FX: US$10m more buying than selling

Wednesday, 31 July 2013 | The forex market was quite buoyant on Wednesday as selling of foreign currencies was far less than buying with the equivalent of US$46.95 million bought and only US$37.15 sold.

The selling rates eased by 1 cents for the US dollar and 79 cents for the Canadian and was up 50 cents for the Pound, which saw more selling than the amount purchased by £300,000, there was US$10 million less selling than buying. The Canadian dollar saw C$1.36 being purchased versus C$882,000 sold. Buying rate for the US dollar climbed by 13 cents to $101.36, the Canadian slipped by 93 cents to $97.35 and the Pound was off by 38 cents to $153.58.

The highest and lowest rates for the three main currencies were most soft with the US dollar increasing 30 cents on the highest buy rate but was flat for the lowest buy and the highest buy rates and fell back by $15.16 on the lowest selling rate. The Canadian fell for both buying rates by $1.10 and 74 cents respectively there was no change to the highest selling rate but the lowest rose by 75 cents to $96.50. All the rates for the pound fell between $4.82 for the highest selling rate to 74 cents for the lowest buy rate.



JSE: Declining stocks on top

Wednesday, 31 July 2013 | The Jamaica market closed today with stocks of 26 companies trading as a volume of 3,441,374 valued at $23.9 million traded. Only 5 stocks advanced to 10 declining as all the indices with trading lost altitude.

The day brings to an end a month when for every week there were net declines in the market, which is a carryover from June when only one in 4 weeks recorded a net gain. The results of companies now being released will have a telling impact on prices over the next several weeks. The signs are there. Grace which posted a 41 percent increase in the second quarter results moved back up today in price, Lasco Manufacturing lost its zest with a 10 percent decline in profits while Lasco Financial with a 50 jump in first quarter profits looks as if it will go higher.

Trades of note Main Market | The all Jamaica Index shed 247.46 points to close at 86,625.92 and the JSE market index fell by 140.64 to close at 86,063.98.

Cable & Wireless traded 643,455 units between 14 cents and 15 cents but closed at 14 cents. Carreras was again dominant in the market with a volume of 171,767 units valued at $8.6 million. Desnoes & Geddes chipped in with 126,748 units and closed at $4.70, the same as Tuesday’s last selling price. Grace Kennedy saw $7.6 million being expended on 135,000 shares as the stock regained yesterday’s loss by putting on $2.90 to close at $56.50 in response to the strong second quarter results. Jamaica Broilers had just 52,971 units trading and closed at $5. Mayberry enjoyed a day of trading when 332,000 units crossed the exchange at $2.60. Sagicor Life gained 40 cents to close at $9 with 66,145 units changing hands. Supreme Ventures traded 80,250 units closed at $2.90 and lost 10 cents in the process. National Commercial Bank and Scotia Group traded relatively light volumes and their closing prices were stable.

Junior market | 9 stocks in the junior market traded with 3 advancing and 3 declining. Lasco Manufacturing traded 1 million units and closed at $1.45 losing 15 cents in the process. Lasco Distributors traded 256.900 units and closed at $1.50 while Lasco Financial traded 148,186 shares gained just 4 cents to $1.60. General Accident had 270,446 shares changing hands and closed at $1.96.  No other major trades took place.

Eppley shares that were listed on Monday is yet to have a bid and offer to date.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer indicator shows that bids for  an elevated 8 stocks were higher with 2 stocks having offers lower than their last selling price.

Results ticker | Paramount Trading released audited results to May showing profit of $73,348,356 versus $53,374,640 in 2012 after tax. Carreras suffered a major reversal in its fortunes with a major drop in profit after tax for the first quarter to June this year, which is down by 40 percent to $485 million compared with the same quarter last year $806 million.

Barita Investments showed vastly improved numbers for the June quarter with profits up with $98.899 million compared to $48.46 million. The results swung the loss for the year to date at the end of the second quarter to a profit at the end of the latest quarter.

Salada Foods reports lower profit in the June quarter than for the same period last year. Profit came in at $42 million after tax and $95.4 year to date versus $52.49 and $106.6 respectively.


TTSE: TCL climbs

Wednesday, 31 July 2013 | In one of the more active days on the Trinidad Exchange 1,684,120 shares traded at a value of $8,385,411 as 10 securities traded of which 4 advanced, 3 declined and 3 traded firm.

Trinidad Cement, which closed with the price jumping to $1.51 at the close, was by far the most dominant trade with 1,073,792 shares changing hands for a value of $1,438,904. The stock price, which is up 59 percent since IC Insider placed a buy rated signal on it, still has much room to run as it is selling at a very low PE ratio of around 2.5.

