JSE Main Market squeezes out gains

Investors pushed the majority of stocks trading on the Main Market Jamaica Stock Exchange, down on Thursday with the market indices squeezing out meager gains at the close on a day when trading volume declined sharply from Wednesday’s high volume trading.
At the close, the JSE All Jamaican Composite Index advanced 219.97 points to 415,758.15, the JSE Market Index rose 199.13 points to 379,243.55 and the JSE Financial Index gained 0.17 points to close at 98.38. The PE ratio of the market ended at 15, while the Main Market ended at 15.5 times ICInsider.com projected 2020-21 earnings.
The market closed with 47 securities changing hands in the Main and US dollar markets with prices of 12 stocks advancing, 23 declining and 12 securities trading firm. The JSE Main Market activity ended with 42 securities accounting for 13,491,484 units at $103,617,587, in contrast to 359,330,187 units for $1,020,073,564 from 43 securities on Wednesday.
Wigton Windfarm led trading with 4.4 million shares for 32.5 percent of total volume followed by Trans Jamaican Highway with 3.5 million units for 26.3 percent of the day’s trade and JMMB Group with 1.1 million units for 8.3 percent market share.
An average of 321,225 shares traded at $2,467,085, for each security on Thursday, in contrast to 8,356,516 units at an average of $23,722,641 on Wednesday. The average volume for the month to date ended at 813,827 units at $7,465,362 for each security changing hands, compared to 840,420 units with an average value of $7,750,590. Trading in May resulted in an average of 475,543 units valued at $3,077,280 for each security.
IC bid-offer Indicator│ At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows fifteen stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and five stocks closing with lower offers.
In the Main Market, Barita Investments advanced $1.10 to close at $51.50, in exchanging 165,319  shares, Berger Paints fell by $1.30 to end at $12.20, having swapped 3,936 units, Caribbean Cement dropped $1.47 to $49.50 trading 13,761 stock units. Eppley Caribbean Property Fund declined $1.42 and ending at $42.55 exchanging 100 shares, Grace Kennedy shed 50 cents to close at $57.50, with the transfer of 54,856 shares, Jamaica Broilers declined by $1.74 to $28 in the swapping of 28,443 stock units. Jamaica Stock Exchange ended at $20.10, having lost $1.87 and trading 10,420 units, JMMB Group shed 32 cents to settle at $33.01, with 1,082,918 shares changing hands, Key Insurance gained 45 cents after closing at $4.95 in swapping 20,000 shares, Kingston Wharves fell $1.48 to finish at $56.01 trading 5,353 units. Mayberry Investments closed 35 cents lower at $5.65 exchanging 220 units, Mayberry Jamaican Equities settled at $10, with a loss of 50 cents in transferring 104,953 shares. NCB Financial Group ended at $141.19, after losing $1.81 and exchanging 34,458 stock units, 138 Student Living lost 41 cents to close at $6.31, with 503 units changing hands. Pan Jam Investment  declined by $2.20 to end at $73, having swapped 9,414 stock units, Sagicor Group climbed $1 to $47, with 133,260 shares crossing the market, Salada Foods fell by $1 to settle at $29, after 2,216 units crossed the exchange. Scotia Group  finished $3.85 lower at $43.65, with a transfer of 53,399 shares, Seprod dropped $1.80 trading7,154 units and closed at  $51.20,  Victoria Mutual Investments gained 30 cents, ending at $7.90 with an exchange of 219,564 shares and Wisynco Group picked up 66 cents trading940,749 shares to end at $18.23.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Volume down on JSE US$ market

Trading on the US dollar market of The Jamaica Stock Exchange ended in an exchange of 213,597 shares with $24,417 value, compared to 330,908 units at $20,184 on Wednesday.
The day’s activities resulted in five securities changing hands, with the prices of three rising, one declining and one closing unchanged, resulting in the market index dropping 1.22 points too close at 183.63. The average PE ratio of the market at 13.1 based on IC Insider.com’s 2020 earnings forecast.
The average trade of the day ended 42,719 units at $4,883, in contrast to an average of 110,303 units at $6,728 on Wednesday. The average volume and value for the month to date amounts to 237,754 units at an average of $52,196 in contrast to 246,309 units at $55,482,  on the previous trading day.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows three stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and three with lower offers.
At the close of the market, First Rock Capital gained four-tenth of a cent, to close at 10.4 US cents, after trading 3,800 shares, Proven Investments ended at 23 US cents, after swapping 88,7967 stock units. Sygnus Credit Investments shed 1.5 cents in closing at 13.5 US cents with an exchange of 17,700 shares and Transjamaica Highway rose one-tenth of a cent in trading 102,850 shares to end at 0.92 US cents.
In the US dollar preference segment, JMMB Group 6% rose 1 cent and ended at $1 in trading 451 stock units.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Pulse Investments carved out 97% of trading

