New high for Margaritaville in early session – Monday

Margaritaville Turks traded 339,428 at a new high of 23.95 US cents and gained 2.95 cents in the process In early morning trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, at 10:45 Am, there were no stock being offered for sale. Trading activity generally has been light in early trading with most prices inching up.
ici Int -5-9-16Demand came in for Seprod as the price climbed $1.50 with 88,000 shares trading at $20.50 and Scotia Group dropped $1.39 to $30. In the junior market AMG Packaging rose 85 cents with 17,100 units changing hands up to $14.55 while Lasco Distributors fell 20 cents with 166,700 shares trading at $6.50. C2W Music traded down 4 cents to a new low of 20 cents with 100,000 shares.
At 10:45 am 27 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 1,014,803 shares changing hands. The average number of shares traded amounts to 36,243 units compared to 59,281 units on Friday. The number of stocks falling so far amounts to 6 while the prices of 12 securities rose as the market continues to consolidate with no new major developments or news to move prices in one direction or the other.
The all Jamaica Composite Index rose 223.47 points to 177,766.67 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index climbed 199.82 points to 159,996.78, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index gained 317.79 points to close at 170,876.16 and the junior market index up 12.90 points to 2,189.78.

JSE drops in early session – Friday

In early morning trading on the ici Int -2-9-16Jamaica Stock Exchange main indices lost ground as Carreras traded 1,047,855 units and fell 51 cents to $65 and Scotia Group gained 40 cents with 202,938 units changing hands at $30.40 as the leading trades.
At 10:30 am 25 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 1,482,024 shares changing hands. The average number of shares traded amounts to 59,281 units compared to 83,033 units on Thursday. The number of stocks falling so far amounts to 9 while the prices of 7 securities rose as the market continues to consolidate with no new major developments or news to move prices in one direction or the other.
Trading in the junior market was low with only 5 securities changing hands with less than 50,000 units in all.
The all Jamaica Composite Index dropped 387.45 points to 177,726.97 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index slipped 346.45 points to 159,961.28, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index fell 613.90 points to close at 170,460.65 and the junior market index fell 28.51 points to 2,152.50.

JSE gains in early session – Wednesday

JSE Intra - 31-08-16 In early morning trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, the main market rose moderately but the junior market fell moderately.
Jetcon Corporation traded 2,000 shares and rose by 5 cents at a new high of $3.23, Knutsford Express Services traded 5,344 units at a new all-time high of $26, Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 212,947 units at $2.10.
At 10:45 am 31 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 514,030 shares changing hands. The average number of shares traded amounts to 16,582 units compared to 40,010 units on Tuesday. The number of stocks falling so far amounts to 8 while the prices of 10 securities rose.
The all Jamaica Composite Index dropped 575.23 points to 177,931.33 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index slipped 514.36 points to 160,144.02, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index 448.54 points to close at 171,094.88 and the junior market index fell 2.78 points to 2,197.79.

JSE down in early session – Tuesday

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In early morning trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, on Tuesday JSE Intra - 30-08-16r the main market dropped mildly but the junior market rose moderately.
Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 487,033 units at $2.10 and was the only stock with volume over 100,000 units.
At 10:45 am 22 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 880,220 shares changing hands. The average number of shares traded amounts to 40,010 units compared to 16,570 units on Monday. The number of stocks falling is now at 4 while the prices of 9 securities rose.
The all Jamaica Composite Index dropped 299.28 points to 176,625.08 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index slipped 267.60 points to 158,976.00, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index dived 50.39 points to close at 170,310.33 and the junior market index rose 19.29 points to 2,226.92.

JSE majors inch up juniors down

JSE Intra - 29-08-16

Whither local stocks – NCB Capital

stocksThe Jamaica Stock market enjoyed a great 2015 with stocks doubling in value, but the performance of the market in 2016, so far, has not been a spectacular as investors take a more cautious approach to the market that was revalued sharply last year, from a very low valuation.
At the end of August the local market had only record about a third of the gains made in 2015. Starting in October last year the market made a meteoritic rise.
Although, the market overall has not grown very much to date, several stocks have done well with the junior market having 15 stocks rising more than 30 percent, including 3 gaining more than 100 percent and one with more than 300 percent. Twelve main market stocks are up more than 30 percent to date.
One brokerage house just released a report on the market and a selection of stocks. Below is an extract of the report on the market. IC Insider is of the view that most of the comments below are on target, a few are off, but does not change the general thrust of what is said to be happening in the market. Comments by the brokerage house on individual stocks have glaring errors in some cases and forecast in others may be way off the mark, as such investors using the report would be well be advised to be cautious about buy or sell decisions based solely on the recommendations.

