Sagicor X Fund in big trade on JSE

Hotel property owned by Sagicor Real Estate Fund

Hotel property owned by Sagicor Real Estate Fund

At the end of trading Sagicor Real Estate X Fund traded 473.4 million units, trading between $6.95 and $7 with a value of $3.29 billion. A block of 473,414,000 units was crossed by Sagicor Investments on behalf of clients. At the end 8 stocks gained, 10 that declined in all market segments.
Market activity, on the Jamaica Stock Exchange picked up from moderate trading on Monday with only 21 securities trading and ended on Tuesday with 30 securities changing hands as 478,681,888 units, valued at $3,328,086,907 traded.
The JSE Market Index gained 336.73 points to 98,517.75, the JSE JSE Sum -15-9-15All Jamaican Composite index rose 376.31 points to 109,055.41 and the JSE combined index added 212.92 points to end at 101,539.89.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had a reading of 14 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 7 with offers that were lower.
In trading, Cable and Wireless had 862,092 shares changing hands to close at 48 cents, Desnoes & Geddes traded 3,096,207 shares at $7.10 down 10 cents, Mayberry Investments ended with 178,500 units trading at $3 while gaining 19 cents, National Commercial Bank with JSE fn qts 15-9-15278,125 shares changing hands, closed at $30. Sagicor Group with 117,400 shares closed 40 cents lower at $12.60, Sagicor Real Estate Fund traded 473,418,735 units at $6.95, Radio Jamaica traded 11,085 shares to close at $3.05. Scotia Group traded 16,351 shares to close with a gain of 5 cents at $23.85, Scotia Investments ended with 13,666 shares trading 27 cents higher at $24.50, Supreme Ventures traded 9,440 shares but gained 10 cents in ending at $3.50, Proven Investments ordinary share traded 41,727 units at 19.9 US cents and Proven Investments preference share with 100,000 units traded closed at $5.

Juniors close on positive note Tuesday

StockMarkets The junior market lost ground on Tuesday with the market index falling 11.76 points to close at 954.62 as the prices of only 1 stock advancing, 5 declined and a total of 8 securities trading. Trading ended with just 444,908 units, valued at $941,966 changing hands.
At the close, there are signs that the supply of junior market stocks is on the decline, with demand slowly rising. The market ended with 3 securities with no bids to buy, while 9 had no stocks being offered for sale and 7 stocks closed with bids higher than the last traded prices and 2 closed with lower offers.
Stocks trading are, Caribbean Cream traded 17,000 shares to close with a 5 cents rise to $1.65, Caribbean Producers lost 2 cents with 103,100 shares changing hands at $2.38,JM - Trade Sheet 15-9-15 Dolphin Cove traded just 2,950 shares to end at $11.20, after falling $1.05, Honey Bun had 13,290 shares changing hands at $3.98. Lasco Distributors fell 15 cents with 63,276 units changing hands at $1.80, Lasco Financial ended with 81,090 shares changing hands for a fall of 5 cents at $1.70, Lasco Manufacturing lost 1 cent in trading 162,813 units to close at $1.89 and Medical Disposables traded 1,389 shares to close unchanged at $2.36.

2 stocks rise on TTSE

stks The Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange closed Tuesday with 10 securities changing hands with the price of 2 stocks rising, none declining and 8 traded with prices unchanged as a total of 285,980 units traded, valued at $5,846,515.
At the close, all three indices closing unchanged with the Composite Index closing at 1,146.57, the All T&T Index at 1,949.89 and the Cross Listed Index at 45.03.
Gains| Clico Investment Fund closed with just 249,940 shares valued at $5,626,160 changing hands, 2 cents higher at $22.52 and West Indian Tobacco traded just 700 shares to close unchanged at $125.43 to gain 1 cent.
Firm Trades| ANSA McAL contributed 400 shares in trading, to close at $67.25, First Citizens Bank had 270 shares changing hands to end at $35, Grace Kennedy saw TTSE 15-9-1521,568 units changing hands at $3.50, JMMB Group traded 3,142 shares at 42 cents, National Commercial Bank traded 4,482 shares at $1.63. National Flour with 5,250 shares ended at $2.06, National Enterprises with 28 shares changing hands, closed at $16.95 and Point Lisas closed with 200 shares changing hands at $4.06.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 5 stocks with the bid higher than their last selling prices and 6 stocks with offers that were lower.

