tTech is back Carib Producers exits TOP 10

tTech is a new entrant to the Junior Market TOP 10 stocks and replaces Caribbean Producers that has been in the TOP 10 for several months.
Caribbean Producers closed at a 52 weeks high of $5 at the end of last week and fell out of the TOP 10. PanJam Investment price moved to $43 and just held on in the main market TOP 10. The price of Palace Amusement fell during the week to end at $1,000 and moved up on the top ten list as a result. Caribbean Cement price dropped sharply from $42 in the previous week to $35, but closed with the bid at $37.95 and moved into the number 5 spot as a result.
Cable & Wireless is unofficially the number one rated stock in the main market list based on IC forecast, of profit for the current year, flowing from increased revenues and a sharp fall in interest cost. Uncertainty surrounding continued listing keeps it off the official list.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.5 compared to an average PE for the overall main market is 10 based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 6.6 for the top stocks compared to a market average of 12.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 36 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be, 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 46 percent to the market.

Palace is back NCB out of TOP 10 stocks


New contents at Palace Amusement .

Palace Amusement is back in among the top stocks, after falling out at the end of the previous week, with the stock now offered for sale at $1,120, below the last sale price of $1,300.
There is still no new entrants to the junior market TOP 10, for the second week in a row, as there has been only moderate price changes in that market.
A new element in the market this past week, is the payment to some former Cable & Wireless shareholders who collected nearly $2 billion in cash. Most of these funds are likely to go back into the market that is short on supplies.
The price of NCB Financial rose by the end of the week and moved out of the main market top stock list. Caribbean Cement that has languished just above the $30 level for months has broken into the $40 range and moved down to the second half of the list. The sharp price change follows an announcement that the company signed an agreement to buyback leased assets during this year. The buyback is set to save around $2 billion per annum before tax.
Palace Amusement revenues and profit, are getting a big lift from the strong showing of the Black Panther movie being shown currently. The stock’s attractiveness is not based solely on that development. Data shows the company’s revenues have been rising well since 2014 when it hit $833 million, rising to $916 million in 2015, while there was a slight dip in 2016 to $909 million, it rose 9 percent in 2017, to $990 million. Revenues for the half year to December last year grew 11 percent to $493 million and profit rising 138 percent, continuing the normal annual growth. Revenues will hit the billion mark for the first time in the company’s history, for the current fiscal year and remain over that level going forward. The performance of the economy is critical to the future fortunes and to a lesser degree, the quality of films. Data shows that with tight economy, patronage in Kingston suffered badly with the fall in the economy from in 2008 onwards. At the same time strong growth said to be around 7 percent per annum in the Montego Bay economy, shows up in strong revenues gains there compared to Kingston. With the overall economy recovering, Palace is benefitting.
PanJam Investment for 2017, reported a 29 percent rise in profit to $4.13 billion and in earnings per share of $3.93 from continuing operations. The group is expected to continue to enjoy increased earnings in 2018 and the focus on expansion of new projects will be beneficial to them going forward.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.3 compared to an average PE for the overall main market is 10 based on 2018 estimated earnings. The main market PE is 6.8 for the top stocks compared to a market average of 12.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 37 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be, 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 44 percent to the market.

Entities associated with IC owns shares in Palace Amusement Company and Caribbean Cement.

Palace, Grace out NCB & PanJam in TOP 10

There were no entrants or exists from to the Junior Market TOP 10 list but Palace Amusement more than doubled during the week rising 132 percent and left the list along with Grace Kennedy that rose to $51.50. The two are replaced by NCB Financial and PanJam Investment.
PanJam released 2017 audited financial statements with increased earnings of 29 percent to $4.13 billion, from ongoing operations resulting in earnings per share of $3.93. The group is expected to continue to enjoy increased earnings in 2018.
The main market hit record highs during the week but pulled back as the market move closer to resistance level in a long term channel. It just a matter of time for the break out to take place, regardless the channel points upwards for the market. Profit results for 2018 first quarter, will be important in helping to fuel the break out but with Treasury bill rates falling to 3.16 percent on the 182 days instrument during the past week, an important leg for a rally to come, is in place.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.3 compared to an average PE for the overall main market is 10 based on 2018 estimated earnings. At the same time the main market ended the week with a PE of 6.7 for the top stocks compared to a market average of close to 12.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 37 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be, of 20 times earnings and main market stocks traded at a discount of 45 percent to the market

