What’s really up at Seprod?

Revenues are down to $3.6 billion for the March quarter for Seprod, who manufactures and processes oils, fats, cornmeal, soaps, milk, sugar and run a cattle farm. In the 2012 period, the group recorded revenues of $3.7 billion. Profit followed in the path of revenues slipping to after tax profit of $231 million compared to $292 million in the 2012 first quarter. While sales declined, cost of sales moved up, resulting in just over $100 million less gross profit. Costs in other areas were kept well within the amounts for the previous year. Had it not been for a significant foreign exchange gains, the decline in profits would have been far worse than reported.

It was the cash generated from operations that is eye catching with nearly $500 million generated in the first quarter this year. Those figures translate to $2 billion per annum. However, these numbers include income from the sugar operations and for the rest of the year this operation will provide no sales for fresh inflows. The company also benefited from $95 million in FX gains which is unlikely to recur this year. Hence, the cash inflows will be much less and more likely to be just over a billion dollars for the full year. Loan payment of $330 million has to be made in the next 12 months and could reduce the net cash inflows along with the payment of dividends which would use up more than $400 million.

Seprodlogo150x150Seprod has $3.7 billion in cash and investments plus $253 million to be collected from short term receivable in the next 12 months from March. The big question is, what are the funds being piled up for?

Sugar operations | Long term loans increased by $977 million in the quarter primarily for use in the sugar operations. The target for sugar production is based on processing 300,000 tonnes of cane that should work out to around 25,000 tonnes of sugar and that all depends on the sucrose contents of the canes. Added to that, St Thomas, where the operations are, has heavy rainfall close to the beginning and the end of the crop each year. The timing to reap is critical in maximizing the quantity of sugar that is extracted from the canes.

Management indicates that the expanded cane farms are already planted and the increased production should be coming in the 2014 crop. The group acquired Bowden Estates with 3,000 acres and another property in the area plus lands that were in bananas are now planted out in cane. For the current year’s crop 18,000 tonnes of sugar were produced at about a break even level. If the important things go well and they make close to next year’s target, the operations should end with a profit.

SeprodCaneFactory150x150Management states that the sugar company is critical to them as a foreign exchange earner for the group. The sugar factory can be pushed up to grind 400,000 of cane but no decision has been taken on that. It would require major capital injection to get to that level of production. The cost of energy for the group is an important area of focus and thought has been given to increase the generation of power at the sugar factory and wheel it to others in the group. The estimate for such a project would be in the order of US$15 million, which would allow for the installation of new broilers to power the factory using bagasse, the byproduct of cane milling, to generate heat and steam for electricity thus cutting the overall energy cost for the group.

The company indicates that they are always on the lookout for acquisition. The funds being built up are to allow for acquisitions when suitable ones arise as well as for capital spend. But the main focus is to fully turn around the Duckenfield sugar operations. That objective is important since Seprod profits have been stagnated subsequent to their investment in sugar production. It has proven much more difficult than most of the directors first thought possible. At the first annual general meeting, one shareholder warned them of the challenges they were going to meet. Three to four years later and after more capital injection than originally contemplated, management has had enough time and experience to appreciate the unsolicited advice.

Notwithstanding the challenges faced, the group is in a very healthy financial state with $9 billion in equity and a relatively small amount of debt. Working capital is also in good nick as well.

Stock outlook | The company’s stock last traded at $15 and seems fully valued based on current market conditions. Investors will need to bear in mind the softening in the price of sugar on the world market and commodity prices in general which could push up the breakeven level and continue to have a drag on profits as well as eat up more capital. These risk factors need to be factored in when considering the investment in this stock.

Yes and no to dividends

It has come as no surprise that Pan Jamaican Investment Trust has decided to forgo the payment of a dividend, a decision made at the board meeting held on the 16th of May. The group has been making payments of 50 cents per quarter but upped it to $1.10 in March. The directors stated “having paid $1.10 in March 2013, the Directors agreed that it would not be prudent to pay another dividend at this time and will consider another dividend in the third quarter”. The increased amount was apparently due to a decision by government to increase withholding tax from 5 percent to 15 percent.

SVL to pay 8 cents | The Board of Directors of Supreme Ventures Limited declared a dividend of $0.08 per share payable on June 17, 2013 to shareholders on record as at June 3, 2013. The ex-dividend date is May 30, 2013.

JMMB to acquire 100% of IBL

Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited (JMMB) has advised of its intention to acquire 100% of the shareholdings in Intercommercial Banking Group Limited (IBL Group). JMMB currently owns 50% of the shares of IBL Group which comprises Intercommercial Bank Limited and Intercommercial Trust and Merchant Bank Limited. The IBL Group is based in Trinidad and Tobago.

jmmb150x150Last year JMMB acquired all the shares of Capital & Credit Financial Group which increased the assets and profits of JMMB. The full acquisition of IBL was slated from as far back as 2012, when the selling shareholder indicated their desire to sell. This acquisition is in line with JMMB’s plans to be a dominant player in a number of the Caribbean countries. The group has acquired entities in the Dominican Republic and could well make further inroads there in the future. It is felt that there are many opportunities in that country for expansion by acquisition for the group.

