Juniors takes another hit

The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange took another 37 points hit on Tuesday, following a similar decline on Monday, with the volume of stocks traded declining 20 percent but with a 35 percent greater value than on Monday after trading took place in 43 securities, down from 46 on Monday and ended with 17 rising, 19 declining and seven closing unchanged.
A total of 22,074,785 shares were exchanged for $73,296,318 compared to 27,627,621 units at $54,220,421 on Monday.
Trading averaged 513,367 shares at $1,704,566 down from 600,600 units at $1,178,705 on Monday, with the month to date averaging 242,042 stock units at $625,922 compared to 220,674 stock units at $540,974 on the previous day. November averaged 259,893 units at $711,335.
Future Energy Source led trading with 10.67 million shares for 48.4 percent of total volume, followed by Regency Petroleum with 5.64 million units for 25.5 percent of the day’s trade, ONE on ONE Educational with 1.57 million units for 7.1 percent of the day’s volume and MFS Capital Partners with 1.23 million units for 5.6 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index dropped 37.30 points to 3,818.73.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 11.7. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks incorporate ICInsider.com projected earnings for financial year ends that fall between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows seven stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close, Access Financial fell $1.90 to end at $21.10 and closed after 3,429 shares were traded, Blue Power lost 45 cents in closing at $2.74 with a transfer of 4,590 units, Cargo Handlers rallied 50 cents ending at $12.50, with 1,600 stocks clearing the market. Caribbean Assurance Brokers advanced 30 cents to $2.15 with investors transferring 700 stock units, Fontana rose 21 cents to close at $9 with the swapping of 47,010 shares, Future Energy Source dipped 11 cents to $4.71 while 10,673,967 stock units passed through the market. Honey Bun climbed 35 cents in closing at $7 in an exchange of 34 stocks, iCreate increased 24 cents to $2.11 in switching ownership of 37,255 units, Indies Pharma gained 19 cents to close at $2.79 with an exchange of 61,150 stocks. Iron Rock Insurance popped 39 cents ending at $2.39 in exchanging 20,020 stock units, Knutsford Express dropped $1 to close at $8 after trading 8,063 shares, Lasco Manufacturing shed 30 cents to $3.95 while exchanging 4,009 units. Main Event advanced 10 cents to end at $9.60 as investors exchanged 10,095 units, MFS Capital Partners declined 79 cents in ending at $2.36, with 1,226,152 stock units crossing the market, Paramount Trading shed 17 cents in closing at $1.53 in trading 6,358 shares. Stationery and Office Supplies declined 30 cents, ending at $13 with an exchange of 21,568 stocks and tTech rallied 34 cents to $2.59 after exchanging 151 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Falling stocks overwhelmed Junior Market

