Daily Trading 1 May 2013

JSE | Highest since February

The stock market reached its highest level since February 11 when measured by the all Jamaica composite index as it crossed over the 82,000 level. In the case of the main market index, Wednesday’s level was the highest since mid-March. But on one of the more lackluster days, there was a mere $9,166,322 expended in trading, as advancing stocks just outnumbered declining ones by 8 to 7.


Stock gaining | Stocks with any noticeable movements were, Berger Paints up 31 cents, to close at $2.26, a day after the company announced that the CEO Warren McDonald would be retiring shortly. Investors snapped up 33,112 of the company’s shares between $1.97 and $2.26. Carreras inched up 83 cents, to close at $55.03 with 17,078 units trading. Lasco Manufacturing climbed 90 cents to $11.05 with a mere 1,700 units trdingand Lasco Financial moved to a new 52 weeks high at $7.60 on moderate volume, Supreme Ventures gained back 10 cents it lost on Tuesday, to close at $2.60 with just 19,000 shares trading. General Accident gained 4 percent to close at $1.70 on the 184,887 shares that traded, between $1.65 and $1.70.

Stocks Losses | Consolidated Bakery, bakers of Purity and Miss Birdie brand of baked products, fell 40 cents to $1.20 with only 300 units sold, as interest in the stock fell away when the company released final year 2102 results that showed a sharp drop in profits, compared with 2011. The company had reported $3.7 million after tax profit compared to $12.8 million in 2011, before gain from disposal of shares. The stock looks set to fall some more unless the first quarter results, which are due in another two weeks, come out early and show positive growth in earnings that could change investor sentiment to the stock.

Stocks in demand | While levels of stocks trading on Wednesday was low, there were 9 companies stocks that had bids higher than their last selling prices, a bullish indicator. These companies include Blue Power, Desnoes & Geddes, Mayberry, Lasco Distributors, Sagicor Investments, Jamaica Producers, Pan Jamaican, Scotia Investments and KLE Group, a company that provides entertainment and restaurants services, that fell to $2.75 at the last traded price, well below the IPO price of $3.70.

TTSE | Witco Jumps to TT$100

West Indian Tobacco Company hit a record TT$100 in today’s trading on the TT Stock Exchange with the largest gain on the market as it increased $2.93 to end the day’s trading. At the end of 2012 the stock traded at $85. Scotia Bank gained 21 cents to land at $69.24 and is up from the December 2012 close of $65.51 while Sagicor Financial gained 14 cents and closed at $7. All three traded below 750 shares each.

A total of 400,834 shares crossed the floor of the Exchange with a value of $3,204,224.37 as 12 securities traded during the day with 6 advancing, 2 declining and 4 trading firm.


Angostura Holdings traded 233,615 shares to be the market leader, the value of the shares traded was $2,128,611.97 but the stock fell 39 cents to close $9.11, this was followed by Trinidad Cement with a volume of 137,331 shares valued $137,331.00. National Enterprises contributed 12,576 shares with a value of $196,185.60, while Republic Bank added 6,144 shares valued at $669,081.60.

Clico Investment Fund was the only active security on the Mutual Fund Market, posting a volume of 45,170 shares valued at $948,930.93 and advanced by $0.01 to end at $21.01. Fortress Caribbean Property Fund which last traded at $5.00 did not trade as did Praetorian Property Mutual Fund that last traded at $3.40. There was no activity in the Second Tier Market.

ForEx | J$ revaluation continues

ForExSummaryMay1The rate of exchange between the US and Jamaican dollars continued to inch down, even as the amount of US dollars sold in the system in the last two days exceed the amount purchased by authorized dealers. The average selling rate, fell to J$99.3286 from $99.3481 on Tuesday and $99.36 on Monday. Both the amount of funds purchased US$29.3 million by the dealers and that sold, US$36.6 fell on Wednesday by US$16 million on the buying side and US$18 million on sell side, compared to Tuesday’s trade. The rate of exchange has appreciated from a low of J$99.81 on April 12th.

Interestingly, the currency was sold between $104.27 to a low of $81.49 while the highest price paid for purchase was $99.70. On Tuesday sale took place between $104.27 to a low of $96.4 while the highest price paid for purchase was $99.50 to a low of $81.37.