Pulse Investments traded 347 million shares on Wednesday to be the volume leader for two consecutive days.

Pulse Investments commanded 97 percent of total volume traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, as 347.3 million shares passed through the market. So dominant was the top trade that the next largest accounted for 1.8 percent of stocks traded as Wigton Windfarm had 6.3 million units changing hands followed by Trans Jamaican Highway with 2.3 million units for 0.6 percent market share.
At the close, the JSE All Jamaican Composite Index jumped 3,954.72 points to close at 415,538.18, the JSE Market Index climbed 3,581.93 points to 379,044.42 and the JSE Financial Index gained 1.24 points to finish at 98.21. The PE ratio of the market ended at 15, while the Main Market ended at 15.5 times ICInsider.com projected 2020-21 earnings.
The market closed with 46 securities changing hands in the Main and US dollar markets with prices of 22 stocks advancing, 11 declining and 13 securities trading firm. The JSE Main Market activity ended with 43 securities accounting for 359,330,187 units at $1,020,073,564, in contrast to 23,658,315 units for $370,631,204 from 38 securities on Tuesday.
The average security trading on Tuesday amounted to 8,356,516 units at $23,722,641, in contrast to 622,587 units at an average of $9,753,453 on Tuesday. For the month to date, an average of 840,420 units traded at $7,750,590 for each security, compared to 400,703 units with an average of $6,759,539. Trading in May resulted in an average of 475,543 units valued at $3,077,280 for each security.
IC bid-offer Indicator At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows thirteen stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and four stocks closing with lower offers.
At the end of the market, Berger Paints gains of 50 cents to close at $13.50, with a transfer of 150 shares, Caribbean Cement climbed $1.07 to $50.97 trading 16,104 stock units, First Rock Capital shed 40 cents to finish at $14.80, in exchanging 17,631 units. Jamaica Broilers gained $1.14 to end at $29.74 after investors swapped 29,292 stock units, Jamaica Producers settled at $21.97, with a rise of $1.27 in transferring 12,387 units, JMMB Group picked up 33 cents trading 131,426 shares and closed at $33.33. Key Insurance rose 50 cents to $4.50, with 200 units changing hands, Kingston Wharves advanced $1.31 to $57.49, in trading 4,056 tock units, Mayberry Jamaican Equities climbed $1.30 to $10.50 after 52,656 shares changed hands. NCB Financial Group closed $2 higher at $143, with 27,698 units crossing the exchange, Palace Amusement lost $300 to ended at $1,600, after investors transferred 304 shares, Sagicor Group climbed $1.20 to $46, in swapping 11,182 units. Salada Foods added $1 to close at $30 trading 400 shares, Scotia Group advanced by $5 to $47.50, with an exchange of 651,703 units and Wisynco Group shed 43 cents to end at $17.57, with 84,048 shares changing hands.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Modest JSE US$ market trading – Wednesday

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Trading dropped sharply on the US dollar market on Wednesday with just three securities changing hands compared to six on Tuesday, resulting in the market Index carving out a modest loss 3.00 points to close at 184.85 and the PE ratio averaged 12.8 times IC Insider.com projected 2020 earnings.
The market closed with the prices of two stocks declining, none advancing and two stocks closing unchanged. Trading pushed investors to exchange 330,908 units at $20,184, in contrast to just 16,076,419 552,258 shares at US$1,552,647 on Tuesday.
At the close of market activity, First Rock Capital closed at 10 US cents, after trading 121,858 shares and Trans Jamaican Highway lost 0.12 of a cent in trading 202,850 shares to end at a 52 weeks’ closing low of 0.82 US cents. In the US dollar preference shares segment, JMMB Group 6% traded 6,200 units with the loss of one-tenth of a cent to close at 99 US cents.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

JSE Main Market stocks plunge

The Main Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange gave up all of Monday’s gains and a bit more at the close on trading on Monday, with the JSE All Jamaican Composite Index carving out a loss of 3,468.25 points to end at 411,583.46, the JSE Market Index dropped 3,134.54 points to 375,462.49.