Junior market gains on Monday

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JSE sign Trading on Monday ended with just 1,004,842 units, valued at $1,877,894 changing hands from a total of 7 securities that traded. The prices of 3 stocks advanced 2 declined with the junior market index rising 11.47 points to close at 966.38.
At the close, 3 securities ended with no bids to buy, while 8 had no stocks being offered for sale and 3 stocks closed with bids higher than the last traded prices and 2 closed with a lower offer.
Stocks trading are, Access Financial traded 2,500 shares to close with a 2 cents fall to $12, Caribbean Producers lost 10 cents with 66,153 shares changing hands at $2.40, Dolphin Cove JM - Trade 14-9-15traded just 204 shares to end at $12.25, General Accident Insurance had 206,820 shares changing hands at $1.45 for a 5 cents gain. Jamaican Teas had 20,715 shares trading to close at $3.50, Lasco Distributors closed with 89,124 units changing hands at $1.95 to gain 5 cents, Lasco Financial ended with 1,500 shares changing hands at $1.75, for a fall of 5 cents and Lasco Manufacturing had 620,326 units changing hands at $1.90, to gain 10 cents.

NCB is positioning to rally on JSE

NCB's new branch on Constant Spring Road Kingston.

NCB’s new branch on Constant Spring Road Kingston.

At the end of trading National Commercial Bank (NCB) is getting ready to move with supply declining with only 6 offers posted, by three brokers reflecting a desire to sell less than 50,000 units in total. Supply is most likely more than the amount shown, normally the offers to sell would be much more than that now posted.
NCB is expected to report full year results to the end of September by the first week in November that is projected by IC Insider to exceed $5 per share.
JSE Sum -14-9-15Market activity was moderate, on the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Monday and ended with just 21 securities changing hands as 3,950,878 units, valued at $35,988,729 traded. At the end 6 stocks gained, compared to 7 that declined in all market segments, helping the indices to eke out some small gains.
JSE Market Index gained only 31.04 points to 98,181.02, the JSE All Jamaican Composite index rose just 34.68 points to 108,679.10 and the JSE combined index added 131.70 points to end at 101,326.97.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, in the main and junior markets, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had a reading of 9 stocks with bids higher than their last selling prices and 6 with offers that were lower, an indication that the sideways movement of the market should continue.
In trading, Cable and Wireless had 87,813 shares changing hands to close at 48 cents, Carreras traded 19,345 shares at $50, for a 17 cents loss, JMMB Group had 1,010,000 shares JSE fn qts 14-9-15changing hands at $7.69 after shedding 1 cent. Mayberry Investments ended with 108,159 units trading at $2.81 while gaining 10 cents, NCB with 633,190 shares changing hands, closed at $30. Sagicor Real Estate Fund traded 445,452 units at $6.95 while losing 55 cents. Supreme Ventures traded 40,015 shares but lost 50 cents in ending at $3.40, Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 98,354 units at $2, Jamaica Money Market Brokers 8.75% preference share traded 19,143 units at $2.85 with a 3 cents loss and Proven Investments preference share with 480,050 units traded closed at $5 for a 10 cents gain.

9 stocks rise 1 fell on JSE – early Tuesday

Trading activities on the Jamaica Stock Exchange was again slow in the early morning session as buyers and sellers continue their stand-off. The market has so far traded 18 securities with a volume of 3,409,859 units, with only 1 stock declining and 9 rising.
JSE Intra 15 - 09-15Trading activity resulted small changes to the indices with the JSE Market Index rising 697.61 points to 98,878.63. The JSE All Jamaican Composite index gained 779.62 points to 109,458.72 and the JSE combined index rose 725.77 points to be at 102,052.74. The junior market inched up 7.52 points to 973.90.
The main trades so far are, Desnoes & Geddes traded 3,095,177 units at $7.50 while gaining 50 cents, Mayberry Investments 178,500 units at $3 while gaining 19 cents and Proven Investments ordinary share trades 38,977 units at 19.9 US dollars.

TCL at 52 weeks’ high on TTSE

TCL 2 The Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange closed Monday with Trinidad Cement closing at $3 for 52 weeks’ high on a day when 13 securities changed hands. The price of 2 stocks rose, 3 declined and 8 traded with price unchanged as a total of 614,459 units traded, valued at $2,225,277.
At the close, the Composite Index fell 0.13 points to 1,146.57, the All T&T Index lost 0.26 points to 1,949.89 and the Cross Listed Index remained at 45.03.
Gains| Massey Holdings closed with 250 units trading with a 1 cent gain at $62.49 and Trinidad Cement closing at $3 with 406,706 units valued at $1,219,776 changing hands after gaining 24 cents.
Losses| Angostura Holdings with 1,772 shares changing hands, closed at $14, after losing 50 cents, Clico Investment Fund trade with a volume of 9,120 shares valued at $205,258, at the close the price slipped 2 cents to $22.50 and Point Lisas traded 5,000 shares at $4.06, after losing 1 cent.
Firm Trades| ANSA McAL contributed 595 shares in trading, to close at $67.25, First Citizens Bank had 411 shares changing hands to end at $35, Guardian Holdings with 145 shares changing hands, closed at $13.91, Guardian Media traded 17,900 shares with the price remaining at $19.77, for a value of $353,883. TTSE 14-9-15JMMB Group traded 20,238 shares at 42 cents, Sagicor Financial Corporation closed with 13,000 shares changing hands at $6, Scotia Investments closed with 139,004 shares valued at $222,982 changing hands, unchanged at $1.60 and closed with buying for 239,763 shares on the bid at $1.60 and Scotiabank closed with 318 shares changing hands unchanged at $62.50.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had 6 stocks with the bid higher than their last selling prices and 4 stocks with offers that were lower.

