Lasco companies splitting up shares

Lasco Manufacturing, Lasco Distributors and Lasco Financial Service will be holding extraordinary general meetings starting between 10 and 11 o’clock Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at the Knutsford Court Hotel, 11 Ruthven Road, Kingston for shareholders of the companies to consider the recommendation to split the shares of the companies by subdividing each share into ten (10) new shares. Each company will convene separate meetings on the morning.

The release to the stock exchange did not state the reasons for the move. The shares, which are trading between $8 and $12.50, have had limited supply in recent months as the supply of shares in the local market gets tighter as more investors opt for stocks as a better investment.

LascoPills150x150The stock split will only give the shares a semblance of liquidity but it won’t really change things as the current price of the three companies are not high. Ultimately, what will be needed is for more of the existing shares to be sold to the market. In reality, 20 percent of small capitalized companies will not create much liquidity and it will worsen if the companies perform well and investors hold on to their investments to reap the benefits of future growth.

FX: Buying outpace selling, rates are up

Friday, 24 May 2013 | The rate for the pound sterling climbed on Friday by 66.7 cents on the buying side and 42 cents on the sell side. The US dollar picked 13 cents on the buy side and barely moved up on the average sell rate. Buying of the Canadian dollar climbed by 10 cents but fell 56 cents when sold. This all happened when there was more buying than selling of the three main currencies that traded.

Buying of the US dollar by authorised dealers was more than US$6 million greater the amount sold as US$36.6 million was purchased while selling was $30.2 million. Pound sterling purchased amounted to ₤2.5 million while sales amounted to ₤1.23 million. The amount of Canadian dollar purchased was Can$845,278 with Can$769,735 being sold.

The highest buying rates for all three currencies climbed on Friday noticeably with the US dollar moving up 60 cents, the Canadian 30 cents and the pound 50 cents. The lowest buying rate was flat to virtually flat except for the pound which fell by 25 cents. The highest selling rate for Canadian and US dollars was the same as the trading day before but the pound climbed $3.09 while dropping $1.90 for the lowest. The US dollar lowest rate dropped back by $14.95 and Canadian by 70 cents.



Dividends coming

Scotia Group | Scotia Group Jamaica approved a second interim dividend of 40 cents per stock unit payable on July 4, 2013, to stockholders on record at June 14, 2013. The ex-dividend date is June 12, 2013. The group previously paid its first dividend of 40 cents per stock for the fiscal year at the end of March. In 2012, the group paid 37 cents in each quarter but it was raised to 40 cents commensurate with a payment that was made in January this year. The group pays dividends on a quarterly basis.

Scotia Investments | Scotia Investments Jamaica approved a second interim dividend of 45 cents per stock unit payable on July 4, 2013, to stockholders on record at June 14, 2013. The ex-dividend date is June 12, 2013. The company previously paid its first dividend of 45 cents per stock for the fiscal year at the end of March. In 2012, the group paid 40 cents in each quarter but it was raised to 45 cents with a payment that was made in January this year. Scotia Investments, which is majority owned by Scotia Group Jamaica, pays dividends on a quarterly basis. 

JSE Pref | The Jamaica Stock Exchange Limited approved quarterly preference share dividend of $0.0290 per share payable on May 31, 2013 to shareholders on record as at May 24, 2012. The ex-dividend date is May 21, 2013. This will be the last dividend for these shares as they will be redeemed by the end of May.

Proven consideration | The Board of Directors of Proven Investments Limited will consider making a dividend payment to both its ordinary and preference shareholders at a meeting to be held on May 29, 2013.

General Accident’s profit up 65 percent

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Junior market listed company General Accident had a strong first quarter but only because higher investment income more than compensated for a decline in underwriting profit. Can we expect the same trend for the full year’s results? Based in the key factors contributing to the increase, the answer is no.

Profit | Net profit for the quarter was $97.6 million or $0.09 per share an increase of 65 percent over the prior year results. Last year, the reported profit was $59.3 million or $0.06 per share for the same period. The quarterly results have benefited from significant foreign exchange gains.

Premium income | Gross written premiums grew to $1.15 billion, an increase of 19 percent over the first quarter last year while net earned premiums grew by 5 percent to $257 million. Management stated, “The premium income growth was driven both by the organic growth of our core commercial property and motor businesses as well as a rise in large facultative transactions.”

GeneralAccident_logo150x150Management further stated in their report, “Despite increasing our net earned premiums, our combined ratio worsened from 93 percent in the first quarter of last year to 96 percent in the first quarter of 2013. This was driven mainly by an increase in our loss ratio which deteriorated from 53 percent in the first quarter last year to 60 percent this year. As a result, our underwriting profit declined from $17.6 million to $10 million”.