Kingsley Cooper Chairman of Pulse Investments that led trading on Tuesday with most shares.

The JSE Financial Index lost 1.12 points to 96.97 and the PE ratio of the combined US dollar and Main Market ended at 14.9, while the Main Market ended at 15.3 times ICInsider.com projected 2020-21 earnings.
The market closed with 44 securities changing hands in the Main and US dollar markets with prices of 14 stocks advancing, 24 declining and 6 securities trading firm. The JSE Main Market activity ended with 38 securities accounting for 23,658,315 units valued at $370,631,204, in contrast to 5,583,023 units valued at $31,456,051 from 44 securities on Monday.
Pulse Investments led trading with 6 million shares for 25 percent of total volume followed by Wigton Windfarm with 5.6 million units for 23.6 percent of the day’s trade and Sagicor Group with 5.4 million units for 22.8 percent of the market’s volume. JMMB Group was the only other stock to exceed a million shares and ended with 2.2 million units changing hands.
An average of 622,587 shares traded on Tuesday at $9,753,453 for each security, in contrast to 126,887 units at an average of $714,910 on Monday. The average volume and value for the month to date ends 400,703 units at $6,759,539 for each security changing hands, compared to 388,606 units with an average of $6,585,846. Trading in May resulted in an average of 475,543 units valued at $3,077,280 for each security.
IC bid-offer Indicator At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows fifteen stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and three stocks closing with lower offers.
In the Main Market, Caribbean Cement gained 30 cents to close at $49.90, in trading 3,698 units, Eppley Caribbean Property Fund advanced by $2.22 to $43.97, with an exchange of 2,000 units, Jamaica Producers ended $1.71 lower at $20.70, in transferring 192,127 shares. Jamaica Stock Exchange picked up 40 cents swapping 19,725 stock units to end at $23.89, JMMB Group shed 50 cents to finish at $33, with 2,167,140 shares changing hands, Key Insurance fell by $1 trading 120,262 shares and settled at $4. Kingston Wharves ended at $56.18, with a loss of $1.30 transferring 257 units, Mayberry Jamaican Investments lost 60 cents swapping 85,440 shares to close at $9.20, MPC Caribbean Clean Energy declined by $4 to $170, in exchange of 287 units. NCB Financial Group fell to $141, after losing $2.70 trading 52,823 stock units, Proven Investments closed $1 lower at $33, with a transfer of 45,593 stock units, Sagicor Group ended at $44.80, with a loss of $1.70 swapping 5,391,323 shares. Salada Foods gained 50 cents to close at $29, after exchanging 4,788 units, Scotia Group traded 205,805 shares at $42.50, having lost 80 cents and Sterling Investments picked up 30 cents, ending the day’s trade at $2.45 transferring 10,300 units.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

US$ market heavily rocked on Tuesday

Trading jumped on the US dollar market on Tuesday with six securities changing hands compared to three on Monday and First Rock Capital dominating trading with 15.4 million shares for 96 percent of the day’s volume.

First Rock led trading with 15.4 million shares

At the close of the market, the Index carved out a miniscule rise of 0.02 points to close at 187.85 and the PE ratio averaged 13.1 times IC Insider.com projected 2020 earnings.
The market closed with the prices of two stocks advancing, two declining and two closing unchanged. Trading pushed investors to exchange 16,076,419 shares for US$1,552,647, in contrast to just 552,258 shares at US$125,657 on Monday.
At the close of market activity, First Rock Capital gained of 0.65 of a cent to close at 10 US cents, after trading 15,400,300 shares, infrequently traded, Productive Business Solutions exchanged 500 units at 64 US cents. Proven Investments gained 1 cent to end at 23 US cents, in swapping 19,851 stock units, Sygnus Credit Investments had 11,400 units transferred at 15 US cents and Trans Jamaican Highway lost less than one-tenth of a cent in trading 636,914 shares to end at 0.94 US cents.
In the US dollar preference shares segment, JMMB Group 6% traded 7,454 units with the loss of a cent to close at US$1.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