4 JSE stocks down 3 up – early Monday

Trading activities on the Jamaica Stock Exchange continues to be slow in the early morning session. The market has so far have trading in 13 securities with a volume of 1,193,370 units, with 4 stocks declining and 3 rising.
JSE Intra 14 - 09-15Trading activity resulted small changes to the indices with the JSE Market Index rising 12.43 points to 98,162.41. The JSE All Jamaican Composite index gained 13.89 points to 108,658.31 and the JSE combined index rose 95.87 points to be at 101,291.14. The junior market slipped 9.42 points to 964.33
The main trades so far are Cable & Wireless with 87,813 units at 48 cents, Mayberry Investments 100,000 units at $2.80 while gaining 9 cents, Proven Investments preference share with 480,050 units $5 for a 10 cents gain. In the junior market Lasco Distributors with 82,224 units at $1.90 and Lasco Manufacturing had 350,326 units at $1.90, to gain 10 cents.

IMF – J$ may still be overvalued

1000frontThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) is saying that the Jamaican dollar could be overvalued by as much as 19 percent to a moderate rate of 2.1 percent depending on the methods used. The fund also suggest that other methods show an undervaluation of up to 13 percent as well, based on the fall in the price of oil on the world market.
“Preliminary analysis based on the Fund’s EBA-lite and CGER models does not offer clear evidence ofeither over- or undervaluation, after two years of exchange rate adjustment and an important current account adjustment. Safeguarding the gains in competitiveness will be critical in an uncertain global environment. The increased flexibility in exchange rate has been instrumental in improving competitiveness and strengthening the external position. Continued exchange rate depreciation remains necessary given the ongoing inflation differential with trading partners, the risks to competitiveness from a possible upswing in oil prices, and the recent strengthening of the US dollar”, the IMF reported.
IMFThe IMF stated, “the macroeconomic balance (MB) and the external sustainability (ES) approaches suggest that the Real effective exchange rate (REER) is undervalued (at 11.5 and 12.6 percent) while, the equilibrium real exchange rate (ERER) and the purchasing power parity (PPP) approaches point to some remaining overvaluation (of 19.4 per cent and 14.4 percent respectively). A key assumption for the MB and ES estimates is that oil prices will recover only gradually and partially from their recent decline, thereby supporting the projected improvement in the current account balance. The confidence intervals are very large for all the estimates and, statistically, zero misalignment cannot be rejected. The results of the EBA-lite methodology, which estimates the gap between the current account balance and its norm for 2015, suggest a slight overvaluation” of 2.1 percent. These overvaluation amounts would require adjustments for inflation differential between Jamaica and our main trading partners, which could mean roughly a 5 percent adjustment to the rate of exchange.

No motorists’ benefit from gas tax hedging

Gas price Man PrkWhen the government of Jamaican imposed the specific excise tax on automotive fuels of J$7 per litre the motoring public were told that some of the tax would be used partially to hedge against future rise in oil prices on the world market above then current levels.
Motorist would be forgiven, if they felt that part of the funds collected and used to hedge against future sharp rise in the price of fuel, would also be used to cushion the price at the pumps that would jump as a result of upward price movement of oil. Based on information contained in the latest report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on their assessment of Jamaica’s performance under the extended fund facility, motorist seem unlikely to benefit from any easing at the pumps in the future, should the price jump back sharply on the world market for petroleum.
“Part of the proceeds from this tax package, have been allocated to an energy stabilization fund to both purchase a financial hedge against a future oil price increase and sponsor investments in climate-friendly energy projects. The authorities and staff concurred that it will be important to ensure a transparent design of the hedging instrument. Staff advised that the use of any resources from the financial hedge should be focused on mitigating the impact of higher oil prices on the poor and on enhancing fuel efficiency, rather than on stabilizing domestic fuel prices”, the IMF said.
The big question is whether any further hedging will be executed now that the price has slipped back into the low US$40 per barrel with the world flush with oil with technical indicators pointing to even lower prices ahead. In such a scenario, what will the levy of gasoline be used for?

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