Declining stocks overwhelmed those gaining at the close of the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Monday, with the volume of stocks traded jumping 247 percent and the value surging 201 percent more than on Friday with 46 securities trading versus 41 on Friday and ended with 12 rising, 28 declining and six closing unchanged.
A total of 27,627,621 shares were exchanged for $54,220,421 up from 7,964,359 units at $18,013,451 on Friday.
Trading averaged 600,600 shares at $1,178,705 versus 194,253 units at $439,352 on Friday, with the month to date, averaging 220,674 units at $540,974 compared with 185,721 stock units at $482,303 on the previous trading day. November closed with an average of 259,893 units at $711,335.
Regency Petroleum led trading with 18.53 million shares for 67.1 percent of total volume followed by Fosrich with 1.93 million units for 7 percent of the day’s trade, JFP Ltd ended with 1.68 million units for 6.1 percent market share, Lumber Depot traded 1.51 million units for 5.5 percent of the market, Dolla Financial closed with 1.15 million units for 4.2 percent of total shares traded and ONE on ONE Educational exchanged 1.11 million units for 4 percent of stocks traded.
At the close, the Junior Market Index shed 37.46 points to settle at 3,856.03.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 11.6. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks incorporate ICInsider.com projected earnings for companies with financial year end that falls between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows seven stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and two with lower offers.
At the close, Cargo Handlers lost 69 cents to end at $12 in switching ownership of 979 stock units, Caribbean Assurance Brokers fell 32 cents in closing at a 52 weeks’ low of $1.85 with an exchange of 3,653 units. Consolidated Bakeries dipped 35 cents to close at $1.63 after 28,196 stocks changed hands, Dolphin Cove rallied 30 cents to $13.65 after an exchange of 35,839 units, EduFocal declined 11 cents in closing at $2.30 with investors transferring 83,917 stocks. Elite Diagnostic gained 27 cents to close at $3.30 after a transfer of 59,144 shares, Fontana popped 11 cents to $8.79, finishing after 23,349 stock units changed hands, Fosrich dipped 15 cents in ending at $3.80 in an exchange of 1,932,309 stocks. Future Energy Source shed 13 cents to close at $4.82 with the swapping of 302,046 stock units, Honey Bun dipped 26 cents to end at $6.65 after investors exchanged 17,881 shares, iCreate lost 28 cents in closing at $1.87, with 9,821 units crossing the market. Indies Pharma fell 15 cents to $2.60 with a transfer of 4,831 shares, Iron Rock Insurance increased 20 cents to $2 with one share crossing the market, Medical Disposables declined 63 cents to close at $4.52 with an exchange of 282 units. MFS Capital Partners rose 15 cents to end at $3.15 in trading 227,599 stock units, Paramount Trading dropped 20 cents to close at $1.70 as investors exchanged 82,128 stock units, Regency Petroleum shed 34 cents to end at $1.41, with 18,531,416 shares crossing the exchange, after hitting a new high of $1.79 in early trading, Stationery and Office Supplies climbed 28 cents ending at $13.30 in an exchange of 2,250 units and Tropical Battery fell 14 cents in closing at $2.33 after 279,683 shares changed hands.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Regency Petroleum gains 75% in two days

Regency Petroleum stock price jumped 75 percent at the close of trading on Friday since listing on Thursday to close at $1.75 and led trading with 2.84 million shares for 35.6 percent of total volume followed by ONE on ONE Educational with 1.29 million units for 16.2 percent of the day’s trade and Future Energy Source with 658,393 units for 8.3 percent market share.
The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange closed on Friday, with the volume of stocks traded rising 112 percent and the value 61 percent higher than on Thursday, following trading in 41 securities versus 40 on Thursday and ending with 18 rising, 13 declining and 10 closing unchanged.
At the close, the Junior Market Index gained 23.76 points to 3,893.49.
A total of 7,964,359 shares were traded for $18,013,451 compared with 3,763,409 units at $11,154,286 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 194,253 shares at $439,352 compared with 94,085 units at $278,857 on Thursday, with the month to date, averaging 185,721 units at $482,303 compared to 184,959 stock units at $486,139 on Thursday the previous day. November closed with an average of 259,893 units at $711,335.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 12. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks incorporate ICInsider.com projected earnings for companies with financial year end that falls between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and one with a lower offer.
At the close, Access Financial popped $1.89 to end at $23 with a mere three stock units changing hands, Caribbean Cream dipped 80 cents to close at a 52 weeks’ low of $3.20, with 20,000 stocks crossing the market. Derrimon Trading lost 15 cents in closing at $2.10 with a transfer of 16,417 units, Dolla Financial shed 15 cents to $3.06 as 207,299 stocks passed through the market, Dolphin Cove declined 65 cents in closing at $13.35 after 1,658 units crossed the exchange. Elite Diagnostic dropped 32 cents to $3.03 in switching ownership of 3,193 shares, GWest Corporation rose 11 cents to $1.11 after an exchange of 888 stock units, iCreate rallied 10 cents to $2.15 as investors traded 279,179 shares. Indies Pharma gained 16 cents to close at $2.75, with 1,672 shares changing hands, Knutsford Express rallied 69 cents to $8.99 in trading 18,842 stocks, Limners and Bards fell 20 cents to $2.45 and closed after 15,419 units passed through the market. MFS Capital Partners dipped 40 cents in closing at $3 in exchanging 114,416 stocks, Regency Petroleum rose 43 cents and ended at a record high of $1.75 after an exchange of 2,838,917 shares, Stationery and Office Supplies increased 27 cents to close at $13.02 while exchanging 4,550 stock units and Tropical Battery rallied 16 cents to end at $2.47 after trading 401,417 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless

