7 junior stocks rise – Friday

ISP Finance traded at a new high of $6 on Friday

ISP Finance traded at a new high of $6 on Friday

The Junior market closed on Friday with a fall of just 4.13 points in the market index, to close at 2,176.88 as the market continues in consolidation mood but as Cargo Handlers jumped $5.99 to a new high of $82, with 915 shares changing hands, to record gains of 116 percent for the year to date. ISP Finance jumped 78 cents and gained 200 percent since listing in March, to close at a new high of $6 while trading 22,082 shares.
At the end of trading only 7 stock rose up from 1 on Thursday and 3 declined down from 8 on Thursday out of 15 securities that traded on Friday.ICI Jm sum 2-09-16r The market closed with 1,387,475 units trading, 76 percent less than on Thursday, valued 60 percent less than on Thursday with $6,454,746 changing hands on Friday. Trading ended with 8 securities closing with bids higher than their last selling prices and 2 ending with lower offers.
At the close, AMG Packaging closed with a gain of 14 cents at $13.70 with 1,750 units changing hands, Blue Power closed with 1,789 units changing hands at $20, Caribbean Cream closed with 92,693 shares changing hands and rose 24 cents to $7.25, after trading as high as $7.95. Caribbean Producers had 187,080 units changing hands, to close with a rise of 3 cents, at $3, Consolidated Bakeries traded 16,455 shares to close at $2.20. ICI Jm sum 2-09-16rDolphin Cove traded 2,105 units at $15 after falling 20 cents, Honey Bun closed with 26,817 shares changing hands at $5.30, Knutsford Express traded 33,650 shares to close at $25, Lasco Distributors fell 20 cents to end with 24,854 shares changing hands at $6.70, Lasco Financial ended with 552,729 shares changing hands at $3.50, after rising 15 cents. Lasco Manufacturing lost 16 cents and closed at $4.41 with 409,706 shares trading, Medical Disposables traded 12,130 shares with the price gaining 35 cents to close at $3.55 and Sweet River had 2,000 shares trading to end at $3.85.

Falling TTSE’s stocks beat risers – Friday

TTSE build Trading activity on the Trinidad and Tobago stock market closed Thursday with marginal fall in the two main indices. The volume traded remained subdued with just over 100,000 units changing hands. At the close 13 securities changed hands, 2 of which rose, 5 declined and 6 remained unchanged.
Market activity ended with 158,085 shares valued at $2,244,588 changing hands, up from the $1,289,094 traded on Thursday. The Composite Index fell 1.44 points to close at 1,157.94, the All T&T Index declined 0.65 points to close at 1,821.62 and the Cross Listed Index ended 0.30 points lower at 65.80.
IC bid-offer Indicator| The Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator ended with 7 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 5 with offers that were lower.
Gains| Grace Kennedy contributed 1,000 shares to close at a 52 weeks’ high of $2.56 after rising 1 cent and Scotiabank closed with 890 shares changing hands and gained 2 cents to end at $57.53.
Losses| Clico Investment Fund closed with 2,237 shares changing hands to end at 15 cents lower at $22.51, JMMB Group fell 2 cents with 50.000 shares changing hands at 62 cents, Massy Holdings closed with 18,545 shares, valued at $1,022,765 changing hands with a fall of 45 cents to close at $55.05.TTSE sum 2-9-16 One Caribbean Media traded 200 shares to end with a loss of 5 cents at a 52 weeks’ low of $20.75, Sagicor Financial Corporation fell 25 cents to close with 46,021 shares changing hands at $6.50 and Trinidad Cement fell by 1 cent and closed at $3.04 with 6,100 shares changing hands.
Firm Trades| Angostura Holdings ended with 27 shares changing hands to close at $14, First Citizens traded 3,080 units at $35, National Enterprises closed with just 7 shares changing hands at $10.49. Scotia Investments traded 1,350 shares at $1.72 and West Indian Tobacco with 85 shares changing hands at $126.32.

JSE drops in early session – Friday

In early morning trading on the ici Int -2-9-16Jamaica Stock Exchange main indices lost ground as Carreras traded 1,047,855 units and fell 51 cents to $65 and Scotia Group gained 40 cents with 202,938 units changing hands at $30.40 as the leading trades.
At 10:30 am 25 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 1,482,024 shares changing hands. The average number of shares traded amounts to 59,281 units compared to 83,033 units on Thursday. The number of stocks falling so far amounts to 9 while the prices of 7 securities rose as the market continues to consolidate with no new major developments or news to move prices in one direction or the other.
Trading in the junior market was low with only 5 securities changing hands with less than 50,000 units in all.
The all Jamaica Composite Index dropped 387.45 points to 177,726.97 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index slipped 346.45 points to 159,961.28, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index fell 613.90 points to close at 170,460.65 and the junior market index fell 28.51 points to 2,152.50.

