First Citizens paying 12% dividend

Trinidad’s First Citizens Bank has declared a $1.09 per share final dividend that will be paid January 24, 2014 to shareholders on record as of December 31, 2013, the Ex-dividend Date is December 27.

The dividend is equivalent to a 12 percent rate of return on the initial IPO price of $22 per shares in August. That adds to the return of 78 percent on the stock price for those persons who were able to get shares at the IPO price and hold them till the XD date. The dividend policy of the First Citizens Bank is to distribute to its ordinary shareholders funds surplus to the operating capital and strategic requirements of the Group, as determined by the Directors, with an annual target dividend pay-out percentage range of 45 to 55 percent of net profit after-tax. The 2013 dividends translates to around $273 million versus $263 million paid for 2012.

The bank reported profits of $742 million before tax and $606.5 million after tax compared to 2012 pre-tax profit of $714 million and $446 million after tax but the big increase after tax is due to tax adjustment in 2012 that depressed the aftertax profit.

First_Citizensbuilding150x150In the prospectus, management in commenting on a large jump in tax liability indicated, “In 2012, the Group recorded a taxation charge for the year of $267.8 million. This was due to management re-assessing its tax strategy in relation to the pursuit of tax benefits to be derived from derivative instruments. This change in strategy, which was done after careful evaluation of all relevant factors and in consultation with its tax advisors but prior to the filing of its 2011 corporation tax return, resulted in a difference between the tax liability as per the tax return for 2011 and the estimate of the tax provision recognised in the financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2011, as well as changes to the deferred income tax estimates. This change in estimate, amounting to an additional one-off tax charge of $128.3 million in 2012, was recognised in the income statement in 2012”.

The stock has been moved back into the IC Insider Buy Rated List with earnings per share of $2.45 and a target price of $55-60 in 2014.

Related posts | TTSE: First Citizens profit pushes price to new high | T&T Citizens Bank IPO oversubscribed | First Citizens shares set to explode

KLE: Are they fleeing a sinking ship?

Yet another director of KLE Group has jumped ship. The latest resignation is that of N. Patrick McDonald, who has resigned as a Director with effect from December 15, 2013 and as Member of the Audit Committee with effect from December 15, 2013. This comes on the heels of the resignation of Joseph M. Matalon as a Director and Chairman also with effect from December 15, 2013.

KLE Group Limited, which went on the market at an overpriced company, has seen a worsening financial outcome before and after listing. The situation is so bad that they have melted away the funds received in the IPO, having lost $48 million to September this year, leaving $16 million in cash funds compared to $81 million at the end of December last year. Borrowed funds increased by nearly $15 million, which helped to keep the cash on hand at the September level while payables have climbed by $29 million. There were no signs that things were looking better based on the September quarters numbers. To be fair, there was spending of $84 million on acquisition of fixed assets and an asset classified as the Bessa Investment.

The first director to pack up is Garfield Coke who tendered his resignation from the Board and from the Audit Committee as of November 20, 2012.

Related posts | KLE continued losses push Matalon |  Bolt won but he could still loseKLE Group — to buy or not?

Access moved to Market Watch

Friday, 20th December 2013 | IC Insider has moved Access Financial to the Market Watch list with a hold placed on the stock for the time being as the recent price movement has moved the stock close to full valuation based on estimated 2013 earnings. The Junior Market stock should be held as supply is very low and the price should move up further.

IC Insider projects $1.70 per share earnings for 2014, which means that there is still room for growth, but the potential for price appreciation lags the majority of stocks in the market currently and, therefore, it no longer deserves a Buy Rating accolade. Access Financial has gained 36 percent since being tagged as Buy Rated on the 15th of July. Access also paid a dividend of 31 cents per share on August 15, bringing the total gross gains to 40 percent.

Elsewhere, the list remains as it was although the prices of some of the selections have moved up in the last week. There are strong signs that the prices of many of the selections, particularly those in Jamaica, will move up prior to the year end. This week, the Jamaica stock market closed with 12 stocks having bids above their last selling prices.

Lasco Manufacturing remains on the list not because of 2014 earnings which are unlikely to be very price positive, but based on the implications for revenues and profit with the start-up of operations of the new and expanded factory. This should be positive for the 2015 fiscal year ending in March.

BuyRatedWatchDec20Related posts | Access growth continuesLASCO manufactures more profits

Buy Rated: More stocks performing

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Friday, 20th December, 2013 | As the year grinds to a close, more of the Buy Rated stocks are showing growth. One such is Access Financial Services, which IC Insider placed a hold on and moved to the Market Watch list.

