Junior Market stocks dominate ICTOP10

Everything Fresh jumped 19 percent to $1.60 to be the leading mover in ICTOP10 stocks, followed by Iron Rock Insurance, that rose 14 percent to $2.39, while Dolphin Cove and Margaritaville rose 4 percent to $17.05 and 11.34 US cents, respectively, on a week when the Junior Market slipped and the Main Market was pretty stable.
Investors may want to note the latest report on the court judgement on the Mystic Mountain sale as there were indications that Dolphin Cove was an interested buyer and they may well be amongst the preferred bidders. If they succeed, expect the stock that currently has limited offers posted on the JSE platform to jump.
Declining ICTOP10 stocks include Key Insurance, with an 11 percent fall to $2.56, followed by a fall of 7 percent for Caribbean Cream to $3.76. Berger Paints fell 7 percent to $7.05 and Edufocal lost 6 percent to $1.40.
Investors should note that Margaritaville is listed on both the Main and USD markets, with similar values.
The week closed with no new additions to the lists.
ICTop10 stocks that released results in the past week include the following:
General Accident Insurance was one of the TOP10 stocks to release results in the week, with the results validating why the stock is high on the TOP10 List. The half year results ended with revenues jumping sharply by 39 percent to $5.75 billion, with profit after tax of $165 million, up 193 percent over $56 million earned in the 2022 half year. Revenues for the June 2023 quarter surged 41 percent to $2.7 billion over the $1.9 billion in 2022, with profit of $225 million, up by 201 percent from $75 million in 2022.
Dolphin Cove reported a 5 percent increase in revenues to US$4.4 million in the June 2023 quarter over the June 2022 quarter and a 37 percent jump for the half year to US$9.2 million from US$6.76 million, with profit of US$1.153 million for the second quarter, up 10.5 percent over the $1.04 million in the June 2022 quarter and US$2.72 million for the half year, up 48 percent to US$1.84 million in the half year to June 2022.
JMMB Group reported a 25 percent jump in revenues to $14.34 billion in the June quarter from $11.48 billion in 2022 and generated a profit of $2.5 billion, thus reversing a loss of $2.2 billion in 2022.
138 Student Living reported a 12 percent increase in revenues to $347 million over the $309 million in the June 2022 quarter and a 17 percent jump for the nine months to $1.05 billion from $894 million and profit of $270 million, up 10.5 percent compared with $239 million in the nine months to June 2022 and for the June 2023 quarter and $89 million, up 48 percent to $54 million.
At the end of the week, the average PE for the JSE Main Market TOP 10 is 5.1, well below the market average of 12.6. The Main Market TOP10 is projected to have an average of 317 percent, to May 2024, based on 2023 forecasted earnings.
The 13 most highly valued Main Market stocks representing 28 percent of the Main Market, are priced at a PE of 15 to 95, with an average of 30 and 21 excluding the highest PE ratios, with a PE of 22 for the top half and 17 excluding the stocks with the highest PEs.
The Junior Market Top 10 PE sits at 5.5 compared with the market at 10.9. There are 10 stocks representing 21 percent of the market, with PEs from 15 to 40, averaging 20, which is well above the market’s average. The top half of the market has an average PE of 15, possibly the lowest fair value for Junior Market stocks currently, and projected to rise by 278 percent to May 2024.
The divergence between the average PE ratio of the Main and Junior Markets and the overall market valuation are important indicators of the likely gains for ICTOP10 stocks.
The markets are not bullish, but there continue to be cases of slow upward movements in some prices as investors respond to some recent attractive results leading them to quietly nibble away at many stocks, gradually reducing the supply of a number of them that are attractively priced. The list includes stocks such as Access Financial, AMG Packaging, Everything Fresh, Dolphin Cove, Caribbean Cream, Caribbean Assurance Brokers, Lasco Distributors and Lasco Manufacturing, Main Event and Transjamaican Highway.
ICTOP10 focuses on likely yearly winners. Accordingly, the list includes some of the best companies in the market but not always. ICInsider.com ranks stocks based on projected earnings, allowing investors to focus on the most undervalued stocks and helping to remove emotions in selecting stocks for investments that often result in costly mistakes.
IC TOP10 stocks will likely deliver the best returns up to the end of May 2024 and are ranked in order of potential gains, computed using projected earnings for the current fiscal year. Expected values will change as stock prices fluctuate, resulting in weekly movements in and out of the lists. Revisions to earnings are ongoing, based on receipt of new information.

Persons who compiled this report may have an interest in securities commented on in this report.

