Who is running the stock exchange?

The last posting on the stock exchange website for D&G is the release of the December quarter’s results posted on February 8, 2013. The exchange’s web site, on which information should be posted, did not have the release that the company would consider the payment of a dividend at a meeting to be held on May 16. How come a brokerage house had the said information posted on their website on Thursday but the exchange did not until after 9 am on Friday? What is really going on at the JSE? And where is the Financial Service Commission (FSC) in seeing to the orderly running of the capital market?

More questions | Why does the JSE put information about the trading of Proven ordinary shares in the combined trading report but at the same time, leave out the value of trade and the quantity? It makes absolutely no sense. Why should investors have to add the trading data to determine the full extent of a day’s trade? Importantly, why is the combined trading sheet that has the US$ listing as well as the US dollar index, carry the total trade but when checked, the value of trading is not included and nowhere on the report is there a notation that it is not included?

The reality is the stock exchange needs all the positive publicity it can get to interest more persons in the market. But do they see the value in fully informing the public about the total level of trading on the market? Is anyone then surprised that many persons think our market is a joke and prefer to try their luck in shark infested waters?

For example, the trade sheet section with market indices carries a column that is headed “value” and next to it “volume”. One would naturally think the value relates to the dollar value of trades, but not so. It is in fact the the closing indices for the day. The Trinidad Stock Exchange shows the section as closing indices and that seems far more logical.

The problem with our exchange | The executives think they know it best and constantly refer to international best practice for some of what they do. That however, is selective as there are other occasions that they do things when it suits them that are not done elsewhere. What about the users of the information? Should they not get trading reports that meet international best practices?

It’s time they wake up to reality. The question is who will do it.

TTSE: Thursday, 9th May 2013

Witco grabs $2.94 more

Trinidad Cement with a volume of 1,433,143 units valued at $1,395,545.50 while gaining 1 cent in price was the dominant traded stock but West Indian Tobacco stole the show with another record price up $2.94 to close the day at $110.01 on a mere 80 shares that traded for the stock. The stock closed without any on offer, the indication is that the price could go much higher in the days ahead. JMMB traded 157100 units at 50 cents around J$7.80. The stock is trading at $7 in the Jamaican Market. Guardian Holdings traded 47,204 units at $17.50 with a value of $826,070, without any price change, Neal & Massey traded 38,959 units at $59 valued at $2,298,581. Clico Investment fund traded 28.090 units at $21.08 the same price as yesterday with a value of $592,137.20.

TTSEMay9At the close, there were 6 stocks closed with bids that are higher than the closing price. These are Ansa Merchant Bank, Berger, Grace Kennedy, Prestige Holdings, Republic Bank and Scotia Investments. Praetorian Property Mutual Fund did not trade but had a bid of 102,650 shares at $3.40 each. The fund just released results to March 2013 showing a small profit of $164,533 versus $2.8 million in 2012 and a loss of $6.4 million for the year to September 2012. The book value of the fund is put at $5.43 but the entity looks illiquid with less than a $1 million in cash down from $2 million at the end of September last year.

A volume of 1,711,122 shares crossed the floor of the Exchange today valued at $5,054,669.42, as 11 securities traded with 4 advancing, 1 declining and 6 traded firm.

Clico Investment Fund was the only active security on the Mutual Fund Market, posting a volume of 28,090 shares. Clico Investment Fund remained at $21.08. Fortess Caribbean Property Fund remained at $5.00.

JSE: Thursday, 9th May 2013

Scotia Investments jumps $2.60

Scotia Investments jumped $2.80 to close at $26.15 and was the biggest mover on the day trading 8,805 units, all at $26 or above. Grace Kennedy had a bid of $56 closed which was higher than the last sale price and ended up with a gain of $0.55 to close at $55.55 having traded at a high of $56. Scotia Group closed at $22 up 79 cents on the day, Sagicor Life made amends for the fall yesterday by putting on 40 cents to close at $8. Lasco Financial Services gained 19 cents to close at $7.99, the stock traded at an all-time high today of $8. Carreras gained 50 cents to close at $57.

Advancing stocks continue to out-pace declining ones by more than 2 to 1 with 9 ordinary shares advancing to 4 falling.

JSEINdicesMay9J$34.1 million invested in 4,282,236 units of stocks traded on the Jamaican dollar segment of the market. US$947,000 was expended in the US dollar market in trading on Thursday.