Caribbean Producers’ price has moved up to $2.60, a 28 percent gain since September when it was placed on the Buy Rated list. Meanwhile during the past week, the Lasco companies have reduced the level of losses suffered in November. Carib Cement has moved up with a 10 percent gain since selection in November and is expected to record further gains with the announcement of a price increase and exports to Venezuela.

BuyRatedGrowthDec20thJamaica Broilers moved up in the week to $4.51 thus reducing some of its losses, while Grace continues to bob and weave between $56 and $63. Others in the main market have been trimming their losses of recent months and are expected to continue to do so for the rest of the year.

On the Trinidad market, Scotia Investments fell 13 percent during the week from the Buy Rated entry point. Most others remained relatively stable. There are now 3 losses in the Trinidad section while there are 8 winners.

Related posts | Access moved to Market Watch

GSE: Market up for week

Friday, 20th December, 2013 | Market sentiments improved this past week with 14 out of the 37 listed stocks closed the week with bids, unlike the week before when only 8 closed with bids.

Seventeen stocks ended the week with offers versus 22 the week before. Seven stocks ended with gains for the week and six declined but the number of bids is an indication of weakness in the market with several companies reporting disappointing results coming off a decline in the value of minerals on the world market.

The main market index closed at 2,146.91m up from last week’s 2130.87 for a 78.95 percent gain year to date. The financial index at 1,780.30 is down from 1,780.47 the week before for a 71.21 percent gain for the year to date.

The big price movers came from Tullow Oil Plc that gained GH¢2.98 to close at GH¢34.98 for 9 percent increase for the week; Guinness Ghana Breweries gained GH¢0.30 to end at GH¢6.40 for a 5 percent gain; ALUWORKS gained just GH¢0.01 to close at GH¢0.05 for a 17 percent increase; Ayrton Drugs Manufacturing Company gained 6 percent to close at Gina Harrison¢0.17; Ccocoa Producer regained the GH¢0.01 it lost last week for a 100 percent gained.

Related posts | Ghana stocks poised for correction

JSE: Market ends week positively

Friday, 20th December, 2013 | Nine of the 19 stocks that traded on the Jamaica Stock Market recorded price gains to 4 that recorded losses. Access Financial Services recorded a new 52 weeks high at the end of trading and so did newly listed Derrimon Trading. There was trading in 1,733,982 units with a value of $59,289,909.

Indices | Trading activity resulted in the JSE Market Index advancing by 155.23 to close at 78,667.65, the All Jamaican Composite moved up by 269.86 to close at 78,575.66 and the JSE Junior Market Index closed at 771.27 for an increase of 3.11. Except for Monday, when the indices fell, there were increases for all the other days during week for the main market and the all Jamaican indices.

Trading took place mostly in Caribbean Cement 10,000 shares to close up 35 cents at $2.85; Gleaner Company 41,500 units at $1.10; Grace Kennedy traded a big 1,024,228 shares at $56 down $7 but it traded as high as $62 during the day; Jamaica Broilers Group gained 12 cents to close at $4.51 with 4,107 shares; Scotia Group traded just 5,824 but closed up 45 cents to end at $19; Seprod exchanged 6,146 units to close down 50 cents at $10.50; Supreme Ventures swapped 40,000 shares to close firm at $2.68.

Jamaica Money Market Brokers 8.75% preference share traded 324,500 units at $3.

JSEIndicesDec20Junior Market | Access Financial Services reached a new all-time high of $11.38 by gaining 38 cents but with a mere 500 units changing hands. Consolidated Bakeries traded 131,000 units to close firm at $1.30; Derrimon Trading exchanged 80,000 shares and gained 10 cents to close at a new high of $2.50 and gained 24 percent on the IPO price of $2.05 and Lasco Manufacturing traded 51,000 to close at $1.40.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator had weakened somewhat to 12 stocks with bids higher than the last selling prices versus Thursday’s 17 stocks and 4 offers that were lower compared to 5 on Thursday. The indicator remains strong nevertheless at the end of the week.

TTSE: First citizens’ 4 record days

Friday, 20th December, 2013 | This trading week was all about First Citizens as the stock recorded 4 consecutive new highs between Tuesday and Friday, up by $3.03 cents, with the last selling price of $39.25 putting the gain at 78 percent since listing in September. At the close, the price seems destined to move higher during the coming week.

There was trading on the Trinidad stock market in 11 securities; 3 advanced, 6 declined and 3 traded firm with 471,809 shares trading for a value of $8,249,524. The Composite Index advanced by 0.61 points to close at 1,179.76, the All T&T Index advanced by 1.02 points to close at 1,984.32 and the Cross Listed Index advanced by 0.03 points to close at 49.27.