Investment Performance | Investment income grew 96 percent to $92.4 million. Last year, the company made $47 million of investment income for the first quarter. The returns, the company says, “represent an annualized return on our average investment portfolio of 18 percent. When unrealized losses on our available for sale investments are included, our total annualized return was 14 percent. Increases in our investment income are the result of efforts to diversify our holdings. This decision also limited our losses in the National Debt Exchange to less than $2 million.”

During 2012, the company’s investments returns was 9.58 percent including foreign exchange gains. With the exchange rate of the local currency stabilizing, large scale gains from this area could be limited going forward.

A dividend of $50 million amounting to $0.0485 per share was paid in March this year. The company says it intends to maintain the dividend policy for the remainder of the year. The policy is set out in the prospectus that was published in 2011 and states that they  pay no less than 25 percent of distributable profits per year as dividends.

Book value | General Accident ended the quarter with a book value of $1.31 billion and generated a return on average equity for shareholders of 31 percent. The company also has cash and investments amounting to $1.74 billion plus loans receivables of $384 million. Amounts that was due to reinsurers and coinsurers amounted to $790 million but amounts that are due to this same group was $1.04 billion and for clients and brokers $41 billion. Insurance reserves stood at $2.4 billion at the end of March.

Investing600x250Stock outlook | Looking forward, the rate of return generated on investments is high in an environment when rates on investments were less than 10 percent on most short term instruments. What clearly took place is that a large portion of the gains came from foreign exchange rate movement. The big question is, will they be able to maintain such returns going forward and if not, will the insurance claim experience be better? Last year the company earned 28 cents per share for the full year. With 9 cents already in the bag it’s quite possible to exceed last year’s earnings. Fortunately the stock is now priced quite well. Even a little disappointment on the earnings front will still allow room for some more appreciation in the stock price.

JSE: NCB hits $20 as market keeps gaining

Friday, 24th May 2013  | Gains from National Commercial Bank up $1.16, Carreras up $1, Pan Jamaican Investment Trust up 99 cents and JMMB up 30 cents were strong enough to overcome the $1.54 decline in Jamaica Producers, 33 cents fall in the price of Sagicor Life and $1.13 in Scotia Group to help the main indices post positive gains on Friday.

Junior market | The junior market saw AMG Packaging climbing 50 cents to $4.50 a new 52 weeks high with 58,512 shares trading, Cargo Handlers picked up 17 cents in trading 10,000 units. Lasco Distributor gained 29 cents. The stock traded only traded 3,080 shares but the bid closed above the last selling price with 55,344 units on the bid, at the end of trading. Lasco Financial traded at an all time high of $8.25 up 14 cents on the day. New junior market listed Caribbean Creams traded 650,473 units to close at $1.09 having traded as high as $1.12 on the day. Grace was one of three stocks that traded at 52 weeks high.

BullMarket280x150Level of trade | Investors poured $20 million into 19 stocks with 1.6 million units changing hands, on a day when advancing stocks again outnumbered declining ones 9 to 6. All of the market’s indices continue to move up on Friday with the exception of the index for cross listed stocks and the US dollar index. In both cases, no stocks were traded.

Indices gain | The all Jamaica composite gained 2,023 points for the week or just over twice the gains of the prior week closing at 86,596.66 points. The junior market gained 15 points less than the 24 points picked up in the previous week, to close at 667.61 points.

Bids above last price | 9 stocks closed with bids that were higher than the last traded price and none closed with offers that were less than the last traded price, an indication that price gains are likely to continue into the coming week.

Stocks to watch | Stocks to watch this coming week include Scotia Group that reported better 6 months results than last year’s half year profit. Others to watch are Grace Kennedy, Blue Power, Lasco Financial, Desnoes & Geddes and JMMB and Sagicor Life.


TTSE: Supply low, inactive trading

Friday, 24th May 2013 | Trading on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange on Friday was even sparser than the day before as a mere 29,245 shares crossed the floor of the Exchange valued at $342,771 and in the mutual fund section just 699 units traded for $14,714. Trading took place in 12 securities of which 3 advanced, 3 declined and 6 traded firm.

Grace Kennedy stock which closed at $3.90 rose 17 cents and 10,000 shares changed hands valued $39,000, followed by National Enterprises, volume of 7,347 shares traded for $115,495. Guardian Holdings contributed 6,050 of the total volume carrying a value of $102,851, while loosing 50 cents to close at $17.

