Record run for IC TOP stocks

Kingsley Cooper Chairman of Pulse that gained 67% during the past week.

Pulse Investments, in the main market TOP 10, up to the week starting June 25, jumped 67 percent this past week, to close at $3. Current listings, Caribbean Cement traded at $45 and Grace Kennedy at $56 both at 52 weeks’ highs during the week.
Former listing, Derrimon Trading ordinary share traded at an all-time high of $20.50 during the week while, the preference share traded at $2.45 for at a new high. The week closed out with 138 Student Living, falling to a 52 weeks’ low of $4.40 but C2W Music climbed to a 52 weeks’ high of $1.30 as the main market moved within just 300 points of the record high reached on June 13, while the Junior Market traded at the highest level during the week, since December last year.
There is just one change to the TOP 10 listings at the end of the week, with Stationery and Office Supplies that just slipped off the Junior Market list at the end of the previous week returning after Caribbean Producers that dethroned it in the previous week was squeezed it out, as Carib Producers rose to $5.50 from $5.10 at the end of the previous week.
With the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks at 6.2 compared to an average PE for the overall market of 11, based on 2018 estimated earnings and the main market PE at 7.9 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 13, suggest that the rest of the year should deliver better returns than the first half. A look back on the markets shows that they made noticeable rise in August last year, a pattern that goes back several years and could well do so again.
The sharp reduction in Bank of Jamaica policy rate to an unprecedented 2 percent and Treasury bill interest rates to record lows of 2.5 percent, is set to push stocks values much higher unless profits for most of the listed companies decline. The shortage of supply of many listings continues and is set to result in a big rise in prices going forward before supplies will be able to satisfy what is likely to be a rising demand.
Last week prospectuses for Stanley Motta and Mayberry Jamaican Equities were published and this week Indies Pharma is released. The first two are not priced to bounce based on the underlying nature of these companies. Stanley Motta is a real estate play that will provide income that is better than most fixed interest securities with moderate capital appreciation going forward, while Mayberry Jamaican Equities is a closed end mutual fund, growth is going to depend of appreciation in the investments held or to be acquired. Indies Pharma, with IC preliminary earnings estimate for 2018 of 16 cents per share, could get a bounce sometime after listing and could reach $2.40. The stock sits in the mid-range of IC’s ranking of Junior Market stocks with a PE of 10 just a bit less than the average of 11 for the market but most IPOs have traded around 15 times the current year’s earnings.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 45 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 39 percent to the market.
 Stocks to Watch The stocks to watch this week include, NCB Financial. PanJam Investment could move higher again, as there continues to be buying but there is very limited supply of the stock on offer. Radio Jamaica that came for increased buying recently seems to be seeing supplies coming to market at $1.20 or higher and could get more attention with the network broadcasting the popular world cup matches as adverting revenues should climb from the coverage. Others worth watching include Caribbean Cement, Berger Paints with little selling, Grace Kennedy for which there is also limited supply and Pulse Investments. In the Junior market, Demand for Derrimon Trading should continue with a resolution to be voted on at the upcoming AGM to split each share into 10 units. Supplies for Stationery and Office continue to trade around the $8 mark with limited supply, the stock could move higher in coming days or weeks. Jamaican Teas pulled back in the past week from $5.50 to $5 this week, but with limited stocks being offered for sale, is worth watching.