Agostini’s traded 10,000 units valued at $177,900 at $17.79; First Citizens Bank traded 171,648 shares changing hands for a value of $6,620,573 to close up 75 cents at $39.25 a new record; Grace Kennedy traded 98,281 for a value of $339,069 with the price ending at $3.45 for a 4 cents gain; Guardian Holdings exchanged 25,000 units to close firm at $14; Scotia Investments contributed 74,758 shares with a value of $112,137 as the price slipped a cents to end at $1.50, while Trinidad Cement added 70,710 shares valued at $154,021 and closed at $2.18.

TTSEDec20Clico Investment Fund had a volume of 20,700 shares trading valued at $450,225 and the price advanced by 5 cents to end at $21.75.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator show bids for 6 stocks higher and only one with an offer lower than their last selling prices, suggesting more gains in stock prices are likely in the coming days.

Barbados faces major challenges

A statement from the IMF mission chief Ms. Nicole Laframboise: “The Barbados economy continues to face considerable economic challenges. The authorities agreed with staff on the need for urgent policy adjustments and deeper reforms over an extended period to restore fiscal and external sustainability. Weak exports and tourism arrivals, slow growth, and expansive fiscal policy have led to a sharp increase in public debt and fiscal financing pressures. Real output is projected to fall by 0.7 percent in 2013. Inflation has declined and is forecast to average 2.3 percent for 2013. In the external sector, tourism receipts have remained flat and the current account deficit is projected to widen to 11.4 percent of GDP this year. Together with a sharp drop in private capital inflows in 2013, international reserves have fallen this year to US$468 million at end-October”.

The statement continues “In this environment, the fiscal position has come under increasing strain. The central government deficit is expected to rise to 9.5 percent of GDP in 2013/14 and central government debt had risen to 94 percent of GDP by September 2013. Spending cuts under the authorities’ budget proposals announced in August are broadly on track, but tax revenues are falling short of projections. The authorities plan to take additional measures to strengthen adjustment and reduce pressures on the balance of payments.

barbados_flag“A strategic, comprehensive approach is needed to address the underlying weaknesses in public finances and to increase efficiency in the public sector. Policy formulation should be guided by a medium-term fiscal anchor to reduce central government debt to below 85 percent of GDP by 2018. A fundamental review of the tax system is warranted, and the authorities have requested technical assistance on this from the IMF. The goal would be to broaden the revenue base, which has been seriously eroded by statutory and discretionary waivers. In the interim, a number of measures could be taken to significantly improve the yield by strengthening compliance and efficiency in revenue and customs administration.

“The central government wage bill rose to 10.3 percent of GDP in 2012/13, the highest in the region, which together with interest payments limits room for investment spending. Staff takes note of the government’s decision to reduce the civil service up front. This will lower spending and send a strong signal about policy commitment, though these workers should have access to unemployment support and programs for re-employment. Alternatively, downsizing by attrition and implementing a wage formula that freezes the average wage per worker would also reduce the wage bill significantly over time and would contribute to lowering economy-wide labor costs. This is needed to raise Barbados’ external competitiveness, particularly given the nation’s deep commitment to its exchange rate peg, which the IMF recognises.

“There is scope to greatly improve the targeting of social spending and lower costs to ensure that Barbados retains its high standards of equity and social protection. There is some duplication across ministries, and some social programs, such as childcare and housing, are not well targeted and may be benefiting middle and higher income groups at the expense of the most needy.

IMF_logo150X150“It will be critical to address weaknesses in the oversight and operations of the statutory bodies, whose financial performance in many instances is not available. In the near term, the authorities could establish an independent oversight mechanism tasked with enforcing compliance and accountability. Equally urgent, the operations of the main state entities should be reviewed with a view to identifying their strategic purpose, reducing losses and raising efficiency. Fund technical assistance in support of reform of statutory bodies is expected to start in early 2014.

“Under a new interest rate policy framework in place since April, the Central Bank of Barbados (CBB) has increased its holdings of Treasury bills in 2013, resulting in a decline in short-term yields. Direct financing of the government, which is exacerbating pressures on the balance of payments, should be reversed and short-term interest rates allowed to rise to levels more consistent with safeguarding the exchange rate anchor. This would demonstrate that monetary policy is supportive of the currency peg.

“The financial sector, particularly banks, has remained strong, although deteriorating macroeconomic conditions have had a significant impact on asset quality and profitability.