Junior Market rallies Wednesday

Stocks mostly rose in trading on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Wednesday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 12 percent less and the value modestly more than on Tuesday with 39 securities trading, down from 41 on Tuesday, with 18 rising, 13 declining and eight closing unchanged.
A total of 6,446,267 shares were exchanged for $26,873,467 versus 7,315,888 units at $25,872,080 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 165,289 shares at $689,063 compared to 178,436 units at $631,026 on Tuesday with the month to date, average of 172,027 units at $659,319. October ended with an average of 264,407 units at $832,036.
JFP Ltd led trading with 1.31 million shares for 20.4 percent of total volume followed by Dolla Financial with 747,702 units for 11.6 percent of the day’s trade and Dolphin Cove with 668,279 units for 10.4 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index increased 30.65 points to settle at 4,090.73.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 12.8. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks incorporate ICInsider.com projected earnings for companies with financial year end that falls between November this year and August 2023. Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, AMG Packaging increased 30 cents to $3.48 while exchanging 9,516 shares, Blue Power fell 11 cents to $2.99 with investors transferring 15,284 stock units, Consolidated Bakeries rallied 44 cents to end at $2.99 as 50,197 units passed through the market. Dolphin Cove rose $1.52 to close at $15.50 as investors exchanged 668,279 stocks, following news that the company could be buying Mystic Mountains operations that enjoyed years of profitable operation. Everything Fresh climbed 16 cents in closing at $1.78 after trading 11,025 stocks, Fontana dropped 31 cents to $8.79, with 118,115 units changing hands. Fosrich gained 12 cents in closing at $4.57 after an exchange of 511,772 shares, Honey Bun declined 44 cents to close at $6.75 in trading 20,165 stock units, Indies Pharma popped 14 cents in ending at $2.94 after 62,708 units changed hands. Iron Rock Insurance advanced 44 cents to end at $2.74 with the swapping of five shares, Jamaican Teas shed 18 cents in ending at $2.58 with a transfer of 262,250 stock units, Knutsford Express rallied 65 cents to end at $9.45, with 302 stocks crossing the exchange. Lasco Distributors lost 14 cents in closing at a 52 weeks’ low of $2.66 after a transfer of 97,782 stocks, Lasco Financial dipped 14 cents to close at $2.70 with an exchange of 44,875 shares, Lumber Depot popped 19 cents to $2.70 in trading 304,239 stock units and Stationery and Office Supplies dropped $1.07 in closing at $15.06 after investors exchanged 23,000 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Mystic Mountain $500m Pref shares

In July, Mystic Mountain issued $500 million in 10.50 percent preference shares in a private placement. So how do they look financially? IC Insider got hold of some data to help investors understand what the operation is looking like. The funds raised are expected to cut borrowing cost, provide working capital and allow for expansion.

The company intends to apply to the Jamaica Stock Exchange for the listing of all of the Preference Shares by way of introduction and to make such application six months or as soon as conveniently possible after the closing of the Offer.

The company operates an attraction facility in Ocho Rios, Jamaica catering to all, but relying a great deal on foreign visitors to the island.

Information from the company states that “The Rainforest Sky Explorer is a chairlift ride which takes riders from the entrance to the heart of the action, 700 feet higher. The journey takes approximately 15 minutes each way and covers approximately 1.3 miles, giving riders superb views of the rainforest, the beautiful Caribbean Sea on the north coast of Jamaica and educational pictorial displays featuring Jamaican Olympian athletes that are set up at the top of the route.

Mystic MountainCHARTRFA is a British Virgin Islands registered corporation that, through its Hong Kong wholly owned subsidiary, is the majority owner of five ecotourism parks, two in Costa Rica, one with a management agreement in Mexico, one in St. Lucia, and Mystic Mountain in Jamaica. RFA owns 54.9 percent of Mystic Mountain. The remaining 45.1 percent is owned by Mike Drakulich, Norma Clarke and John Dalton. Additionally, the Company is planning to build a sixth park in St. Maarten and is in advanced negotiations to develop a seventh park in Rio de Janeiro.”

Profitability | Net profit for September 2012 amounted to US$1.186 million up from US$1,018 million in 2011 with profits being made in the last four years, the period that the company disclosed results for. Financial performance for 2nd quarter ended March this year and March 2012 showed operating revenues up to US$2.20 million, a US$179,000, or 7.5 percent decline compared to 2012. Direct operating expenses totalled US$940,000 in the quarter, a 10.4 percent or US$48,000 increase over the 2012 quarter. Administrative expense increased marginally by 3 percent from US$441,000 in the second quarter 2012 to US$455,000 this year. Finance costs fell from US$56,000 to US$40,000 in the second quarter this year compared to the similar period in 2012. Net Income declined by 34 percent or US$299,000 to US$580,000 in the quarter.

Revenues for the 2012 fiscal year amounted to US$7.146 million, an increase of 16 percent or $1 million over 2011 primarily as a result of an increase in visitors over the year. The compounded average growth rate (CAGR) for the 4 year period is 9 percent. Direct operating cost of US$2.40 million increased by 25 percent or US$500,000 compared to 2011, resulting in a gross profit of US$4.75 million for a 12 percent improvement over the previous year.

Operating expenses of US$3.36 million increased by 12 percent or US$358,000 relative to 2011, primarily as a result of increases in general operating expenses such as repair and maintenance and office expenses. Gross profit margin declined from 67 percent in 2011 to 66 percent in 2012. In 2009 gross profit margin was 74 percent.

Finance costs of US$205 thousand declined by US$27 thousand or by 12 percent relative to 2011 of US$232 thousand. Finance cost was reduced from a high of US$611 thousand in 2009.  Mystic has reduced its total borrowings from US$4.824 million to US$2.454 million in 2012 by paying down loans resulting in reduced interest cost.

Liquidity | As at September 30, 2012, the company had a current ratio of 1.05. This represents an increase of 22 percent of the liquidity position relative to 2011, in which the current ratio stood at 0.86. The level of equity to debt which was 110 percent in 2011 improved sharply to 160 percent in 2012.

The company’s working capital has been negative for the three years to 2012 and just went into the black in 2012.

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