RJR & General Accident in Top 5

JM indxPrices on the Jamaica Stock Exchange are on the move again as the last quarter of the year approaches. As prices rise so does the PE ratio. The top PE in the main market is at 17 while in the junior market is around 18.
Charts of both markets show them in a bullish state, with the markets hitting higher lows and higher highs, a strong indication that they will be moving higher. More than 50 percent of main and junior market stocks are priced below the markets average PE of 9.5 and 10.4 respectively.
Against this background, IC Insider’s Top 5 selection has one new listing in the main and junior market list as Grace Kennedy and Jetcon Corporation are replace by Radio Jamaica and General Accident in position 5 and 4 respectively. Jetcon hit new highs during the week and closed at $4.70 up from $4.35 at the start of the week. Radio Jamaica earnings have been upgraded to 25 cents per share with increased revenues and cost cutting. General Accident is not without risk but earnings for 2016 are up 155 percent against a battered first half of 2015 and 2016 should better the 31 cents earned for the 2015 financial year.
AMG Packaging remains at the top of the junior market list even as the price moved up while JMMB Group is atop the main market with Caribbean Cement drops to 4th with a rise of $4 during the week. Investors attempted to trade Carib Cement at $34 but market breaker stop it from standing the stock which closed at $30 traded as high as $32. There are just six offers in the market starting at $34 and worth keeping an eye on this one for more gains this week. Barita Investments traded up to $4 during the past week and could well end back at this level during the days ahead as supply declines and demand increases.
Top 5 stks 24-9-16Watch these stocks for action this week – Access Financial Services with the bid at $18.50 with no stock on offer, Blue Power with a wide gap between bid and offer, Cargo Handlers with the bid moving away from the last sale price of $86.10 with the offer at $100. Caribbean Cream with increasing demand, Caribbean Producers gaining support after poor full year results, Derrimon Trading and General Accident with bids getting stronger, Jetcon Corporation with supply and increasing interest, Medical Disposables and tTech with supplies.
From the main market the main action could come from the following, Barita Investments, Caribbean Cement, Jamaica Stock Exchange, JMMB Group, Radio Jamaica, Sagicor Group, Scotia Group, Seprod and Sterling Investments.

Weekly net FX inflows up US$56m

US$ bungle Net inflows into foreign exchange for the week ended September 23, at US$56 million, that did not stop the Jamaican dollar from slipping during the week with all trading days enjoying net inflows. Trading on Friday was low with sale of US$19 million and purchased of US$28 million.
At the end of trading, dealers bought US$28,147,514 and sold only US$18,727,447 compared to US$62,853,963 purchased and US$45,692,310 sold on Thursday, of all currencies.
In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$23,819,249 compared to US$60,798,447 on Thursday. The buying rate for the US dollar dropped 46 cents to close at $127.25. A total of US$15,477,475 ICI Fx sum 23-09-16was sold versus US$44,844,532 on Thursday, with the selling rate falling 2 cents to end at $127.99. The Canadian dollar buying rate rose $1.56 to $96.52, with dealers buying C$2,265,065 and selling C$2,007,348 at an average rate that rose $1.64 to $96.64. The average rate for buying the British Pound climbed $1.33 to $164.28 for the purchase of £1,573,645 while only £702,124 was sold as the rate rose $1.66 to end at $166.28.
At the end of trading, dealers sold €695,295 as the selling rate for the Euro, jumped $2.50 from Thursday’s rate to close at J$144.97, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, dealers purchased €498,400 of the European common currency at J$142.99 for a climb of $5.37 from the rate on Thursday. The US dollar equivalent of other currencies traded, amounts to US$18,451 being bought, while US$18,999, was sold.
Highs & Lows| Notable changes to the highest and lowest traded rates, for the Jamaican dollar in the foreign exchange market on Friday, include a drop of $15.10 in the lowest selling rate of the US ICI Fx h&l 23-09-16dollar to end at $123.50. There was a rise of 99 cents in the highest buying rate for the Canadian Dollar to end at $99.49 and a jump of $1.08 in the lowest buying rate to $78.44, while the highest selling rate rose $1.40 to 102.05. Trading in the British Pound resulted in a rise of 83 cents in the lowest buying rate to close at $134.88, a climb of $1.30 in the highest selling rate to $173.34 while the lowest selling rate rose $1 to $159.70. Trading in the Euro resulted in a rise of $1 in the lowest buying rate to close at $115.54, a climb of $1.30 in the highest selling rate to $150.34 while the lowest selling rate rose $1 to $139.