Related story | Barbados gets US$150m loan |  Barbados Bond Yields Trade at Record High as IMF Urges Restraint

Barita – look beyond 2013 profit

Investors can lose out on some incredible investment opportunities if they focus too much on headline reports. This is true of the latest annual results for Barita Investments.

With a drop in the 2013 profits to September of $70.3 million, one would be tempted to dump the stock. However, a deeper look into the numbers says it’s a big buy. On the surface it looks disastrous, but when the one-off investment loss of $240 million is taken into consideration, a far different picture emerges. Barita reported a $196 million in loss on sale of Investments in its latest results versus $255 million in 2012. The investment loss, which is before corporate taxation, arose from the swapping of government bonds for new lower yielding ones. When this is factored in, earnings would have been around $230 million for the year or just slightly lower than the 2012 out turn.

The company incurred a small loss in the last quarter having reported a profit of $78.6 million up to June. The figures also indicate a loss of $79 million on disposal of investments in the last quarter on top of the $117 million reported to June this year. Going forward, Barita should not encounter another debt exchange charge and should recover from the reduction in interest rates on the government paper.

ExpoBusinessmanSitingNet interest income jumped to $111 million in the final quarter compared to $76 million in the June quarter and $76 million in the final quarter of 2012 fiscal year, a positive development that means that the company has gotten back the interest rate spread to where it should be.

This is a classic case of “buy when blood is in the streets”. The only major thing that has changed in the company over the last year relates primarily to the losses picked up from the debt exchange. This is a not a recurring item and the results should be adjusted to get a proper perspective of the stock’s value. Accordingly, normalised earnings should be around 60 cents per share for the year just ended, rather than 16 cents reported.

Expenses | Expenses were kept under control during the year but much of this may have been due to the impact of the debt write off on profits forcing the company to keep costs down, like reduced bonus compensation based on lower profits. Staff cost fell from $251 million in 2012 to $217 million in 2013, while administrative cost rose by $12 million to $218 million. Taxation fell sharply from $93 million in 2012 to only $222,000.

IC Insider projects earnings of 90 cents per share for the 2014 year.

Finances | The value of shareholder’s equity fell sharply from $1.7 billion in 2012 to $1.4 billion in 2013. Total assets amounted to $13.17 billon just slightly less than the $13.56 billion held at the end of September 2012. Securities of just over $12 billion is included in the assets. On the liability side, repurchase agreements make up $11.6 billion. Not included in assets are the unit trust funds managed by Barita Units Trust Management Company

Barita Investments is an IC Insider Buy Rated stock.

Related posts | Profits up at Barita | NDX hits out Barita’s profit

JSE: Very strong bull signal

Thursday, 19th December 2013 | While trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange saw low volume and values, that may have obscured the signal from the market which was by far the strongest since IC Insider has been reporting the Investor’s Choice sentiment indicator in mid-May. At the end of trading the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator show bids for 17 stocks higher with 5 offers lower than their last selling prices.

Eight of the 23 stocks that traded recorded price gains to four that recorded losses. One stock recorded a new 52 week closing high at the end of trading. There was trading in 2,091,302 units with a value of $7,208,384.

Indices | Trading activity resulted in the JSE Market Index advancing by 534.21 to close at 78,512.42, the JSE All Jamaican Composite moved up by 928.72 to close at 78,305.80 and the JSE Junior Market Index closed at 768.16 for a decrease of 10.08.

Main Market | Cable and Wireless traded 330,540 units to close unchanged at 16 cents; Caribbean Cement exchanged 8,698 units to close up by 25 cents at $2.50; Carreras exchanged 12,000 units at $36.75, for a gain of $1; Desnoes & Geddes traded just 6,175 but the price rose by 11 cents to close at $4.30; Gleaner Company traded 49,447 units at $1.15; Jamaica Money Market Brokers swapped 13,535 firm at $7.60; National Commercial Bank recorded 116,523 units down 20 cents at $17; Sagicor Real Estate X Fund traded 6,000 to close up 25 cents at $6.30, a new record close; Scotia Group traded 36,885 units to close at $18.55 up 5 cents, while Seprod traded 15,972 shares firm at $11.

JSEIndicesDec19Jamaica Money Market Brokers 8.75% preference share traded 194,287 units firm at $3.

Junior market | The number of companies trading in the Junior market declined to 6 from Wednesday’s 12. In trading, Caribbean Producers traded 148,985 units to close unchanged at $2.60; newly listed Derrimon Trading had a second day of good volume as 974,748 shares changed hands to close firm at $2.40; Lasco Distributors traded 54,151 units to close at $1.39 and Lasco Manufacturing traded 97,733 units to close at $1.39, down 16 cents.