Fontana jumps 69% to $3.17 – Wednesday

Fontana Waterloo Road

Fontana traded just 162 shares on the second day of listing on the Junior Market with the price jumped 69 percent to close at $3.17. Trades of 213,616 shares up to $3.55 were canceled at the close of the market.
Trading climbed sharply over Tuesday, resulting from an exchange of 24,707,539 units valued at $78,195,277, compared to 2,386,009 units valued at $16,626,218. Indies Pharma after trading 93 million units on Monday dominated trading on Wednesday with just over 23 million units.
Trading ended, with 21 securities changing hands, the same number trading on Tuesday. The prices of 8 securities rose 6 declined and 7 remained unchanged, leading the Junior Market Index to rise 20.77 points to close at 3,242.41.
The average trade ended at 1,176,549 units for an average of $3,723,585 in contrast to 113,619 units for an average of $791,725 on Tuesday. The average volume and value for the month to date amounts to 961,421 units valued at $3,170,725 and previously 919,199 units valued at $3,062,219. In contrast, December ended with an average of 136,222 units at a value of $737,367 for each security traded.
IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator reading shows 7 stocks ended with higher bids than their last selling prices and 4 closing with lower offers.
At the close of the day’s activities, Access Financial traded 135 shares and fell 57 cents to end at $49.98, AMG Packaging ended at $1.95, trading 70,044 stock units, Cargo Handlers traded 1,845 shares and gained 20 cents to end at a 52 weeks’ high of $15.20, Caribbean Cream exchanged 7,000 shares to close at $5.85. Carib Producers ended with 51,043 stock units changing hands after rising 60 cents to close at $5.50, Consolidated Bakeries traded 6,000 at $1.75, Elite Diagnostic finished 10 cents lower at $2.85, with an exchange of 2,591 stock units. Everything Fresh gained 5 cents to end trading of 15,550 shares at $1.80, Express Catering settled at $8, with 80,696 units changing hands, FosRich Group ended trading at $3.95, with an exchange of 10,100 shares, GWest traded 12,297 but fell 25 cents to close at $1.75. Honey Bun closed with a gain of 5 cents at $3.85, in exchanging 10,500 stock units, Indies Pharma traded 23,234,566 shares at $3.20, Jamaican Teas finished at $4.50, trading 1,000 shares, Lasco Distributors closed with a rise of 9 cents at $3.89, trading 44,583 shares. Lasco Financial ended with a loss of 3 cents to close at $4.20, with an exchange of 51,050 shares, Lasco Manufacturing  concluded trading of 1,036 stock units with a fall of 5 cents to $3.80,  Medical Disposables  rose 10 cents in settling at $7.10, in exchanging 10,000 shares. SSL Venture Capital exchanged 1,075,153 shares to close at $1.95 and Stationery and Office closed at $8, while exchanging 22,188 shares.

Prices of securities trading for the day are those at which the last trade took place.

Heavy demand for Fontana shares

Fontana shares are now listed on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange with bids now in to purchase 7.7 million shares up $2.50 prior to the opening of trading. There is just one offer at $4 to sell 4,500 shares.
The heavy demand in in keeping with heavy over subscription the IPO received. A number of investors in the stock are not pleased that the company varied the terms of the allocation of shares to persons in the general pool from the stated treatments included in the prospectus that stated that multiple applications would be merged and treated as one.
The share issue attracted 2,770 applicants for shares in the company. The order book on the buy side is shown in the accompanying chart with orders at 10 am.
The PE based on last year’s earnings is a low 8, suggesting that a price in the mid $4 region or higher is likely, once it can trade at those levels. Subsequent to the time the attached chart was created, the highest bid is now at $2.60 to buy 130,000 units with total bids in the syetem to purchase 17.7 million shares. One more offer at $3.77 to sell 30,610 units was posted after trading commenced. The maximum price the stock can trade at today is $2.44, 30 percent above the IPO price of $1.88.

Fontana lists today

Fontana Waterloo Road

Fontana shares will list on the Junior Market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange and will commence trading on Tuesday.
The shares that were well sort after will be in high demand with the price expected to jump sharply in a few days. A number of investors in the stock are not pleased that the company varied the terms of the allocation of shares to persons in the general pool from the stated treatments included in the prospectus that stated that multiple applications would be merged and treated as one.
Scotia Investments advised that they are currently in the process of disbursing refunds to applicants via transfers to each broker for their clients and expects to complete the majority of refunds during the week of January 7th.
The share issue attracted 2,770 applicants for shares in the company. Fontana brings to 38, companies listed on the Junior Market. In December, Eppley that was listed on the Junior Market moved over to the main market.