Iron Rock & 2 others in TOP 10

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The Junior Market continues to fight for the 2018 rally to take root and grow even as interest rates are at their lowest in decades. Technical reading of this market shows the short term 45 day moving average (DMA) has crossed over the 120 DMA, a bullish sign as the market is coming from an oversold position.
With many Junior Market stocks having risen sharply in the last twelve months, it would require gains in profit above most of the recent postings to have pushed prices much higher in the short term. In a number of instances, some junior listed companies are focusing on expansion that will not bear fruit immediately and with some of the stocks pricing in these development into prices already, there are no new information to move prices in the short term. Results for the 2018 first quarter will therefore be critical in determining the performance of the market for the first half of the year.Stationery and Office Supplies got a shot in the arm from audited financial statements to December 2018, showing strong gains in revenues and profit, compared to 2016 and saw the price moving back up to $5.50 and its position in the TOP list down to 8 from number 2 in February. It won’t be long before it drops out of the list as demand push the price higher. General insurance underwriters Iron Rock is now in the list, following improved 2017 results that benefited from strong revenues growth that augurs well for earnings in 2018. The company should also benefit from rising premium rates. Paramount Trading is back in the list and so too is AMG Packaging having disposed of its machinery in the tissue operations and cut cost it in it as well from the closure of that business line. Going into the 2019 fiscal year it should be rid of most of the cost of that operations and therefore focus on the container boxes to meet the existing increased demand. Out goes Dolphin Cove with lower than projected earnings being reported for 2017, followed by Blue Power and tTech with lower results for 2017 than previously projected, that will likely negatively affect 2018 earnings for these companies.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.3 compared to an average PE for the overall main market is 10 based on 2018 estimated earnings.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 37 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but it’s a third of what the average PE for the year is likely to be, of 20 times earnings.

tTech, LasFin & Blue Power in TOP 10

The Junior Market is up 7.5 percent for the year to date, helped considerably by three new listings since late December and recovery in the prices of three Lasco companies and a few others.
Investors pushed Treasury bill rates sharply down by 22 percent from 4.63 in December to 3.593 percent in February, while the central bank cut their overnight rates in sympathy to 2.75 percent. On the other hand profit results of companies have been mixed with some showing strong gains and others no so strong. So far stocks prices have yet to move to factor in the lower interest rates.
One company that had good 2017 results was ISP Finance but increased bad debt provisioning curtailed the growth in profits to just one percent after tax, but 20 percent ahead of the net 2016 profits with a 25 percent rise in revenues. The results for 2017 resulted in earnings per share being reduced to $1.20 for 2018 and with a rise in the stock price to $11.05 it is no longer in the TOP stocks. Also going out are, Access Financial and Paramount Trading. Access earnings have been reduced following their third quarter 2017 results.
Entering the TOP 10 Junior Market list are tTech, Lasco Financial and Blue Power. While Lasco Financial had lower profit in the December 2017 quarter than in 2016 that was due to added cost associated with the acquisition of Credi Scotia. The company will see a big jump in profit as a result of the acquisition. tTech is said to be seeing strong growth in clientele following a few years of soliciting new clients business. General Accident had a temporary setback in profit in 2017 due to a major claim but rising premium income margin should help boost profit in 2018 barring any major catastrophic claims. Key Insurance despite incurring cost associated with staff separation amounting to close to $50 million reported improved results for 2017 over 2016 and should go on to record the highest levels of profit in 2018 with expected better margin on insurance underwriting barring any unusually large claims. Stationery and Office had a record 2018 performance and is expected to show improve results in 2018 that will move the price upwards.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 6.3 compared to an average PE for the overall main market is 10 based on 2018 estimated earnings.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 39 percent to the average for the Junior Market Top stocks but its less than 50 percent of what the average PE for the year is likely to be, of 15 to 20 times earnings.

