Main Market drops Junior & USD markets rise

The Main Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange dropped in trading on Wednesday as the Junior Market JSE USD market inched moderately higher as trading ended with the volume and value of stocks changing hands falling, compared with the previous trading day, resulting in prices of 38 shares rising and 43 declining.
At the close of trading on Wednesday, the JSE Combined Market Index shed 3,094.00 points to 346,606.02, the All Jamaican Composite Index skidded 3,659.77 points to close at 371,934.81, the JSE Main Index dropped 3,376.48 points to lock up trading at 334,062.14. The Junior Market Index popped 8.29 points to 3,803.26 and the JSE USD Market Index rose 1.15 points to 260.70.
At the close of trading, 38,865,018 shares were exchanged in all three markets, down from 53,603,621 units on Tuesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $80.9 million, sharply down from $409.6 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 497,176 shares for US$96,746 compared to 328,443 units at US$47,111 on Tuesday.
Trading in the Main Market was dominated by Wigton Windfarm with 25.74 million shares followed by Transjamaican Highway with 2.10 million units and Sagicor Select Financial Fund with 1.86 million stock units.
In the Junior Market, Dolla Financial led trading with 1.06 million shares followed by ONE on ONE Educational with 837,365 units and EduFocal with 373,478 stock units.
At the close of trading on the Main Market Pan Jamaica advanced $3.40 in closing at $51.40 to be the sole major gaining ordinary stock.
The Main Market, Berger Paints shed 77 cents and ended at $5.85, Caribbean Cement lost $3.50 to $56, Eppley Caribbean Property Fund dipped $1.74 to end at $38.26, Jamaica Stock Exchange sank 90 cents in closing at $9.10, Kingston Wharves dropped 72 cents to close at $31.98, Sagicor Group declined 90 cents to close at $43, Scotia Group fell $2.40 and ended at $45 and Seprod dipped $1.50 to $81.
At the end of Junior Market trading, AMG Packaging advanced 34 cents to $3.08, Cargo Handlers rose 90 cents and ended at $14, Dolphin Cove increased 30 cents to end at $18.80, Honey Bun rose 25 cents and ended at $6.70, ISP Finance increased 50 cents to end at $31.50, while Caribbean Assurance Brokers lost 27 cents to close at $2.11, Iron Rock Insurance fell 42 cents to $2.10 and Main Event skidded 65 cents in closing at $13.55.
In the preference segment, Productive Business Solutions 9.75% preference share gained $27.44 in closing at $118.45.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 21.4 on 2022-23 earnings and 14.5. times those for 2023-24 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons between the same sector companies and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Investors need pertinent information to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
Investors should use the chart to help make rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector and not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to assess the value of stocks based on this measure quickly. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume pertaining to the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Gains for JSE USD Market

The Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market climbed higher on Tuesday, with the US Denominated Equities Index advancing 3.87 points to 259.55, following a 46 percent decline in the volume of stocks exchanged with a 40 percent drop in the number of dollars changing hands compared with Monday, resulting in trading in four securities, compared to nine on Monday with prices of one rising, no declining and three ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 328,443 shares for US$47,111 compared to 610,533 units at US$78,231 on Monday.
Trading averaged 82,111 units at US$11,778 versus 67,837 shares at US$8,692 on Monday, with a month to date average of 55,047 shares at US$7,223 compared with 53,788 units at US$7,011 on the previous day and January that ended with an average of 42,169 units for US$5,037.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 10. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows two stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, Margaritaville remained at 11 US cents with investors swapping 88 units, Proven Investments gained 0.29 of a cent to close at 14.79 US cents in an exchange of 324,164 stocks, Sygnus Credit Investments ended at 8.8 US cents after one share crossed the market and Transjamaican Highway remained at 2.05 US cents in switching ownership of 4,190 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Bulls sniffing out stocks on JSE Main Market