Grace, CPJ, Palace & Salada in TOP 10

Jamaican stocks have not had a spectacular year with six months having elapsed so far. The main market grew 6 percent and the Junior Market is up just over 11 percent for the year to date.
Palace Amusement with an increase of 164 percent was the only stock to double in price, C2W Music and Express Catering came close with more than 90 percent gain, while former TOP 10, Stationery and Office Supplies came in with an attractive 63 percent.
With the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks at 6.2 compared to an average PE for the overall main market, of 11, based on 2018 estimated earnings and the main market PE is 7.9 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 13, suggest that the rest of the year should deliver better returns than the first half. The sharp reduction in Bank of Jamaica policy rate to an unprecedented 2 percent and Treasury bill interest rates to record lows of 2.5 percent, is set to push stocks values much higher unless profits for most of the listed companies were to fall. A factor that is at play that is not known to the vast majority of investors, is the lack of supply for many stocks. The shortage of supply is set to result in a big rise in prices going forward before supplies will be able to satisfy what is likely to be a rising demand.
Out of the top lists are JMMB Group that rose by week end while Jamaica Broilers earnings was downgraded to $2 per share based on lower 2018 results from ongoing business operation and Pulse inched up in price to be squeezed out of the main market list. Stationery and Office Supplies slipped off the Junior Market list after Caribbean Producers just got squeezed in, with the price slipping to $5.10. Grace Kennedy, Palace Amusement and Salada Foods return to the top list with the latter price falling from $14.25 at the close of the previous week to $11.70 now. Importantly, Palace implemented price increases mainly between 4.8 and just over 8 percent for the movies, effective at the start of July, this resulted in projected earnings for 2019 now put at $150 per share, up from $140 at our last revision.
On Friday, prospectuses for Stanley Motta and Mayberry Jamaican Equity were published. These issues are not priced to bounce based on the underlying nature of these companies. Stanley Motta is a real estate play that will provide income that is better than most fixed interest securities with growth moderate going forward, while Mayberry is a close end mutual fund that growth is going to depend of appreciation in the investments held or to be acquired.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 45 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 39 percent to the market.
Stocks to Watch The stock closed without an offer at the close of the week. NCB Financial, PanJam Investment could move higher again this week as there continues to be buying but there is very limited supply of the stock on offer. Radio Jamaica that came for increased buying in the past week could get more attention with the network broadcasting the popular world cup matches as adverting revenues should climb as a result from the coverage. Others worth watching include Caribbean Cement, Berger Paints with little selling, Grace Kennedy for which there is also limited supply and Pulse Investments that traded a large volume on Wednesday and Thursday with the price shooting to $2.28 before pulling back on Friday. In the Junior market, demand for Derrimon Trading closed the week at a new high, during the past week and seems poised to move higher. Stationery and Office Supplies settled down during the week is set to rebound soon as selling around the $8 level starts to ease. Jamaican Teas pulled back in the past week to $5.50 but with limited stocks being offered for sale, it is worth watching.

NCB & JMMB back in TOP 10

JMMB Group, NCB Financial and Pulse Investments moved into the IC TOP 10 at the close of the past week as Berger Paints and Palace Amusement exited the main market TOP 10.
There was no new entry to the Junior Market listing but Jamaican Teas climbed to a new high of $6 during the week and closed just below, at $5.95 and Stationery and Office traded down to $6.85 as an investor moved more than 400,000 shares at that price, the stock rebounded to $8 on low volumes as active supply has declined below this price level. Grace Kennedy rose to a new all-time high and Berger Paints rose to $22 during the week and were eased out of the top list. Earnings for Palace for 2018 and 2019 were revised lower even with the report that the company plans on opening a new cinema in the fast growing Portmore area, in 2019 and just eased out of the listing. Barita Investments fell by 25 percent during the week from $12 down to $9 as demand at the higher price evaporated.
Recent TOP 10 member PanJam Investment traded at a new high during the week and remains a buy with very limited supply of stock for sale while former TOP 10 listings jumped sharply during the week from $28.50 to $42.18 after the company announced that the directors will meet to discuss a dividend and stock split.
During the week Sygnus Credit was listed on the main and US dollar markets and Everything Fresh became fresh new listing on the Junior market. The shares of both, traded higher than the Initial Public Issue price. Sygnus US dollar listing remains above the IPO price while the Jamaican dollar denominated stock is trading below the IPO price.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.3 compared to an average PE for the overall main market of 11, based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 7.7 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 12.7.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 42 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 39 percent to the market.
Stocks to Watch The stock closed without an offer at the close of the week. NCB has good growth prospects for patient investors, the stock continues to trade around $100 where there is some selling but that level could be taken out soon and pave the way for more gains. PanJam Investment could move higher this week as there continue to be very limited supply of the stock on offer. Radio Jamaica could come in for increased attention with the network broadcasting the popular world cup matches as adverting revenues should climb as a result from the coverage. Others worth watching include Caribbean Cement, Berger Paints with little selling and Grace Kennedy for which there is also limited supply. In the Junior market, Demand for Derrimon Trading has been increasing recently and pushing the stock to new high during the past week. Stationery and Office Supplies settle down during the week before rebounding. Jamaican Teas came in for more buying in the week but with limited stocks being offered for sale is worth watching.

