Nice price movements in ICTOP10

The listing of Omni Industries on the Junior Market on Tuesday, was the highlight of the Jamaica Stock Exchange during the past week, following a successful offer of share to the public. The market  closed with gains in the Main and Junior Market indices, leading to just four stocks rising in the ICTOP10 Main Market and only two in the Junior Market, with gains ranging from three to 12 percent and five with losses in the Junior Market TOP10 and six in the Main Market.

Omni Industries that was never in the TOP10 closed at $1.12, after the price hit a record high of $1.42 on Wednesday, sits in the last quartile of the overall Junior Market, with a fairly healthy PE of 14.
Lasco Financial, last week’s new listing to the Junior Market ICTOP10 climbed 12 percent to $1.70 and dropped out of the listing. Caribbean Cream rallied 7 percent to $4. Caribbean Assurance Brokers fell 8% to close at $3.55, followed by Access Financial, Lumber Depot and tTech falling by 5 percent each to close at $19, $2.65 and $2.35 respectively.
In the Main Market, Berger Paints, General Accident and Palace Amusement rose 8 percent to close at $8.95, $7 and $1.15 respectively. Margaritaville fell 8 percent to close at $14.50, Key Insurance fell 6 percent to $2.24 and JMMB Group dipped 5 percent to $24.25.
The Junior Market listed AMG Packaging is the the only new addition to the ICTOP10 for the week, coming in at $3.30.
The average PE for the JSE Main Market ICTOP 10 stands at 5.1, well below the market average of 14 and the Junior Market TOP10 sits at 6.7, just over half of the market, with an average of 12.4.
The Main Market ICTOP10 is projected to gain an average of 295 percent by May 2025, based on 2024 forecasted earnings and providing better values than the Junior Market with the potential to achieve 212 percent over the same period.
In the Main Market ICTOP 10, a total of 17 of the most highly valued stocks representing 33 percent of the Main Market are priced at a PE of 15 to 103, with an average of 30 and 19 excluding the highest PE ratios, and a PE of 23 for the top half and 16 excluding the stocks with overweight values.
In the Junior Market IC TOP10 are 12 stocks, or 26 percent of the market, with PEs ranging from 15 to 45, averaging 20, well above the market’s average. The average PE for the top half of the market is 17, possibly the lowest fair value measure for stocks currently.
ICTOP10 focuses on likely yearly winners, accordingly, the list includes some of the best companies in the market, but this is not always so. ranks stocks based on projected earnings, allowing investors to focus on the most undervalued stocks and helping to remove emotions in selecting stocks for investments that often result in costly mistakes.
IC TOP10 stocks will likely deliver the best returns on or around May 2025 and are ranked in order of potential gains, computed using projected earnings for the current fiscal year. Expected values will change as stock prices fluctuate, resulting in weekly movements in and out of the lists. Revisions to earnings are ongoing, based on receipt of new information.

Persons who compiled this report may have an interest in securities commented on in this report.

Gains for Junior Market to close week

Rising stocks drove the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange higher on Friday, with the market index touching over 3,760 points before falling back to close 29.00 points higher for the day at 3,717.69, following trading in 40 securities up from 37 on Thursday and ending with prices of 15 rising, 13 declining and 12 closing firm after a 29 percent decline in the volume of stocks traded, with 42 percent less value than Thursday.
Trading closed with 5,633,135 shares for $10,782,635 down from 7,971,053 units at $18,706,118 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 140,828 shares at $269,566 compared to 215,434 units at $505,571 on Thursday. Trading for the month to date, averages 215,926 units at $441,345 down from 224,156 stocks at $460,170 on the previous day and May with an average of 451,257 units at $953,021.
Omni Industries led trading with 2.45 million shares for 43.4 percent of total volume followed by Lasco Financial with 575,941 units for 10.2 percent of the day’s trade and Dolla Financial with 569,701 units for 10.1 percent market share.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.4, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows three stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and two with lower offers.
At the close, AMG Packaging lost 19 cents to end at $3.30 with investors dealing in 10,000 shares, Blue Power gained 64 cents to $3.69, with 22,683 stocks clearing the market, CAC 2000 sank 22 cents to $3.30 after trading of 283 shares. Cargo Handlers slipped 26 cents to end at $13 after 300 stock units passed through the market, Caribbean Assurance Brokers fell 22 cents and ended at $3.55 and closing with 45,389 shares passing through the market, Consolidated Bakeries rose 15 cents to finish at $2.15 with investors trading just 51 stocks. Dolphin Cove rallied $3 and ended at $22.50 in switching ownership of 8,499 units, Express Catering dropped 99 cents to $4 after a transfer of 406,642 stock units, Image Plus popped 11 cents to end at $1.86 with investors swapping 36 shares. Jetcon Corporation advanced 10 cents in closing at 80 cents with a transfer of 301 stock units, Lasco Financial climbed 15 cents to finish at $1.70 as investors exchanged 575,941 stocks, MFS Capital Partners shed 18 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ closing low of $1.02 after it hit an intraday low of 95 cents with 428,315 stocks being traded. Omni Industries gained 9 cents to $1.12 with an exchange of 2,447,168 shares, Spur Tree Spices popped 9 cents in closing at $2.35, with 323,059 stocks crossing the market and Tropical Battery rallied 11 cents and ended at $2.23 with traders dealing in 37,485 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Gains for all JSE Markets