Too early to say | While the Jamaican dollar has been slowly appreciating since last week, it is too early to say where it will end in the short term. The government announced on Wednesday that the IMF agreement was signed off by the IMF board and will release almost US$200 million for the central bank’s reserves. The amount is not large, but there are more flows that will be coming in during the year that could result in further appreciation of the local currency. Persons who bought FX for investment purposes could well be offloading some into the market if the daily rate shows signs of the currency appreciating for a number of days to come.


Treasury Bills | TBill rates climbed in April

BankofJamaicaBOJIn March, the average yield for the 90 days was 5.82488 percent but bids up to 6.24999% were successful as only $338.7 billion chased after the $400 million on offer. In April, things changed a lot with the average yield climbing nearly 86 basis points to average out at 6.68297 percent. This took place against the background of a 41 percent oversubscription coming against the fall in rates in March when there were less bids for the amount on offer. Allotment was made for successful bids between a low of 5.15 percent and a high of 7.1 percent per annum.

The six issues fared better as average yield climbed a bit moving up to 6.389 percent compared to what the six months bill yielded in March when the yield came out at an average of 6.22345 percent per annum. But while in March the range was 5.50% to 6.65310, only $196 million went after the $400 million on offer, The April auction had 708 million seeking to capture some of the $400 million offer but bidders were successful in garnering between 5.4 percent and 6.65 percent for this instrument. In March, a 30 day treasury bill was oversubscribed by $58 million with yields between 4.5 percent & 6.1 percent.

Daily Trading 30 April 2013

JSE | Lasco Companies dominate Tuesday’s trade

The Jamaican stock market index climbed today with the JSE market index closing up 436.63 points to end trading at 83,476.38. The all Jamaica composited closed at 81,895.10 up 768.89 points and JSE combined gained 379.09 points closing the day at 84,917.24. The junior market index slipped 8.47 points dragging the overall junior market down to 617.18.  The overall market traded 7,166,418 units valued at $65,136,584.80.

Winners | Price movements were a little more pronounced that in recent trading sessions with JMMB jumping $0.86 to close at $8 as the stock traded 48,510 units, at close the bid was not strong at $7.10. Scotia Group recovered from yesterdays fall in putting on 50 cents to close at $21. Grace Kennedy having gained new life with Grace’s announcement to buy shares in the market rose yet again to close at $55.02 up 47 cents for the day on top of the gain on Monday.

Losers | Seprod shed 44 cents with a mere 769 units trading to close at $14.56, Supreme Ventures shed another 9 cents today to land it at $2.50 having traded at $2.75 on Friday last. Sagicor Life fell by 49 cents to close at $7.70 with 35,261 units trading on the day.


Kingston Wharves traded at $6 gaining 10 cents during the day, a twelve months high. The shares are tightly held and there is clearly upward pressure on the price, which seems likely to go higher. Barita lost 28 cents to close at $2.97 with 5,000 shares changing hands.

Junior market | Lasco Distributors with 1,597,000 shares trading at a value of $15.3 million changed hands today between $9.55 and $10.01 the stock closed down 41 cents at $9.59 and Lasco Manufacturing traded 4,512,900 units valued at $46.6 million between $10.10 and $11.05 closing the day at $10.15 own

The Lasco Manufacturing block was sold by Stocks & Securities with Mayberry picking up 1,009,100 units, NCB capita markets buying 3.167 million units, JMMB taking 146,833 units and 141,000 being crossed by Stocks & Securities. Stocks & Securities was the major seller of Lasco Distributors and NCB Capital markets the main buyer.

Bids above last sales | The following stocks had bids above their closing prices: this is usually an indication that prices will rise. These include Berger Paints, Carreras, Desnoes & Geddes, Ciboney, Jamaica Producers, Mayberry, Sagicor Investments and Scotia Investments.

TTSE | Cement continues domination

Cement continues domination on the TTSE when the Cement Group traded 967,380 shares with a value of TT$967,380.

Market activity saw trading in 14 securities of which 8 advanced, 2 declined and 4 traded firm while the total volume of shares traded was 1,028,095 valued at TT$2,075,106.23.