3 up 5 down for TTSE stocks on Friday

Angostura Holdings jumped 45 cents to a 52 weeks' high on Friday.

Angostura Holdings jumped 45 cents to a 52 weeks’ high on Friday.

Trading activity on the Trinidad and Tobago stock market on Friday ended with more gains in the indices with less volume but with a slightly higher value than on Thursday. The market closed with marginal movements in the market indices and ended with 3 stocks gaining, 5 declining well up on the one that fell on Thursday and 8 remaining unchanged as 16 securities traded.
Market activity resulted in 193,372 shares valued at $5,684,628 changing hands 120,506 shares valued at $5,056,978 on Thursday.
The Composite Index inched up 0.92 points to close at 1,155.84, the All T&T Index gained 1.84 points to close at 1,815.58 and the Cross Listed Index remained at 66.06 points.
IC bid-offer Indicator| The Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator ended with 8 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 with offers that were lower.
Gains| Angostura Holdings jumped 45 cents with 5,000 shares, changing hands to close at a 52 weeks’ closing high of $14.50, National Enterprises gained 1 cent and closed with just 280 shares changing hands at $10.01 and West Indian Tobacco gained 2 cents trading 10,000 shares valued at $1,270,200, to close at a 52 weeks’ high of $127.02.
Losses| Ansa Merchant Bank lost 1 cent in trading 600 units to end at $40.01, Calypso Macro Index Fund dipped 25 cents while trading 423 units at 52 weeks’ low of $23, One Caribbean Media lost 5 cents and closed at 52 weeks’ low of $20.70 with 101,700 shares for a value of $2,104,772 changing hands, Republic Financial Holdings lost 1 cent and ended with 500 shares changing hands at $109.99 and Trinidad Cement lost 2 cents and closed at $3.10 with 1,250 shares changing hands.
TTSE sum 23-9-16 Firm Trades| Ansa McAl traded 12,500 units with a value of $783,750 at $62.70, Clico Investment Fund traded 18,400 units valued at $415,840 to close at $22.60, Grace Kennedy ended with 9,008 shares trading at $2.55. Guardian Holdings ended with 6,799 shares changing hands at $12.80, , National Flour ended with 2,066 shares changing hands to close at $2.52, Prestige Holdings traded 2,110 shares at $11, Scotiabank closed with 7,802 shares valued at $452,516 to end at $58 and Trinidad and Tobago NGL closed at $23.52 with 14,934 units with a value of $351,236 changing hands.

JSE majors retreat again – Friday

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Investors traded Carib Cement at $34 but the trade was cancelled and the stock closed at $30 after officially going as high s $32.

Investors traded Carib Cement at $34 but the trade was cancelled and the stock closed at $30 after officially going as high s $32.