Regency list and gains 32%

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The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange listed the 47th company’s ordinary shares on Thursday and the 6th for the year and resulted in Regency Petroleum trading over 120,000 shares to gain 32 cents after the overall volume of stocks traded rose just 12 percent with 21 percent more value than on Wednesday from the trading of 40 securities compared to 41 on Wednesday and ending with 15 rising, 16 declining and nine closing unchanged.
A total of 3,763,409 shares were exchanged for $11,154,286, up from 3,360,290 units at $9,241,408 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 94,085 shares at $278,857 compared to 81,958 units at $225,400 on Wednesday with the month to date, averaging 184,959 units at $486,139 versus 193,634 stock units at $505,927 on the previous day. November closed with an average of 259,893 units at $711,335.
Dolla Financial led trading with 769,890 shares for 20.5 percent of total volume followed by Future Energy Source with 540,880 units for 14.4 percent of the day’s trade and ONE on ONE Educational with 522,617 units for 13.9 percent market share.
The Junior Market Index shed 34.08 points to close at 3,869.73.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 11.9. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks incorporate ICInsider.com projected earnings for companies with financial year end that falls between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows seven stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and six with lower offers.
At the close, Consolidated Bakeries rose 18 cents to $1.98 with the swapping of 2,493 stocks, Dolla Financial gained 15 cents to end at $3.21 after a transfer of 769,890 stock units. Future Energy Source popped 15 cents in closing at $4.97 with 540,880 units clearing the market, GWest Corporation lost 19 cents to end at $1 in trading 2,449 stocks, Honey Bun declined 86 cents to $6.85 with the swapping of 31,940 units. iCreate rallied 45 cents to $2.05 after 64,803 stock units crossed the exchange, Indies Pharma dipped 39 cents to close at $2.59 with 35,544 shares changing hands, Iron Rock Insurance dropped 60 cents in ending at $1.80 in switching ownership of 5,100 shares. ISP Finance advanced $2.50 to $17.50 after 203 stocks passed through the market, MFS Capital Partners gained 40 cents to close at $3.40 in exchanging 313,020 units, Regency Petroleum gained 32 cents ending at $1.32 with a transfer of 120,012 shares, Stationery and Office Supplies fell $1.75 in closing at $12.75 in switching ownership of 23,259 stock units. Tropical Battery shed 23 cents to end at $2.31 as investors exchanged 234,040 stocks and tTech dropped 90 cents to $2.25 trading 30 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior Market bounce

The Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Index got a big bounce on Wednesday as investors pushed prices higher and sent the market index up 63.42 points to 3,903.81 and almost recovered all of the over 72 points fall on Tuesday even as the volume of stocks traded fell 37 percent with the value down 50 percent compared to Tuesday following an exchange of 41 securities, the same as on Tuesday and ended with 14 rising, 14 declining and 13 closing unchanged.
A total of 3,360,290 shares were exchanged for $9,241,408 down from 5,360,806 units at $18,414,662 on Tuesday.
Trading averaged 81,958 shares at $225,400 down from 130,751 units at $449,138 on Tuesday, with the month to date averaging 193,634 shares at $505,927 compared with 205,747 stock units at $536,355 on the previous day. November trades averaged 259,893 units at $711,635.
MFS Capital Partners led trading with 668,268 shares for 19.9 percent of total volume followed by JFP Ltd. with 449,977 units for 13.4 percent of the day’s trade and  Derrimon Trading with 368,364 units for 11 percent market share.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 11.9. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are based on ICInsider.com projected earnings for companies with financial year end that falls between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows five stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and eight with lower offers.
At the close, Cargo Handlers advanced $2.70 in closing at $12.70 after trading 500 shares, Caribbean Cream gained 20 cents to end at $4 with 365 stocks clearing the market, Caribbean Flavours lost 12 cents to settle at $1.68 as investors exchanged 956 units. Derrimon Trading rallied 29 cents to $2.34 in exchanging 368,364 stock units, Dolphin Cove rose 75 cents to close at $14 with 11,140 stocks crossing the exchange, Honey Bun popped 71 cents in closing at $7.71 with a transfer of 1,506 shares. iCreate lost 50 cents to close at $1.60 with the swapping of 156,284 stock units, JFP Ltd fell 12 cents to $1.44 with investors trading 449,977 units, Knutsford Express shed 19 cents in ending at $8.30 with 25,000 stocks changing hands. Lasco Distributors rose 14 cents to close at $2.95 with an exchange of 13,357 stocks, Lasco Manufacturing climbed 32 cents to $4.32 with 42 shares crossing the market, Limners and Bards rallied 14 cents to $2.64 in switching ownership of 4,005 units. Main Event dipped 50 cents to $9.50 after 3,696 stock units passed through the market, Stationery and Office Supplies lost 10 cents in closing at $14.50 with a transfer of 1,205 stocks and Tropical Battery rose 14 cents to $2.54 with the swapping of 248,480 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock.

