tTech is BUY RATED for strong growth

TtechtTech is going to the capital market this month to raise approximately $50 million by the issuing for subscription 25,652,000 shares to the general public and special interest group with the general public being asked to pay $2.50 each for 16.4 million being made available to them.
IC Insider assessed the company’s record and forecast increased earnings for 2016 and 2016 and accorded it the BUY RATED honour.
Edward Alexander, Chief Executive Officer, in an interview with IC Insider stated that the staff of the company indicates that they will all be taking up their full allotment, if so there will be few of these shares available for the public to acquire at the IPO stage.
The Company was incorporated in Jamaica on December 1st, 2006, and is a managed information technology (“IT”) service provider, or what industry insiders refer to as a “Managed Services Provider”. That is, for the most part, the Company’s main service offering is the management of other businesses’ IT infrastructure remotely and on a pre-paid basis.
The company is growing at an attractive rate with revenues that are up 28 percent for the half year to June to $81.4 million versus expenses increasing 18 percent and only 14 percent when technical fees, services and products that are part of direct expenses are excluded.

From Left: Mr. Hugh Allen, Resolution Manager and Executive Director; Mrs. Natalya Petrekin, Service Desk Manager; Mr. Norman Chen, Technical Services Director; Mr. John Gibson, Senior IT Security Officer; Mr. Edward Alexander, CEO; Mrs. Hortense Gregory-Nelson, Finance and Administrative Manager; Mr. G. Christopher Reckord, Sales and Marketing Director. Mr. Omar Bell.

From Left: Mr. Hugh Allen, Resolution Manager and Executive Director; Mrs. Natalya Petrekin, Service Desk
Manager; Mr. Norman Chen, Technical Services Director; Mr. John Gibson, Senior IT Security Officer; Mr.
Edward Alexander, CEO; Mrs. Hortense Gregory-Nelson, Finance and Administrative Manager; Mr. G.
Christopher Reckord, Sales and Marketing Director. Mr. Omar Bell.

The 2015 performance is better than that of the full 2014 financial year, when income was up 18 percent but profit fell 13 percent before taxation and 5 percent after tax. In 2013 revenues rose 35 percent and 5 percent in 2012 while pretax profits grew 62 percent in 2011, in 2012 by 21 percent and in 2013 by 38 percent. Alexander advised that they expect revenues for 2016 to grow around 15-20 percent, at the same level they estimated for 2015. “Growth continues to be strong at a robust level since the six months to June” Alexander said.
IC Insiders’ forecast, based on continuation of good revenue growth, is for profit before tax for 2015 to end at $36 million or 45 cents per share and $27 million or 35 cents per share after tax and $64 million or 60 cents per share for 2016. This gives it a PE based on 2015 earnings before tax of 5.5 and for 2016 of 4 and compares with junior market stocks with PE of 8, with half of the market selling above the average, suggesting that the stock should enjoy a nice bounce over the next twelve months or less. The company has $51 million in cash and no borrowed funds with current liability of just $27 million, so why do they need to raise the funds? “Expansion into security services will require added equipment, software working capital for continued expansion” Alexander stated, in addition listing allows the staff to be part owners and benefit from future growth.
Ttech figs 12-15fnThere are a number of positives for the company it is in a good growth industry with potential for regional expansion, the Grace Kennedy contract and relationship could provide them the experience to take on other large regional conglomerates. They are a service-based business with high gross profit margin which is a big positive and if growth continues at current levels would contribute to a big increase in profit. A lot of the business is recurring, providing stability to the operation. The founders’ vested interest will remain strong as they will still hold relatively large percentage of the company after the IPO.
Only about 15% shares being offered to the general public the stock almost guaranteeing that it will be in relatively short supply which could drive price up quickly after listing, this is especially so being the first tech company on the JSE.
Subscription opens at 9 am on December 16th, 2015 and closes at 4:30 p.m. on the December 18th, 2015, subject to the right of the Company to shorten or extend the time for closing. All completed Application Forms must be delivered to NCB Capital Markets.

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  6. […] closed with a gain of 40 cents to a 52 weeks’ high of $10.50 while 57,575 units traded and tTech closed with a loss of 6 cents at $4.95 with 100,261 units changing […]

  7. […] high of $4.60, Medical Disposables ended with 47,644 shares changing hands to close at $3.30, and tTech closed at a new 52 weeks’ high of $4.15 with 70,994 units changing hands to gain 55 […]

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  9. […] lower offers. The junior market will have two new listing when trading commences on Thursday with tTech and CAC 2000 being added following successful IPO offerings. The listings were approved today by the […]

  10. […] tTEch’s the technology company that offered shares to the public in December has released details of the successful offer of 25,652,000 ordinary shares at $2.50 each that closed on December 16, 2015. The issue attracted 289 applications, valued at approximately $172.395 million. Based on the level of oversubscription, applications for the general pool (57 percent of the shares offered) will receive 100 percent up to 10,000 shares applied for and the remaining shares will be allocated on a proportional basis equivalent to approximately 19.96 percent of the total application amount. Reserve share applicants (35 percent of the shares offered) will receive 100 percent of the number of shares they applied for. the shares are expected to be listed on the Junior market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange in January. […]

  11. […] All completed Application Forms must be delivered to NCB Capital Markets. IC Insider will have a fuller report at a later […]

  12. […] and so ensure that their application are on a timely basis. On Tuesday ahead of the opening of the tTech issue, a statement appeared on the website of the Jamaica Stock Exchange, to indicate that the […]

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