Stocks on the main market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange the gave up more ground by the close on Friday even as advancing stocks edged out declining stocks, once more.
At the close of the market, prices of 15 securities gained out of a total of 38 trading, while 14 declined in the overall market, including 5 stocks rising and 5 falling, in the junior market.
Caribbean Cement was the star performer with a jump to $32 during the day, but it closed with an overall gain for the day of $2 to $30 with 396,000 shares traded. Three trades totaling 3,000 shares at $34 were actually put through but were cancelled as they were effected after mid-day with less than an hour of trading left. Under the stock exchange rules, if the price exceeds 15 percent for the day the circuit breaker comes into effect and the stock is frozen from trading for an hour. Where it would be frozen for the rest of trading session the trades that trigger the freeze are cancelled.
ICI JSE sum 23-09-16At the close 3,969,447 units valued at $48,456,543, changed hands, compared to the 3,134,827 units valued at $54,491,555 changing hands on Tuesday. The junior market accounted for 1,372,103 units valued at $6,508,601 of the total traded on Thursday.
The market index ended with moderate losses, the JSE Market Index declined 521.12 points to end at 162,224.67. The all Jamaica Composite Index fell 582.79 points to close at 180,258.21 and the JSE combined index slipped 359.99 points, to end at 174,426.98.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading showed 11 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 with lower offers.
In market activity, Barita Investments traded 204,156 shares and fell 35 cents to close at $3.65, Berger Paints gained 5 cents to close at $5.10 with 37,462 units changing hands, Cable & Wireless lost 3 cents to close at 95 cents, with 84,754 units changing hands. Carreras exchanged 10,982 shares at $65.50 to gain 50 cents, Ciboney closed at 17 cents with 116,600 units trading after losing 2 cents, Grace Kennedy closed with 8,698 shares changing hands at $42.50, Jamaica Broilers had 112,000 shares changing hands to end at $15. Jamaica Producers ended with a rise of 4 cents to $8.40 with 90,434 units trading, Jamaica Stock Exchange gained 50 cents to end at $28 while trading 88,183 shares, JMMB Group traded 152,927 units to close at $10. National Commercial Bank rose 5 to $40.11 with 9,214 shares changing hands, ICI JSE fn qt 23-09-16 Pan Jamaican Investments closed at $23.99 after trading 5,000 shares, Radio Jamaica traded 19,066 shares and gained 1 cent to land at $1.43. Sagicor Group lost 15 cents in trading 18,124 shares to close at $23.50, Sagicor Real Estate Fund traded 12,000 shares to close with at $10.20 with a loss of 15 cents, Salada Foods had 1,565 units changing hands at $7.90, Scotia Group fell 11 cents to close at $30 with 579,383 shares changing hands. Sterling Investments traded 26,600 shares and fell 45 cents to close at $13.80, Supreme Ventures gained 18 cents and ended at $4.98, with 492,100 units changing hands, JMMB Group 7.50% preference share traded 100,000 units at $1.10 and Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 17,151 units and rose 3 cents to end at $2.13.

Juniors just 22 points from record

The junior market is within reach of a new high.

The junior market is within reach of a new high.

The Junior market moved one step closer at the close on Friday to take out the old record high and is now only 22.31 points adrift.
The market closed 5 stocks rising, while 5 declined out of 13 securities that traded. The market index gained 12.01 points, to close at 2,334.43 and is 30.3 percent ahead of the close of 2015.
Trading volume and value rose 25 percent or more from Thursday’s levels, ending with 1,372,103 units changing hands, 35 percent more than on Thursday, while the value traded climbed by 25 percent to $6,508,601, from $5,213,760 changing hands on Thursday. Market activities ended with 4 securities closing with bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 ending with lower offers.
ICI Jm sum 23-09-16At the close, Cargo Handlers stock price closed with the bid at $90.05 with 3,000 units, nearly $4 ahead of the last sale price with no units offered for sale, next in line to buy is 5865 shares at $90, there were 1,000 units offered at $100. Key Insurance that reported poor second quarter results continued with the offer at $2.35 to sell 18,566 shares, immediately below, is an offer of 152,290 units at $2.38, compared with the last sale of $2.49. There were no bids to buy the stock at the close.
AMG Packaging jumped 16 cents and ended trading with 16,039 units at $17.15, Caribbean Cream rose 10 cents with 122,700 shares changing hands at $9.20, Consolidated Bakeries lost by 5 cents to end at $2.35 with 46,000 units changing hands, ICI jm trade 23-09-16C2W Music ended at 23 cents with 1,200 shares changing hands after rising 3 cents. Derrimon Trading rose 40 cents to end at $3.50 with 2,000 shares trading, General Accident closed trading with 600,171 units at $2.10, Honey Bun gained 10 cents in trading just 86,500 units to end at $6.25. Jetcon Corporation had 17,344 units changing hands to end at with a loss of 25 cents at $4.70. Lasco Distributors closed with 312,271 units trading and ended at $7, Lasco Manufacturing fell 5 cents and closed at $4.75 with 119,872 shares trading, Medical Disposables traded 16,733, shares with the price remaining unchanged at $4 and tTech traded 11,273 shares to end at $6.

