Good news drive interest in Jamaican Teas

Shareholders of Jamaican Teas approved a three for one stock split effective November 30 at a meeting held by the Company on Tuesday. The record date for the split is Monday, November 30, but the stocks go ex split on Friday, November 27 and will commence trading at the post-split price on that day.

John Mahfood CEO and Director of Jamaican Teas addressing the EGM.

In an update to shareholders at the meeting on recent developments within the Group and the outturn for the year to September, they were advised of the continued growth the Group experienced since listing in 2010 with equity moving from $392 million to $1.8 billion at the end of September, this year. Management advised that helped by good results for 2020, the Group moved from a billion-dollar entity to a $2 billion one measured by sales that closed the past fiscal year at $2.2 billion.
Management considers one of the highlights of the recently concluded quarter to be the strong 65 percent gain in export sales over the prior year as well as exports accounting for 65 percent of total manufacturing sales in the quarter. The level of exports meets one of the objectives set at the time the Company went public in 2010.
Early indications and feedback from our overseas customers point to a continuation of the positive trend in exports for the 2021 financial year, the meeting was told.
While exports were dominant, domestic sales did relatively well, with local manufacturing sales increasing 17 percent over 2019. Overall, sales climbed 44 percent to $407 million in the fourth quarter, shareholders were informed. The Real estate division contributed $240 million in sales and is set to contribute around $160 million in the December quarter.
The Group had a disappointing year in the investment division, as it incurred a loss with the fall in the value of local investments but saw some improvement in the second half of the fiscal year, with profit in both quarters. Management expressed the view that there should be an improvement in its fortunes in the new year.
Net profit attributable to Jamaican Teas for the quarter was $131 million, a decline of 27 percent from the $180 million profit in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. For the full year, net profit attributable to Jamaican Teas was $210 million, a decline of 47 percent from the $400 million generated in the previous year.
After the year-end, Jamaican Teas had increased sales of 47 percent in October 2020 over 2019, with export up a robust 85 percent and a much less robust 10 percent for domestic sales. Orders in hand for November suggest a continuation of the positive trend seen in October.

Jamaican Teas’ shareholder – Mr. Lanzel Bloomfield addressing the EGM

The Group will be booking more real estate sales in the December quarter. With the above developments, management expects a good first quarter for the financial year ending September 2021. The Group plans to commence a major expansion of the factory to meet the increasing demand for its manufacturing products.
Since the company advised the JSE on September 29 that the board would meet to set a date for the three-for-one stock split, the price rose by 56 percent to $6.70. The stock traded at $4.30 on the day of the announcement. The release was posted after trading closed. The next trading day, the price jumped to $4.83 with 161,040 shares trading. On the first day of October, the price moved to $5.02 with 1,099,894 shares trading. The stock traded at $5.50 on Monday last week. On Tuesday, it traded at $5.99 and moved $6.30 on Wednesday and $6.70 on Thursday and Friday.

Jamaican economy throwing up goodies

The Jamaican economy seems to be humming along pretty well, based on a number of critical measures that are available as well a physical evidence seen elsewhere.
There seems to be increased traffic around the corporate area at various times of the day, even when school is closed, thus reducing much of the normal peak hours traffic. Information from the Tourism sector is that visitor arrivals have climbed sharply since the winter months. There is strong evidence of increased construction activities with buildings be constructed across the length and breathe of Kingston and elsewhere in the country for commercial and residential purposes.
An examination of government’s statistical data is confirming some of these developments. Corporate taxes are up 33 percent over 2016 for the first 3 months of the fiscal year, an indication of higher sales and profit being generated. Education tax is running 7.7 percent ahead of projections and 13 percent above last year’s intake. Contractors levy is up over 2016 by 27.5 percent ahead of forecast, to reach $391 million and some 33 percent ahead of the intake for 2016 of $293 million, a good indicator of the health of the construction sector.
Traditional Exports are holding their own but with a slight fall in earnings for January to April 2017 of 1.5 per cent or US$3.4 million below the comparable 2016 period to US$216 million, but Non–Traditional Exports in the same period grew 36.2 percent or US$51 million above the US$140.9 million earned in the 2016 to reach US$192 million. Traditional exports should get a boost in the second half of the year with the resumption of alumina production at Alpart. Another critical indicator of increased health of the local economy is the second largest number of persons employed within a one year period of 35,500, for the twelve months to March 2017, only bettered by increased employment of 40,500 more persons between March 2015 and 2016,

The Hampshire Apartments complex being built by Guardian Life.

this number could have be swollen by persons employed due to the general elections that were held in February and staid on until sometime after. The 2017 numbers of newly employed, compares favourably with 2007 with 36,500 newly employed, 2006 with 41,900, 2005 with 35,500, but well below the 72,700 newly employed between April 2002 and 2003. Bank credit has expanded to one of the fastest pace for some time with an increase of 17 percent to $495.759 for banks excluding that was not so clarified in 2016. The growth is well over the approximately 4 percent inflation over the period.
Of course, business confidence is at record levels, as investors pump more investments into the local stock market, driving it to new record highs on the last day of July, with increases expected in the months ahead.
Recent data in the forex market shows it generating strong net inflows with the local currency enjoying some revaluation after a slight fall earlier in the year.

Jamiaca’s exports to Caricom up

Caricom_logo150X150Jamaica’s total exports to CARICOM for the January to July 2014 period increased by US$7.5 million or 17.8 per cent to US$50 million compared to the 2013 period.
Imports from CARICOM region same period declined by 4.4 percent or US$21.4 million to US$468.4 million as were lower imports of Mineral Fuels, in July 2014. Mineral Fuels, declined by 1.8 percent or US$5.7 million to US$317 million for the seven months. Food fell by 12.8 percent or US$12.6 million to US$85.8 million, Beverages & Tobacco by 10.1 percent and Manufactured Goods moved from US$13.3 million to US$12.8 million. Imports of Chemicals however rose by 5.9 percent or US$1 million to US$16.7 million.
At the end of January to July 2014, Jamaica incurred a trade deficit of US$418.5 million with her CARICOM partners which was below the US$447.4 million in the comparable 2013 period.

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