Trinidad Cement was followed by Angostura Holdings with a volume of 26,000 shares, valued at TT$247,000. National Enterprises Limited contributed 24,718 shares with a value of TT$385,506.58, while Republic Bank contributed 3,121 shares to the total, valued at TT$339,898.61.

Angostura Holdings was the day’s largest gainer, increasing $0.50 to end the day at $9.50 while Ansa Merchant Bank,  suffered the day’s greatest loss, falling $1.50 to close at $38.50.

Clico Investment Fund was the only active security on the Mutual Fund Market, posting a volume of 145,943 shares valued at $3,064,985.90. Clico Investment Fund declined by $0.19 to end at $21.00. FORTRESS CARIBBEAN PROPERTY FUND remained at $5.00. Praetorian Property Mutual Fund remained at $3.40.

The Second Tier Market did not witness any activity. Fncu Venture Capital Company (Suspended) remained at $1.00. Mora Ven Holdings remained at $14.97.

ForEx Trading | Summary


Foreign exchange trading jumped today as Central Bank data shows US$45.3 million US dollars being bought by authorized dealers while they sold nearly $55 million. The average selling rate was J$99.348 almost the same as on Monday when the rate was J$99.36. Last week Tuesday buying was under $40 million while sales were just above it. On Monday, trading amounted to the equivalent of US$42.6 million of purchases, while US$34.75million was sold.



Original GoJ Fiscal target almost met

Jamaica ended the 2012-13 fiscal year with the lowest deficit in decades as the government reported a deficit of $54.6 billion for the year ending March 2013, just missing the original projection of $53 billion, as revenues came in at $344 billion while recurrent expenditure amounted to $399 billion. Revenues are $17 billion light on the original forecast of $366 billion, while expenditure that was budgeted originally at $414 billion came in $15 billion less. Savings on interest was the main factor for the reduction of expenses, as the item was down $11 billion on the originally budgeted amount.

The main areas of decline for revenues was Corporation Taxes $3 billion, PAYE $5 billion, and taxes on imported items $8 billion. For the current fiscal year government is projecting a deficit of under $10 billion coming from a combination of new taxes and a debt swap that was to have shave $17 billion off the interest bill.

Revenues on target | While revenues were off target for the fiscal year, data out of the Finance Ministry show that with the exception of December when revenues were off by more than $4 billion, the government’s original forecast for inflows were very close to target from November last year. In November, revenues were budgeted to be $29.156 billion but actual inflows came in $600 million less, January was $750 million less when government collected $29 billion, in February revenues fell $600 million short, when the intake was $31.47 billion, and for March $44 billion was pulled in instead of the $44.4 billion planned for. These numbers augur well for inflows into the system for the June quarter this year for government’s intake into their coffers. The data may also be indicating improved economic performance for the country in the first quarter this year compared to last year.

Kremi IPO to close today

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ICInsider.com has been reliably advised that the initial public offer (IPO) of shares of Caribbean Cream which opened to the public for subscription on, 25th April 2013 will close today, Tuesday April 30, most likely on the morning, well ahead of the original propose close of 4:30 pm on the 10th May 2013. The early close was subject to the right of the Company to close the subscription list at any time after it opens on 9:00 a.m. on the Opening Date, once the issue is fully subscribed.  The shares which were priced at $1 each and meant to raise $75 million did not get the blessing of some brokerage houses as they saw the price as being too high, and in one case, they saw it as too risky based on inconsistent earnings amongst other issues.

JMMB‘s Forecast and Valuation | The company is expected to remain profitable despite the uncertainties in the local economy. The macro-economic instability may subside following an International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreement with Jamaica against the background of foreign exchange inflows and a slight improvement in the net international reserves. Further, listing on the Junior Stock Exchange will give the company a tax break for the next ten years, which should boost earnings attributable to shareholders. Revenues will continue to improve over the short term, while the enhancements and expansion in productive capacity of the company’s facility will likely improve its operational efficiency.