CAC & Broilers back in TOP 10

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Jamaica Broilers returns to the main market TOP 10 list with a fall in the price to $22.10 by the end of the week from $26.30 last week and CAC 2000 returns after last been on the list, in December.
CAC replaced Medical Disposables while JMMB Group moved up to $29.45 to be replaced by Jamaica Broilers.
During the week the main market traded at a record close on two days but closed the week below the record high. The main market saw new buying interest coming in for a number of stocks, at the same time that supply for them have dried up. Interest rates on Treasury bills fell in the June auction and inflation remains negative for the year to May. With those developments the main market seems poised to move to more records in the weeks ahead. Strong upward movement is also being signaled by the fact that, the market is breaking out of a wedge formation.
The junior market broke through a declining resistance line during the early part of the week but retreated by week end. Technical indicators are pointing to a strong upward movement, with a golden cross approaching, with the long term moving average line set to cross over the medium and short term lines not too far away.
The past week was very eventful for the Jamaica Stock market as the main market surged to new all-time highs and the Junior Market surged more than 100 points in the early part of the week and broke through resistance before pulling back.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.2 compared to an average PE for the overall main market of 11, based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 7.7 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 12.7.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 44 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 41 percent to the market.
Stocks to Watch CAC 2000 reported strong half year results during the past week, with the second quarter more than doubling even after accounting for cost associated with issuing new preference shares. NCB Financial sits just below the TOP 10 list and has good growth prospects for patient investors. During the week, the price moved to $100 where there is some selling but that level could be taken out during the coming week and pave the way for more gains. PanJam Investment could move higher this week as there is very limited supply of the stock on offer. Investors should also keep an eye out for Sygnus Credit shares that list on Monday and should see a slight bounce in the price. Others worth watching include Caribbean Cement, Berger Paints and Grace Kennedy for which there was increased demand by the end of the week. In the Junior Market, Stationery and Office Supplies could decline further during the week but could find support in the mid $6 to low $7 region before rebounding. Jamaican Teas came in for buying in the week but supply has been limited and could result in more gains for the stock that traded at a record close of $5.50 during the week.

Grace & Carib Producers back in TOP 10

the past week was very eventful for the Jamaica Stock market as the main market surged to a new all-time high and the Junior market surges more than 100 points in the early part of the week and broke through resistance before pulling back.
Importantly, although the results for the first quarter of 2018 for many companies did not show strong gains while some showed declines compare with 2017, both the junior and main markets are at points to break out of a wedge formation. The moves are bias to the upside.
Medical Disposables jumped to $5 from $4.30 last week and was eased out of the top stocks and replaced by Caribbean Producers. Stationery and Office Supplies fell by the end of the week to $7.80, moving up on the list in the process, the order book of the stock suggest further decline before it bottoms out. Jamaican Teas price moved to $5.25 during the latter part of the week as demands picks up and supplies appear to have been declining, but by the end of the week it closed at $5.
In the main market, Jamaica broilers jumped to a record close of $26.30 on Friday, up from $21 at the end of the prior week and moved well outside the top 10 list, replaced by Grace Kennedy that slipped 50 cents in price by week end.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6,2 compared to an average PE for the overall main market of 11, based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 7.6 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 13.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 44 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 41 percent to the market.
Stocks to watch. Scotia Group reported half year results during the past week, but there was nothing about them for investors to be excited about, as they showed lower profits in the April quarter than a year ago period. The stock price pulled back sharply on release of the results. The stock yields a dividend of 4 percent which is higher than treasuries and this could be an attraction for some investors while they await return to profit growth. NCB sits just below the TOP 10 list and has good growth prospects for patient investors. PanJam Investment that IC reported on in a separate article last week caught the eyes of some investors who moved the price up to $51.98 and it could go higher this week has there is very limited supply for this one. Investors should also keep an eye out for Sygnus Credit that could have its shares listed by next week.