Honey Bun is one of the stocks recomended by NCBCM

Honey Bun is one of the stocks recomended by NCBCM

Stocks continued to trend upwards albeit at a much slower pace than last year since the start of the year, the report states. “The Combined, Main Market and All Jamaica Composite Indices have returned 7.9 percent, 5.7 percent and 5.8 percent respectively to August 26, 2016. This, however, represents a slowdown relative to the 28.8 percent, 28.5 percent and 29.1 percent increase recorded last year,” NCB Capital Market advised their clients in their latest investors’ newsletter.
The report went on to say, “Improvement in the outlook for corporate earnings and an increase in investor confidence continue to drive market activity despite the run up in prices. The Junior Market however continues to see robust growth registering a 24.7 percent increase to August 26th relative to 33.1 percent last year.”
“Positive earnings performances in key sectors such as the manufacturing and financial services assisted in renewing investor interest in the equities market. The Food, Beverages & Tobacco segment of the manufacturing sector experienced some expansion, thanks to a rebound in local and international demand for consumer products resulting in growth in both local and export revenues.
NCB hqtrLocal companies have been focusing extensively on expanding into international markets which provides income diversification and better prospects for growth. Meanwhile, financial companies have been weathering the low interest rate environment well, and have seen some benefit from larger loan portfolios as well as an increase in fees and commission income in light of active revenue diversification strategies. Lower inflation has also assisted in increasing efficiency and improved margins.”
“The stock market should continue to see modest activity helped by improving macroeconomic conditions, low interest rates and the restoration of Junior Market incentives. Of note, with the earnings growth recorded thus far, valuations have remained reasonable, with the average Main Market P/E declining to 9.3X in August from 10.6X in January. The Junior Market P/E also decreased to 13.7X from 18.7X earlier this year. Shares of financial and manufacturing companies are expected to be the star performers.

Caribbean Cream is one of NCBCM's recommendations

Caribbean Cream is one of NCBCM’s recommendations

The main risk to market activity however is an unfavourable turn in the business environment at the end of the IMF agreement next year. In addition, recent tax measures implemented could put upward pressure on inflation and impede the margin improvement being witnessed by companies.”
Strategy “In terms of identifying opportunities, we recommend that investors focus on stocks of companies with diversified revenue streams by type, geography and currency. Investors with the appropriate risk appetite should also take a closer look at some Junior Market stocks given that the potential for growth is greater than their main market counterparts. Companies such as Honey Bun and KREMI are expected to continue to do well. Another recommended strategy is for investors to take a more active approach to stock market investing by taking gains on stocks that are trading above their fair value estimates, with a view to re-enter at more favourable prices in the near term.”

All Jamaica Index up 3,160 points

JSE Intra - 26-08-16r

Major fall in Main market indices

JSE Intra - 23-08-16

JSE down sharply in early session – Monday

In early morning trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, the main market dropped sharply with JSE Intra - 22-08-16 2,649.37 points being cut from the all Jamaican Composite Index.
Scotia Group dropped to $29.09 from $31.70 and is one of the the main contributor to the loss, while Grace Kennedy traded 77,140 units and lost $2 to trade at $43. JMMB Group traded 1,788,648 units at $9.50, dwon from $9.84 that it closed at on friday, Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 926,000 units at $2.10 and Lasco Distributors traded 1,782,310 at $7.01, being the leading trades.
At 10:45 am 32 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 4,736,763 shares changing hands. The average number of shares traded amounts to 148,024 units compared to 2,248,744 units on Friday. The number of stocks falling is now at 13 while the prices of 16 securities rose.
The all Jamaica Composite Index dropped 2,649.37 points to 177,785.43 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index slipped 2,369.01 points to 160,013.56, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index dived 2,089.00 points to close at 171,620.89 and the junior market index rose 10.57 points to 2,260.85.

JSE trades over $1.36B in early session – Friday

Trading on the Jamaica stock exchange surged on Friday to more than $1.36 billion with stockbrokers, Victoria Mutual Wealth Management (VMW), crossing a series of stocks that dominated trading. By 10:45 am the market indices slipped slightly for the main market and rose moderately for juniors as 13 stocks gaining versus 8 that fell.
The main traded done by VMW are 10,156,665 National Commercial Bank shares at $41.22 in two lots on behalf of clients shortly after trading opened on the Jamaica Stock Market on Friday morning. JSE Intra - 19-08-16Other stocks crossed by VMW are CAC 2000 with 813,386 units at $6.01, JMMB Group with 9,170,806 units at $9.88, Portland JSX 10,000,000 units at $11.49 and Sagicor Group with 6,513,985 units at $21.97 and Sweet River Abattoir with 4,664,000 units at $3.84. Sterling Investments 2,668,905 units at $13.01, Others stocks crossed by VMW include Jamaica Public Service 9.5% preference share with 99,931 units at $1,247, Lasco Distributors 8,055,942 at $7.02, Lasco Manufacturing 7,592,810 shares at $4.94, Scotia Group with 8,528,008 units at $31.70 and Scotia Investments with 1,025,875 shares at $26.
At 10:45 am 30 securities traded, resulting in a volume of 71,959,810 shares changing hands. The large trades done VMW accounted for more than $850 million in the value of trading in the early morning session. The average number of shares traded amounts to 2,248,744 units compared to 37,167 units on Thursday.
The all Jamaica Composite Index fell 122.62 points to 180,511.47 the Jamaica Stock Exchange Market Index slipped 109.65 points to 162,451.12, the Jamaica Stock Exchange combined index lost 62.71 points to close at 173,704.85 and the junior market index rose 3.80 points to 2,243.59.

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