Barita is back VM Investments out – TOP 10

There is only one change to the TOP 10 lists, since we last reported on it, with Victoria Mutual Investments rising to more than $4 from the IPO price of $2.45, after listing in December and is replaced by Barita Investments.
Junior market stocks show some noted position change due to price movements. Key Insurance slipped in price to move atop that list, while Jamaican Teas gained and moved into the second half of the listing. CAC2000 posted results that were just 2 cents lower than IC’s forecast of 80 cents, with the price climbing to $7.31 at close of the week and should really be going higher based on those numbers. Access Financial climbed back to $42, pushing it to the bottom of the list.
Former TOP 10 listing, Main Event reported a 79 percent jump in earnings for 2018, to 38 cents per share before taxation, the price may bounce about for a while around the $6, until it is clear that 2018 earnings should hit 55 cents per share.
With the Initial Public offerings (IPOS) out of the way, more life returned to the secondary market this past week with the main market enjoying buoyant volumes and the Junior Market recording some recovery with more buying interest.
At the close of Friday, the average PE ratio for Junior Market Top stocks ended at 8.6 and 8.4 for the main market TOP 10. The average PE for the overall main market is 15 and 13.6 for the Junior Market, based on 2017 estimated earnings.
IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 37 percent to the average of the market for Junior Market Top stocks and 44 percent for the main market.
Market Watch| Investors should still keep a keen eye on Caribbean Cement for which supply seems to be declining and word that the company is close to an agreement in refinancing the leased assets that is expected to result in major savings in cost for 2018 onwards. FosRich and GWest Corporation, pulled back from their highs this past week with FosRich hitting $2.50 in trading on Friday, this one could see some rebounding but GWest Corporation could decline some more. Others to be watched are, CAC2000, General Accident, Cable & Wireless, NCB Financial, Berger Paints, JMMB Group, Main Event, Lasco Financial, Paramount Trading and Stationery and Office. Wisynco pulled back this past week to $10.80 and may well trade around this level for a while with a PE of 15 times 2018 earnings, as profit taking continues.

Pulse no 1 stock in 2016 & 2017

Data going back 30 years show that on only very rare occasions more than 2 stocks appear in the TOP for two consecutive years. 2017 is one such exception with 3 stocks doing so.
Pulse Investments retains the number 1 best performing main market stock position in 2017 with a gain of 256 percent, the stock also was also in the TOP 10 in 2016 at number 1 position for local stocks with gains, then of 350 percent. Berger Paints ended at the number 6 best performing stock in 2016 with gains of 200 percent and repeated in the 2017 TOP 10 with a rise of 196 percent, for the 2017 number 2 spot. Palace Amusement ended at 7 position in 2016 with a rise of 134 percent and rose 187 percent in 2017 to hold down the number 3 spot and is followed by Supreme Ventures at number 4.
The stocks from the 2017 top 10 that could repeat in 2018 include Berger Paints, Palace and Pulse, with JMMB Group looking to have a chance.

Watch impact of interest rate cut

Lower interest rates make real assets more valuable than before, as such the biggest change to stocks this coming week may well be guided by the recent cut in interest rates, with Treasury bill rates falling and the Bank of Jamaica cutting its overnight rate by 25 basis points.
At the close of last week, Caribbean Cream closed at $6.20 and helped to return it to the TOP 10 list, replacing Lasco Financial with its price rising to $4 from $3.40.
There were no other change to the two listings at the close of the week, even as the main market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange closed to week at record new high. For the coming week the cut in interest rates by Bank of Jamaica as well as a fall in the most recent Treasury rates could well positively impact prices.
The average PE ratio for the Junior Market Top stocks is at 7.5 and the PE for the main market TOP 10, ends the week at 7.3. The average PE for the overall main market trades at 13.6 and 13.3 for Junior Market, based on 2017 estimated earnings.
At the close of the week, IC’s TOP 10 stocks now trade at an average discount of 44 percent to the average of the market for Junior Market Top stocks and it remains at 46 percent for the main market.

Is Broilers’ inside trade a buy signal?

Insider trading in the stock of the company they are connected to can be a big indicators of future prospects, but it is not always the case.
In the past big purchasing of Jamaica Broilers Group shares by insiders have signaled improved profits down the road.
Could the latest big trade be such a signal? The latest ones are a bit confusing with bought buying and selling although there is a bias towards buying. The company recently reported that three Directors and three Senior Managers purchased a total of 5,735,448 of the company’s shares and that a Director and a Senior Manager sold a total of 5,214,772 of the shares, during the period July 11 to 14.
The company reported earnings of $1.85 per share for the just concluded 2017 fiscal year and IC forecast is for $2.60 for the 2018 fiscal year to April as revenues continues to grow and debt is paid down with increasing profits. The stock which traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Friday at $18, is one of IC’s TOP 10 main market stocks to own.


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