SOS back in, Lasco Financial out of TOP 10

Stationery & Office Supplies is back in the TOP 10 but could fall in prive this week before moving higher.

A number of companies reported results in the past week, with some in the TOP 10 not getting much help from the new information and some of the top stocks earnings being downgraded, based on new information conveyed by the latest results.
Lasco Financial posted a strong 37 percent rise in profit, from $162 million to $222 million, but with slightly lower March quarter profit of $55 million, from $62 million, based on sharply increased finance cost that rose from $2 million to $14 million, as revenues grew more than 41 percent in the quarter, from $288 million to $405 million. Based on the new numbers, IC places earnings for the current fiscal year at 50 cents per share or just around $650 million. The forecast is not enough to keep it in the Top 10 but it remains a solid buy, just below. Replacing Lasco Financial is Stationery and Office Supplies with the price pulling back during the week to close at $8.06. The price looks as if it could fall to the $6.50 region which would make it an even better buy.
All main market stocks remained in the top spots, but earnings for JMMB Group was downgraded following the March results and so too was Berger Paints. Radio Jamaica reported a loss in the March quarter and a loss for the full year, with a portion of the losses coming from one off items. The charge for depreciation and amortization is $255 million for the March 2018 fiscal year, well in excess of the loss reported for the year, resulting in a positive cash flow operation.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6 compared to an average PE for the overall main market of 11, based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 7.6 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 13.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 44 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 41 percent to the market. Investors should keep an eye out for Scotia Group that should release half year results on Wednesday.

Palace & Lasco Financial back in TOP 10

Palace Amusement, Lasco Financial and Caribbean Flavours are back in the TOP 10 for this week, out goes Salada Foods, ForsRich and Caribbean Producers.
Salada Foods rose to $15 from $13.10 at the close of the previous week, as investors continued to react good half year results. Caribbean Flavours stock price dropped to $10 by the end of the week and that was enough to make its return to the top list. Lasco Financial just reentered the list as the price fell to $.20 by week end. IC upgraded 2019 earnings for Palace based on sensitivity that the company’s patronage and revenues have to employment data. Economic growth and increasing employment that Jamaica is enjoying bode well for continuation of an elevated level of profitability, even after totally discounting the exceptional increase for the current year that ends in June, based substantially on the success of the Black Panther movie.
Radio Jamaica, stock price fell from $1.35 to $1.02 on Friday with the stock moving back up in the list.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6 compared to an average PE for the overall main market of 10, based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 7 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 13.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 40 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 46 percent to the market.

Medical Disposables & CPJ back in TOP 10

Medical Disposables in TOP 10

Lasco Financial rose to $5.99 by the end of the week, while IC downgraded earnings for Caribbean Flavours to $1.22 for the 2019 fiscal year, with both moving out of the Junior Market TOP 10.
Medical Disposables that suffered a fall in price to $4.50 and Caribbean Producers moved into the TOP stocks listing for the Junior Market. There were no new addition to the TOP 10 main market stocks at the close of the past week. There were some changes in the rankings, most noticeable was Radio Jamaica, with a rise in price to $1.35 from $1.25 at the close of the previous week, as the stock moved closer to exit the top list. Salada Foods rose in sympathy to good half year results, to close at $13.10 from $11.26 at the start of the week, but it pulled back after trading at an all-time high of $15. Caribbean Cement moved down to $37.50 from $40.05 and Barita Investments rose to $12.53 from $11.50 while Berger Paints saw increased selling in light of the company’s posting increased sales but lower profits in the March quarter due to a number of factors, some of which are not likely to be repeated, in the other quarters of the year.
The past week was characterized by some sharp price fluctuations and index movements in both markets, with the ending to the release of most first quarter results. Interest rates fell to their lowest levels on Treasury bills and the central bank cut the overnight rate by 25 basis points during the past week, seem to have little effect on the market so far. That will change as the weeks roll on, it may be that investors are now taking a break for May, this coming week could have the answer.
Former TOP 10 Junior Market stock Stationery and Office Supplies, closed at a new record high of $9 last week after positing good first quarter results with earnings per share up 70 percent to 17 cents and looking as if $1 is possible for the full year, with the commencement of the production of plain paper books.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.2 compared to an average PE for the overall main market of 10, based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 7.3 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 13.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 38 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 45 percent to the market.
Stocks to Watch this week include, Barita, Grace Kennedy, PanJam Investment, Radio Jamaica, Salada, Jamaica Stock Exchange ordinary share, Stationery and Office Supplies. Although not yet listed, investors should keep an eye open for Sygnus Credit that saw its IPO more than twice oversubscribed.

