Scotiabank down again on TTSE

Scotiabanklogobuilding280x150Scotiabank closed lower by 4 cents to close at a 52 weeks low, in Monday’s trading levels on the Trinidad Stock Exchange while trading a small volume.
At the end of trading the offer was to sell 5,966 shares at $68.36 and buying at was for only 50 shares at $65. There was activity with 13 securities changing hands of which 2 advanced 4 declined and 7 traded firm with 103,932 stocks changing hands, with a value of $1,806,044.
The Composite Index lost 0.10 points to close at 1,164.75, the All T&T Index rose by just 0.13 points to close at 2,008.91 and the Cross Listed Index fell by a mere 0.05 points to end at 41.97.
Gains|Stocks increasing in price at the close are Ansa Merchant Bank traded 27 shares to close at $39.07, up a cent and First Citizens Bank added 4,045 shares valued at $142,865 and closed with a 2 cents gain to end the day at $35.32
TTSE 21-7-14Declines| The stocks declining at the end of trading are ANSA McAL closed trading at $66.29 after losing a cent with 1,500 units having changed hands, Clico Investment Fund traded 2,172 shares valued at $47,091 declined by 16 cents to end at $21.69, Massy Group with 60 shares traded, closed down a cent at $69.49 and Scotiabank traded 2,500 shares at $68.37 closed lower by 4 cents.
Firm Trades| Stocks closing with prices unchanged at the end of trading are Firstcaribbean International Bank traded 1,489 shares to close at $5 Guardian Holdings contributed 8,602 shares with a value of $123,869, Guardian Media with 58,437 shares changing hands for a value of $1,154,331 closed at $19.75, National Flour Mills with 3,000 shares changing hands closed $1, Sagicor Financial Corporation with 1,600 units closed at $6.74, Point Lisas Industrial Port Development traded 500 shares to close at $4.15 followed by Trinidad Cement with 20,000 shares being traded for $39,000, to close at $1.95.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 2 stocks with the bid higher than the last selling price and 3 stocks with offers that were lower.

The Ghana Stock Exchange slips

The Ghana Stock Exchange closed marginally lower at the end of the week ending July 18, with the main Ghana Stock Exchange composite closing at 2,332.62, compared with 2,365.72 the week before, the second week of decline.
GSE sum 18-7-14The Ghana Financial sector index closed slightly down, at 2,146.34 from 2,144.52 points close of the week before. For the week, 2.2 million units traded as more stocks declined than rose, with only 5 stocks closing higher and 10 declining. Guinness Ghana <Breweries with a 17 percent decline was the only stock with a major price change. At the close of trading for the week, of the 38 securities listed, there were bids to buy only 17 while there were offers to sell 26 of them.

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Moderate price changes on JSE Friday

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In Friday’s trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange the prices of 5 stocks rose, 7 declined as 20 securities changed hands, resulting in 2,619,479 shares trading, valued at $11,003,465.
JSE sum 18-7-14Main Market| The JSE Market Index declined by 346.05 points to 70,187.51 and the JSE All Jamaican Composite index fell 386.94 points, to close at 77,190.59.
Gains| Stocks recording gains at the end of trading in the main market, are Grace Kennedy with 21,000 shares as the price improved by a cent to close at $54.01, Jamaica Producers traded 233 shares to close with a cent gain, at $17.51 and Sagicor Group traded 73,000 shares in closing at $9.10, for a 3 cents gain.
Declines| The stocks that declined in the main market, are Cable & Wireless with 2 cents loss while trading 697,629 units, to close at 27 cents, Carreras with 7,535 shares closed 30 cents lower at $33.60, Hardware & Lumber traded 600 shares to close with a 35 cents loss at $9.15, Kingston Wharves with 100,000 units closed with a 25