The bulls are returning to trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market, helping to drive the market sharply higher at the close on Tuesday, recovering all of Monday’s loss, with the All Jamaican Composite Index increasing 4,271.57 points to end the day at 375,594.58, the JSE Main Index surging 5,531.32 points to finish at 337,438.62 and ending with a gain of 3.6 percent year to date and 8.7 percent from the 2023 low in November. The JSE Financial Index gained 0.75 points to close at 72.25.
Trading ended with a solid 78 percent rise in the volume of stocks traded and a 146 percent jump in value compared with Monday, following trading in 60 securities similar to Monday, and ending with with rising and declining price splitting 50 stocks equally, at 25 each with 10 ending unchanged.
The market closed with 44,551,752 shares trading for $385,321,406 from 24,989,216 units at $156,897,201 on Monday.
Trading averaged 742,529 shares at $6,422,023 compared to 416,487 units at $2,614,953 on Monday and month to date, an average of 334,055 units at $1,815,141, in comparison to 297,960 units at $1,408,053 on the previous day and January with an average of 265,804 units at $2,438,118.
Transjamaican Highway led trading with 21.31 million shares for 47.8 percent of total volume followed by Wigton Windfarm with 9.22 million units for 20.7 percent of the day’s trade, GraceKennedy ended with 2.78 million units for 6.2 percent market share, Sagicor Select Financial Fund chipped in with 2.55 million units for 5.7 percent of trading, Wisynco Group closed with 2.41 million units for 5.4 percent market share and JMMB Group 7.35% – 2028 with 1.09 million units for 2.5 percent of total volume.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.8. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with financial year, ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows eight stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and eight with lower offers.
At the close of trading, Barita Investments rallied $1.09 to end at $70.99 as investors exchanged 10,678 stock units, Berger Paints rose 82 cents to $6.62, with 3,851 shares changing hands, Caribbean Cement advanced 30 cents in closing at $59.50, with 39,502 stocks crossing the exchange. Guardian Holdings popped $9 to end at $369 in switching ownership of 6 units, Jamaica Producers shed $1.02 and ended at $22.08 with investors trading 14,648 stocks, Jamaica Stock Exchange climbed $1 to $10 in an exchange of 1,825 units. Kingston Wharves increased $2.53 in closing at $32.70 after an exchange of 13,062 shares, Massy Holdings jumped $6.85 to $96.86 in trading 387 stocks, Mayberry Jamaican Equities sank 85 cents to $9.25, with 1,001,000 shares crossing the market. MPC Caribbean Clean Energy fell $1 to close at $90 with investors dealing in 180 stock units, NCB Financial skidded 50 cents to $69 after trading 21,081 units, Pan Jamaica lost $3.40 in closing at $48 with an exchange of 6,395 stocks. Scotia Group rose $1.40 to a 52 weeks’ closing high of $47.40 after 55,757 shares passed through the market, Seprod declined $1.21 to end at $82.50 while exchanging 3,561 stocks, Stanley Motta rallied 99 cents and ended at $6.99 with investors swapping 130 units. Supreme Ventures dropped 47 cents to $25.99 after a transfer of 45,032 stock units, Sygnus Real Estate Finance increased $1.55 to close at $11.40, with 2,500 shares crossing the market and Wisynco Group dipped 45 cents to end at $21 with investors transferring 2,405,113 stock units.
In the preference segment, Eppley 7.50% preference share fell $1.83 in closing at $5.64 after an exchange of 11,594 stocks, JMMB Group 7% preference share dropped 40 cents and ended at $2.28 with a transfer of 17 units and Productive Business Solutions 9.75% preference share shed $10.65 to $91.01 after exchanging 240 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Rising stocks dominate Junior Market

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Stocks mostly rose at the close of trading on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Tuesday, with prices of 23 rising, 11 declining and 12 closing unchanged with nearly all stocks on the market traded result in 46 securities changing hands compared with 47 on Monday, following a 55 percent rise in the volume of stocks traded, with a 65 percent greater value than on Monday and ending with.
The market ended trading on Tuesday with 8,723,426 shares for $24,310,202 up from 5,643,750 stock units at $14,776,971 on Monday.
Trading averaged 189,640 shares at $528,483 compared to 120,080 units at $314,404 on Monday with the month to date, ending with an average of 192,588 units at $469,455 compared with 192,852 stock units at $464,162 on the previous day and January ending with an average of 175,081 units at $401,738.
Future Energy led trading with 2.09 million shares for 24 percent of the total volume followed by Fosrich with 1.13 million units for 13 percent of trading, ONE on ONE Educational ended with 1.02 million units for 11.7 percent market share and Lasco Distributors with 1.02 million units for 11.6 percent of the total volume.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index popped 2.07 points to end the day at 3,794.97.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.1, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows three stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial rose 8 cents to close at $22.68 as investors traded just one stock, AMG Packaging lost 35 cents to end at $2.74 after a transfer of 5,955 units, Cargo Handlers declined 90 cents to close at $13.10 after investors traded 1,063 shares. Caribbean Assurance Brokers advanced 25 cents to $2.38 after 21,855 stock units passed through the market, Caribbean Cream popped 42 cents to $3.77 with an exchange of 4 shares, Express Catering increased 10 cents to $3.90, with 52,915 units changing hands. Jamaican Teas popped 10 cents in closing at $2.50 with a transfer of 161,220 stocks, KLE Group rose 8 cents to $2.47 with investors swapping 178,198 stock units, Lasco Financial sank 11 cents to close at $1.88 in an exchange of 62,675 shares. Lasco Manufacturing rallied 14 cents and ended at $5.09 with investors trading 661,103 stocks, Limners and Bards popped 12 cents to $1.62 after exchanging 12 units, Mailpac Group dipped 16 cents and ended at $2.17 with investors dealing in 141,373 stock units. Main Event climbed 10 cents to close at $14.20 while exchanging 1,595 shares, Medical Disposables rose 8 cents to end at $2.68 after trading 1,262 units and Paramount Trading gained 8 cents in closing at $1.48 in an exchange of 8,330 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Bulls prowling around the Jamaica Stock Exchange