Within this context, the net earnings for the 2013 financial year end are expected to reach $29.81M (or EPS of $0.08). Meanwhile, net profits for the 2014 financial year end are projected to reach $40.99M (or EPS of $0.12). At the initial public offering price, the price-to-earnings ratio will be 12.70 times. The average trailing price-to-earnings ratio for the Junior market is approximately 6.41 times (Main market has a P/E of 6.58 times). Further, the average trailing price-to-earnings ratio for manufacturers and retailers listed on the Junior market is roughly 6.75 times (Manufacturing sector on the main market has a P/E of 6.06 times). Therefore, assuming a forward P/E ratio of 8.0 times for the 2014 financial year against the background of improved investor sentiments and stability in the local economy; the intrinsic value for Caribbean Cream Limited’s share based on estimated earnings is approximately $0.94.

The capital base of the company is expected to improve to $195.16M or a book value per share of $0.52 by 2014 financial year end. Assuming a forward P/BV of 1.8 times, the intrinsic value of stock is $0.93.

NCB Capital Markets‘ assessment of the prospectus | “For the nine months to November, the company increased net profit by 103% and boosted its equity base by increasing its share capital. Caribbean Cream Ltd ended the March 2012FY with earnings of $31.36Mn, the highest profit the company has recorded over the past five years and a sizable improvement to the $5Mn loss experienced in the previous year.


  • Earnings have been extremely volatile over the last 5 years
  • Earnings for the nine months period of $23.67 was driven almost entirely by a $21.0Mn revaluation gain following an $11.62Mn profit in the prior year period. This further confirms the earnings volatility
  • Company is highly leveraged which could impede its growth prospects
  • Current ratio of 0.79X raises liquidity concerns
  • Free cash flow is negative which could restrict the company’s ability to follow through on its dividend policy which is to pay out at least 20% of earnings.

There is no clear growth strategy even amidst the company’s rapid expansion As a result of the aforementioned, we are not recommending this investment at this time”.

KremiBanner600X250IC Insider considers that both assessments are way off the mark. Assessment of the company’s performance must be based on pretax profit, not after tax which has varying taxation elements that has nothing to do with operating activities. Profit before tax has been very consistent since the commencement of the company, Earnings for 2013 is more likely to hit 17 per share if the trend in revenues continues after November last year. If the company makes $29.8 million as indicated above in profit for 2013, earnings per share would be 9.8 cents not 8 cents before tax based on the 302.85 million shares issued for the year to February this year. яндекс

The company’s rapid growth has helped to put pressure on working capital. New cash to come from the IPO, will help address some of the issue rightly pointed out above.

Talk Back | What do you think? Was the IPO overvalued?

ForEx: More inflows less sales

A positive trend | The foreign exchange market saw more inflows on Monday than for a week ago but sales declined, leaving a greater level of net inflows into the system, than in the prior week. This positive development came from a 17 percent increase in US dollars bought by authorized dealers. They sold 8 percent less US dollars than for Monday last week while they bought 52 percent less pound sterling and 28 percent less Canadian dollars than for the same period. Buyers demanded 24 percent more sterling on Monday this week, than for last week, but 81 percent less Canadian dollars were sold this Monday.

ForExSummaryThe development on Monday continues a positive trend seen since last week Thursday when there was a $4 million net inflow for US dollar trades on each day.  On Monday, trading amounted to the equivalent of US$42.6 million of purchases, while US$34.75million was sold.

The exchange rate continued its slow appreciation, closing with an average selling rate for the US dollar at $99.36 to one US, while on Friday last it was J$99.47


Cross Trades dominate market

Summary for Monday, April 29, 2013 | For the overall market, 5,287,397 units valued at over $65,329,899 traded with 8 stocks advancing and 8 declining.

JSEINdicesApr29In another slow trading day stocks on the Jamaican stock exchange were mostly unchanged in price compared to Friday’s close. The early trading was dominated by crosses (that’s when the same broker sells and buy the stock) carried out by Barita Investments in 1,038,373 Scotia Group valued at $20.87 million, 539,406 Grace Kennedy shares valued at $29.4 million, 63,452 Pan Jamaican Investment shares valued at $3.18 million and 1.944 million Mayberry Investments shares valued $3.9 million.