JSE Main Market jumps on Monday

In a paltry trading session on Monday, just $31 million was spent on Main Market stocks listed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange. The market Index recovered back more than 3,000 of the 7,000 plus points lost on Friday as the volume of stocks trading, fell to less than half of Friday’s activity.
At the close, the JSE All Jamaican Composite Index climbed 3,388.85 points to close at 415,051.71, the JSE Market Index advanced 3,133.74 points to 378,597.03 and the JSE Financial Index gained 0.92 points to 98.09. The PE ratio of the market ended at 15, while the Main Market finished at 15.4 times ICInsider.com’s projected 2020-21 earnings.
The market closed with 47 securities changing hands in the Main and US dollar markets, with prices of 25 stocks advancing, 15 declining and seven securities trading firm. The JSE Main Market activity ended with 44 securities accounting for 5,583,023 units valued at a mere $31,456,051, in contrast to 11,604,958 units at $94,333,066 from 39 securities on Friday.
Wigton Windfarm led trading with 2.76 million shares for 49.4 percent of total volume followed by Trans Jamaican Highway with 1.05 million units for 19 percent of the day’s trade and Pulse Investments with 373,033 units for 6.7 percent market share.
An average of 126,887 securities traded on Monday for $714,910, in contrast to 297,563 units at an average of $2,418,797 on Friday. An average of 388,606 units crossed the exchange for the month to date at $6,585,846 for each security changing hands, compared to 406,241 units with an average of $7,008,631. The average security traded in May accounted for 475,543 units at $3,077,280 for each security.
IC bid-offer Indicator At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows fourteen stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and eight stocks closing with lower offers.
In the Main Market, Barita Investments gained 30 cents to close at $50.30 trading 14,424 units, Berger Paints picked up 89 cents and ended at $13, after exchanging 1,010 units, Caribbean Cement finished $1.37 lower at $49.60, after a swap of 19,819 stock units. Eppley climbed $1.07 to $17.97 trading 370 units, Jamaica Broilers shed 48 cents to settle at $28.50, with 8,744 units changing hands, Jamaica Producers rose $1.41 to close at $22.41, in transferring 1,000 units. The Jamaica Stock Exchange stock traded 23,358 stock units at $23.49, after gaining 39 cents, Kingston Properties rose 40 cents to end at $6.70, with 412 units changing hands, Mayberry Jamaican Equities closed 70 cents lower at $9.80 exchanging 9,219 units. MPC Caribbean Clean Energy jumped by $9 to $174, with 341 units crossing the exchange, NCB Financial Group climbed $4.19 to $143.70, after investors exchanged 29,565 stock units, Proven Investments shed 50 cents to settle at $34, with 5,637 units changing hands. Sagicor Group ended with gains of 50 cents trading 12,659 units and closed at $46.50, Salada Foods declined $2 to finish at $28.50, in transferring 719 units and Wisynco Group gained 41 cents, ending trading at $17.96 with an exchange of 82,286 shares.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Sharp fall for JSE Main Market

The Main Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange dropped sharply at the close on Friday as the volume and value traded contracted from the previous two days as heavyweight Scotia Group dropped $3.41 and was one of 14 stocks falling on the market.
At the close of trading, the JSE All Jamaican Composite Index dived 7,074.36 points to 411,662.86, the JSE Market Index dropped 6,402.83 points up to 375,463.29 and the JSE Financial Index lost 2.57 points to 97.17.
The day’s activities saw 39 securities changing hands in the Main Market compared to 41 on Thursday and 42 in the combined Main and US dollar markets and ended with the prices of 13 rising 14 declining and 15 closing unchanged. The average PE ratio of the overall market stood at 14.9, while the Main Market ended at 15.3 based on IC Insider.com 2020-21 earnings.
The market closed with an exchange of 11,604,958 shares for $94,333,066, compared to 13,973,559 units at $676,293,640 on Thursday.
At the close of trading, JMMB Group 7.5% preference share led the market with 4 million shares for 34 percent of total volume followed by Wigton Windfarm with 2.9 million shares for 25 percent of the day’s trade and Victoria Mutual Investments with 1.05 million units for 9 percent market share.
The average trade of the day was 297,563 units at $2,418,797 in contrast to an average of 340,819 units at $16,494,967 on Thursday. The average volume and value traded for the month to date amount to 406,241 units at $7,008,631, in contrast to an average of 413,144 units at $7,321,574. Trading in May resulted in an average of 475,543 units at $3,077,280 for each security traded.

IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows 12 stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and four with lower offers.
At the close of the market, Berger Paints shed 34 cents to close at $12.11 after the swapping of 2,000 stock units, Caribbean Cement rose 97 cents to end at $50.97 trading 7,584 shares. Eppley Caribbean Property Fund advanced by 65 cents to end at $41.75 with an exchange of 3,310 stock units, Jamaica Broilers lost 56 cents to end at $28.98 in transacting the trading of 11,322 units. Jamaica Producers climbed 60 cents to close at $23.10 with an exchange of 19,581 shares. JMMB Group dropped by 70 cents after ending at $33.30, with 57,156 shares changing hands, Kingston Wharves rose $1.27 to end at $57.27 in trading 616 units, Mayberry Investments advanced 35 cents in ending at $6 after swapping 128,733 units. Mayberry Jamaican Equities climbed 90 cents to settle at $10.50 trading 110,500 units, NCB Financial Group lost 52 cents to end at $139.51 trading 158,913 units, Pan Jam Investment advanced by $2 to settle at $75 with 432,418 stock units crossing the exchange. Proven Investments dropped $1.35 to end at $34.50 with a transfer of 22,266 shares, Sagicor Group climbed $1 to $46 after exchanging 27,292 stock units, Salada Foods gained 50 cents in closing at $30.50 trading 7,383 shares and Scotia Group shed $3.41 to close at $43.08 exchanging 112,216 stock units.
In the preference segment, 138 Student Living Preference share dropped 69 cents in ending at $5.20, with 359 shares changing hands.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

NCB Financial leads JSE trading again

NCB Financial Group traded 3.9 million shares following 7 million on Wednesday on the JSE.

NCB Financial led trading on the Main Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange for a second consecutive day, resulting in the first time in months that Trans Jamaican Highway, Wigton Windfarm, Sagicor Select Financial Fund nor QWI Investments are not in the top three.
At the close of trading on Thursday, NCB Financial Group led the market with 3.9 million shares for 28 percent of total volume followed by Wisynco Group with 1.8 million units for 12.6 percent of the day’s trade and Jamaica Broilers with 1.6 million units for 11.3 percent of the market’s volume. Other stocks trading more than one million units were Sagicor Select Financial Fund with 1.5 million shares and Trans Jamaican Highway with 1.1 million units.
At the close, the two primary market indices were rising for the second day and ended, with the JSE All Jamaican Composite Index advanced by 1,259.54 points to 418,737.22, the JSE Market Index stepped 1,140.30 points up to 381,866.12 and the JSE Financial Index lost 0.10 points to 99.74. The PE ratio of the market ended at 14.8, while the Main Market ended at 15.2 times ICInsider.com projected 2020-21 earnings.
The market closed with 43 securities changing hands in the Main and US dollar markets with prices of 23 stocks advancing, 12 declining and eight securities trading firm. The JSE Main Market activity ended with 41 securities accounting for 13,973,559 units valued at $676,293,640, in contrast to 19,992,087 units valued at $1,058,928,831 from 37 securities on Wednesday.
The average security trading on Tuesday amounted to 340,819 units at $16,494,967, in contrast to 540,327 units valued at an average of $28,619,698 on Wednesday. The average volume and value for the month to date amount to 413,144 units valued at $7,321,574 for each security changing hands, compared to 418,319 units with an average of $6,613,270. Trading in May resulted in an average of 475,543 units valued at $3,077,280 for each security.
IC bid-offer Indicator At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows thirteen stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and seven stocks closing with lower offers.
In the Main Market, Barita Investments gained of $1 to close at $50, with the transfer of 1,368 units, Caribbean Cement gained 47 cents trading 7,814 stock unit to finish at $50, First Rock Capital climbed $1.29 to $15.40, in swapping a mere one share. Grace Kennedy picked up 49 cents to settle at $57.99, with an exchange of 309,861 units, Jamaica Broilers jumped $2.94 to $29.54, after the transfer of 1,576,821 shares, Jamaica Producers rose 50 cents to end at $21, in swapping 13,115 units. Jamaica Stock Exchange closed with 50,959 shares changing hands after losing 90 cents to close at $22.50, JMMB Group gained 85 cents and ended at $34, with an exchange of 92,797 shares, Kingston Wharves climbed $3 to $56, with 2,238 units crossing the exchange. NCB Financial Group declined by $2.47 and closed at $140.03, having traded 3,887,398 shares, Palace Amusement added $100 to finish at $1,900 in transferring 10 units, PanJam Investment fell $1 to $73, with investors switching ownership of 7,384 units. Proven Investments gained 35 cents to settle at $35.85 while exchanging 6,728 units, Sagicor Group ended with a loss of $1.30 trading 37,214 stock units and closed at $45 and Salada Foods added 50 cents and finished at $30, after swapping 260 units.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Big rise in activity on JSE main market

