US$1,721 compared with 16,933 units at US$1,381 on the previous day and June that ended with an average of 53,325 units for US$3,682.
The US Denominated Equities Index advanced 0.15 points to cease trading at 238.63.
The PE Ratio, a most used measure for computing appropriate stock values, averages 7.8. The PE ratio is computed based on last traded prices divided by projected earnings done by for companies with financial year ending and or around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows one stock ended with a bid higher than the last selling price and one with a lower offer.
At the close of trading, MPC Caribbean Clean Energy ended at 61 US cents after an exchange of 200 units, Proven Investments remained at 13 US cents with investors trading 70,726 stocks, Sterling Investments dipped 0.04 of a cent to close at 1.49 US cents, with 8,000 shares passing through the exchange. Sygnus Credit Investments gained 0.7 of one cent to finish at 6.75 US cents with traders dealing in 14,667 stock units and Transjamaican Highway fell 0.02 of a cent and ended at 2.09 US cents after 237,800 shares passed through the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

CPJ pushes Jamaica Stock Exchange trading

The Main Market listed Caribbean Producers dominated trading of the Jamaica Stock Exchange with 492.77 million shares valued at $5.17 billion with AS Bryan announcing an acquisition of 44.8 percent of the company, with the intention in the future to acquire majority control. Tuesday’s acquisition makes them the largest shareholders of the company and helped to push the Main market slightly lower at the close on Tuesday as the Junior Market JSE USD market closed moderately higher as trading ended with the number and value of stocks changing hands jumping sharply over the previous trading day, resulting in prices of 29 shares rising and 30 declining.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index slipped 98.55 points to close at 331,659.26, the All Jamaican Composite Index popped 58.72 points to end at 357,352.14, the JSE Main Index declined 315.16 points to 318,271.26. The Junior Market Index rallied 28.67 points to 3,808.51 and the JSE USD Market Index rose 0.15 points to 238.63.
At the close of trading, 505,129,200 shares were exchanged in all three markets, up from 7,306,298 units on Monday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $5.2 billion, well over the $38.49 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 331,393 shares for US$15,388 compared to 250,977 units at US$20,236 on Monday.
In Main Market activity, Caribbean Producers led trading with 492.77 million shares followed by Transjamaican Highway with 1.49 million stocks sand Wigton Windfarm with 798,214 units.
In Junior Market trading, EduFocal led trading with 5.21 million shares followed by Derrimon Trading with 741,995 stocks and the recently listed Omni Industries with 512,520 units.
In the preference segment, Sygnus Credit Investments C10.5% rose $2 to close at $110.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to value stocks, ended at 21.1 on 2023-24 earnings and 14.1 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Trading climbs on Junior Market

Trading activity picked up on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Tuesday, with a 263 percent rise in the volume of stocks traded, valued 55 percent more than the outturn on Monday, with trading in 39 securities similar to Monday and ending with prices of 15 rising, 13 declining and 11 closing unchanged.
Trading concluded with 8,664,446 shares changing hands for $8,710,916 up from 2,388,003 units at $5,605,364 on Monday.
Trading averaged 222,165 shares at $223,357 up from 61,231 units at $143,727 on Monday with the month to date, averaging 194,536 units at $242,186 compared to 188,953 stock units at $245,991 on the previous day and June with an average of 318,732 units at $696,979.
EduFocal led trading with 5.21 million shares for 60.2 percent of total volume followed by Derrimon Trading with 741,995 stocks for 8.6 percent of the day’s trade and Omni Industries with 512,520 units for 5.9 percent market share.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index popped 28.67 points to close at 3,808.51.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator is flashing negative readings for Wednesday, with just one stock ending with a bid higher than the last selling price and seven with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial fell 50 cents in closing at $21.50 after investors traded 1,156 shares, Cargo Handlers gained $1.70 to end at $12.95 after a transfer of 500 stock units, Caribbean Assurance Brokers lost 25 cents to end at $3.50 with 5,088 shares crossing the exchange. Consolidated Bakeries rose 32 cents to finish at $2.30 in trading 52,500 stock units, Dolla Financial popped 9 cents and ended at $2.62 after an exchange of 171,657 shares, Dolphin Cove slipped 15 cents to close at $23.25 with investors transferring 8,743 stocks. Elite Diagnostic increased 35 cents to $1.90 in an exchange of 94,091 units, Fontana sank 10 cents in closing at $7.90 with traders dealing in 45,350 stock units, Future Energy shed 10 cents to finish at $3.40 in switching ownership of 89,348 shares. Honey Bun declined 10 cents and ended at $8.80 with investors dealing in 870 stock units, Indies Pharma dropped 15 cents to end at $2.65 with a transfer of 21,772 units, Knutsford Express skidded 51 cents to close at $10.75 with investors swapping 501 stocks. Lasco Financial popped 14 cents to close at $1.85, with 1,318 shares changing hands, Limners and Bards rose 44 cents in closing at $1.98 after 208,547 stock units passed through the market, Main Event rallied $1.37 and ended at $12.49 after closing with an exchange of 10,648 units and tTech dipped 9 cents to close at $2.30 with 310 stocks changing hands.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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