JSE: Slow trading continues

Thursday, 12th December 2013 | The Jamaica stock market recorded another day of very low trading as the indices moved down and 5 stocks advanced in price to 7 that fell. There was trading of only 890,346 shares with a value of $18,037,940.

Indices | The two main market indices fell by the end of trading with the JSE Market Index closing at 78,096.31 down by 569.13; the All Jamaican Composite closed at 77,582.40, having a fall of 989.41 and the Junior Market Index closed at 762.58, up by 8.99.

Stocks trading comprise Cable & Wireless 169,348 units at 16 down a cent; Carreras 10,940 shares at $36.10, up 30 cents; Grace Kennedy 196,211 units at $56 down by $1.03; Jamaica Broilers 12,800 shares closing up at $4.30, an increase of 7 cents; Mayberry Investments 77,431 shares to close up 4 cents at $$2; National Commercial Bank 125,200 shares to close at $16.01; Sagicor Real Estate X Fund 10,000 units closing unchanged at $6; Scotia Group 11,154 units as the price closed down $1 at $19; Scotia Investments 113,838 units as the price retreated by 5 cents to $26.95 and Seprod lost 30 cents to close at $10.70 while 4,250 shares traded.

JSEIndicesDec12Jamaica Money Market Brokers 7.50% preference share traded 100,000 units at $2.

Junior Market | Only stocks of three companies traded in the junior market with extremely low volume. Lasco Financial traded 31,934 units at $1.30, Caribbean Producers closed up 30 cents to $2.50 with only 3,970 shares.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows bids for 9 stocks higher and 2 stocks with offers lower than their last selling prices.

TTSE: $21M spent on Clico & Republic

Thursday, 12th December 2013 | The Trinidad stock market enjoyed a buoyant day but more in terms of the value of trading rather than in quantity of shares. 729,660 shares traded valued at $22,288,721 as Republic Bank and Clico Investment completely dominated trading by accounting for over $21 million. Market activity resulted in 11 securities trading of which 5 advanced, 1 declined and 5 traded firm.

The Composite Index declined by 1.81 points to close at 1,173.91; the All T&T Index declined by 3.65 points to close at 1,970.81 and the Cross Listed Index remained at 49.49.

Clico Investment Fund, posted a volume of 631,723 shares valued at $13,708,370 and the price advanced by 2 cents to end at $21.70.

TTSEDec12First Citizens Bank traded 1,220 units and moved up 2 cents to close at $36.14; Guardian Holdings contributed 4,600 shares with a value of $62,100, the stock closed firm at $13.50; National Flour Mills added 3,400 shares valued at $3,230 while closing firm at 95 cents; Republic Bank traded 72,006 shares valued at $8,328,214 and closed up by 5 cents to end at $115.66; Point Lisas Industrial Port had a volume of 12,889 shares trading for $48,084, the price closed 10 cents down at $3.70.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator show bids for 6 stocks higher and 4 stocks with offers lower than their last selling prices.

Republic growth struggle

Trinidad’s Republic Bank recorded profit attributable to shareholders of TT$1.17 billion for the year ended September 2013, an increase of only $11 million over 2012.

The performance reflects an operation that is highly influenced by the poor state of some of the economies the group operates in. While profit inched up in 2013, it is still below the $1.2 billion generated in 2008 and $1.34 in 2007 but well above $948 earned in 2009. Recovery has been slow as the main income generator, loans have been growing slowly. Things could pick up somewhat as its main market, Trinidad, has returned to positive growth but Barbados should continue to be tight with high fiscal constraints in place.

“Profit declined by $23.3 million or 29.6 percent in Barbados and a loss of $18.2 million was recorded in Grenada, mainly due to higher level of provisions for loans and investments and a general decline in business activities in both islands. In addition, a loss of $75.7 million was recorded on our investment in Eastern Caribbean Financial Holdings Limited. Improved performance in the commodity-exporting economies of Trinidad and Guyana off-set these declines.”

Republic saw losses for non-performing loan drop from $103 million to $57 million in the 2013. Net interest income barely moved ending at $2.18 billion up from $2.14 billion in 2012. Other income performed more robustly, moving from $1.1 billion to $1.26 billion in 2013. Operating expenses climbed 7.5 percent to $1.74 billion, a faster rate than revenues. The tax charge went up by 25 percent or $76 million to $383 million, well ahead of the pretax profit that increased by $46 million.