Palace considering split stock

Palace Amusement Company is set to split the stock that last traded at $620 per share on Monday, with a range of 620 to $1,150 for 2022.
The company informed the Jamaica Stock Exchange that the Directors proposed to meet on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, and will be discussing the possibility of a stock split. A split is almost a certainty, with the company having borrowed over $700 million, the opportunity exists to raise fresh capital by way of an additional public issue of shares to pay down the debt. Splitting the stock to make them more attractive to retail investors would be a logical step.
To achieve an attractive price and create wide-scale public interest would require a split in the order of 100 to 200 to one of the existing issued shares and would raise the issued number of shares to between 250 to 300 million units.
Other companies talking about stock splits that could come in 2023 are Medical Disposables that could come with a stock split and a rights issue of more shares to use to fund expansion.

Palace jumps $800 to a record $2,900.

Stationery and Office Supplies informed shareholders at the recently held Annual General Meeting that the directors have been looking but currently the liquidy of the stock does warrant one just yet.
Others that should give serious consideration to splitting their stocks are Access Financial Services, with the stock trading over $20, Dolphin Cove priced in double digits, Barita Investments, Cargo Handlers, Honey Bun, ISP Finance, Knutsford Express and Main Event.

Trading surges on Junior Market

The volume of stocks traded on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange Monday surged 1,032 percent, following a 25.5 million shares trade in JFP Ltd and pushing the value up by 466 percent over Friday’s outturn after an exchange of 46 securities up from 39 on Friday, which ended with 17 rising, 18 declining and 11 closing unchanged.
A total of 35,801,013 shares were traded for $69,628,752 compared with 3,163,615 units at $12,309,172 on Friday.
Trading averaged 778,283 shares at $1,513,669 compared with 81,118 units at $315,620 on Friday with the month to date averaging 214,871 units at $546,966 compared to 125,810 stock units at $394,154 on the previous trading day. November closed with an average of 259,893 units at $711,335.
JFP Ltd led trading with 25.49 million shares for 71.2 percent of total volume followed by Derrimon Trading with 5.35 million units for 14.9 percent of the day’s trade and MFS Capital Partners with 1.20 million units for 3.4 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index declined 7.14 points to settle at 3,912.61.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 12. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks are based on ICInsider.com projected earnings with financial year ends that fall between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows two stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close, AMG Packaging rallied 10 cents to close at $3.10 after a transfer of 1,462 shares, Cargo Handlers gained 14 cents in ending at $12.50 with 431 stock units changing hands, Caribbean Cream advanced 14 cents to $4 after 55 stocks were traded. Derrimon Trading declined 10 cents to $2, with 5,351,899 units clearing the market, Elite Diagnostic climbed 44 cents to $3.35 with an exchange of 191,332 shares, Express Catering rose 56 cents to end at $5 in switching ownership of 50 stock units. Fontana fell 16 cents in closing at $8.04 with 46,686 stocks crossing the market, Honey Bun dropped $1.07 to $6.71 as investors switched ownership of 22,069 units, iCreate popped 20 cents to close at $2.22 after the transfer of 33,390 stocks. Indies Pharma gained 44 cents in ending at $3.02 with the swapping of 12,549 stock units, ISP Finance advanced 10 cents to close at $15 with a transfer of 180 shares, Lasco Manufacturing dropped 25 cents to settle at $3.95 after trading of 821,360 units. Limners and Bards shed 10 cents to end at $2.40 with 248,406 shares changing hands and Main Event lost 30 cents to close at $9.70 with an exchange of 9,651 units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Junior market ends week higher