Rising stocks pushed the Jamaica Stock Exchange three markets higher on Friday to end the week, resulting in prices of 29 shares rising and 32 declining as the market closed with an increase in the number of stocks changing hands, with a higher value over the previous trading day after Guardian Holdings dropped $15 to be the leading price mover.
At the close of trading on Friday, the JSE Combined Market Index rallied 2,179.26 points to 334,640.14, the All Jamaican Composite Index slipped 158.45 points to close at 356,570.54, the JSE Main Index rose 2,061.91 points to end trading at 322,058.00. The Junior Market Index climbed 29.00 points to close at 3,717.69, after hitting 3760 points in the morning session and the JSE USD Market Index rose 2.09 points to end the day at 221.95.
At the close of trading, 25,075,060 shares were exchanged in all three markets, up from 24,103,951 units on Thursday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $160.33 million, a fraction more than the $153 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 36,637 shares for US$5,319 compared to 456,359 units at US$13,103 on Thursday.
In Main Market activity, Wigton Windfarm led trading with 7.43 million shares followed by Sagicor Select Financial Fund with 5.13 million units, GraceKennedy was next with 1.51 million shares, Sagicor Select Manufacturing & Distribution Fund closed with 1.46 million stock and JMMB 9.5% preference share with 1.23 million units.
In the Junior Market, Omni Industries was the leading traded stock with 2.45 million units, to be followed by Lasco Financial with 575,941 stock units and Dolla Financial with 569,701 units.
In the preference segment, no stock ended with a notable price change.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 21.4 based on 2023-24 earnings and 13.3 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Omni almost back to IPO price

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Omni Industries ended trading activity on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Thursday as the leading trade, as the demand for the stock pulled back resulting in the price closing just three cents above the $1 IPO price and helping in a 68 percent decline in the volume of stocks traded in the overall market with a 56 percent lower value than Wednesday and ending with trading in only 37 securities down from 40 on Wednesday with prices of 12 rising, 16 declining and nine closing unchanged.
The market closed with trading of 7,971,053 shares for $18,706,118 down from 25,008,612 units at $42,711,488 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 215,434 shares at $505,571 down from 625,215 units at $1,067,787 on Wednesday, with trading month to date, averaging 224,156 units at $460,170 compared with 225,140 stock units at $455,048 on the previous day and May with an average of 451,257 units at $953,021.
Omni Industries led trading with 4.40 million shares for 55.2 percent of total volume followed by Dolla Financial with 692,171 units for 8.7 percent of the day’s trade and Fontana with 631,273 units for 7.9 percent market share.
At the close of trading, the Junior Market Index dipped 24.19 points to close at 3,688.69.
The Junior Market ended trading with an average PE Ratio of 12.4, based on last traded prices in conjunction with earnings projected by for the financial years ending around August 2025.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows nine stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close of trading, Access Financial dropped 45 cents to finish the trading of 5 stock units at $19, Blue Power fell 14 cents and ended at $3.05 with an exchange of 93,376 shares, Caribbean Assurance Brokers advanced 17 cents to $3.77, with 49,623 units crossing the market. Consolidated Bakeries declined 15 cents to close at $2 after an exchange of 600 stocks, Dolphin Cove lost $2.30 in closing at $19.50 in trading 17,044 units, driving the dividend yield up to 12 percent, Express Catering popped 34 cents to end at $4.99, with 97,774 stocks crossing the exchange. Image Plus dipped 13 cents in closing at $1.75 in switching ownership of 131,498 shares, ISP Finance sank $3.65 to $20.75 after 75 stock units passed through the market, Jamaican Teas shed 19 cents to finish at $2.12 after 355,630 shares changed hands. JFP Ltd rallied 8 cents and ended at $1.18 after a transfer of 37,386 units, KLE Group increased 15 cents to end at $2.26 after trading 55 stocks, Knutsford Express climbed 66 cents to close at $11.31 with investors transferring 48 stock units. Limners and Bards rose 12 cents to $1.68, with 101 shares crossing the market, Omni Industries slipped 18 cents to end at $1.03 with traders dealing in 4,402,167 stocks after demand to buy the stock waned with selling pressure dominating, Paramount Trading gained 15 cents in closing at $1.30 with 8,228 units clearing the market. Regency Petroleum rose 10 cents to finish at $2.20 with a transfer of 4,475 stock units and Stationery and Office Supplies rallied 8 cents and ended at $1.65 as investors exchanged 20,100 shares.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Omni loses altitude early