The Main Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange continued its bullish run and gained over 5,000 points in trading on Tuesday as the Junior Market JSE USD market popped moderately higher as trading ended with the number of stocks changing hands along with the value surging sharply over the previous trading day, resulting in prices of 48 shares rising and 29 declining.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index climbed 5,205.70 points to 349,700.02, the All Jamaican Composite Index surged 4,271.57 points to 375,594.58, the JSE Main Index jumped 5,531.32 points to 337,438.62. The Junior Market Index rose 2.07 points to 3,794.97 and the JSE USD Market Index increased 3.87 points to settle at 259.55.
At the close of trading, 53,603,621 shares were exchanged in all three markets, up from 31,242,143 units on Tuesday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $409.6 million, up from $171.6 million yesterday and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 328,443 shares for US$47,111 compared to 610,533 units at US$78,231 on Monday.
Trading in the Main Market was dominated by Transjamaican Highway led trading with 21.31 million shares followed by Wigton Windfarm with 9.22 million units, GraceKennedy was next with 2.78 million stock units, Sagicor Select Financial Fund ended with 2.55 million shares, Wisynco Group closed with 2.41 million units and JMMB Group 7.35% – 2028 with 1.09 million stock units.
In the Junior Market, Future Energy led trading with 2.09 million shares followed by Fosrich with 1.13 million units, ONE on ONE Educational with 1.02 million stock units and Lasco Distributors with 1.02 million shares.
At the close of trading on the Main Market Barita Investments rallied $1.09 to close at $70.99, Berger Paints rose 82 cents to $6.62, Guardian Holdings popped $9 to end at $369, Jamaica Stock Exchange climbed $1 to $10, Kingston Wharves increased $2.53 in closing at $32.70, Massy Holdings gained $6.85 and ended at $96.86, Scotia Group rose $1.40 to close at $47.40, Stanley Motta rallied 99 cents and ended at $6.99, Sygnus Real Estate Finance increased $1.55 to close at $11.40
The major declining Main Market stocks include Jamaica Producers shed $1.02 and ended at $22.08, Mayberry Jamaican Equities sank 85 cents to end at $9.25, MPC Caribbean Clean Energy fell $1 to close at $90, Pan Jamaica lost $3.40 in closing at $48 and Seprod declined $1.21 to end at $82.50.
At the end of Junior Market trading, Caribbean Assurance Brokers advanced 25 cents in closing at $2.38, Caribbean Cream popped 42 cents and ended at $3.77, while AMG Packaging lost 35 cents to $2.74, Cargo Handlers declined 90 cents to end at $13.10.
In the preference segment, Eppley 7.50% preference share fell $1.83 in closing at $5.64 and Productive Business Solutions 9.75% preference share shed $10.65 to $91.01.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 21.2 on 2022-23 earnings and 14.4 times those for 2023-24 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons between the same sector companies and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Investors need pertinent information to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
Investors should use the chart to help make rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector and not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to assess the value of stocks based on this measure quickly. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume pertaining to the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