West Indian Tobacco and National Enterprise traded at 52 weeks high.


Pan Jam’s profit dented too

Pan Jamaican investment trust reported net profit of $224 million, down 55 percent on 2012 earnings of $502 million for the quarter ending March.  The results were impacted significantly by Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited (SLJ) participation in the Government of Jamaica National Debt Exchange in February. SLJ recorded a realised loss on the exchange of bonds tendered in the NDX of $1.1 billion. Associated and joint venture companies contributed less profit for the quarter, declining by $136 million compared to the 2012 1st quarter amount of $373 million. The share of SLJ’s earnings, decreased by $175 million (47%) to $194 million.

The earnings per stock come out at $1.05 (2012: $2.36).  The fall in earnings from the associates is temporary and will not affect the company’s operations in a major way going forward. The effect is a reduction in interest income as the bonds swapped carry lower coupon rates than the original ones.

Increased cost | The group incurred an increase in finance costs of $179 million and a decrease of $136 million in the share of results of associated and joint venture companies, this was partly offset by increased investment income of $67 million resulting from foreign exchange gains on our US$ investments. Property income was flat year on year, as a $10 million improvement in rental income was offset by reduced net lease recoveries and property appreciation. Operating expenses increased 13 percent or $28 million, driven principally by a 27% increase in general and administrative costs as a result of staff realignment and increased professional fees.

Sagicor150x150As per the company’s report: “Finance costs increased by $179 million to $195 million for the quarter, resulting from increased debt used to fund the purchase of an additional 8% of SLJ’s shares in July, 2012 and the drawdown of the remainder of the US$17.5 million IFC loan in December, 2012. We have, however, retained a net long position in US$ to ensure that our stockholders’ equity is appropriately protected against devaluation risk. Rentable properties enjoyed occupancy levels exceeding 95% for the 1st quarter, while segment operating profit of $184 million for the quarter was $26 million, 16%, better than last year. Our investment management segment posted operating profit of $28 million for the quarter, more than double last year’s 1st quarter segment operating profit of $12 million.”

Associate & Joint Ventures | “Associated companies consist principally of our 32.8% investment in SLJ. We also hold minority positions in New Castle Co. Limited (owners of the Walkerswood and Busha Browne lines of sauces and seasonings), Mavis Bank Coffee Factory Limited (“Mavis Bank”), Hardware & Lumber Limited (“H&L”), Caribe Hospitality Limited (developers of the planned New Kingston Marriott Courtyard Hotel) and Chukka Caribbean Adventures (“Chukka”) acquired in April 2012.”

PamJamChukkaCove150x150H&L reported net earnings of $9.9 million for the 1st quarter, compared to $3.9 million for the same period last year. Revenue and gross margin both increased compared to last year. The investments in Chukka and Mavis Bank produced solid results.

Total assets amount to $21.7 billion and stockholders’ equity increased to $16.5 billion, equating to a book value per stock unit of $78.

Stock outlook | A dividend of $1.10 per stock unit was paid March 2013.  The company will not pay the usual quarterly dividend in June, having doubled up on the one paid in March.The stock which traded on Wednesday, 22nd May at $54 is considered to be severely undervalued and is a good long term investment.

To read IC Insider’s latest report “Sagicor undervalued despite $B NDX hit” , click here.

SVL: Revenues down, big profit increase

Supreme Ventures Limited posted net profit after tax for the first quarter of $301 million, a 64 percent increase over $184 million for the comparative period in 2012. The improvement was directly attributable to low lottery game payments for the quarter and a huge change to taxation charge on profit. While pretax profit climbed by $38 million, the tax on profit fell from $162 million in 2012 to just $82 million in 2013. The reduction in taxation is not sustainable. The rate used in the quarter was 25 percent, going forward it will be 30 percent. In all likelihood the charge for the first quarter may also have to be adjusted upwards to 30 percent as well.

“We continue to remind our investors that volatilities in game liabilities can adversely impact profitability in any financial quarter. The overall profitability of the company was also positively impacted by a $791.3 million reduction in direct expenses, reorganization of the company’s operating structure and interest income”, a management statement said.

SupremeVenturesSVLlogo_150x150Challenges | The second quarter onwards is poised to be a very challenging, as new tax measures for the sector took effect in April 2013. The tax package aims to collect a further $1.5 billion from the gaming industry.

The measures increase the tax rate for each lottery game from 17 percent to 20 percent and 23 percent to 25 percent respectively. The Company has taken the decision to absorb the fees for 2013, in light of what they see as uncertainty with the implementation process for this new licensing regime. They also speak of the elimination of the unclaimed prize allocation previously retained by the company. This allocation now has to be paid over to the Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commission. The effect of these new tax measures will no doubt affect the Company’s ability to achieve the levels of profitability projected over 2012.

