Guardian Media’s Q3 profit up 134%

Guardian Media is one of two media stocks in T&T to have the greatest benefits from the General elections.

Guardian Media is one of two media stocks in T&T to have the greatest benefits from the General elections.

Guardian Media’s profit after tax for the 9 months ended September, increased 49 percent to $28.4 million, from $19 million in 2014.
For the quarter, profit after tax more than doubled to $18 million from $7.7 million in 2014, from revenues that climbed 35 percent, to $76 for the quarter and 13 percent for the nine months, to $173 million. Earnings per share, increased by 23 cents, from 48 cents to 71 cents, with the full 2014 year, being 85 cents.
“These results were from political advertising earned from the recently concluded general elections, and the strength of our brands, based on progressive investments in talent, content and technology. I am also pleased to report that during the quarter GML acquired 100% of the issued shares of iRadio Inc., a company that is registered and operates in the Republic of Guyana. This acquisition now expands our TBC radio network to 7 stations and is in alignment with the strategic objectives of our Company”, Grenfell Kissoon, Chairman of the company stated.
Cash generated from operations amounts to $51 million for the quarter and is up from $28 million in the similar period in 2014, the flows to date, exceed the $43 million generated during 2014.
The company is a part of the Trinidad based Ansa McAl, the shares listed on the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange and last traded at $19.77 with a PE ratio of 18 times 2015 earnings.

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  1. […] at $13.10. Declines| First Citizens Bank lost 1 cents while 100 shares changing hands, at $34.98, Guardian Media traded 47,310 shares but lost 1 cent end at $19.75, Massy Holdings traded 200 units and lost 3 cents […]

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