The main market | Recorded low trading volume in the other stocks that traded, in keeping with a slow market which has been the characteristic for several days. Hardware & Lumber gained 30 cents on small volume to close at $4.10, Grace slipped 45 cents to close at $54.55, Carreras was up 70 cents to $54.20 at close of trading, while Sagicor Life put on 19 cents to reach $8.19 and Supreme Ventures lost 15 cents to close at $2.60. Beleaguered Carib Cement shed 10 cents to fall to 60 cents at the end of trade and NCB gave up 55 cents to close at $18.01 two days after six months results were released showing lower figures for the same period in 2012, while Scotia Group fell 50 cents to close at $20.50

Junior market | Trading of stocks in the junior market appears to be where wider investors’ interest lie, with the three Lasco companies attracting the bulk of the interest.  At the end of trading, Lasco Distributors traded 83,060 shares valued at $830,000, Lasco Financial Services traded 182,830 shares valued at $1,371 million, while Lasco Manufacturing had 70,000 shares changing hands at a value of $752,000. Paramount Trading accounted for 395,205 shares valued $1.186 million, while the stock  slipped 20 cents, to close down at $3. General Accident Insurance price gained moderately, to close at $1.64 with 34,400 shares changing hands. Dolphin Cove saw 61,305 units trading at $8 per share while interest seems to be slowly building in Caribbean Producers with 102,000 units trading. but the price remained unchanged at the close of trade.

Trinidad Cement dominates T&TSE

Trading Summary  29 Apr 2013 | Eleven securities traded of which 3 advanced, 2 declined and closed at the same price they traded on Friday.

TTSEApr29In another slow and uneventful day of trading on the Trinidad Stock exchange, the market was dominated by Trinidad Cement Limited, the volume leader with 1,147,809 shares changing hands for a value of TT$1,147,809 in overall trading of 1,255,128 shares valued at TT$2,639,620.86 in the main market. Cement was followed by the Barbados controlled Sagicor Financial Corporation with 69,519 shares being traded for $477,200.49 with a price gain of $0.36 to close at $6.86. The Jamaican investment banking group, Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited contributed 12,900 shares with a value of $5,676 while shedding 1 cent to close at $0.44 or J$6.90, while Scotiabank Trinidad & Tobago Limited accounted for 7,773 shares valued at $536,580.43.

Clico Investment Mutual Fund Market traded 10 shares valued at $211.90 while dropping $0.01 to end at $21.19.

The market seems to have support at current levels, with a large portion of stocks either having bids on or around their last selling price at the close of trading, while 6 stocks had bids above their last selling prices. Stocks with buying interest above the last sale prices are, Agostini, Angostura Holdings, Grace Kennedy, National Flour Mills, Scotia Investments, and West Indian Tobacco with a bid of TT$97.05 which last traded at TT$97.01with no stock on offer at the market close.

This market seems poised to slowly move higher during the year.

Is the real estate market bullish?

Jamaican Teas is reporting that its first real estate development, Carmen’s
 Court was sold out in 2 days when the units went on sale in mid-April, as
 buyers said a resounding, Yes!

This very first real estate project brought to market by H Mahfood & Sons Limited, a subsidiary of Jamaican Tea. Billed as charming, contemporary and ideal for property virgins and investors, the gated community on Kingsway in the prime Kingston 10 area, offered eighteen super studios of approximately 630 sq ft, with added features of private parking, a water tank and generator.

“Fifteen of the units were sold in one weekend and the remaining three are spoken for”, according to John Mahfood, Managing Director, Jamaican Teas, who believes that the development was a big winner because it had great timing, is quality real estate in a great location and affordably priced at
$10.5m to $11.9m.

Since its listing on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange in
2010, Jamaican Teas has demonstrated that it has its finger on the pulse, in terms of innovation and expansion. The group has plans for future real estate projects, as well as growth in its supermarkets and consumer brands of Tetley Teas, Caribbean Dreams and Jamaica Blue Spring Water products.

Talk Back | But investors are wondering if the quick sell off of units is an indication that investors are opening their wallets again to invest locally as opposed to putting money in foreign assets.  More importantly, is this move heralding a revival of the real estate market?

NDX slaps NCB profits

National Commercial Bank

For the six months ended March 31, 2013 | Operating income declined by $26 million, when compared with the six months ended March 31, 2012, mainly as a result of a $2.4 billion reduction in gains on foreign currency and investment activities due to losses arising from NCB’s participation in the debt exchanges, plunging income for foreign currency and investment activities, declining to a loss of $729 million in the march quarter compared to a profit of $1.4 billion in 2012.