Based on the results, a final dividend of $3 per share and $1.25 interim dividend was paid for the year.

HFCBank_ghana150x150Investments | During the year, the remaining 34.86 percent minority shareholding in Republic Bank (Barbados) was acquired and a 40 percent shareholding was acquired in HFC Bank (Ghana). “Republic will continue to look at opportunities in the African continent that meet our risk profile as we seek to expand from this initial investment,” the company stated.

Financial Position | The Group’s total asset base stood at $57.6 billion with equity at $8.3 billion. Total liquid assets, which was fuelled by increase in deposits of $5.0 billion or 13.5 percent, stood at $19.8 billion at year end, an increase of $3.3 billion or 20.2 percent from 2012. Loans and advances grew by $1.9 billion or 8.2 percent to reach $25.2 billion following a growth of 6.6 percent in 2012. All territories achieves growth, led by Trinidad and Tobago with an increase of $1.6 billion or 10.2 percent, which accounted for 84.5 percent of the increase compared to the prior three years of flat growth.

Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) is at 1.4 percent for Trinidad and Tobago, the best in the Group and below the industry average in Trinidad and Tobago of 4.7 percent. However, Trinidad and Tobago which accounts for 68.9 percent of the Group’s net interest income, increased this category by 3.1 percent in 2013, after declining by 8.7 percent in 2012, primarily because of increase in loans and investments balances.

NPLs in Barbados at 11.7 percent and Grenada at 8.2 percent respectively are high and reflective of the poor economic conditions, leading to a higher overall Group NPLs of 3.7 percent.

RepublicBanklogo150x150Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) to gross loans stood at 3.7 percent. The NPL ratio rose by 4 basis points, mainly as a result of increased NPLs in Barbados and Grenada, but down from the 4.6 percent in 2009. Total specific provision as a percent of total NPLs is 37.2 percent, down from the 50 percent in 2012, mainly because of the higher level of collateral held for loans downgraded resulting in lower provisioning requirement.

Outlook | “We expect that economic conditions will be tough going forward. Nonetheless, barring any unforeseen event, we are confident that the current level of profitability will remain robust. The commodity exporting economies of Guyana and Trinidad are expected to drive our performance while tourism dependent economies of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean are expected to face ongoing challenges with little or no growth. We remain cautiously optimistic that these economies will achieve growth in the near term as global economic conditions improve.” management concluded.

The group has much capacity for increased lending with only 60 percent of deposited funds lent out and is at the lowest level since 2003 when only 61 percent was lent and is well down from 72 percent lent out in 2008. Loan growth in the September quarter suggest that lending could increase around $3 billion for the current year. A faster pace than in 2013 and would help grow income at a level to beat the rise in costs. On the basis of the likely growth in loans, IC Insider is forecasting earnings of $9.50 cents per share for the 2013/14 fiscal year.

Republic Bank is an IC Insider Buy Rated stock

Related posts | PE Ratios: Trinidad still has good buys | Republic ups stake in Ghanaian BankRepublic onto something good in Africa

JSE: Market down but heading up

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Wednesday, 11th December 2013 | The main indices fell slightly on the Jamaica Stock Exchange as the number of declining stocks were equal to advancing ones. However, the Investor’s Choice market indicator has been flashing positive signals from last week and continues to do so at the close of trade with 10 stocks closing with bids above the last selling price and only one with an offer lower than the last sale.

Trading was slow with shares of just 20 securities changing hands with 5 stocks advancing to 5 that declined as 3,003,406 units changed hands valued at $14,188,321.

Indices| The three main indices all went down at the end of trading with the JSE Market Index closing at 78,665.44 down by 49.16, the All Jamaican Composite closed at 78,571.81, having a fall of 85.46 and the Junior Market Index closed 753.59 down 1.57.

Main Market | The main traded stocks include Cable & Wireless with 755,707 shares as the price closed at 17 cents; Caribbean Cement 1,224,439 units to close unchanged at $2.30; Grace Kennedy 54,500 shares with the price dropping by $1.97 to end at $57.03; Jamaica Stock Exchange closed at an all-time low of $1.80 down 20 cents with 4,950 shares; National Commercial Bank had 115,700 units, closing at $16 down by $1; Pan Jamaican Investment with only 26,287 shares to close unchanged at $48; Sagicor Life 8,121 units at $8.45, up 45 cents and Scotia Group with 145,176 shares to end at $20, down 50 cents.