Proven Investments accounted for 8,578,641 shares valued at US$947,939.83 in the US market. Just one trade took place in the stock, with Pan Caribbean Financial Services handling both sides of the trade. Data indicates that they did it on behalf of clients. The main market index and the All Jamaica Composite index recovered all the points lost yesterday, and more, in today’s trading.

Grace Kennedy traded 205,745 shares valued at $11.44 million between $55.55 and $56. Access Financial Services lost 10 cents in trading 1,363,200 shares valued at $9.54 million. Mayberry Investments crossed 1.316 million units which they bought for in-house purposes. Gleaner Company traded 2,073,109 units with a value of $2.49 million. The entire Gleaner trade was handled by NCB Capital markets on behalf of clients. NCB closed down 20 cents to $17.80 on 139,292 units valued $2.5 million. Sagicor Investment saw 104,521 units changing hands for $1.62 million, Proven’s 8% preference shares traded 470,377 worth $2.39 million, all traded at $5.09 up 6 cents on the day.

Bullish signs persists | There are still bullish signs being reflected in prices on the market with quite a few stocks still having bids that are higher than the last selling price.

ForEx: Wednesday, 8th May 2013

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Rates up in trades

The average buying and selling rates inched up on Wednesday for the US and Canadian dollar. It took less for the public to buy  the Pound, while authorized dealers also paid less for the British currency than yesterday on average on a day when there were more purchases of foreign exchange by authorized dealers than by the general public for all the major currencies. Purchases in the foreign exchange market amounted to $40.278 million and $37 million were sold, with the average selling rate for the US dollar inching up to $99.0324 from $99.0056 on Tuesday. Purchases took place at an average of $98.5543 compared to yesterdays $98.5034.

ForExSummaryMay8The Canadian dollar changed hands at $97.2189 and was sold at $98.585 compared with yesterday’s $96.446 buying and $97.9598 selling. The Pound sold today for $153.6649 compared to Tuesdays $153.7841 and was bought at $150.8328 with yesterday’s trade working out at $151.1563. On both days the level of buying of pounds and Canadian dollars were well in excess of sales.

This is the first day since the start of last week that the rate of the US has actually moved against the Jamaican dollar.

The highest rates today were $104 selling for the US dollar, the same as Tuesday, and buying $99.95 versus $99.20 on Tuesday. On the low, the US dollars were bought for $81.16, the same as yesterday, and sold at a low of $97.20. Yesterday the lowest sale was at $83.26 and the purchase at $81.16.


JSE: Wednesday, 8th May 2013

Low levels of trade

The total volume of shares trading today amounted to 1,445,101 units valued at over $9,519,690. Cable & Wireless was the volume leader with 711,901 units (53.12%) followed by Mayberry Investments with 119,220 units (8.90%) closing at a price of $2.05 and Barita Investments with 100,000 units (7.46%) as the stock closed at $3 having fallen 20 cents.

There were 12 advancing stocks compared to 7 which declined but the market indices shows otherwise as all indices that were affected by trading declined except for the junior market index which rose marginally. Unlike yesterday when no stocks in the junior market traded, the 5 that traded included General Accident with 91,580 units being the highest volume and Lasco Financial traded a higher amount in dollars that General Accident with the former trading $187,583 versus $153,791 for the latter.

The JSE Market Index declined by 440.13 points (0.52%) to close at 83,824.52. The JSE Select Index declined by 28.23 points (1.23%) to close at 2,263.66.  The JSE All Jamaican Composite declined by 774.85 points (0.93%) to close at 82,508.01. The JSE Junior Market Index advanced by 2.01 points (0.32%) to close at 622.76. The JSE Combined Index declined by 418.47 points (0.49%) to close at 85,288.11.

JSEINdicesMay8Grace lost 50 cents to close at $55 although the bid was at $56 at the close, having traded 24,645 shares. Pan Jam with 300 shares trading gained $2.70 to close at $53. Scotia group shed 77 cents to close at $21.21 with 21,564 units having traded. NCB lost 80 cents to close at $18 in trading 94,952 shares

5 stocks in the junior market and 5 in the main market closed with bids above the last sale price, which means higher prices ahead. In the junior market. Caribbean Producers bid is 2 cent higher than the last selling price of $2, Access is 15 Cents higher than the last price of $7, Honey bun is just a cent over the $4 the stock last traded at and Lasco Distributors is 5 cents more than the last sale price of $9.60.

In the main market, Ciboney, D&G, Grace and Jamaica Producers and Kingston Properties are all higher than the last sale price of their stocks.

Other Stocks to Watch |  Lasco manufacturing, General Accident, Carreras, Scotia Investments, Sagicor Life, Scotia Group, and Seprod.