SupremeVenturesSVLAcropolislogo150x150Revenues | Revenue for the quarter was down 9 percent to $7.4 billion compared to $8.15 billion for the corresponding quarter in 2012. The gaming company management indicated that the decline was mainly due to decreases in lottery and VLT revenues of 11 percent and 39 percent respectively when compared to the same period in 2012. The significant decline in VLT revenues was directly attributable to closure of the Coral Cliff gaming lounge in Montego Bay for refurbishing which was rebranded and reopened as Acropolis Montego Bay on 7th March. Acropolis Portmore was also temporarily closed in January for refurbishing and new layout of the gaming floor. It is yet to be reopened. The Odyssey Gaming Lounge opened on 7th February and is enjoying early market support.

The Earnings per Share was $0.11, compared to $0.07 for the corresponding period in 2012.

The company has equity of $4 billion and borrowed debt of only $324 million. Cash was $1.45 billion at the end of March, more than enough to cover short term liabilities.

SupremeVenturesSVL_150x150A dividend of $0.10 per share amounting to $263.725 million was paid in March. The company says it continues to execute an aggressive dividend payment policy, of quarterly payments based on the company’s performance.

During the quarter, the company commenced a scheme of amalgamating the betting, gaming and lottery operations of its subsidiaries into a single operating entity called Prime Sports (Jamaica) Limited.

The Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commission renewed the lottery license which has been issued to Prime Sports (Jamaica) Limited and will expire in January 2033. The company’s Bookmaker’s Permit was also renewed and issued to Prime Sports (Jamaica) Limited with the next renewal date being 31st March 2015.

Stock outlook | The stock traded on Monday, 2oth May at $3, up from $2.80 before the release of the results and is up from $2.60 at the start of May. Investing in the stock with the hope of short-term gains seem to be a bit of a gamble at this time.

Inflation rate down in April

Jamaicans were facing slightly lower rate of inflation in April than in the earlier months of the year as the consumer price index fell to 0.4 percent for the month, the lowest since the start of the year. This comes against increased taxation on a number of items beginning of April.

As the All Jamaica ‘All Divisions’ Consumer Price Index for April 2013 registered a 0.4 per cent rate of inflation., ‘Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages’, the heaviest weighted division in the computation of the index, recorded an increase of 1.0 per cent. This was due mainly to the upward movement in the prices for, ‘Fruit’,’ Meat’ and ‘Bread and Cereals’. This division’s rate was however moderated by a 1.6 per cent decline in the rate for the division ‘Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels’, the third heaviest weighted division in the Consumer Price Index Basket. This was the result of a reduction in the billing rate for electricity in April relative to March. All other divisions recorded increases lower than 1.0 per cent, with the exception of ‘Clothing and Footwear’, which increased by 1.1 per cent.

Consumer-Price-Index-CPI-Inflation280x150The other divisions that recorded increases were ‘Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco’ 0.7 per cent,  ‘Furnishings Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance’ 0.7 per cent, ‘Health’ 0.2 per cent, ‘Transport’ 0.3 per cent, ‘Recreation and Culture’ 0.7 per cent, ‘Restaurants and Accommodation Services’ 0.4 per cent, ‘Miscellaneous Goods and Services’ 0.8 per cent,  No movement was recorded for ‘Education and ‘Communication’  .

The Statistical Institute of Jamaica collects and collates the data and compiles them into three regions. All three recorded increases; Greater Kingston Metropolitan Area (GKMA) 0.7 per cent, Other Urban Centres (OUC) and Rural Areas each  increased by 0.3 per cent.

The movement of prices reflected a calendar year-to-date increase of 3.2 percent.

TTSE: Thursday, 23rd May 2013

Trading was very light on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange today, with just 5 securities trading of which 2 advanced, 1 declined and 2 traded firm.

Activity on a very lackluster market resulted in 150,034 shares trading on the main market valued at $330,999. Trinidad Cement was the volume leader with 126,800 shares changing hands for a value of $122,524, followed by Angostura Holdings with 15,900 shares worth $143,100. Prestige Holdings accounted for 6,765 shares with a value of $63,253.

Clico Investment Fund traded 46,300 shares valued at $974,779. All shares price changes were modest ranging from minus 1 cent to a gain of 3 cents.

5 stocks were being offered at prices below their last selling price and 3 stocks had bids above their last selling price.


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