Jamaica Money Market Brokers traded 355,100 shares for $152,693 as the stock shed 2 cents to close at $0.43. One Caribbean Media, another IC Insider buy rated stock, accounted for 120,500 shares with a value of $2,170,205, while Ansa Merchant Bank added 101,124 shares valued at $3,903,386. Sagicor Financial Corporation stock gained 26 cents to end the day at $6.50 as 20,000 shares changed hands. Clico Investment Fund was the only active security on the Mutual Fund Market, posting a volume of 5,725 shares valued at $122,343 and advanced by 1 cent to end at $21.37.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer market sentiment indicator shows that bids for 2 stocks were higher than their last selling price, none had offers that were lower.TTSEJul31

FX: Rates settle for awhile, at least

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Tuesday, 30th July 2013 | Jamaicans got the US dollar for the same price as Monday at $101.86 and sold the currency for just 2 cents less on average to authorised dealers as US$28.6 million were purchased against US$27.1 million sold. Overall for all currencies traded US$34 million was purchased against US$31.7 sold on a day when the sale of Canadian was more than the amount purchased by just over C$1 million but the buying and selling rates for that currency slipped by 6 cents for the buying rate and 5 cents for the selling rate. There was more than a million pounds purchased than sold with the selling rate falling 76 cents to $155.64 and the buying rate moving up by 56 cents to $153.96.

Highest rates traded in buying the currencies were for the US dollar $102.20 down 30 cents, Canadian $100.30 up 55 cents, Pound sterling $156.70 down 40 cents while the lowest buying rates were the US dollar $83.67 an increase of 17 cents, Canadian $79.85 no change and the Pound sterling $126.53 down 5 cents.

Highest rates traded in selling the currencies were for the US dollar $107.21 same as the day before, Canadian $102.99 up 6 cents, Pound sterling $163.12  down 5 cents, while the lowest selling rates were the US dollar $98.83 up $15.16,  Canadian $95.40 up $1.28 and Pound sterling $151.45 up by $2.05.



JSE: Big day with crosses

Tuesday, 30th July 2013 | Crosses was the order of the day on the Jamaica Stock Exchange. The number and value of shares trading on market was filled with crosses done mainly by Pan Caribbean, leading the stocks of 28 companies to trade with a pumped up volume of 24,917,651 valued at $310.7 million. There were 9 stocks advancing and 13 declining which is an improvement on Monday when only 4 stocks had price advances and 14 declined.

Main market trades of note | The all Jamaica Index shed 489.39 points to close at 86,873.38 and the JSE market index lost 278.14 to close at 86,204.62.

Carreras traded 1,393,327 for a value of $71,652,396 and closed at $51.30 losing 21 cents, Desnoes & Geddes traded 6,787,525 valued $32,345,202, Jamaica Broilers 6,023,761 valued at $29,998,805, Jamaica Money Market Brokers 2,227,588 valued at $18,032,274 as the stock closed at $8.50 up 49 cents, Jamaica Producers 1,569,960 valued at $30,001,936 as the price gained 10 cents to close at $19.11, National Commercial Bank traded 3,149,543 with a value of $61,035,799 as the stock closed at $19.06 down 44 cents, Pan Jamaican Investment Trust 300,458 valued at $15,500,707 with 39 cents being shaved from the price which closed at $51.11, Scotia Group 2,220,944 units valued at $47,061,328, gaining 15 cents to close at $21.30.

Grace Kennedy traded 41,130 units and fell to a $53.60 at the close, off $2.40 on the same day the group reported a 40 percent jump in profits in the latest quarter to June and 20 percent for the six months period but after trading had closed.

Jamaica Stock Exchange ordinary shares traded for the first time since the company was listed but in the form of ordinary shares. Subsequent to the recent IPO, the stock traded at $3.25 up 40 cents on the IPO price with just 2,218 shares. Sagicor Investments lost 50 cents as it closed at $18 and Sagicor Life closed down 41 cents at $9 both with small volumes.

Junior market | 9 stocks in the junior market traded as the index moved up moderately by 4.89 to 806.04.

Trading continue to be dominated by the three Lasco companies followed by General Accident which traded 95,092 units to close $1.92 and Caribbean Producers traded 54,000 units to close $2.03. Blue Power chipped in with 34,199 units valued at $342,073 and closed at $10, a loss of 40 cents. Lasco Distributors traded 112,266 shares and closed up 4 cents to $1.50, Lasco Financial traded 131,516 shares and was up 10 cents to $1.60, and Lasco Manufacturing traded 318,315 shares and closed down a cent to $1.60.

Eppley shares which were listed on Monday has shown no signs that it will trade any time soon as there are no bids nor offer in the market for the stock.