TTSE: Wednesday, May 8th 2013

Total trade up but . . .

Wednesday’s trading on the T&T stock exchange resulted in some 786,889 units trading as Guardian Holdings fell 50 cents as 585,855 units valued at $10.5million changed hands after the company released first quarter results that was less than the previous year’s quarter. This was mainly caused by one-off charges but with the core business doing well with profit up 29 percent without the charges.

One Caribbean Media with very good first quarter results, saw a jump in the stock price of 40 cents on the trading of 10,000 units, to end the day at $17. There were no stocks on offer at the end of trade but there was a bid for 7,587 units at $16.76. Trinidad Cement traded 146,781 units and gained just one cent in the process, to close at 96 cents. Republic Bank traded 11,110 units at $110, up 1 cent on the day.

15 securities of which 7 advanced, 3 declined and 5 traded firm as 786,889 units traded with a value of $12.17 million.

The following stocks closed with bids higher than the last selling price; Ansa Merchant Bank bid $38.51 last sale $38.50, Berger last sale $3.55 closing bid $3.58, Grace Kennedy, bid $3.32 last price $3.23, National enterprises bid $16 last sale $15.58, Point Lisa with a bid of $3.65 versus a last sale of $3.60, Scotia Investments last sale price $1.55 with the closing bid of $1.58, Republic bid is a cent above the last selling price of $110 and West Indian Tobacco bid $110 last sale $107.07.

Clico Investment Fund traded 28,941 units with a value of $610,000.

Daily Trading 7th May 2013

JSE | Junior market sets a record with no trades

The junior market achieved a record today when no shares traded. This has never happened, except in the early days when Access Financial Services was the only listed stock on the junior market. Many investors and brokerage house personnel told ICInsider.com that investors were wondering what had happened, some thinking a computer glitch had occurred. In the end, we were told that brokers did not effect any trades since the bids and offers were quite far apart for some stocks and in some cases the volumes on either side, offer or buy, were small.

Five stocks in the junior market and 5 in the main market closed with bids above the last sale price, which means higher prices ahead.

JSEINdicesMay7Bullish days ahead? | The junior market is not the only place that is showing signs of improved investor’s sentiment. In the main market, Scotia Group has rebounded from the post NDX effect by trading in good volumes, NCB is well off the low it reach after the NDX announcement, Grace Kennedy and Carreras have been moving higher.  A number of stocks seem to have found a floor, with strong bids at their last selling price. At the same time, supply is drying up for some stocks. That may well be so, but the all signals are not yet in place for a grand rally.

Interestingly, the market is not reacting negatively to the write-off of unrealized investment gains that have knocked off huge profits for the March Quarter among the financial institutions. Investors seem to be looking beyond that, to recognize that even with those one-off charges, stock prices are still undervalued on the whole. Also, interest rates are likely to fall some more and with very low yields on money market instruments, stocks may be the main thing in town for a long time to come.

Scotia Bank with 1.8 million shares changing hands today valued at $39.1 million commanded the bulk of trading and the stock price moved up 31 cents. Interestingly, the bid to offer ratio on this stock is pitched in favour of buyers as they outnumber sellers. Volumes have generally been low for the sell side while demand is much higher. NCB  rose 19 cents and does not have much volume below $20 per share on the sell side, a sign that the price could rise some more.

Jamaica Broilers has strong buying interest and so does the Gleaner with more than 3 million on the bid at $1.20.

Market signs | The market is displaying signs of upward movements to come but it will have to close well over 87,000 points on the All Jamaica Index before we see signs of a sustainable rally. With the market closing today at 83,282, there are still some movements to go before realizing what could be a bull run.

The market traded $50,469,026.73 in local currency as well as US$9,577.70 in the US dollar market.

TTSE | WITCO jumps $7, market heading higher

West Indian Tobacco Company (WITCO) stock jumped $7.07 to end the day at a all time record of $107.07.

A volume of 1,314,293 shares traded on the main market valued at $5,530,257.06. Trinidad Cement accounted for 637,564 shares valued at $605,685.80, followed by Jamaica Money Market Brokers with a volume of 430,000 shares being traded for $215,000.  Angostura Holdings contributed 125,055 shares with a value of $1,125,495 and Neal & Massy Holdings added 40,177 shares valued at $2,370,443.

TTSEMay7Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation suffered the day’s sole decline, falling $0.01 to end the day at $3.64 on a day when trading took place in 14 securities of which 6 advanced, 1 declined and 7 traded firm.