Stock split coming for JSE

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Exchange placeJamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) advised after trading closed on Thursday that the Board of Directors will be considering a stock split at a board meeting scheduled to be held on Wednesday, September 21, 2016. With only 140 million shares issued and 90 million being held by brokers members there is a strong possibility for a 5 for 1 stock split to allow for greater liquidity.
JSE reported of profit of $32 million for the June quarter versus $15 million in 2015 and $158 million compared to $102 million for the six months to June 2015. The improvement in net profit flowed from a 52 percent rise in revenues to $188 million for the June 2016 quarter compared with $124 million in 2015 and $525 million for the half year to June for a rise of 37 percent versus $382 million in 2015. Earnings per share for the half year ended at $1.12 versus 73 cents in 2015. The JSE had a big month of trading in August with some special trades that took place thus swelling the volumes and value to $6.6 billion for July to August compared to $6.5 million for the June quarter.
Expenses in the June quarter rose less than the growth in revenues at 40 percent and for the half year by 26 percent. Increase in salaries related cost was the major area of cost increase rising faster than the increased revenues. Salaries and related cost jumped 65 percent in the June quarter compared with a 52 percent gain in revenues for the quarter and 44 percent increase in wages for the half year to June, 7 percentage points higher than revenue growth. Wages accounted for 55 percent of total cost in the quarter and 46 percent for the six months period for all of 2015 the ratio was 43 percent.
JSE signSegment results show a sharp jump in both revenues and profit for the Exchange Operations and that of Trustees Services for the half year. Exchange operations revenues grew to $326 million from $233 million in 2015 resulting in pretax profit of $151 million from $84 million in the six months to June 2015 while Trustees Services saw revenues shooting to $114 million from $46 million and with profit of $64 million from $18 million in 2015.
The stock traded on Thursday at $24.10 delivering a huge gain for investors who bought shares in the public offer in June 2013 at $2.85 per share. Some investors have done even better in buying the stock below $2 per share after it was listed.

Trading drops on TTSE – Thursday

Stocks Trading activity on the Trinidad and Tobago stock market closed Thursday with marginal fall in the two main indices. The volume traded remained subdued with just over 100,000 units changing hands. At the close just 9 securities changed hands, 1 of which rose, 1 declined and 7 remained unchanged.
Market activity ended with 101,815 shares valued at $1,289,094 changing hands, well off from the $11,104,114 traded on Tuesday, with Wednesday being a public holiday.
The Composite Index fell 0.28 points to close at 1,159.38, the All T&T Index declined 0.54 points to close at 1,822.27 and the Cross Listed Index ended unchanged at 66.10.
IC bid-offer Indicator| The Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator ended with 6 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 5 with offers that were lower.
Gains| West Indian Tobacco gained 1 cent with 200 shares changing hands at $126.32.
Losses| Trinidad and Tobago NGL closed at $23.50 with 3,538 units changing hands after falling 25 cents.
TTSE sum Sep-16 Firm Trades| Angostura Holdings ended with 40,633 shares with a value of $568,862, changing hands to close at $14, Clico Investment Fund closed with 2,237 shares changing hands to end at $22.66, JMMB Group had 1,000 shares changing hands at 64 cents. Prestige Holdings had 32 units changing hands, to close at $10.80, Republic Financial Holdings ended with 3,676 shares with a value of $404,355 changing hands at $110, Sagicor Financial Corporation closed with 479 shares changing hands at $6.75 and Trinidad Cement closed at $3.05 with 50,020 shares changing hands.

JSE closes slightly down on Thursday

The JSE stock jumped $2.60 after news broke that a stock split is to be considered by the directors in September.

The JSE stock jumped $2.60 after news broke that a stock split is to be considered by the directors in September.

