Volume climbs on JSE USD Market

Investors pushed the volume of stocks trading higher on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market on Thursday, with a 78 percent rise even after 41 percent less funds passed through the market compared with trading on Wednesday, resulting in trading in six securities, compared to eight on Wednesday with the price of one rising, three declining and two ending unchanged.
The market closed with an exchange of 110,239 shares for US$24,984 compared to 61,810 units at US$42,431 on Wednesday.
Trading averaged 18,373 units at US$4,164 versus 7,726 shares at US$5,304 on Wednesday, with a month to date average of 31,998 shares at US$3,297 compared with 32,600 units at US$3,259 on the previous day and April that ended with an average of 35,401 units for US$2,453.
The US Denominated Equities Index shed 0.57 points to culminate at 241.53.
The PE Ratio, a measure used in computing appropriate stock values, averages 9.6. The PE ratio is computed based on the last traded price divided by projected earnings done by ICInsider.com for companies with their financial year ending and or around August 2024.
Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows two stocks ended with bids higher than their last selling prices and one with a lower offer.
At the close, AS Bryden remained at 22 US cents in an exchange of 6,438 stock units, Proven Investments dipped 0.13 of a cent to 13.07 US cents with 5,921 units crossing the market, Sterling Investments sank 0.07 of a cent to close at 1.51 US cents in exchanging 20,000 shares and Transjamaican Highway lost 0.03 of a cent to close at 2.1 US cents after 61,639 stock units crossed the market.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group US8.5% preference share gained 2 cents to end at US$1.28 as investors exchanged 16,200 shares and Sygnus Credit Investments US 8% ended at US$11, with 41 units clearing the market.
Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

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