For the three months ending March 2013 | Compared with the three months ended December 2012 net profit of $1.7 billion, decreased by 37.4%, or $1.0 billion while earnings per stock declined by 37.4%, to $0.71 from $1.13. During the quarter NCBJ group accepted government’s debt swap offer and exchanged $118 billion of eligible securities. The primary impact of the exchanges is a reduction in coupon rates, an immediate hit from loss from the difference in market value from the amounts received from new instruments and the extension of the tenure of the securities. However, the eligible securities involved are marketable securities and the securities received was lower than the value of the securities tendered, resulting in losses on some of the instruments exchanged. The group stated that they have identified a number of mitigating measures to address the on-going reduction in yields, most of which have already been implemented.

For the six months ended March 31, 2013 | Net interest income increased by 9.8%, or $1.0 billion, primarily due to growth in loans and investments. Net fee and commission income, grew by 11.6%, or $407 million, due primarily to increased card transaction volumes in the Payment Services segment, as well as increased fees earned from new loans. Premium income increased by 73.7%, or $747 million due mainly to the acquisition of Advantage General Insurance.

Provision for credit losses | Declined by 30.8%, or $470 million, due mainly to losses recorded on a large loan last year, while operating expenses increased by $646 million in the six months ended March, over the six months ending March 2012, mainly as a result of:

  1. Other operating expenses, increasing 27.7%, or $967 million, primarily due to insurance benefits and reserving expenses related to the acquisition of Advantage General Insurance and asset taxes.
  2. Depreciation and amortisation charges increased $48.5%, or $179 million, due largely to increased capital expenditures.

Loans and advances | Increased to $128.8 billion at the end of March 2013, growing 24.9%, or $25.7 billion, compared to the loan portfolio as at March 2012. Non-performing loans totalled $7.5 billion ($7.5 billion as at March 31, 2012) and represented 5.7% of the gross loans compared to 7.1% as at March 31, 2012.

Dividend Declaration | NCB declared a dividend of $0.16 per share payable on May 24. The stock closed at $18.56 at the end of trading on Friday with 253,195 shares trading the day after the results were released.

Talk Back | Any response to these posted results? Please leave a comment below.

Low JSE activity for week but slightly bullish

Summary for the week ending 26 April, 2013 | There was trading in 24 stocks of which 16 advanced, 7 declined with the rest remaining firm.

The Jamaican stock market continues to record low levels of interest which is reflected in moderate trading activity during the week ending 26 Apr, 2013.  Price movements were small although advancing stock out-numbered declining ones by more than 2 to 1. Only 11,641,413 units traded valued at $132,288,544.

On Friday, JMMB traded 6.39 million units valued at $43.6 million while 467,487 Carreras shares valued at $25.6 million traded and Grace Kennedy traded 312,537 units valued at $17 million on the 24th, which accounted for the large part of trading activity for the week.

WeeklySummary_Apr26_2013Market Indices | The JSE market indices hardly moved at the end of the week, with the All Jamaica index inching up 306 points being the highest movement. Caribbean Creams IPO, which opened to the public on Thursday, may have diverted funds and attention of investors away from the market while they focused on the new offering.

An increasingly noticeable feature of the market is the scarcity of junior market stocks and widening bids and offers, an indication that prices could be rising sharply for a number of these stocks in the coming weeks, especially as they will all be issuing results within a few weeks.

Slightly Bullish | An indication of a slightly bullish tone is that investors are prepared to pay more for some stocks than the last selling prices. The stocks which fall into this category show bids at the close of trade that are above the last selling prices. These include AMG Packaging bid $3.81, last price $3.80, Blue Power, bid $5.56, last traded price, $5.50, D&G, bid $4.10, last price, $4.05. Hardware & Lumber $3.81, last price $3.80, Jamaica Producers, bid $15.14 last price $15.08, Lasco Manufacturers $11.25 versus $10.80, Sagicor Investments $15.55 versus $15, Scotia Investments $23.10, last price $23.

Talk Back | Are you bullish about the market?  Please leave a comment below.


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