Clico Investment Fund was the only active security on the Mutual Fund Market, posting a volume of 230,253 shares valued at $4,854,228.71 while advancing 0.07 to end at $21.08.

Closing prices point to a higher market ahead | Clear signs of this can be seen from the number of stocks that have bids at the same level as the last traded price but more importantly there are 7 stocks where the bids are above the last traded price. The companies are Ansa Merchant Bank bid $38.51 last sale $38.50, Berger last sale $3.55 closing bid $3.58, Grace Kennedy, bid $3.31 last price $3.23, One Caribbean Media, $16.75 is the bid versus last price of $16.60, Scotia Investments last sale price $1.55 with the closing bid of $1.57, Scotia Bank which last sold at $69.27 now has a bid of $69.30  and West Indian tobacco which traded today at $107.07 with a closing bid of $110.

ForEx | J$ appreciation continues

In Tuesday’s foreign exchange trading, the value of the Jamaican dollar continued its appreciation as it took J$99.0056 to purchase a US dollar. At the end of Monday’s trade it took J$99.0276 to purchase one US dollar.

ForExSummaryMay7Sellers of the US dollar were better off on average than on Monday as they got J$98.53 for each US dollar they sold compared to $98.4189 on Monday. Sellers of Canadian dollars and Pound sterling were not as fortunate as they got 24 cents less for selling on Monday compared to Tuesday for the Canadian dollar and 15 cents less for selling the pound. It took just 4 cents less to purchase the Canadian dollars and 18 cents less for the Pound.

The equivalent of US$39.2 million, were purchased and US$39.97 million were sold, as increased liquidity continues to enter the market.

Market signals | Highest selling rate for the US was J$104 and the lowest J$83.26 while the highest buying rate for the US was J$99.2 and the lowest J$81.16. The selloff of foreign currency and appreciation of the local currency seems set to continue.


TT government moves to mop up liquidity

The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago proposes to raise TT$1,000 million through the issue of a 7-year bond with a coupon rate of 2.60% per annum to mop up excess liquidity in the financial market.

The bonds will be issued through the automated auction system operated by the Central Bank. The issuance of this bond will reduce excess liquidity levels in the banking sector in accordance with established monetary policy, while the proceeds of the bond will be held in a frozen account at the Central Bank on behalf of the government. The issue document stated.

A single price auction system will be used and, as far as possible, applicants will be allotted bonds to the fullest extent of their applications. Government Securities Intermediaries are appointed by the Central Bank to act as counterparties in the auction and, thereafter, to provide a secondary market for the bonds. Bids can be placed competitively or non-competitively by submitting the relevant application form, along with payment to a Government Securities Intermediary. The maximum allotment that can be obtained through a non-competitive bid is $100,000 face value at a price established in the competitive side of the auction. This price is the minimum price, when the successful bids are ordered from the highest price to the lowest price and may be at par, premium or a discount.

The government in the offer document that it is also mindful of its role in the development of the local capital market and, in particular, the development of the government bond market. To this end, it continues to provide securities that will cater to the needs of all investors.

The auction will be opened at 10:45 a.m. on Monday May 6, 2013 and will close at 1:00 p.m. on Friday May 17, 2013. Bonds will be dated May 21, 2013.

Daily Trading 6 May 2013

JSE Trading | Proven dominates again

Proven dominated trading again today as it did on Thursday last week. NCB Capital Market purchased nearly US$549,599 of the shares as 5,000,900 Proven’s ordinary shares changed hands, with the bulk of it, 5 million units, being sold by one of NCB Capital Market’s clients which they bought for their own account at US$0.1099 each. Proven also dominated in the preference share segment of the market with its 8% preference shares, trading 9,681,047 units valued at $48,708,793.93, as the stock slipped 6 cents, to close at $5.03. Data shows that NCBCM sold from their in-house portfolio to various clients.

Trading volume came in at 17,658,172 units with a value of $159,616,952.40.

JSEINdicesMay6Mayberry Investments sold 1.733 million Scotia Group shares from in-house plus 150,000 units on behalf of one of their clients in today’s trading as Scotia Group saw 2.411 million units trading with a value of $52.98 million. Jamaica Broilers saw trading in 266,098 units, with a value of $1.198 million. Sagicor Investments bought the bulk of the Scotia Bank shares apparently mostly for clients.

In contrast to Scotia, National Commercial Bank traded just 27,610 units at a value of $506,000 but Lasco Manufacturing traded 51,421 units valued at $555.4 million.