J$ slips vs US dollar up on Pound

In Friday’s forex trading, the Jamaican currency was mixed against the major currencies that Jamaica trades in, with the Jamaica dollar slipping to $112.72 for selling of the US dollar by authorized dealers, compared with $112.60 the previous day.
On Friday, dealers bought the equivalent of $31,703,986 versus US$22,112,178 on Thursday and sold the equivalent of US$30,989,839 compared to US$28,577,278 sold on Thursday.
FX sum 18-7-14In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$26,056,055 compared to US$17,385,127 on Thursday as the buying rate for the US dollar, rose 16 cents to $112.09 and sold US$24,483,036 versus US$21,394,673 on Thursday, as the rate increased 12 cents to $112.72.
The Canadian dollar buying rate fell 11 cents, to $104.39 with dealers buying C$2,592,931 and selling C$4,951,842 as the rate fell a cent, to $106.07.
The Pound closed at $190.38, for the purchase of £1,441,619, up 6 cents, while only £746,122 was sold, with the rate shedding by 97 cents, to $192.53. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$784,739 while selling was the equivalent of US$572,575.
FX HL 18-7-14Highs & Lows| The highest rate for buying the US dollar and the lowest buying rate remained unchanged at $113.20 and $91.85 respectively and the highest selling rate fell 21 cents t0 $117.70, while the lowest selling rate jumped by $17.99 cents to $110.
The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar declined by 10 cents, to $105.50 and the lowest buying rate was up 17 cents to $83.17, the highest selling rate rose 21 cents to $107.21 and the lowest was up 20 cents to $100.20.
The highest buying rate for the British Pound, climbed 20 cents to $193.20, while the lowest buying fell by 29 cents to $154.38 and the highest selling rate dropped $3.41 to $195.98, the lowest selling rate was down by $2.20 to $186.

One Caribbean Media drops $1.74

OneCaribbeanMedia280x150The previous Buy Rated One Caribbean Media which was moved to the Market Watch, tumbled by $1.74 in Friday’s trading levels on the Trinidad Stock Exchange. The stock closed with a bid to buy 17,412 shares at the closing price, but there was no stock on offer for sale at the close.
Scotiabank closed at a new 52 weeks low. The price continues to adjust downwards, following the bank’s fall in second quarter results. At the close there was little demand for the stock, with the bid at $65 well off the last sale price.
There was activity in 12 securities, of which 3 advanced, 4 declined and 5 traded firm with 207,602 stocks changing hands, valued at $2,718,931. The market indices closed mixed, with the Composite Index losing 0.17 points to close at 1,164.85, the All T&T Index declined by 1.74 points to close at 2,008.78 and the Cross Listed Index inched up by 0.19 points to close at 42.02.
Gains| Stocks increasing in price at the close are Clico Investment Fund with 39,920 shares valued at $867,712, to advance by 15 cents to end at $21.85, First Citizens Bank traded 4,470 shares to close at $35.30, up 19 cents and Sagicor Financial Corporation contributed 27,883 shares with a value of $188,005, to close with a gain of 23 cents at $6.75.
Declines| The stocks declining at the end of trading, are One Caribbean Media suffering a loss of $1.74 to close at $23.26 while trading 5,333 shares, valued at $124,662, Prestige Holdings with 77,131 shares changing hands for a value of $725,091, closed down a cent at $9.40, Republic Bank with 70 shares changing hands, closed with a decline of 5 cent to end at $122 and Scotiabank with only 14 shares, declined by 4 cents to close at $68.41.
TTSE sum 18-7-14Firm Trades| Stocks closing with prices unchanged at the end of trading are Angostura Holdings with a volume of 45,206 shares being traded for $576,377 to close at $12.75, Grace Kennedy with 2,505 shares to end at $3.45, Guardian Holdings contributed 4,056 with the price closed unchanged at $14.40, Massy Group traded 14 units to close at $69.50 and Trinidad Cement traded 1,000 to close at $1.95
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 1 stock with the bid higher than the last selling price and 3 stocks with offers that were lower.

Mixed results for J$ on Thursday

In Thursday’s forex trading, the Jamaican currency was mixed against the major currencies that Jamaica trades in.
On Thursday, dealers bought the equivalent of $22,112,178 versus US$29,964,712 on Wednesday and sold the equivalent of US$28,577,278 compared to US$26,521,292 sold on Wednesday.
FX sum 17-7-14In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$17,385,127 compared to US$25,992,810 on Wednesday as the buying rate for the US dollar, fell 10 cents to $111.93 and sold US$21,394,673 versus US$24,271,674 on Wednesday, as the rate dropped 4 cents to $112.60.
The Canadian dollar buying rate climbed 94 cents, to $104.50 with dealers buying C$2,204,267 and selling C$4,588,102 as the rate rose 93 cents, to $106.08.
The Pound closed at $190.32, for the purchase of £1,013,558, at 75 cents lower, while £1,115,039 was sold, with the rate rising by 46 cents, to $193.50. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$945,676 while selling was the equivalent of US$944,228.
FX hl 17-7-14Highs & Lows| The highest rate for buying the US dollar was down 80 cents to $113.20, the lowest buying rate fell 17 cents to $91.85 and the highest selling rate remained unchanged at $117.91, while the lowest selling rate eased by $18.09 cents to $92.01.
The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar declined by 40 cents, to $105.60 and the lowest buying rate was down 42 cents to $83, the highest selling rate fell 48 cents to $107 and the lowest lost 50 cents to $100.
The highest buying rate for the British Pound, slipped 60 cents to $193, while the lowest buying increased by 29 cents to $154.67 and the highest selling rate gained $2.46 to $199.39, the lowest selling rate was up by $1.70 to $188.20.