More gains for TTSE stocks on Thursday

TTstocks Trading activity on the Trinidad and Tobago stock market on Thursday ended with more gains for the market with less volume but with a slightly higher value. The market closed with marginal movements in the market indices and ended with 3 stocks gaining, one declining and 7 remaining unchanged as 11 securities traded.
Market activity resulted in 120,506 shares valued at $5,056,978 changing hands, 398,013 shares valued at $4,834,677 on Wednesday.
The Composite Index inched up 0.57 points to close at 1,154.92, the All T&T Index gained 0.52 points to close at 1,813.74 and the Cross Listed Index ended 0.09 points higher at 66.06 points.
IC bid-offer Indicator| The Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator ended with 8 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 with offers that were lower.
Gains| Grace Kennedy rose 3 cents to end with 36,333 shares trading at 52 weeks’ closing high of $2.55, National Flour rose 2 cents and ended with 5,750 shares changing hands to close at $2.52 and West Indian Tobacco traded 32,958 shares to close $127 after gaining 25 cents.
TTSE sum 22-9-16 Losses| Massy Holdings lost 510 cents and ended with 390 shares changing hands to end at $54.70.
Firm Trades| Clico Investment Fund traded 125 units at $22.60, First Citizens Bank traded 3,944 shares to end at $35, Guardian Holdings ended with 30,856 shares changing hands at $12.80, Republic Financial Holdings ended with 50 shares changing hands at $110. Scotiabank closed with 728 shares to end at $58, Trinidad and Tobago NGL closed at $23.52 with 6,372 units changing hands and Trinidad Cement closed at $3.12 with 3,000 shares changing hands.

JSE stocks falter early Friday

Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, has been light, resulting in losses in the main and junior market indices. The main market lost just under 700 points as measured by the all Jamaican Composite index and the junior ici Int -23-9-16market slipped by just 4 points on relatively low volume.
Up to 10:45 am, the main trades are Lasco Manufacturing with 112,022 units at $4.80 from the junior market. Cable & Wireless had 60,000 units changing hands at 99 cents, Ciboney traded 116,600 units at 17 cents, Jamaica Broilers 107,200 shares at $15 and Supreme Ventures traded 490,100 units at $4.75.
At 10:45 am 24 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 1,002,702 shares changing hands carrying a value of $ 5,828,970, compared to 1,552,704 shares with a value of $9,196,894 on Thursday at 11.45 am. The average number of shares traded amounts to 41,779 units compared to 48,522 units on Thursday. Market activity resulted in 7 stocks falling while the prices of 9 securities rose.
The all Jamaica Composite Index fell 695.81 points to 180,145.19 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index lost 622.19 points to 162,122.60, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index declined 615.81 points to close at 174,171.16 and the junior market index fell 3.77 points to 2,318.65.

JSE majors give up 1,200 points – Thursday

Palace jumps $25 to close at $195 on Thursday.

Palace jumps $25 to close at $195 on Thursday.

Stocks on the main market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange the gave up a near 1,200 points by the close, in the all Jamaica Composite Index to end down 400 points loss at the end after it had gained close to 800 points by midday. At the close advancing stocks still edged out declining stocks.
At the close of the market prices of 14 securities gained out of a total of 38 trading, while 12 declined in the overall market, including 7 stocks rising and 3 falling, in the junior market. Palace Amusement was the star performer with a jump of $25 to a new record high of $195 but with only 500 shares trading. National Commercial Bank dropped $1.94 to close at $40.06 with 595,832 shares changing hands.
At the close, 3,134,827 units valued at $54,491,555 changed hands, compared to the 4,442,113 units valued at $19,544,716 changing hands on Wednesday. The junior market accounted for 1,015,005 units valued at $5,213,760 of the total traded on Thursday.
The market index ended with mild declines, with the JSE Market Index declined 370.31 points to end at 162,745.79. The all Jamaica Composite Index fell 414.14 points to close at 180,841.00 and the ICI JSE sum 22-09-16 JSE combined index slipped 122.56 points, to end at 174,786.97.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading showed 11 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 with lower offers.
In market activity, Barita Investments traded 44,500 shares to close at $4, Berger Paints gained 35 cents to close at $5.05 with 69,980 units changing hands, Cable & Wireless rose 3 cents to close at 98 cents, with 234,552 units changing hands. Caribbean Cement jumped 46 cents, to close at $28 with 72,577 units changing hands, Ciboney closed at 19 cents with 35,200 units trading, Grace Kennedy lost 30 cents, with 40,932 shares changing hands at $42.50, Jamaica Broilers had 20,064 shares changing hands and slipped 6 cents to end at $15. Jamaica Producers ended with a loss of 14 cents to close at $8.36 with 46,452 units trading, ICI JSE sum 22-09-16rJamaica Stock Exchange gained 50 cents to end at $27.50 while trading 147,245 shares, JMMB Group traded 12,100 units and fell 25 cents to $10. Mayberry Investments traded 11,000 shares to close at $3.60, after rising 4 cents, Pan Jamaican Investments fell 1 cent and closed at $23.99 after trading 56,728 shares, Sagicor Group rose 63 cents in trading 17,213 shares to close at $23.65, Salada Foods had 10,525 units changing hands at $7.90. Scotia Group closed at $30.11 with 101,400 shares changing hands, for a loss of 40 cents, Proven Investments ordinary share traded 416,425 units at 19.99 US cents, JMMB Group 7.50% preference share traded 130,000 units at $1.10 and Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 51,617 units at $2.10.