Sagicor Group & Wisynco back in TOP 10

Salada Foods reported earnings of 78 cents for the half year and is now no 2 on the TOP 10.

Sagicor Group fell out of TOP 10 of main market stocks in the previous week, is back, with the price falling from $42 to $38 and Salada Foods surges to the number 2 spot with half year results.
Wisynco joins the TOP 10 after a very long absence as the price dipped to $10 on Friday. The two new listings replaced Grace Kennedy and PanJam Investment, with the latter jumping to a new 52 weeks’ high of $46.01. In the Junior Market there was only one change with Stationery and Office Supplies (SOS) climbing to a new record high of $7.50 after positing good first quarter results with earnings per share up 70 percent to 17 cents. Lasco Financial moved back into the TOP 10, replacing SOS that still have much more room to grow this year as profits should hit close to $1 per share for the year and investors could well see a stock split as a result of the rising profit and stock price.
Other changes of note, were the fall in price of Berger Paints to $20 from $22 at the end of the previous week, Caribbean Cement moved to $40.05 from $38.60 and Barita Investments rose to $11.50 from $10.49 as selling by investors dried up. Second quarter results may not be good enough to push the stock much higher but when the growth in other comprehensive income is factored in, the stocks is still extremely cheap.
On Thursday, a number of company results were released with some having the potential to help prices to move forward. On Friday, more results were released with Salada Foods and tTech posting good gains in profit. Salada earnings suggest full year results of $1.80 per share and pushed the stock to the number 2 choice in the TOP 10. Others will come on Monday and Tuesday, investors should be alert to news that they may provide that could impact prices in the short term.
The main market pulled back from record highs reached at the close of the previous week but is now sitting just below that level on Friday, as that market continues to grind its way slowly upwards ahead of the big breakout that is coming.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.2 compared to an average PE for the overall main market of 10 based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 7.2 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 13.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 38 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 44 percent to the market.
Stocks to Watch this week include, Stationery and Office Supplies that should go higher based on the first quarter results that were released on Thursday. It should be interesting to see how investors treat with the lack of supply of Barita and Berger shares while Palace that jumped $300 on Friday could be pushed when the company’s third quarter results are released this coming week that should see very positive impact of the Black Panther movies now still being shown, although less frequently than previously, with Avengers seems to have taken over from it. NCB Financial pulled back to $95 during the past week and should be another interesting stock to watch as it is undervalued. Grace Kennedy posted decent first quarter results that should encourage more buying of the stock and PanJam Investment is very scarce. Increasing interest in Radio Jamaica pushed the price to $1.20 and is another that could move higher during the week.

Sagicor Group out of TOP 10 stocks

Sagicor Group profit climbed just 7% for 2017.

Sagicor Group out of TOP 10 stocks this past week as the price jumped to $42 and is replaced by Salada Foods and are the only two major change to the TOP 10 listings this week.
Other changes of note were the rise in price of Berger Paints to $22 from $19 at the end of the previous week, Caribbean Cement move to $38.60 from $36.50 and Barita Investments moving to $10.49, more importantly, selling by investors dried up towards the end of the week. Most importantly, the main market continues to hit new record highs during the week and ending the week at a record high level with signs of more gains during the coming week as more company results are released this week and the effect of falling interest rates and a stable Jamaican dollar playing big roles in increasing interest in the market.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6 compared to an average PE for the overall main market of 10 based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 7.3 for the top stocks, compared to a market average of 13.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 40 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 44 percent to the market.
The Stocks to Watch this week are Stationery and Office Supplies that should release first quarter results early this week with profits that could double over the 2017 first quarter. It should be interesting to see how investors treat with the lack of supplies for Barita and Berger while Palace could jump in price with continued success of movies now being shown. NCB Financial could be another interesting stock to watch.

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