In Junior Market trading on Friday the volume of stocks changing hands dropped 46 percent compared to Thursday on the Jamaica Stock Exchange as the value dropped 54 percent and ended with 39 securities trading, down from 45 on Thursday and ended with prices of 20 rising, nine declining and ten closing unchanged and resulted in the market closing the week higher than the close of the previous week.
A total of 3,163,615 shares were traded for $12,309,172 versus 5,831,798 units at $26,486,488 on Thursday.
Trading averaged 81,118 shares at $315,620 compared to 129,596 units at $588,589 on Thursday with the month to date averaging 125,810 units at $394,154 compared to 132,726 stock units at $406,308 on the previous day. November closed with an average of 259,893 units at $711,335.
Fontana led trading with 677,797 shares for 21.4 percent of total volume followed by iCreate with 396,382 units for 12.5 percent of the day’s trade and JFP Ltd with 366,095 units for 11.6 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index rose 40.36 points to settle at 3,919.75.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 11.9. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks incorporate ICInsider.com projected earnings for companies with financial year end that falls between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows no stock ending with a bid higher than the last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close, Consolidated Bakeries popped 18 cents after ending at $1.99 with investors transferring 1,942 shares, Dolphin Cove rose 73 cents to $14.18 after an exchange of 3,209 stocks, EduFocal gained 20 cents to end at $2.40 after trading 43,124 stock units. Express Catering shed 56 cents in closing at $4.44 with 11,436 units changing hands, Honey Bun rallied $1.12 to close at $7.78 after 500 units crossed the market, iCreate rose 12 cents to $2.02 in an exchange of 396,382 shares. Indies Pharma lost 27 cents to close at $2.58 with the swapping of 34,582 stock units, JFP Ltd gained 18 cents to settle at $1.65 in an exchange of 366,095 stocks, Lasco Financial advanced 14 cents to $2.90 with 50,703 stocks crossing the market. Lasco Manufacturing rose 30 cents to $4.20 after 46,629 stock units passed through the market, Limners and Bards popped 10 cents in closing at $2.50 as investors exchanged 900 units, Medical Disposables advanced 22 cents to $5.20 after an exchange of 25 shares. Spur Tree Spices gained 13 cents to settle at $3.29 with the swapping of 21,439 units and tTech rose 19 cents to close at $3.15 in switching ownership of 1,091 shares.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Trading climbs on Junior Market

Trading on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange gained momentum on Thursday, as the volume of stocks traded rose 21 percent and the value 87 percent greater than on Wednesday with 45 securities trading upfront 42 on Wednesday and ended with 15 rising, 19 declining and 11 closing unchanged.
A total of 5,831,798 shares were traded for $26,486,488 compared to 4,802,262 units at $14,183,332 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 129,596 shares at $588,589 compared to 114,340 units at $337,698 on Wednesday. Trading month to date averages 132,726 units at $406,308 versus 133,407 stock units at $366,681 on the previous day. November traded an average of 259,893 units at $711,335.
Fontana led trading with 2.0 million shares for 34.3 percent of total volume  Dolla Financial followed with 1.04 million units for 17.8 percent of the day’s trade and Lumber Depot with 450,085 units for 7.7 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index climbed 12.11 points to settle at 3,879.39.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 11.8. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks incorporate ICInsider.com projected earnings for companies with financial year end that falls between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows one stock ending with a bid higher than its last selling price and none with a lower offer.
At the close, Access Financial rose $1.11 to $24.90 with a transfer of five shares, Cargo Handlers climbed $2.37 to end at $12.36 with 66 stocks crossing the market, Caribbean Assurance Brokers gained 15 cents to close at $2.17 after exchanging 553 stock units. Caribbean Cream lost 14 cents after ending at $3.86 in transferring 13,397 units, Consolidated Bakeries dipped 21 cents to $1.81 after trading 3,315 stocks, Dolphin Cove fell 75 cents to $13.45, with the swapping of 455 shares. Elite Diagnostic dropped 29 cents to settle at $2.91 in switching ownership of 6,009 units, Everything Fresh shed 14 cents to end at $1.35 trading 46,894 stock units, Fontana gained 10 cents in closing at $8.20 as investors exchanged 2,002,267 shares. GWest Corporation rallied 13 cents to end at $1.03 with 351 stock units changing hands, Honey Bun declined $1.16 in closing at $6.66 with 1,591 stocks crossing the exchange, iCreate popped 14 cents to $1.90 after 293,310 units cleared the market. Indies Pharma dropped 13 cents to $2.85 in switching ownership of 424 units, Jamaican Teas popped 10 cents to close at $2.65 with investors transferring 65,589 stocks, Knutsford Express fell 12 cents to $8.49 trading 23 stock units. Lasco Financial shed 26 cents to settle at $2.76 after an exchange of 11,135 shares, Medical Disposables rose 48 cents to close at $4.98 in transferring three units, MFS Capital Partners gained 13 cents to finish at $2.98 with the swapping of nine shares and Stationery and Office Supplies shed 50 cents in ending at $14 in trading 58,638 stocks.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Big fall for Junior Market on Tuesday