Sterling must change rights deadline

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Sterling Investments

Jamaicans have the view that the local capital market is regulated but developments taking place in the country, suggest that they may be dead wrong.
Fontana goes to the market with an IPO and raises funds but the prospectus sates what will happen with multiple applications from one person or company, but the release from the broker handling the issue announces an allocation that is at variance with the terms of the prospectus. Almost two weeks have passed but there is no correction of the error, even as the JSE listing committee is expected to meet on Friday to approve the listing on the market, expected to take place on the January 9.
Sterling Investments is offering shareholders rights to subscribe for more shares at $3.08 with the opening date being January 4, 2019 with the last date for renunciation of rights and closing for existing shareholders being January 11.
On the surface that seems fine but shareholders are yet to receive their offer document and many will not get tit by the deadline date. The company should take the proper action and extend the deadline date. What is unfortunate is that the company is putting shareholders at a disadvantage to non-shareholders by given the latter a much longer time to apply for shares while shareholders are given very little time. It should be the other way around.
Thankfully, the matter of Barita Investments attempting to issue rights based purely on terms determined by directors has been withdrawn and is to go before shareholders at a general meeting. There should never be any doubt that shareholders must determine changes in the capital of a public company. After all, issuing of new shares can mean dilution of ownership interest. Some lawyers state that section 65 of the Company’s Act requiring a general meeting of shareholders for changes in share capital does not apply to the increase issue of new share but to the authorised share capital is incredible when the former has no impact on shareholders’ interest but the latter does.

Fontana listing in January

Artist impression of Fontana Waterloo Road

Fontana shares are not likely to start trading until January. Feedback from the Jamaica Stock Exchange indicates that the listing committe that has to meet to approve the listing wont meet until next week. 

IC had previously reported that it would list today which was based on information gleaned from our sources. The shares allocated for the public pool that seems to be at variance with the terms of the propectus would need sorting out, before the shares are listed if in fact the allocation announced is different from the terms of the prospectus.

Fontana allocation varies from prospectus

The Fontana prospectus states that multiple applications by any person whether in individual or joint names will be treated as a single application, but the information included in the broker’s release regarding allocation seems at variance with this.
The brokers indicated that, “multiple applications from a single person or entity were removed except where they were entitled to apply for shares in a reserved and the public pool. Once that process was completed, 2,770 applications remained for 944,150,335 shares”.
It would appear that had the allocation been done in conformity with the terms of the prospectus, the number of shares applied for would still remain at 982,194,569. All multiple applications are to be merged to be one, as such investors

Fontana Waterloo Road

in the public pool should be allocated differently than what has been announced.
Contracts once consummated, are expected to be adhered to, accordingly, the terms set out in the Fontana prospectus, need to be satisfied as far as the allocation of the shares is concerned.
The broker needs to explain to the public if in fact the allocation for the public pool is in keeping with the terms set out on page 14 of the prospectus and if not why not and what will be done to comply with the terms that investors signed on for. It appears that the brokers are trying to unilaterally vary the contract that investors signed on to and they cannot do that.

Fontana IPO closed

The Fontana Initial Public Offer for 250 million shares to raised $468 million is oversubscribed and was closed shortly after 9 am today.
The issue which was scheduled to open on Thursday December 13 but and slated to close on 20 December 2018 but heavy demand for the issue forced an early closure. IC gathers that two brokerage houses delivered around 1,400 applications last night. Up to 1 PM on Thursday, staff at Scotia Investments were still sorting out applications that came in ahead of the closing time. With an historical PE ratio of just over 6 times earnings and around 5.4 times current years estimated earnings the price of the stock is expected to jump sharply after listing. With the plans the company has for expansion the company should enjoy strong growth in profit and stock price for a number of years.

Fontana corrects & explains Q1 figures

Fontana senior management team

Following IC article, pointing to errors in the Fontana prospectus issued to the public on Thursday, December 6, the company subsequently corrected the errors and uploaded the corrected prospectus on the Jamaica Stock Exchange website.
“Please note that Fontana Limited attaches hereto its unaudited financial information for the period ended 30 September 2018. This information is updated from the financial information that is presented in the prospectus of the Company dated Thursday, 6 December 2018. The effect of the update is a revision to the Statement of Cash Flows where the profit before taxation and depreciation charges were inadvertently omitted. The Company also updated a typo to the Share Price of the Company from $2 to $1.88 on page 14 of the prospectus”, the company stated in a release on the JSE website.
The directors and management advised that the pricing error arose from a change in the original planned price of $2 that to $1.88 but the price, the price stated in the body of the document was overlooked. The error in the cash flow arose from the links to the cash flow from the work sheet did not copy over the figures for profit and depreciation when the final document was completed and no one picked up the omission prior to the publication of the error.
The directors at their investors briefing on Monday also addressed the matter of the sharp jump in inventories and the increase in the company’s first quarter profit over the prior year as well as the pace at which they will commence further expansion after the opening of the Waterloo Road branch in 2019. Inventories for the Christmas season were imported earlier than in 2017 the directors stated. Apparently, the movement in the exchange rate of the Jamaica dollar played a role as well as some concerns regarding the pricing of supplies out of China. The financial controller, Judale Smith indicated that the gross profit margins are usually 36 percent but it had fallen in the 2017 first quarter as they had to source some goods at higher prices that affected the margins, as such the 2018 figures better reflect what the out turn should be like.