Trading in the shares of this week’s newly listed Omni Industries is frozen after 5,000 shares were traded at $1.05 at 12:44 PM after over 4.29 million shares were traded as high as a dollar $1.30.
The stock is scheduled to resume trading just before 1.45 PM. Bids on the stock have thinned out with 21 bids to purchase shares with the highest being 45,000 shares at $1.02 while the lowest offers are at $1.24 for 201,765 shares with 148 offers currently up to a high of $6 and 69 with offers at $1.41 and below. Bids and offers could change markedly when trading resumes, but the quick fall back in price since Tuesday is not a good sign for investors trying to get out with a decent profit in the short term.
The Junior Market Index slipped to 3,693.66 points from Wednesday’s close of 3,712.88 while the JSE Index rose from 318,607.35 to 320,281.27.

Junior Market bounces Main others steady

The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange bounced back sharply at the close of trading on Wednesday as the Main and JSE USD markets slipped, with the number of stocks changing hands jumping, with a slightly higher value over the previous day, with newly listed Omni Industries accounting for close to half of the day’s volume, with the overall value of the trades rising over that on Tuesday and resulting in prices of 39 shares rising and 33 declining.
At the close of the market, the JSE Combined Market Index popped 542.32 points to 331,302.79, the All Jamaican Composite Index sank 1,772.18 points to 354,602.80, the JSE Main Index slipped 9.30 points to finish at 318,607.35. The Junior Market Index jumped 77.82 points to close trading at 3,712.88 and the JSE USD Market Index dipped by just  0.13 points to 220.01.
At the close of trading, 35,215,094 shares were exchanged in all three markets, up from 20,644,795 units on …day, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounted to $116.12 million, compared to $112.91 million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 75,761 shares for US$14,761 compared to 89,247 units at US$3,105 on Tuesday.
In Main Market activity, Sagicor Select Financial Fund led trading with 2.13 million shares followed by Transjamaican Highway with 1.78 million units, Wigton Windfarm with 1.27 million stocks and Sygnus Credit Investments with 1.03 million shares.
In Junior Market trading, newly listed Omni Industries led trading with 15.80 million shares followed by Lasco Financial with 2.64 million units and Future Energy with 2.50 million stocks.
There were no preference shares with notable price changes.
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 21.4 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.3 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Junior Market jumps 90 points

The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange jumped 90 points in early trading to move the index over 3,725 points and recovered most of the 103 points loss in the past three days. Gains in the JSE Main market was not as pronounced with the Main Index rising 1,504 points to 320,120.64.
Since the Junior Market opening, the index has slipped to 3,713 points with a gain of 78 points at 9.42 am.
Contributing to the Junior Market‘s early gains are Fesco that recovered from yesterday’s loss, trading at $3.22 and Express Catering trading at $5 and newly listed Omni Industries hitting $1.42 for a gain of 42 percent from IPO price, with over 1.4 million shares traded.