Junior just 35 points from record – Thursday

Bulls are lurching around the juniors.

Bulls are lurching around the juniors.

The Junior market headed higher at the close on Thursday, with the market rising with 7 stocks rising, while 3 declined out of 15 securities that traded. The market index gained 21.50 points, to close at 2,322.42 and is up 29.7 percent from the close of 2015. The index is now only 34.78 points adrift of the all-time high reached in January this year. Market activities ended with 4 securities closing with bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 ending with lower offers.
Trading volume and value rose over 60 percent from Wednesday’s levels, ending with 1,015,005 units changing hands, 60 percent more than on Wednesday, while the value traded climbed by 94 percent to $5,213,760, compared to $2,690,732 changing hands on Wednesday.
ICI Jm sum 22-09-16At the close, Cargo Handlers stock price closed with the bid at $90.01 with 5,765 units, nearly $4 ahead of the last sale price with no units offered for sale. Key Insurance that reported poor second quarter results continued with the offer at $2.37 to sell 152,290 units, compared with the last sale of $2.49. There were to be no bids to buy the stock at the close.
AMG Packaging jumped $1.99 and ended trading with 26,361 units to end at $16.99, CAC 2000 traded just 200 shares at $6.40, Caribbean Cream lost 10 cents with 37,106 shares changing hands at $9.10, Caribbean Flavours added just 1 cent in closing at $8.01 with 5,358 shares changing hands, Caribbean Producers traded just 46,370 shares to close at $3.40. Consolidated Bakeries rose by 5 cents to end at $2.40 with 6,017 units changing hands, Dolphin Cove ended at $13.70 with 500 shares trading, ICI jm trade 22-09-16General Accident fell 15 cents and closed trading with 253,080 units at $2.10, Honey Bun lost 9 cents in trading just 200 units to end at $6.15. KLE Group ended at $1.85 with 5,800 shares changing hands after rising 5 cents, Knutsford Express had 334 units changing hands to end at with a rise of 50 cents at $24.50, Lasco Distributors closed with 240,980 units trading and ended with a rise of 20 cents at $7. Lasco Financial rose by 3 cents with 2,850 shares changing hands to close at $3.28, Lasco Manufacturing closed at $4.80 with 388,949 shares trading, Medical Disposables traded 18,400, shares with the price remaining unchanged at $4 and tTech traded 28,870 shares at $6.

JSE correcting directors’ error

Marlene Street Forrest - General Manager of the JSE

Marlene Street Forrest – General Manager of the JSE

Shareholders of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) will have a much longer wait to see the increase in the number of issued shares take effect than the date originally indicated on Wednesday in a release by the JSE.
In the original release of September 21, the company said the “Board of Directors decided at a meeting held on September 21, 2016, that each ordinary share of the Company be subdivided into five shares, resulting in the issued and fully paid capital of the Company increasing from 140,250,000 ordinary shares to 701,250,000 units of no par value, with the record date of October 5.”
In an article reporting on the decision to split the stock IC Insider, stated that the directors had no power to effect a stock split or increase the issued number of shares, as only the shareholders of the company has the power to do so, at a general meeting.
Late on Thursday, the JSE has issued a new statement and now advises “that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will be convened at a date to be decided and communicated following the Board of Directors’ decision at a meeting held on September 21, 2016 that each ordinary share of the company be subdivided into five shares. This advisory supersedes the announcement on September 21, 2016, in which the date 2016 was stated as the effective date for the stock split.”
The JSE regulates the companies listed on the stock exchange and broker members, for them to have made such a huge error, raises some major questions about their ability to regulate the market with the present cadre of regulators. Was the other regulator, the Financial Services Commission aware of the miststep.

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