Why is Fontana IPO priced so low?

Owners and directors along with their advisors ought to know the value of their company. But this publication must ask the question if Fontana has really done so well and will continue to expand, why is it priced so low?
At a premium over net book value of 88 percent, the stock is one of the cheapest of Junior Market listings, with the vast majority selling at a premium of 3 to 4 net book and an average PE of around 13 excluding the extreme highs and lows. One would expect the stock to be priced closer to 10 times earnings before tax, that would put the price closer to $3 than $1.88 and that would place price to net asset value at a premium of 200 percent, still below the market average. The fact that the company is setting up a new branch and looking for more expansion, makes the case for a higher price more compelling as investors are most likely going to rake in much profit from this stock. The only problem the general public will not get many shares  to buy up front as it is set tobe heavily oversubscribed. Investors can expect this one to at least double shortly after listing.From where we sit we think the brokers did the owners out of several million dollars on this issue but then the owners may want Jamaicans to party with them on the 50th anniversary.

Fontana IPO set for heavy oversubscription

Fontana’s prospectus initial public offer, first mentioned by IC is now out but with confusion as to the pricing. The price seems to be $1.88 except for reserved shares at $1.69 each.  
Whether the price is 1.88 or $2 the stock is priced very attractively priced for investors at a PE that is well below that of the Junior Market that it will be listed on and is expected to be heavily oversubscribed. The general public has been allocated 113,434,802 shares at a PE ratio of just 6.4 times 2018 earnings, well below the market average of more than 15, but things get even better as the interim results to September this year show a huge jump in profit from $11.5 million to $51 million before tax, with sale revenues up just 5.5 percent to $936 million while cost of sales declined from $650 million to $640 million, thus improving gross profit margin. While revenues grew just 5.5 percent in the quarter administrative cost climbed faster by nearly 10 percent to $223 million. At the same time inventories rose 19 percent to $680 million over the levels at September 2017 and are up 15 percent from June 2018 figure, a development that requires clarification. The PE ratio based on the interim figures suggest that the PE will fall to around 6 or less for the 2019 fiscal year, with good prospects for continued growth in the business.
The Company, in March 2013 acquired the former Azmart location in Barbican Square, Kingston and opened its Ocho Rios location in November 2013. There has been significant growth in sales from these locations. Kingston and Ocho Rios branches now represent 27 percent and 16 percent of the total sales, respectively, the Company stated. Revenues from the Ocho Rios branch increased from $113 million in 2014 to $536 million in 2018, while revenues at the Kingston branch grew from $508 million in the 2014 fiscal year to $871 million in 2017 with growth slowing to 5 percent in the financial year 2018.
The new Waterloo Square location which will open in financial year 2019, is expected to add 28,000 square feet of retail space, an increase of over 40 percent and bolster sales. It is expected that the Waterloo Square store will provide greater buying power to negotiate more favourable terms and rebates with key pharmaceutical partners on the local market. The company is seeking further opportunities to expand its branch network in growing communities such as Montego Bay and Portmore. The anticipated increase in sales will provide greater critical mass to support the sourcing of higher volumes of inventory directly from China with greater margins.
The Company invites Applications for 124,937,565 Subscription Shares, which are to be newly issued. The Company is also inviting Applications on behalf of the Selling Shareholder for 124,937,400 shares. A total of 136,440,163 shares that are initially reserved for priority applications. The minimum amount to be raised by the Company from the sale of the Subscription Shares is $234,040,086.
The Company was established in 1968 at the Manchester Shopping Centre in Mandeville by Shinque “Bobby” Chang and Angela Chang. Today, the Company is run by Kevin O’Brien Chang (Chairman), Anne Chang (Chief Executive Officer) and Raymond Therrien (Chief Operating Officer) with the support of Independent Directors. The Company operates pharmacies and retail stores in Jamaica with 5 locations across the island and 330 employees. Its core business is the sale of pharmaceutical products through licensed pharmacies, and a range of beauty and cosmetic items, housewares, home décor, toys, baby items, electronic, school and souvenir products.
The Company recorded revenues of $3.4 billion in financial year 2018, representing an increase of $272 million or 8.66% over the prior year and an increase of approximately 91% from $1.76 billion in 2014. Pretax profit for 2018 declined 6 percent from $322 million in 2017 to $303 million after rising from $237 million in 2016 that was up more than 100 percent over the 2015 profit of $115 million. The slowdown in 2018 is attributed to the state of emergency in Montego Bay and road construction in the Barbican area.
The stock has been accorded IC critical BUY RATED accolade.

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