FX: Wednesday, 22 May 2013

USD | The foreign exchange market was in balance today as a total of US$24.2 million were purchased and US$23.3 million sold. The rate paid on average for buying the dollar was J$98.472, slightly lower than Tuesday’s buying rate and they sold it to the public for an average of J$99.11, slightly up on yesterday’s rate.  The highest buying rate was J$99.35, up 18 cents on Tuesday’s rate and the lowest was J$81.16 17 cents lower than on Tuesday. Sales took place at J$104.11, some 11 cents more than Tuesday on the high end and J$96.20 on the low end, 15 cents more than Tuesday’s lowest rate.

CAD | Purchasing of Canadian dollars amounted to CAN$522,435 at an average rate of J$94.1682 which was just 2 cents less than the rate on Tuesday. CAN$990,719.46 were sold at an average of J$97.3652 but buyers had to pay 7.5 cents more than the Tuesday average price to get the currency. The highest buy rate for the Canadian dollar was J$96.50 which was 30 cent less than Tuesday and the lowest buy rate was 17 cents less at J$77.27. On the sell side, the highest selling rate was J$99.62, which was lower than Tuesday by 21 cents and the lowest sell rate was J$1.40  more than Tuesday at J$93.80.

GBP | GBP 1,478,798.92 were purchased at a rate of J$148.0187, down 49 cents on Tuesday and GBP 1,112,854.53 were sold at J$149.662, down $1.08. The highest buy rate for the Pound was J$150.50 which was 50 cent less than Tuesday and the lowest buy rate was 62 cents less at J$121.1. On the sell side, the highest selling rate for the Pound was J$153.02 which was lower than Tuesday by J$3.90 cents and the lowest sell rate was $0.55 cents less than Tuesday, at J$145.90.

Overall the market traded the equivalent of US$26,983,184.49 and sold the equivalent of US$26,358,984.87.



Pulse looking better

Pulse Investments disclosed earnings in the March quarter of $45.4 million a slight improvement over the $44.3 million generated in the 2012 period. For the nine months to date, earnings are up to $148 million against $136 million in 2012. The company generated revenues of $210 million and $171 million for the nine months to March 2012. While the net earnings are close to 2012 figures, the quality this year is better with $99 million being earned to date before a $51.5 million appreciation in investment property (2012 $82.5 million) was booked as income thus boosting the net profits.

Administrative expenses declined in both the quarter and for the nine months this year versus 2012. Earnings per share is put at 16 cents in the quarter and 53 cents year to date suggesting that around 70 cents earnings per share for the full year to June is possible.

Pulse280X150The company’s statement of financial position is undergoing a slow metamorphic change as loan liability is down to $24.4 million from $26 million in 2012. Cash funds are up to $13.3 million from $9.9 million in March last year. Trade receivables are down from $50 million at the end of March last year to $22 million this year. Payables are up from $38.3 million to $45.5 million.

Pulse shares last traded at $1.60 but there haven’t been any serious takers for them with an offer in place for several months at $1.60. The stock is undervalued but there is not likely to be any strong demand for a while. All that could change, if the stock market continues to push the prices of the better quality stocks upwards forcing investors to look elsewhere for stocks to invest in. Pulse could come into its own.

Pulse Investments’ business is focused on grooming models and contracting them out to the trade, staging Caribbean Fashion Week, ownership of shops and other property for rent.

JSE: Wednesday, 22nd May 2013

JSE flashes a strong bull signal  | When the Jamaica stock market closed there were 12 stocks which had bids higher than the last selling price with no offers below the last selling price, a strong bull signal. Additionally 3 stocks traded at 52 weeks high and the advance/decline ratio was 3 to 1 with 13 stocks gaining and 4 down.

The all Jamaica index closed up 1,025 points ending the day at 86,150 and the main market index was up 582 points closing at 86,275.28.  The all Jamaica index is just below the February 6th level of 87,430 points. The most telling bullish sign is that the market index has decisively broken through the upper resistance level of the major downward slopping channel that goes back to 2004. There is one short-term resistance level to break through and this should happen in a day or two as the all Jamaica index is just touching that line. With the positive number of stocks that can’t get orders filled at current levels, the break will happen soon.

Newly listed Caribbean Cream traded as high as $1.20 but closed at $1.1 as over 861,000 shares traded. The offer closed at $1.10 with a bid of $1.07. Carreras closed up $2.48 trading over 86,000 units to close at $60. D&G was up 30 cents closing at $4.90 on very small volume. Grace gained 50 cents closing at $60.50 with only 2,000 shares trading. Junior Market Honey Bun lost 50 cents closing at $3.50 but only 1,000 shares changed hands. Lasco Manufacturing posted a $1.19 gain trading at $12.50 with just 6,000 of the stock traded. Pan Jam lost $3.59 to close down at $54.01 and 11,619 shares traded. Scotia group gained $1.39 closing at $$21.60 and Scotia Investments is up $3 to close at $26.50 with 246,800 units by one buy order on the bid at the last selling price.