At the close the market, the All Jamaica Composite index gained 789.23 points closing at 83,274.18. The main market index, the JSE Index, closed up 448.64 at 84,259.73 points, the junior market index slipped 7.71 to 620.75 mainly due to 47 cent drop in Dolphin Cove shares to $7.92. Also contributing to the fall of this index was a 19 cents fall in Blue Power on 2,404 shares that traded and 10 cents off for Access Financial down to $7 and Consolidated Bakeries off 10 cents to $1.10.

Grace Kennedy gained 50 cents to close at $55.51 and Scotia Bank gained 69 cents to $21.99. Seven stocks closed the day with higher bids than the last selling price. These include Blue Power, Carreras, Ciboney, Dolphin Cove, Jamaica Producers, Kingston Properties and Scotia Investments.

Watch for further advances in the market in the trading days ahead is the message from the market.

TTSE Trading |  Republic Banks puts on $1

Republic Bank had the biggest day trading with an increase of $1.08 to end the day at $109.98.

In another moderate day of trading, 550,425 shares crossed the floor of the main market valued at $6,150,572.56. Angostura Holdings traded 430,897 shares (78 percent of shares trading) for a value of $3,878,073, followed by Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation with 47,763 shares for $174,334.95. Sagicor Financial Corporation saw trading in 30,190 shares with a value of $208,317.70, while Neal & Massy Holdings added 24,164 shares valued at $1,425,676.00. Angostura Holdings suffered the day’s greatest decline, falling $0.50 to close at $9.00.

Clico Investment Fund traded 20,425 shares valued at $429,129.25 as the price declined by $0.11 to end at $21.01.

TTSEMay6Trading took place in 13 securities of which 2 advanced, 3 declined and 8 traded firm.  At the end of trading, there was only one stock with its bid above the last selling price. On Friday there were 5 stocks that closed above their last selling price.

ForEx Trading | FX sell off continues

Authorized dealers were selling the US dollar at JS$99.0276 on average on Monday, but they were paying $98.42 on average to purchase the funds from the public. The prices continued lower than the prior trading day, as was the case all of last week.

Purchases by the dealers amounted to US$41.2 million with sales exceeding purchases by over US$3 million when US$44.36 million were sold to the public. The imbalance between sales and purchases is unusual for Mondays which are normally days when purchases exceed sales. The out turn for Monday suggests that authorized dealers are selling off some of their portfolio. If so, rates could decline more on Tuesday as more sell off takes place.

ForExSummaryMay6Interestingly, while the averages are falling, that is not the case for the highest traded selling price which remains at $104.22 with the lowest settling at $82.66 according the daily Bank of Jamaica’s foreign exchange report. The highest buying rate came out at $99.30 and the low $81.16. Rates for the Canadian dollar also fell from Friday’s close while the Pound sterling rates were mixed, with selling being slightly higher than on Friday but the rate for purchasing was lower by $1.70.


Observers say FX market is liquid

ForEx trading as at Friday 4 May, 2013 | Sale of foreign exchange was greater than the amounts purchased, but the selling rate for the US dollar slipped yet again, in a two-week long appreciation of the beleaguered currency. The closing average rate of the US dollar against the Jamaican dollar is now down to $99.19 compared to yesterday’s $99.26, the currency sold for an average rate of $99.36 on Monday and is well off the low of J$99.81 reached on April 12th. The Jamaican dollar has appreciated every day this week.

Amounts traded | Authorized dealers purchased more funds today than on Thursday, US$34.14 million vs. $32.8 million, but sales amounted to $38.65 million. Only $26.54 million was sold on Thursday. Based on the trend seen from last week and evident all of this week, the currency may well end up below $99 to US$1 during next week. Where it will end? No one really knows, except may be central bankers?  One person within the financial system told ICInsider.com that some corporations and individuals have been squeezed holding the US dollar when Bank of Jamaica launched the index bond which sucked liquidity out of the market for Jamaican dollars.

What is really happening? |  ICInsider.com spoke to two persons within the financial sector who are in a position to say what’s going on. One said that corporate clients are no longer demanding FX as they did before since the announcement that the IMF board would be reviewing Jamaica’s application for funding. Individuals who had bought FX earlier are now offloading, fearing further revaluation of the Jamaican dollar. Even financial institutions are off loading into the market. Both respondents said that supply is adequate to meet demand as such persons are not rushing to buy now as they may purchase what they need later at a lower price.

Developments are really worth watching as liquidity returns to the market with far more positive sentiment that before April.

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