JSE Main Market drops as trading jumps

A total of 22 stocks rose and 22 declined, leaving 16 ending unchanged at the close of trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Market on Monday, with trading in 60securities compared with 58 on Friday as the market closed with the volume of stocks traded rising 171 percent and the value 148 percent more than on Friday and resulted in the market indices closing lower.
Trading ended with an exchange of 24,989,216 shares for $156,897,201 compared with 9,234,717 stock units at $63,291,889 on Friday.
Trading averaged 416,487 shares at $2,614,953 compared to 159,219 units at $1,091,239 on Friday and month to date, an average of 297,960 stocks at $1,408,053, compared with 286,472 units at $1,291,067 on the previous day and January with an average of 265,804 units at $2,438,118.
Carreras led trading with 10.07 million shares for 40.3 percent of the volume followed by Wigton Windfarm with 7.44 million units for 29.8 percent of the day’s trade, JMMB 9.5% preference share closed with 1.91 million units for 7.6 percent market share and Transjamaican Highway with 1.76 million units for 7.1 percent of the total volume.
The All Jamaican Composite Index skidded 1,953.23 points to end the day at 371,323.01, the JSE Main Index dropped 3,941.08 points to wrap up trading at 331,907.30 and the JSE Financial Index slipped 0.58 points to settle at 71.50.
The Main Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13.7. The JSE Main and USD Market PE ratios are based on the last traded prices and earnings forecasts by for companies with the financial year ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows 13 stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, Barita Investments sank $1.50 to end at $69.90 in an exchange of 24,819 shares, Berger Paints skidded 78 cents in closing at $5.80 with investors trading 11,188 stocks, Caribbean Cement rose $2.20 to $59.20, with 10,200 units passing through the exchange. Caribbean Producers rallied 50 cents to $10.14, with 156,924 stocks changing hands, Eppley increased $3.51 and ended at $38.50 after an exchange of 2,304 shares, First Rock Real Estate fell 48 cents to $8.50 and closed with investors exchanging of stock units. Guardian Holdings dropped $10 to close at $360 while exchanging 122 units, Jamaica Producers shed 84 cents in closing at $23.10 in trading 1,676 stock units, Jamaica Stock Exchange declined by 90 cents to $9 with 12,102 shares changing hands. Kingston Properties rose 30 cents to $7.30 in switching ownership of 28,055 stocks, Kingston Wharves popped $1.42 to $30.17 with investors trading 13,839 units, Margaritaville fell 48 cents to close at $17 after an exchange of 100 stock units. Massy Holdings dipped $1.49 to close trading 1,086 shares at $90.01, Mayberry Jamaican Equities climbed $1.10 to $10.10 as investors exchanged 216,456 stocks, Stanley Motta sank $1 and ended at $6 after 59,210 units passed through the market. Sygnus Real Estate Finance skidded $1.40 to $9.85 with a transfer of 13,803 stock units and Victoria Mutual Investments lost 30 cents, closing at $2.70 after trading 109,808 shares.

In the preference segment, Eppley 7.50% preference share rallied $1.59 and ended at $7.47 after 540 stocks crossed the market and 138 Student Living preference share rose $5.55 to close at $190 after an exchange of 50 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Falling stocks dominates Junior Market

Trading closed on Monday, with all stocks being active, except for suspended iCreate at the close of the Junior Market on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, with the volume of stocks traded rising 32 percent following a 30 percent rise in the value compared to Friday with trading in 47 securities up from 42 on Friday and ending with prices of 13 rising, 24 declining and 10 closing unchanged.
Trading closed on Monday after 5,643,750 shares were exchanged for $14,776,971 up from 4,262,868 units at $11,405,667 on Friday.
Trading averaged 120,080 shares at $314,404, compared with 101,497 units at $271,563 on Friday with the month to date, averaging 192,852 units at $464,162 compared with  200,192 stock units at $479,266 on the previous day and January with an average of 175,081 units at $401,738.
Stationery and Office Supplies was the traded stock with 1.46 million shares followed by Regency Petroleum with 685,156 units and Image Plus with 493,784 units for 8.7 percent market share.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index dipped 19.99 points to end at 3,792.90.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 13, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows seven stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, AMG Packaging climbed 9 cents to end at $3.09 in switching ownership of 15,563 shares, Blue Power declined 50 cents in closing at $2.85 after an exchange of 434 units, CAC 2000 rose 30 cents to $4.51, after hitting a 52 weeks’ intraday low of $3.02 with investors dealing in just 4 shares. Cargo Handlers shed 59 cents and ended at $14 after 713 stocks passed through the market, Caribbean Assurance Brokers lost 27 cents in closing at $2.13 with investors swapping 64,750 shares, Caribbean Cream skidded 55 cents to $3.35 in an exchange of 100,615 stocks. Consolidated Bakeries advanced 22 cents to close at $2.20 after trading 61 units, Dolphin Cove fell 47 cents to $18.50 while exchanging 862 stock units, Express Catering sank 19 cents to $3.80 with a transfer of 148,713 shares. Fontana dipped 25 cents and ended at $10 as investors exchanged 297,440 stock units, Honey Bun dropped 24 cents to $6.45, with 2,369 stocks crossing the market, ISP Finance popped $5.98 to end at $31 after exchanging 1,978 units. Lasco Distributors fell 13 cents in closing at $3.87 after 18,025 stocks crossed the market, Lasco Financial increased 14 cents to close at $1.99 in an exchange of 1,296 units, Limners and Bards sank 12 cents and ended at $1.50 with investors transferring 5,295 shares. Lumber Depot rallied 15 cents to $2.45 and closed after investors traded 1,165 stock units, Main Event dipped 66 cents to end at $14.10 with investors trading 4,053 shares, Medical Disposables lost 10 cents in closing at $2.60 with an exchange of 10 units. Paramount Trading gained 13 cents to close at $1.40 with 5,607 stocks clearing the market and Stationery and Office Supplies skidded 19 cents and ended at $1.61 with traders dealing in 1,463,420 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Trading jumps on Jamaica Stock Exchange