The Main Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange closed trading on Wednesday with a significant surge in the value of stocks crossing through the market and a sharp rise in the market index as investors exchanged an increased volume of shares.
At the close, the JSE All Jamaican Composite Index advanced by 4,752.87 points to 417,477.58, the JSE Market Index climbed 4,332.12 points to 380,725.82 and the JSE Financial Index gained 2.18 points to 99.84. The PE ratio of the market ended at 14.7, with the Main Market ending at 15.0 times ICInsider.com projected 2020-21 earnings.
The market closed with 42 securities changing hands in the Main and US dollar markets with prices of 16 stocks advancing, 19 declining and seven securities trading firm. The JSE Main Market activity ended with 37 securities accounting for 19,992,087 units valued at $1,058,928,831, in contrast to 16,817,335 units valued at $94,091,208 from 40 securities on Tuesday.
NCB Financial Group led trading with 7 million shares for 35 percent of total volume followed by Sagicor Select Financial Fund with 5.95 million units for 30 percent of the day’s trade and Trans Jamaican Highway with 2.06 million units for 10.3 percent market share.
The securities trading on Tuesday resulted in an average of 540,327 units for $28,619,698, in contrast to 420,433 units at an average of $2,352,280 at the close, Tuesday. The average volume and value for the month to date amount to 418,319 units at $6,613,270, compared to 409,897 units with an average of $4,965,016 on Tuesday. Trading in May resulted in an average of 475,543 units valued at $3,077,280 for each security.
IC bid-offer Indicator At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows fifteen stocks ending with bids higher than their last selling prices and five stocks closing with lower offers.
In the Main Market, Barita Investments gave up $1 and closed at $49 after trading 5,985 units, Berger Paints gained 40 cents, transferring 22,661 stock units to end at $12.44, Caribbean Cement closed $1.37 lower at $49.60, with 2,717 units changing hands. Eppley Caribbean Property Fund added 59 cents in swapping 540 units to end at $41.10, First Rock Capital fell $1.64 to $14.11, trading 4,097 units, Grace Kennedy shed 49 cents exchanging 24,545 stock units and closed at $57.50. Jamaica Broilers lost $1.40 and ended at $26.60, after transferring 43,707 shares, Jamaica Stock Exchange picked up 40 cents in with 3,890 units changing hands and closed at $23.40, JMMB Group finished at $33.15, with a loss of 37 cents after exchanging 31,008 shares. Kingston Wharves fell $4 to $53, with 18,686 stock units crossing the exchange, Mayberry Jamaican Investments closed at $9.50, after shedding 50 cents transferring 55,006 shares, Palace Amusement closed $100 higher at $1,800 trading 68 units. Sagicor Group gained $1.30 to settle at $46.30, with exchanging 6,596 units, Salada Foods closed $2.99 higher at $29.50, in swapping 2,208 units, Scotia Group climbed $2.50 to $46.50, with a transfer of 6,266 units and Seprod advanced by $2.99 to $52.99, in trading 22,244 stock units.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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