Profit on the rise for Dolphin Cove

dolphin-cove280X150The fast growing Jamaican north coast entertainment company Dolphin Cove, is reporting increased profits for the six months ended June, this year. Profit rose 30 percent to $287 million over the $221 million in the 2013 comparative period, according to the unaudited six months financial report.
For the June quarter, Dolphin made profit that is 34 percent ahead of that of 2013 to hit $139 million up from $103 million last year.
“This rise in profits is mainly as a result of the growth in revenues and supported by cost containment measures which resulted in operating expenses increasing by a lower percentage than the growth in sales. The decision to increase our investments in sales and marketing in the June 2014 quarter produced the desired results, as sales increased by 17 percent above that of 2013 and also surpassed the 11 percent increase in revenue which was experienced in the first quarter,” Manager said in a release of the results to shareholders.
Total revenues climbed 15 percent to $923.4 million for the half year, from $800 million and $471 million versus $400 million in June 2013 quarter, for an 18 percent increase.
The company would have benefited from the fall in the value of the local currency as its income is denominated in United States dollars, but much of its cost are in Jamaican dollars. The end may be in sight for a sharp fall of the local currency, even as the country in now in the period of low inflows and high demand for US dollars. So far the inflows have been buoyant, meeting demand up to the end of September with a stable rate so far. The company’s income is substantially reliant on developments in the tourism sector as it get the bulk of its income from overseas visitors for meals and the attraction of dolphins, sharks and stingrays.
IC Insider’s forecast for earnings, is $1.20 per share, for the current year ending December. In 2013 the company earned 82 cents. Based on the rise in profit, the company pushed dividends up by 50 percent for this year to date and works out at a yield of 8 percent on the stock price of $8.
Equity stood at $1.57 billion at the end of June with borrowed funds at only $355 million.

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  1. […] Dolphin Cove’s profit for the September quarter, rose 14 percent to $109 million and for the nine months to September, its up a strong 25 percent to $397 million. Cost generally rose slightly faster than revenues, but that did not impair the results by much. Direct cost 16 percent for the quarter and 18 percent year to date, administrative and other costs were up 18 percent for quarter, but was in line with revenues, at 15 percent for the nine months, to September. Margins were held for the quarter and rose for the nine months period. Revenues climbed 16 percent for the quarter, and 15 percent year to date. At the end of the financial year to December, earnings should be just over $1.20, for this major tourist attraction. Attendant with the growth in profit, the company increase the amount paid out in dividend in 2014 over 2013. […]

  2. […] stocks being offered for sale. Lasco Distributors with 278,128 units, closed 1 cent lower at $1.15, Dolphin Cove traded 1,470 units at $8, Lasco Financial 4,657 shares at 95 cents and Lasco Manufacturing 278,832 […]

  3. […] 47 cents to end at $10.01, Caribbean Producers with 26,028 shares lost 15 cents to end at $2.20, Dolphin Cove had just 200 units changing hands at 50 cents up, at $8.50, Lasco Distributors traded 282,050 units, […]

  4. […] close, Access Financial Services traded 2,295 shares to end with a decline of 2 cents at $10.48, Dolphin Cove with 3000 units trading closed at $8, Knutsford Express with 7,726 shares closed at $5.50 to gain […]

  5. […] Trades| Stocks in the junior market that traded to close at the same price as the day before are, Dolphin Cove with 200 shares at $8, Lasco Distributors traded 2,300 units at $1.15 Lasco Financial 1,500 shares […]

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