Price movement on the Jamaica Stock Exchange mostly fell on Thursday with the impact on the two main market indices declining moderately by less than 100 points but the volume traded climbed well over that of Wednesday’s 2,531,618 units valued at $31,698,751, with 10,491,652 units valued at $136,795,977 changing hands on Thursday. Of the stocks trading in all market segments, the junior market accounted for 5,883,994 units valued at $16,028,801.
At the close of trading, the JSE Market Index fell 79.84 points to end at 160,307.73. The all Jamaica Composite Index declined 89.28 points to close at 178,114.42 and the JSE combined index dropped 442.66 points, to end at 171,074.55.
ICI JSE sum 1-09-16At the close of the market prices of 11 securities gained out of a total of 39 that traded, with 18 declining in the overall market, including only 1 stock rising and 8 falling, in the junior market.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading showed 14 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 4 with lower offers.
In market activity, Cable & Wireless traded just 7,254 shares and closed 4 cents down to $1.06, Caribbean Cement traded 26,011 shares to fall 99 cents and closed at $25.50, Carreras traded 113,782 shares and inched higher by 1 cent to close at $65.51. Trading in 1834 Investments shares resulted in 152,042 units trading with a fall of 10 cents to $1.20, Grace Kennedy lost 5 cents to end at $43.50, with 233,174 shares changing hands. Jamaica Broilers had 8,880 shares changing hands, to end with a rise of 13 cents at $14.65. Jamaica Producers fell 15 cents to end at $8.35 with 574,462 units trading, Jamaica Stock Exchange jumped $2.34 with 38,341 units changing hands to close at $24.10, following the announcement of a meeting later in September to consider a stock split. JMMB Group traded 1,900 units at $10. ICI JSE fn qt 1-09-16Kingston Wharves traded 97,624 shares to close at $17.01, Margaritaville Turks traded 237,000 shares to close at 20 US cents after falling by a cent, Mayberry Investments ended with 10,500 shares trading to close at $3.28, National Commercial Bank had 35,171 units changing hands but gained 1 cent to close at $40.50. Pan Jamaican Investments closed at $23.50, after trading 5,600 shares, Radio Jamaica lost 10 cents in trading 135,591 shares, to end at $1.50, Sagicor Group fell by 28 cents with 172,060 shares changing hands at $22.02, Sagicor Real Estate Fund rose 5 cents in trading 14,140 shares, to close at $10.20. Scotia Group lost 40 cents to close at $30 with 2,695,006 shares changing hands, Seprod climbed $1 in trading 2,300 units to close at $21, Supreme Ventures gained 18 cents with 24,950 units changing hands at $4.98 and JMMB Group 6% preference share traded 10,000 units to close at US$1.10 after rising 1 cent.

September off with surplus FX

1000front The buoyancy in the foreign exchange market with inflows exceeding which characterized the market in August carried over into September with authorized dealers buying another $3 million more than they sold on Thursday, bringing the net inflows since the end of June, to US$271 million.
In Thursday’s trading, dealers bought US$32,204,317 and sold US$29,187,613 compared to US$38,398,614 purchased and US$35,708,315 sold on Wednesday, of all currencies.
In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$29,599,812 compared to US$35,926,513 on Wednesday. The buying rate for the US dollar fell 1 cent to close at $126.89. ICI Fx sum 1-09-16A total of US$28,195,660 was sold versus US$31,057,928 on Wednesday, with the selling rate rising 8 cents to end at $127.66. The Canadian dollar buying rate rose $1.55 to $96.06, with dealers buying C$1,513,995 and selling C$629,370 at an average rate that fell $1.25 to $97.49. The average rate for buying the British Pound rose 44 cents to $164.70 for the purchase of £1,003,295 while only £295,065 was sold with the rate that climbing 47 cents to end at $167.70.
At the end of trading, the selling rate for the Euro, jumped $3.56 to close at J$144.51 from Wednesday’s rate, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, dealers purchased the European common currency at J$136.28 for a fall of 98 cents from the rate on Wednesday. The US dollar equivalent of other currencies traded amounts to US$156,176 being bought, while US$123,678, was sold.
ICI Fx h&l 1-09-16Highs & Lows| Notable changes to the highest and lowest traded rates, for the Jamaican dollar in the foreign exchange market on Thursday, include a drop of $19.08 in the lowest selling rate for the US dollar to $103.92. The highest buying rate for the Canadian Dollar jumped $3.30 to close at $100.50, the highest selling rate climbed $3.58 to $104.70 and the lowest selling rate fell by $2.20 to $92. Trading in the British Pound resulted in a rise of $1.05 in the highest buying rate to $170.65, a rise of $1.62 in the highest selling rate to close of $175.28 and a decline in the lowest selling rate of $2 to $160.50.

GOJ income big outperformer

Audley Shaw at PTLThe Jamaican government has already covered in just four months, all the revenues that will be lost for the fiscal year even before the revenue lost from the higher threshold, starts to impact the fiscal operations from the increase in the threshold for PAYE contributors.
The data suggests that there is no need for there to be an alarm about funding the additional tax relief in 2017 as the performance to date indicates that the added break will be funded from the 2016/17 fiscal performance.
The savings on the interest cost and the added revenue intake, translate to just about $40 billion for a full year, and this on top of the $13 billion in new taxes the government imposed in May, plus the projection of additional taxes, included in the budgeted projections based on normal annual increase.
With the threshold coming into effect in July, the reduction in taxes to be paid won’t show up until August inflows. Data out of the ministry released on Thursday show revenues $11 billion ahead of projections and spending is down by $14 billion. The reduced spend, includes under spending on capital projects, amounting to $5.8 billion and housekeeping expenses of $3.8 billion.

Collector of Taxes office, Constant Spring, Kingston.

Collector of Taxes office, Constant Spring, Kingston.