NCB & Paramount plan dividend payments

ncb-logoTimes may be tough for many Jamaicans but the majority of listed companies continue to distribute dividends to their shareholders.
The latest announcement of plans for dividends are from National Commercial Bank (NCB) and Paramount Trading.
NCB advises that the Board of Directors will consider the payment of an interim dividend to stockholders at a meeting to be held on Thursday, July 24, 2014. National Commercial Bank approved an increase dividend payment of 35 cents per share paid on May 22 and a dividend of 32 cents per ordinary stock was paid on February 20 this year.
Paramount advised that Board Meeting to be held at 8 Bell Road East on Thursday, July 24, 2014 receive the audited financials and consider a dividend. Paramount paid an interim dividend of 13.5 cents per share payable on December 10, 2013.

Insiders buy more shares

Inside trades continue apace with the latest once more in Sagicor Group Jamaica who advised that an Executive purchased 571,696 shares under the group’s Executive Long Term Incentive Scheme on July 16, 2014.SagicorBuilding280x150 Pan-Jamaican Investment that owns more than 30 percent of Sagicor also advised that a director purchased 5,000 shares on July 14, 2014.
Blue Power Group advised that a Director sold 687,285 ordinary shares to a connected party of Guardsman Group on July 11, 2014.
Grace Kennedy has advised that on June 26, 2014 GK Capital Management acquired by way of a trade across the floor of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE), 10,200,000 ordinary stock units in the JSE from PWL Transition Ltd (formerly First Global Financial Services (FGFS)). The transfer of the stock units in the JSE was part of the larger transaction whereby all the shares in FGFS were sold by First Global Holdings a subsidiary of Grace to Proven Investments Limited and the price agreed took into account the overall deal.

More stocks fall than rise but main indices up

In Thursday’s trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange the prices of 4 stocks rose, 7 declined as 16 securities changed hands, resulting in 2,965,442 shares trading, valued at $16,295,528.
Main Market| The JSE Market Index gained 168.74 points to 70,533.56 and the JSE All Jamaican Composite index moved up 188.68 points, to close at 77,577.53.
JSE Sum -17-7-14Gains| Stocks recording gains at the end of trading in the main market are Berger Paints trading 2,955 shares to close with a 2 cents gain at $1.62, Carreras 7,535 shares closed 10 cents higher at $33.90, Desnoes & Geddes 21,750 units traded to close 5 cents higher, at $4.25, National Commercial Bank gained 5 cents to close at $18.20, with 900 units changing hands, Sagicor Group traded 1,137,827 shares in closing at $9.07 for a 2 cents gain and Scotia Group traded 11,881 units to close 9 cents up, at $18.60
Firm| Kingston Wharves with 511 units closing at $5.25 was the only stocks in the main market to close without a change in price.
Preference| Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 439,700 units to close at $2,
Jamaica Money Market Brokers 8.75% preference share with 523,950 units closed at $3.01 and Jamaica Public Service 5% D preference share with 23,675 units closed at 35 cents.
Declines| The stocks that declined in the main market are Cable & Wireless that lost a cent with 6,758 units to close at 29 cents and Grace Kennedy with 25,000 shares as the price slipped $1 to close at $54.
Junior Market| The JSE Junior Market Index declined by 15.40 points to close at 670.67, only 4 stocks traded with none advancing and 3 declining.
Firm Trades| Only one stock in the junior market that traded, close at the same price as the day before with Lasco Financial Services trading 10,000 shares as the price closed at $1.
Declines| Junior market stocks declining at the end of trading are Caribbean Producers with 505,000 shares, declining by 5 cents to close at $2.50, Lasco Distributors with 129,000 shares changed hands for 5 cents higher at $1.20 and Lasco Manufacturing 119,000 shares, closed with a loss of 8 cents at $1.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 5 stocks with the bids higher than their last selling prices and 3 stocks with offers that were lower.

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