Trading took place in 2,700,407 shares with a value of $20,978,749.


Carreras gives 15.3% return

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Carreras Limited has declared an interim dividend of $1.30 per share and a special dividend of $0.94 per share payable on June 20, 2013 to shareholders on record as at June 6, 2013. The ex-dividend date is June 4, 2013.

This latest dividend brings the total paid since June last year to $7.64. Shareholders who bought shares around the $50 level when Lascelles sold a block of the Carreras shares last year, have enjoyed a 15.3 percent dividend income return. The stock closed today at $60, making a total gain of 35 percent within a year.

Carreras paid an interim dividend of $1.40 per share and a special dividend of $1.20 per share on March 13, 2013, an interim dividend of $1.30 per share was paid on December 11, 2012 and another of $1.50 per share was paid on August 23, last year.

C&W: Less jobs, more capital spend

As the Cable & Wireless worldwide operations strive to adjust to changes in market forces and consumer demand, the group has been undergoing changes. Within the Caribbean region, stiff completion and tight economies as well as changes in the way people communicate have forced changes in their businesses in the region.

In an effort to improve results for the future, Cable & Wireless Caribbean incurred net exceptional items (excluding impairments) of US$50 million relating to redundancy and restructuring programmes in the Caribbean. The prior year charge of US$66 million was primarily in respect of restructuring activities in The Bahamas and Panama.

What about Jamaica? |  Cable & Wireless Caribbean incurred US$26 million as an exceptional charge for cash payouts for redundancy and restructuring programmes. This charge was related to Jamaica and the eastern Caribbean but our calculations suggest that the bulk relates to Jamaica. Cable & Wireless Jamaica had indicated that it was making 300 persons redundant earlier this year and outsourcing the field force technician services to Erickson. The redundancy charge will wipe out any hope that may have existed for the Jamaican operation to return to profit in March 2013. In addition, the Jamaican operation would have picked up a large exchange rate adjustment charge on its foreign currency denominated debt. The stage should, however, be set for it to return to profitability in the 2013/14 year.

cable-and-wireless280x150There was also exceptional impairment and depreciation charge of US$86 million in the year ended March 2013. This was mainly due to the difficult environment in the Eastern Caribbean. The prior year charge consisted of a non-cash impairment and accelerated depreciation charge of US$244 million primarily due to poor financial performance in Jamaica.

Capital spend continues | C&W continues to spend on capital improvements within the Caribbean basin which includes Panama. Capital investments continued to be in 4G/HSPA+ mobile data networks supporting smartphone sales in Panama, The Bahamas, Barbados, BVI, St Lucia and Cayman, selective pay TV investments, and improvements to the fixed broadband network. These fixed broadband investments include continuing the fibre roll-outs in the Caribbean and completing the Next Generation Network in The Bahamas. They have also pursued strategic investments in transmission capacity and cable systems to support both retail and carrier sales asa well as advancing billing and customer relationship management systems.

They have completed the second year of investment in the Bahamas having invested around US$100 million in capital projects during that period.

C&W Caribbean still restructuring

The Caribbean contributed revenue of US$1,120 million to Cable & Wireless Worldwide revenues in the year ending March 2013. The revenues for the region were down 4% on the prior year.

Mobile revenue of US$527 million was down 1% on the prior year driven principally by lower average rate per unit (ARPU). Subscriber numbers were broadly flat on the prior period with a 16 percent growth in Jamaica following regulatory changes which enabled improved competitive positioning, stimulating subscriber and usage growth offset by churn in the Eastern Caribbean. There has been sustained growth in mobile data usage following the launch of high-speed networks in a number of islands during the year and the Company plans to expand on this where commercially viable.

Broadband & TV | Revenue fell by 2% to US$120 million for broadband & TV operations. LIME TV was launched in Barbados during the year and over 3,000 customers have signed up subscriptions to date with plans to roll out IP based TV services to a number of islands in the coming year.

cable-and-wireless-cables150x150Fixed voice revenue at US$290 million was 10% down compared to the prior year. Voice substitution continued across the region, although the ARPU and revenue decline this year was mainly influenced by Jamaica where regulatory changes and the introduction of a special telecommunications tax led to lower revenues. Enterprise, data and other revenue at US$183 million was down 7% on last year due principally to a lower level of cable capacity sales in the period.

Gross margin | Operating costs were 5% down compared to the prior year at US$578 million. Across the Caribbean, the Company has embarked on targeted cost reduction programmes to improve efficiency and build a sustainable operating base. During this year, staffing headcount has reduced by 12% to 3,421 and there was further outsourcing of field force technician services in Jamaica. Much of the improvement came from the Bahamas business which has seen a full year’s benefit of the restructuring undertaken following acquisition of the company in 2011.