Trading dipped on JSE as Omni lists

Shares of the Jamaica Stock Exchange, the latest initial public offer of stocks were listed on the Junior Market on Tuesday and jumped 30 percent in closing at $1.30, with investors trading 3.9 million shares declined in trading on Tuesday as the Junior Market declined. The Main market eked out a modest rise but the JSE USD market closed lower as trading ended with the number and the value of stocks changing hands falling, resulting in prices of 39 shares declining and 28 rising.
At the close of trading, the JSE Combined Market Index rose 189.22 points to close at 330,760.47, the All Jamaican Composite Index skidded 975.19 points to wrap up trading at 356,374.98, the JSE Main Index popped 526.71 points to end the day at 318,616.65. The Junior Market Index dropped 44.47 points to 3,635.06, with FESCO dropping in the morning session to a 52 weeks’ low of $2.50, with an average price of $2.90 and would have had a major pull on the index. The JSE USD Market Index fell 2.98 points to lock up trading at 220.14.
At the close of trading, 20,644,795 shares were exchanged in all three markets, down from 35,226,914 units on Monday, with the value of stocks traded on the Junior and Main markets amounting to $112.91 million, well below the $192.21, million on the previous trading day and the JSE USD market closed with an exchange of 89,247 shares for US$3,105 compared to 147,490 units at US$59,542 on Monday.
In Main Market activity, Palace Amusement led trading with 1.72 million shares followed by Sagicor Select Manufacturing & Distribution Fund with 1.56 million units and Sagicor Select Financial Fund with 1.47 million stocks.
In Junior Market trading, Omni Industries led trading with 3.90 million shares followed by Future Energy with 1.33 million units, then Dolla Financial with 1.15 million shares and Fosrich with 1.04 million units.
In the preference segment, 138 Student Living preference share dipped $28.18 and ended at $159.70 with investors swapping 46 units and Sygnus Credit Investments C10.5% lost $2.69 to finish at $112.31
The market’s PE ratio, the most popular measure used to determine the value of stocks, ended at 21.1 on 2023-24 earnings and 13.2 times those for 2024-25 at the close of trading. PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The PE ratio chart covers all ordinary shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, grouped by industry, allowing for easy comparisons within a sector and the overall market. The EPS & PE ratios are based on 2023 and 2024 actual or projected earnings, excluding major one off items.
Pertinent information is required to navigate numerous investment options successfully in the stock market. The PE ratio chart and the more detailed daily report charts provide investors with regularly updated information to help decision-making.
The chart should be used in making rational decisions when investing in stocks close to the average for the sector, not going too far from it unless there are compelling reasons to do so. This approach helps to remove emotions from investment decisions and place them on fundamentals while at the same time not being too far from the majority of investors. Investors who buy when the price of a stock is close to the average will find that they are not inclined to overpay for a stock.
The net asset value of each company is reported as a guide for investors to quickly assess the value of stocks based on this measure. The chart also shows daily changes in stock prices and the percentage year to date price movement based on the last traded prices.
Dividends paid or payable and yields for each company are shown in the Main and Junior Markets’ daily report charts, along with the closing volume of the highest bid and the lowest offer for each company.

Omni Industries list and jumps 30%

Omni Industries Limited, the latest listing on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange following an offer of 500 million ordinary shares to the public in May at $1 each, traded 3,138,093 shares up $1.30 for a rise of 30 percent on the public offer that was oversubscribed.
The stock opened trading at $1.25, triggering the market circuit breaker before trading up to $1.30 up to 11.44 AM. The stock has several bids and offers with the highest bid of 995,429 shares at $1.30 with one offer at $1.35 then at $1.40.
As a result of the oversubscription, 20 million shares allocated for Employees were allotted 97.8 percent of the amount applied for. Key Partners’ pool of 234 million shares was allocated 87.2 percent of the applications.  Lead Broker Reserve Pool received all of the 125,068,617 shares that were allotted. The general public was allotted the first 10,000 ordinary shares applied for and 25.5 percent of the balance.

Omni Industries latest IPO

Omni Industries Limited and existing shareholders will offer up to 500 million ordinary shares to the public with the offer opening Friday May 17, with Friday, May 31 being the scheduled closing.
Half of the total issue or 250 million shares are new with an equal number to be sold by existing shareholders, bringing the total issued shares to 2.5 billion units and the shareholders’ equity capital to over $900 million.
Profit before tax was $180 million for 2023, up from $174 million in 2022 and $121 million in 2021. The first quarter interim results to March this year, show flat revenues and slightly lower profits at $103 million pretax versus $123 million in 2023. The earnings come out at 8 cents per share based on 2023 figures, putting the PE at just over 12, a shade below the junior Market average of 12 3 and an indication of minimal upside in the short run.
At least 120,931,383 participating ordinary shares are available for subscription by the public and up to 379,068,617 shares are for Reserve Share Applicants.
The company is based in Spanish Town the principal activities are the manufacturing and sale of PVC pipes, conduits, horses, fittings and plastic warehouse items.
The stock is slated for the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange and if listed will partially restore the total listings on that market but only to 47, after three companies migrated to the main Market this year.
NCB Capital Markets is the brokers for the issue.

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