JSEIndicesDec11Jamaica Money Market Brokers Ltd 8.75% traded 140,443 shares firm at $2.90 and Proven Investments 8% saw 146,250 units changing hands at $5.10.

Junior Market | Trading in the junior market stocks was low, only 5 companies participated with Blue Power contributing 4,000 shares as the price closed unchanged at $9.38; Cargo Handlers had 4,855 shares to close unchanged at $13.50 cents; Lasco Distributors saw 133,394 units changing hands as the price closed at $1.50 but there was an offer of $1.45 at the end of trading for 14,000 units. Lasco Financial traded 79,914 units to close firm at $1.30 and Lasco Manufacturing exchanged 137,300 units to close at $1.30, down 10 cents.

TTSE: Trading up

Wednesday, 11th December 2013 | Trading picked up on Wednesday with 19 securities trading of which 6 advanced, 3 declined and 10 traded firm as of 346,903 shares changed hands with a value of $7,443,799.

The Composite Index advanced by 3.50 points to close at 1,175.72, the All T&T Index advanced by 6.98 points to close at 1,974.46 and the Cross Listed Index advanced by 0.01 points to close at 49.49.

The main securities to trade include Trinidad Cement with 136,065 shares at a value of $303,277 as the price closed down 3 cents to $2.23; Agostini’s with 64,000 shares trading for $1,149,640 to close at $17.80 down 19 cents; Angostura Holdings contributed 27,750 shares with a value of $353,813 but the price fell 25 cents to close at $12.75; First Citizens ended up at $ 36.07 after trading as high as $36.82, in the end the price closed up 3 cents with just 1,596 units changing hands; Sagicor Financial Corporation saw 4,501 units trading to close at $7.01 up a cent and Scotiabank added 25,282 shares valued at $1,833,186 to close up 40 cents at $72.50 for a new 52 weeks high and West Indian Tobacco closing up 3 cents to $120.04 after trading as high as $121.47.

TTSEDec11Stocks trading unchanged during the day include, National Commercial Bank 18,180 units at $1.11; National Enterprises 14,321 shares at $17.60; Prestige Holdings 11,090 units at $9.45; Jamaica Money Market Brokers 10,000 units at 51 cents; ANSA McAL 5,793 shares and closed at $66.30 and Guardian Holdings  2,232 units at $13.50.

Clico Investment Fund only traded 817 shares valued at $17,713 with the price inching up by a cent to end at $21.68.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator bids for 3 stocks higher and only 2 stocks with an offer lower than their last selling price.

Caribbean Energy Finance

Companies are said to be lining up to get onto the Junior Market to lock in the tax gains and raise funding for expansion or to pay off debt. Many of the companies have little name recognition outside of their narrow customer and supplier base.

One company that is now being worked on and is said to be near ready to go is Caribbean Energy Finance Corporation that wants to raise around $450 million. The plan, IC Insider understands, will be to fund energy related investments such as equipment, which will be leased by the company.

The company is trying to have the listing before year end and the promoters are currently having road shows with potential investors. The broker is MVL Stockbrokers.

Image courtesy of Graur Codrin/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Fiscal deficit improvement continues

The Jamaican government’s fiscal deficit projected at $28.78 billion is running below target at $19.55 billion, a savings of $9.2 billion up to October this year. The projection for the full fiscal year is deficit of $8 billion. The improved position is mainly due to a near $15 billion cut in payments partially offset by a $5.5 billion reduction in revenues.

Tax revenues were off by $6.7 billion and non-tax revenues were up by $1.3 billion. Major revenue shortfall came from PAYE $2.75 billion, tax on interest of $1.2 billion and custom duties, GCT and Special Consumption tax on international trade of $5.2 billion. There was an improvement in travel tax of $2.4 billion.

Interest cost was down by $5.4 billion and capital expenditure by $6.2 billion and there was a $2 billion savings on salaries and wages.

The deficit in October is $9.4 billion, some $2.3 billion better than the amount budgeted for, and compared to a surplus in September of $7.66 billion.  Revenues in October was $1.5 billion short of projections.

Cargo Handlers announces acquisition

Cargo Handlers Limited advised that a resolution was passed by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on November 28, 2013 to invest in the Bulk Liquid Carrier Petroleum Limited. The company transports petroleum products across the island. CHL advised that this investment is expected to add $150 million in revenue.