Importantly, interest cost dropped $2.8 billion. The savings on interest and the increased revenues above budget amounts to just under $13 billion, more than the revenues given up by the increased in the threshold, this year. Taxes already applied to raise funds to cover the lost PAYE revenues will be collected in the remaining 8 months of the fiscal year. In effect the government has covered the revenue losses with the performance to July. Collection to be made for the balance of the fiscal year based on the increased taxes that were applied starting in May but with collection starting in June will be available to fund other fiscal endeavours or used to ensure that the fiscal year will end without a fiscal deficit.
There is one factor to be considered, the original budget was projected a fiscal deficit for the year of $17 billion and the focus could be on ensuring that this is wiped out and there is none in 2017/18. The new IMF agreement could have different terms than the very restrictive ones the country has been undergoing over the past 4 years.

8 junior stocks fall 1 rise – Thursday

Blue Power rose to a 52 weeks' high of $20 on Thursday

Blue Power rose to a 52 weeks’ high of $20 on Thursday

The junior market closed on the first day of September with a drop of 35.92 points in the market index , to close at 2,181.01 as the market index continues in consolidation mood but as Caribbean Producers dropped 53 cents in light of a sharp fall in audited profits for the financial year to June, released by company on Wednesday.
At the end of trading only 1 stock rose and 8 declined out of 13 securities that traded. The market closed with 5,883,994 units valued at $16,028,801 changing owners. One stock traded to close at a new high and two traded at intraday highs.ICI Jm sum 1-09-16 Trading ended with 7 securities closing with bids higher than their last selling prices and 2 ending with lower offers.
At the close, Blue Power closed with a rise of 20 cents with 211 units changing hands at a new high of $20, Caribbean Cream closed with 7,500 shares changing hands at $7.01 after declining by 4 cents. Caribbean Producers after reporting a sharp fall in profit to only 10 US cents per share, had 3,539,137 units changing hands, to close with a loss of 53 cents, at $2.97, C2W Music traded 114,500 units at 24 cents, Consolidated Bakeries lost 14 cents in trading 43,245 shares to close at $2.20. General Accident traded 2,000,000 units at $2.05 after falling 25 cents,ICI jm trade 1-09-16 Honey Bun declined by 50 cents with 4,500 shares changing hands, to close at $5.30, Jetcon Corporation ended with a loss of 31 cents to end at $2.90 after first hitting a new intraday high of $3.23, with just 70,243 shares changing hands. Knutsford Express traded 19,435 shares to close at $25 after hitting an intraday 52 weeks’ high of $26.11, Lasco Distributors fell 9 cents to end with 7,571 shares changing hands at $6.90, Lasco Manufacturing closed at $4.57 with 23,652 shares trading. Medical Disposables traded 4,000 shares with the price declining by 30 cents to close at $3.20 and tTech had 50,000 shares trading to end at $4.50.

Surplus FX purchases at US$268M

USDollarClock Foreign exchange inflows continue to exceed sales but by a much smaller margins than for most of August with authorized dealers buying another $2.7 million more than they sold on Wednesday, bringing the net inflows since the end of June, to US$268 million. In Wednesday’s trading, dealers bought US$38,398,614 and sold US$35,708,315 compared to US$42,556,485 purchased and US$31,710,930 sold on Tuesday, of all currencies.
In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$35,926,513 compared to US$38,239,418 on Tuesday. The buying rate for the US dollar gained 8 cents to close at $126.90.FX trde sum 31-08-16 A total of US$31,057,928 was sold versus US$29,280,909 on Tuesday, with the selling rate rising 6 cents to end at $127.57. The Canadian dollar buying rate dropped $2.60 to $94.51, with dealers buying C$771,704 and selling C$3,689,777 at an average rate that rose 55 cents to $98.74. The average rate for buying the British Pound rose 79 cents to $164.26 for the purchase of £1,406,245 while only £1,092,489 was sold with the rate that climbing $1.42 to end at $167.23.
At the end of trading, the selling rate for the Euro, dropped by $2.72 cents to close at J$140.94 from Tuesday’s rate, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, dealers purchased the European common currency at J$137.26 for a rise of 17 cents from the rate on Tuesday. The US dollar equivalent of other currencies traded amounts to US$77,039 being bought, while US$362,552, was sold.
FX HL 31-08-16Highs & Lows| Notable changes to the highest and lowest traded rates, for the Jamaican dollar in the foreign exchange market on Wednesday, include a jump of $19.17 in the lowest selling rate for the US dollar to $123. The highest buying rate for the Canadian Dollar dropped $1.45 to close at $97.20, the highest selling rate fell $1.76 to $101.12 and the lowest selling rate rose $2.20 to $94.20. Trading in the British Pound resulted in a rise of $2.60 in the highest buying rate to $169.60 and a fall of $3.35 in the highest selling rate to close of $173.66.

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