Stocks fell in large numbers in trading on Tuesday on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange after the volume of stocks traded more than double that on Monday after rising 102 percent more shares changed hands as the value of stocks traded climbed 680 percent more than on Monday after trading took place in 45 securities up from 43 on Monday and ended with 13 rising, 28 declining and four closing unchanged.
A total of 7,508,809 shares were traded for $16,523,628 compared to 3,722,443 units at $9,822,437 on Monday.
Trading averaged 166,862 shares at $367,192 compared with 86,568 units at $228,429 on Monday with a month to date average of 138,260 units at $374,059 compared to 127,534 stock units at $376,634 on the previous day. November ended with an average of 259,893 units at $711,335.
Everything Fresh led trading with 3.27 million shares for 43.6 percent of total volume followed by ONE on ONE Educational with 673,767 units for 9 percent of the day’s trade and Fosrich with 585,693 units for 7.8 percent market share.
At the close, the Junior Market Index dropped 59.27 points to settle at 3,840.04.
The PE Ratio, a measure of computing appropriate stock values, averages 11.9. The PE ratios of Junior Market stocks incorporate ICInsider.com projected earnings for companies with financial year end that falls between November this year and August 2023.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows four stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and one with a lower offer.
At the close, Cargo Handlers fell 72 cents in ending at $12.99 with 110 shares clearing the market, Caribbean Flavours lost 14 cents to finish at $1.65 with investors transferring 12,225 units, Dolphin Cove popped 15 cents to $14.20 in switching ownership of 1,978 stock units. EduFocal declined 19 cents to close at $2.30 after  462,836 stocks crossed the exchange, Elite Diagnostic shed 59 cents in closing at $2.90 after hitting an intraday 52 weeks’ low of $2.50after 16,060 stocks changed hands, Everything Fresh gained 12 cents in closing at $1.35 trading 3,274,985 stock units. Express Catering advanced 25 cents to $5.05 with an exchange of 34,894 units, but only after hitting an intraday 52 weeks’ low of $4.15, Fosrich dipped 16 cents to $4 in transferring 585,693 shares, General Accident lost 14 cents to close at $4.10 with an exchange of 20,067 units. KLE Group climbed 31 cents to $1.99 with the swapping of just 100 shares, Knutsford Express declined 21 cents to $7.71 in switching ownership of 13,350 stocks, Lasco Distributors fell 10 cents to $2.80 in trading 442,768 stock units. Main Event advanced 40 cents to $10 after 53,400 stock units passed through the market, Medical Disposables dipped 82 cents to $4.51 after trading 2,000 stocks, MFS Capital Partners shed 15 cents to close at $2.85 with the swapping of 59,701 units. Spur Tree Spices rallied 14 cents in ending at $3.41 after a transfer of 105,666 shares and tTech lost 12 cents to close at $3.15 in an exchange of a mere 105 shares.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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