Cargo Handlers just reported earnings of $85 million for the year ended September this year and ended up with cash of $131 million.

Related posts | Sexiness no, performance yes | Profits up at Cargo Handlers

NCB ill-fated IPO cost $680m

National Commercial Bank‘s profit took a $680 million hit from the costs relating to ill-fated Initial Public Offering (IPO) early in the just concluded fiscal year to September, according to the company’s audited financial statements.

The banking group was attempting to raise added capital in the international market during the turbulent period ahead of the country reaching an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The amount involved was written off against income thus helping to depress profits for the year and that was not the only big hit shareholders got for their investment during the year.

Net profit for the year amounted to $8.55 billion, a decline from $10.05 billion in 2012 which translates to earnings per share of $3.47 versus $4.08. The 2013 profit was also hit with a huge $1.5 billion charge, the result of losses picked up when they exchanged high yielding government bonds for lower yielding ones. Had these costs not been incurred, earnings would have been around $4.10 per share instead of the reported $3.47 amount.

Profit also got a $281 million hit from receivership expenses, an increase over the amount spent in 2012 of $172 million. Technical, consultancy and professional fees reached $1.093 billion and is up from $846 million in 2012. Some of these fees would probably relate to the IPO issue as well. The impact of those exceptional charges helped in the directors cutting the dividend payment.

The group recorded a more than doubling in the item “Other expenses” that rose to $917 million from $449 million in 2012.

Wage related costs rose 17.25 percent in the year to $9.8 billion due primarily to a larger workforce related to the acquisition of AGIC and costs associated with the restructuring exercise carried out during the financial year, the company stated in its report to shareholders.  The group’s statutory contribution remained effective flat suggesting that the bulk of the increase probably relates to redundancy payments.

Advantage General suffered a fall in profit for the NCB Group.

Revenues | Net interest income rose to $23.56 billion from $21.78, in spite of the negative impact of the NDX on interest income from the government bonds. Fees and commission income moved up to $8 billion net compared to $7.1 billion in 2012. Premium income grew to $5 billion from $1.69 billion in 2012 due partially to the acquisition of Advantage General Insurance Company in the year. Gains on sale of debt securities fell to $1.15 billion from $2.65 billion in 2012.

Loan & Provision | The group wrote off $3.6 billion during the year while making fresh provisions of $2.3 billion down from $2.7 billion in 2012 and so ended with net provision of $3.2 billion at the end of the year against loans of $143.6 billion. The impact of the above adjustments show up in the aggregate amount of non-performing loans as at September 2013 for the Group on which interest was not being accrued amounted to $6,961,388,000 (2012  $8,271,530,000).

Personal loans of $72 billion account for more than half of loans on the books and was the largest growing segment of the portfolio accounting for $14 billion of the $28 billion increase in the year.

Related posts | NCB cuts dividend 75% | NCB recovers from NDX hit | NDX slaps NCB profits

C2W says it’s not dead

A statement from C2W | “In light of the recent release of our financial statements for the nine months ending September, it is necessary to inform our shareholders what the plans for C2W are. The IPO funds raised in 2012 were mostly spent on operating expenses, with a significant percentage on the creation of the company’s valuable assets. To date we own a significant percentage of over 900 copyrights (our assets) that were co-written with some of the World’s most successful songwriters/producers. C2W executed agreements to sub-publish BMG Chrysalis and Warner Chappell within the region. We will collect their royalties derived from the active songs in their catalogues, while retaining a percentage of these revenues.

“As we are first of it’s kind in the region, we are working closely with the region’s performing rights societies (broadcast, live and other associated rights) to import our robust catalogues and decipher what our rightful earnings are. From an administration and reconciliation point of view, this is new and challenging ground for all involved, an action plan is in place and new systems will prove to be successful at collecting our royalties within the region.

“We expect revenue for the company from both the sub-publishing agreements and from our exploitation of our own catalogue to begin by the second quarter of 2014. While C2W has very low cash reserves, the Company does not require as much operating cash as it did in the past, as it now awaits expected earnings on its intangible portfolio of assets and sub-publishing agreements.

“As a way forward, and until revenues are recognized, we are in communication with various interested, and strategic, outside investors. Once we feel we have the right strategic partner, we will then go through the legal procedures in bringing a proposal to our current shareholders for consideration, via an Extraordinary General Meeting.”