What about C&W Jamaica? | Read IC Insider’s ‘C&W: Less jobs, more capital spend

TTSE: Wednesday, 22nd May 2013

No aggression in trades | Market activity continues to meander along as traders nibble away at prices with very little changing from day to day. Wednesday’s trading session was no exception as price changes on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange were again moderate with the highest gain being 12 cents for Scotia Bank and the highest loss was 5 cents for Point Lisa Industrial Port Development.

There was trading in 16 securities of which 7 advanced, 4 declined and 5 traded firm. Main market volume was 665,031 shares valued at $6,596,902.44. Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation traded 349,209 shares for a value of $1,239,942, followed by Angostura Holdings with a volume of 207,100 shares traded for $1,863,900, while ANSA McAL added 30,446 shares valued at $2,046,580. Clico Investment Fund traded 6,860 shares for a value of $109,332.

An indication of market sentiment is to be found in the both the advance/decline ratio which has been positive for several trading days as well as in the number of stocks closing with bids above last selling price or the offer below the last selling price. At today’s close there were 5 stocks with bids higher than the last selling price and 4 with offers below. One stock traded at a new 52 weeks high.



FX gains boost Kingston Wharves

Revenues for Kingston Wharves were up 42 percent for the quarter ended March to $1.17 billion. The amount includes $148.86 million or a 91 percent increase in interest income and a large amount of foreign exchange gains flowing from changes in the Jamaican dollar value for assets denominated in United States dollars, as well as a 38 percent increase in transshipment and domestic container movements.

Port revenues | Increased revenue and cost saving initiatives implemented by the group contributed to positively to the profit performance for the quarter. Revenues for port activities were $999 million up from $804 million for the similar period in 2012, an increase of $195 million or 24 percent. A combination of volume increases and the impact of the declining value of the Jamaican dollar are factors that contributed in a major way to the results.

Profit | Operating Profit increased 142 percent for the first quarter, moving from $155 million in 2012 to $374 million. Profit attributable to stockholders was $153 million compared to $65 million for the same period in 2012. Earnings per stock for the first three months was 10.63 cents compared to 5.90 cents for the corresponding period in 2012.

KingstonWharves150x150Without the gain from the movement of the local currency, profits for the quarter would have been much lower, which is something for investors to bear in mind in considering the company’s stock as an investment. The stock is now selling for more than 17 times this year’s likely earnings, well ahead of other companies on the market presently.

Management stated the group will be making substantial long term investments in order to participate fully in the Kingston port expansion. During the quarter, the first phase of the initiative aimed at the expansion and improvement of the range of services offered was implemented. These include steps to acquire container handling equipment and provide stevedoring services for a new client.

Financial strength | Kingston Wharves is in a healthy financial position with borrowings of $2 billion and equity of $12 billion. The group has $3 billion in cash which will be used in the expansion and modernization of the operations in preparation for increased business when the expanded Panama canal opens.

Seprod’s dividend consideration

The Board of Directors of Seprod Limited will meet to consider the payment of a dividend at a meeting scheduled for June 3, 2013. The company last paid a dividend amounting to $0.30 per share on November 9, 2012. Prior to the November payment the company paid a dividend of $0.53 per share on August 7, 2012.

Seprod recently reported profits for the first quarter of this year that was down on the similar quarter in 2012. Profit after tax profit slipped to $231 million compared to $292 million in the 2012 first quarter.

For the last IC Insider report ‘What’s really up at Seprod‘, Click here

JSE: 38m shares for IPO

The Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) is to issue 28 million shares to the public during this quarter and have the total share capital listed in the exchange thus confirming what IC Insider reported last week.

In a release to the public, the JSE stated that the Shareholders of the Jamaica Stock Exchange have given their approval to list the ordinary shares of the Company on the local equity market via an Initial Public Offer (IPO). The Company will offer, by way of Subscription, 28,050,000 new ordinary shares equal to 20% of its ordinary shares to the public. Upon completion of the sale, the Company will apply for its shares to be listed on the JSE. The Company expects to make the Offer to the Public in the 2nd Quarter of 2013.

An additional 10,200,000 existing ordinary shares will also be available for sale to investors, bringing the total ordinary shares available to 38,250,000 units. This means that the JSE has split the existing 28 million ordinary shares into 140 million units. It appears that existing shareholders will be selling off some of their holdings to the public at the same time. The JSE did not indicate the likely price the issue will be coming to market at.

jse_logo150x150According to the Chairman of the JSE, Donovan H. Perkins, “The Board of the Exchange has approved the listing of its shares to allow the public to participate in the success of the JSE. We think it appropriate that the very entity that is supporting and seeking to expand the capital markets, should also participate in these markets.”

Marlene Street Forrest, General Manager of the JSE also added that, “with the green light given by the shareholders, this is a natural and positive progression of the organization as it is another step in the direction towards maximizing shareholders’.

The issue could come to the market at a time when trading interest would have reached new heights than a few months ago.

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