Trading climbed sharply on the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Monday with trading in the Main Market dominating the volume and value of stocks that were exchanged and resulted in the Main and Junior Markets declining but the JSE USD market inched moderately higher as trading ended with the value and the number of stocks changing hands rising sharply over the previous trading day, resulting in prices of 29 shares rising and 46 declining.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index dropped 3,871.23 points to 344,494.32, the All Jamaican Composite Index shed 1,953.23 points to end at 371,323.01, the JSE Main Index dived 3,941.08 points to 331,907.30. The Junior Market Index dipped 19.99 points to culminate at 3,792.90 and the JSE USD Market Index rallied 1.67 points to end the day at 255.68.
At the close of trading, 31,242,143 shares were exchanged in all three markets, up from 13,676,383 units on Friday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $171.6 million, up from $74.93, million yesterday and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 610,533 shares for US$78,231 up from 178,798 units at US$56,398 on Friday.
Trading in the Main Market was dominated by Carreras led trading with 10.07 million shares followed by Wigton Windfarm with 7.44 million stock units, JMMB 9.5% preference share with 1.91 million stocks and Transjamaican Highway with 1.76 million shares.
In the Junior Market, Stationery and Office Supplies led trading with 1.46 million shares followed by Regency Petroleum with 685,156 units and Image Plus with 493,784 stocks.
At the close of trading on the Main Market, Barita Investments sank $1.50 to $69.90, Caribbean Cement rose $2.20 to $59.20, Eppley increased $3.51 and ended at $38.50, Kingston Wharves gained $1.42 to $30.17, Mayberry Jamaican Equities advanced $1.10 to end at $10.10, but Guardian Holdings dropped $10 to close at $360, Jamaica Producers shed 84 cents in closing at $23.10, Jamaica Stock Exchange declined 90 cents and ended at $9, Massy Holdings dipped $1.49 in closing at $90.01, Stanley Motta sank $1 and ended at $6 and Sygnus Real Estate Finance skidded $1.40 to close at $9.85.
At the end of Junior Market trading, Blue Power declined 50 cents in closing at $2.85, CAC 2000 rose 30 cents to $4.51, Consolidated Bakeries advanced 22 cents to close at $2.20 and ISP Finance popped $5.98 to end at $31. At the close Blue Power declined 50 cents to $2.85, Cargo Handlers shed 59 cents and ended at $14, Caribbean Assurance Brokers lost 27 cents to close at $2.13, Caribbean Cream skidded 55 cents to $3.35, Express Catering sank 19 cents in closing at $3.80, Fontana dipped 25 cents and ended at $10, Honey Bun dropped 24 cents to $6.45, Main Event dipped 66 cents to end at $14.10 and Stationery and Office Supplies skidded 19 cents to $1.61.
In the preference segment, Eppley 7.50% preference share rallied $1.59 and ended at $7.47 and 138 Student Living preference share rose $5.55 to close at $190.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 20.9 on 2022-23 earnings and 14.3 times those for 2023-24 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons between the same sector companies and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Investors need pertinent information to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
Investors should use the chart to help make rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector and not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to assess the value of stocks based on this measure quickly. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume pertaining to the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Buoyant trading for JSE USD Market

The Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market ended on Monday, with the volume of stocks traded rising 241 percent after 39 percent more dollars changed compared to Friday, resulting in trading in nine securities, compared to 10 on Friday with prices of three rising, two declining and four ending unchanged.
The market closed with trading in 610,533 shares for US$78,231 up from 178,798 units at US$56,398 on Friday.
Trading averaged 67,837 units at US$8,692 up from 17,880 shares at US$5,640 on Friday, with a month to date average of 53,788 shares at US$7,011 compared with 52,146 units at US$6,815 on the previous trading day and January that ended with an average of 42,169 units for US$5,037.
The US Denominated Equities Index increased 1.67 points to close at 255.68, up 10.7 percent for the year to date.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 10. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows two stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and none with a lower offer.
At the close, First Rock Real Estate USD share remained at 4.7 US cents with a transfer of 5,635 stock units, Proven Investments ended at 14.5 US cents as investors exchanged 455,584 shares, Sterling Investments ended at 1.7 US cents, with 2,000 stocks crossing the market. Sygnus Credit Investments climbed 0.3 of a cent in closing at 8.8 US cents with investors trading 3,085 units, Sygnus Real Estate Finance USD share declined 0.8 of one cent to 7.2 US cents with 56,900 shares clearing the market and Transjamaican Highway rose 0.14 of a cent to 2.05 US cents with traders dealing in 86,318 stock units.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group 5.75% advanced 26 cents in closing at US$1.81 in exchanging 577 units, Productive Business Solutions 9.25% preference share ended at US$11.05 with investors transferring 423 stocks and Sygnus Credit Investments E8.5% fell 72 cents to end at US$11.02 in switching ownership of 11 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

ISP Finance & Guardian join ICTOP10

The performance of the Jamaica Stock Exchange in the near term is expected to be influenced by the pile of results dumped on the market in the past week, with varying degrees of success. Based on results for the December quarter, Caribbean Producers’ earnings were adjusted down to $1.15 per share, resulting in the stock falling out of the TOP10, with Guardian Holdings replacing it and ISP Finance entering the Junior Market listing in replacing Elite Diagnostic following the release of full year earnings, with projected earnings per share of $4 for ISP for 2024.
For a second consecutive week, the Junior Market ended with minimal price changes, ranging from 4 percent and less and none with a negative price movement, while the Main Market had only two stocks with negative price changes, with Pulse Investments, the highest with a fall of 7 percent to $1.85 and 138 Student Living slipping 3 percent, while Margaritaville popped 18 percent to close at the week at $17.48, Caribbean Producers rose 6 percent to $9.64 following the release of nine months results that saw profit for the second quarter rising 17.6 percent to US$2 million but with the six months results, down marginally to US$3.28 million versus $3.35 million in 2022. Key Insurance rose 5 percent to $2.31 and Palace Amusement gained 4 percent to close at $1.25 following news of a sold-out opening night for the Marley movie that nearly doubled that of the highly successful Black Panther.
For the full list of weekly percentage changes for the ICTOP10 stocks, check the attached charts that now carry a column of the weekly percentage price movements.
The average PE for the JSE Main Market ICTOP 10 stands at 5.4, well below the market average of 13.7 and the Junior Market TOP10 sits at 7.3 just over half of the market, with an average of 13.4.
The Main Market ICTOP10 is projected to gain an average of 279 percent by May 2024, based on 2023 forecasted earnings, providing better values than the Junior Market with the potential to gain 177 percent over the same period.
In the Main Market ICTOP 10, a total of 14 of the most highly valued stocks representing 29 percent of the Main Market are priced at a PE of 15 to 110, with an average of 30 and 24 excluding the highest PE ratios, and a PE of 25 for the top half and 17 excluding the stocks with overweight values.
In the Junior Market IC TOP10 are 13 stocks, or 27 percent of the market, with PEs ranging from 15 to 45, averaging 21, well above the market’s average. The top half of the market has an average PE of 18, possibly the lowest fair value for stocks, currently.
Of great import is that the averages of both markets are now converging around a PE of 20 for close to a third of the market, as the year is coming to a close and with more information available on the full year’s earnings.
ICTOP10 focuses on likely yearly winners, accordingly, the list includes some of the best companies in the market, but this is not always so. ranks stocks based on projected earnings, allowing investors to focus on the most undervalued stocks and helping to remove emotions in selecting stocks for investments that often result in costly mistakes.
IC TOP10 stocks will likely deliver the best returns on or around May 2024 and are ranked in order of potential gains, computed using projected earnings for the current fiscal year. Expected values will change as stock prices fluctuate and result in weekly movements in and out of the lists. Revisions to earnings are ongoing, based on receipt of new information.

Persons who compiled this report may have an interest in securities commented on in this report.

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