JMMB is expected to report full year’s profit by the end of this month. At the end of December 2012, JMMB made a net profit of J$3.19 billion and earnings per share of J$1.95 for the nine month period ended 31 December 2012. The results include a one-off gain of J$1.61 billion from acquisition of Capital & Credit Financial Group. JMMB will likely be hit with a big charge for the debt swap of government bonds thus negating the gains made from the CCFG acquisition.

TTSE: Friday, 17th May 2013

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JSE: Friday, 17th May 2013

Markets poised for a big run soon? | Advancing stock far outnumbered declining ones as the Jamaica Stock market continues on a bullish note. Fourteen stocks gained to only 4 that declined. Twenty six stocks traded in all.

The market has crossed over a major resistance level just under 85,000 points. Based on market sentiments currently and the shortage of some stocks, it seems only a matter of time for a major breakaway from the current level to take place. That break out could well be next week.

Caribbean Cream trades 1m shares | Newly listed junior market Caribbean Cream traded more than 1 million shares after the stock started trading. Two blocks of 500,000 units were traded at the IPO price of $1. Later in the morning 7,000 units traded at $1.01 the last traded price for the day. At the close, there were 4 orders to purchase 136,445 at $1 and two orders to sell 2,000 units at $1.15 and one order to sell 150,000 units at $1.25.

jse_logo150x150Elsewhere Consolidated Bakeries traded 1.079 million units as low as 90 cents each and Supreme Ventures traded 3.87 million units between $2.75 and $2.95 each. The stock last traded at $2.95. Scotia Group traded 228,455 units while closing down to $20.20 shedding $1.40 in the process. Dolphin Cove traded 249,200 and closed trading at $8.10 and General accident chipped in with 228,187 units valued at $2 million. The stock gained 1 cent. With the company’s first quarter results showing profit gains of 65 percent, demand has come in for it. Proven Preference shares traded 1.4 million units valued at $7 million as investors seek out higher yielding instruments than regular money market ones.

Blue Power traded at $6.80 up 80 cents, it along with Caribbean Cream, traded at all-time highs today. Grace Kennedy which traded at $60 up $2 and Kingston Wharves traded at $6.65 closed at 52 weeks’ highs. Jamaican Producers traded up $2.20 to close at $18.70 but at the end of trade the stock was offered for sale at $17, only 5,000 units traded. National Commercial Bank gained 49 to close at $18.99 on 8,000 units that traded.

Trading took place with 8.4 million units trading at a value of $30 million.


FX: Friday, 17th May 2013

International FX market | On the foreign exchange market the Japanese yen broke through the 103 barrier this morning as the US dollar was in great demand as economy data out on better than expected. The US dollar rose against all major currencies.



FX: Thursday, 16th May 2013



D&G will pay 10¢ dividend

Desnoes & Geddes (D&G) will be paying the second interim dividend relating to this fiscal year which ends in June of $0.10 per share payable on June 25, 2013 to shareholders on record as at June 7, 2013. The ex-dividend date is June 5, 2013.

D&G just reported a rise in profits to 37 cents per shares for the 9 months to March after taking a hit for staff separation of $152 million in the March quarter. The proposed payment brings the total dividend for the year to 30 cents. Demand for the shares has increased since the announcement was made of a likely second dividend and the release of the quarterly results. The stocks traded as high as $5 from around $4.15 that it has been trading at for months.

Both Scotia Group and Scotia Investments are expected to announce dividends on the 24th of May. Based on past practices, the former should be paying 40 cents per share and the latter 45 cents per share. The payments will most likely take place at the early part of June.

JSE: Thursday, 16th May 2013

Bullish signs are present | The Jamaica stock market registered gains in the main market index as First Caribbean International Bank gained $1.50 to close at $103 while trading just 2,537 shares. The All Jamaica Composite index fell, however, in spite of a positive advance decline ratio. Trading in the market was characterised by heavy cross trading carried out primarily by MVL Stockbrokers. The cross trades helped the volume reach 10.7 million units with a value of $93.9 million.

Two stocks reached 52 weeks high in trading while there was demand for stocks with prices above the last selling price that went unfilled at the end of trading. Blue Power reached $6 up 15 cents with a volume of 913,000 units traded by Mayberry which they bought for their own account. At the end of trading, they had a bid for 200,000 at $6. Kingston Properties traded more than 2 million shares and gained 51 cents to close at $4.51, NCB gained 28 cents to close at $18.50 with 215,300 shares trading. Scotia Investments in its up- today-down-tomorrow shed $3 in trading 452,185 shares with most being a cross and closed at $23.50.

At the close, the junior market looked very bullish as there is a general standoff between buyers and sellers with bids and offers being very wide.


TTSE: Thursday, 16th May 2013

TTSE still no aggression | Buyers want stocks to buy in the Trinidad market and some sellers want to sell but there appears to be a standoff with sellers not wanting to part with some of the stocks that are not in great demand at much lower prices that they are offering to sell for. The same seems true for buyers, as there are clearly a shortage of some stocks on the market. The result of this standoff is limited trading and small price changes.

Trading on the main market | 13 securities trading with 5 advancing, none declined and 8 traded firm with a volume of 462,965 shares valued at $10,535,326.98. Conglomerate Ansa Mcal traded 125,000 shares for $8,402,500; Angostura Holdings traded 109,500 shares with a value of $985,479, while First Caribbean International Bank moved 50,000 shares valued at $400,000.

Clico Investment Fund was the only active security on the Mutual Fund Market, posting a volume of 7,447 shares valued at $156,827.


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