Proven Investment Preference shares traded 196,000 units valued at $1 million. There was no trading in the ordinary shares which are quoted in US dollar.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer market sentiment indicator shows that bids for 4 stocks were higher with 2 stocks having offers lower than their last selling price.


TTSE: Trading picks up on Monday’s

Tuesday, 30th July 2013 | Activity picked up over the low level of Monday as trading took place in 10 securities of which 1 advanced, 6 declined and 3 traded firm. A volume of 456,515 shares crossed the floor of the Exchange valued at $9.59 million.

Jamaica Money Market Brokers traded 144,900 shares at a value of $65,205, Scotiabank Trinidad & Tobago had 115,770 shares traded for $8,106,215 as the stock closed back to $70.02 loosing 98 cents at the end of trading. Grace Kennedy contributed 93,471 shares with a value of $317,801 and lost 9 cents, the worse in the market and in the process closed at $3.40, while National Commercial Bank added 30,000 shares valued at $35,400. Clico Investment Fund, posted a volume of 40,580 shares valued at $866,789

IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer market sentiment indicator shows that bids for 4 stocks were higher than their last selling price, there were no stocks having offers that were lower.


FX: Buying tops selling by US$6M

Monday, 29th July 2013 | Monday was a buoyant day in Forex trading, as buying exceeded selling of all the currencies by US$6 million and the actual trading of US dollars resulted in $42.5 million being purchased and $37.64 being sold at rate that were very close to the closing rate on Friday.

There was more Canadian selling than buying as the buying rate moved up by 12 cents to $98.34 and the selling rate by 10 cents to $99.94. The Pound sterling closed at a selling rate of J$156.40 to a Pound as it lost 18 cents in the process while buying took place by authorised dealers at J$153.40 $1 less than on Friday.

Highest rates traded in buying the currencies were for the US dollar $102.50 up 35 cents, Canadian $99.75 down 25 cents, Pound sterling $157.10 an increase of 33 cents while the lowest buying rates were the US dollar $83.50 no change, Canadian $79.85, up 25 cents and the Pound sterling $126.58 up 75 cents.

Highest rates traded in selling the currencies were for the US dollar $107.21 up 21 cents, Canadian $102.93, Pound sterling $163.17 while the lowest selling rates were the US dollar $83.67 down $14.83, Canadian $94.12 down 38 cents and Pound sterling $149.40 a reduction of $2.10.



JSE: Advancing stocks clobbered

Monday, 29th July 2013 | Trades on the Jamaican stock market amounted to 4 million units with a value of $97.18 million of which Grace Kennedy accounted for more than 25 percent of the volume and $65 million of the total value of trading.

There were only 4 stocks advancing stocks while 13 declined as 25 companies participated in trading. All the indices with price movements lost value as the junior market lost the most with a 2.75 percent decline. The rest of the indices fell by less than a half of one percent.

Main market trades of note | The all Jamaica Index shed 359.38 points to close at 87,362.77 and the JSE market index fell by 204.26 to close at 86,482.76.

The Carreras sell off continues as investors sold another 362,919 units, down to $51.51 as the stock closed with the last traded price at $51.70 and the total value traded $18.73 million. Today’s trading seems to leave $51 exposed as the next price barrier. Thereafter it looks like $50 is next, but the demand at that price is not great. Other than Grace Kennedy which traded 1.16 million shares, others to post good volumes were Desnoes & Geddes, traded 284,557 units while closing at $4.77, Jamaica Broilers 121,465, trading at $5, Jamaica Money Market Brokers 129,000 between $8 and $8.10 and closing at $8.10, National Commercial Bank 59,326 as the stock closed at $19.50 down 6 cents, Scotia Group 195,392 and closed at $21.15 off by 5 cents.

The ordinary shares of Jamaica Stock Exchange is yet to trade since last week’s listing, the stock now has a bid at $3.25 and an offer at $3.45.

Junior market | Eppley shares that was the subject of an IPO last week was listed today, the fastest such listing since the junior market started. There were no trades nor buyers or sellers positioning to trade so far.

Nine stocks traded, with 6 declining and none gaining as the index fell 22.62 to 801.15. The three Lasco companies released results for the first quarter to June, with Lasco Distributors recording profit gains of 21 percent to reach $164.7 million. The stock traded a low volume of 174,127 units to close at $1.50, off just a cent. Lasco Financial recorded 50 percent gain in profit to reach $39.35 million. The stock traded 253,450 units and lost 8 cents to close at $1.52. Lasco Manufacturing reported profit decline of 10 percent in recording profit of $138.75 million. KLE Group lost a further 29 cents as the stock closed at $2 as only 1,000 units traded, a new low.  General Accident traded 142,265 units at $1.93 and Caribbean Producers 56,768 units at $2.03.

Proven Investment Preference shares traded 411,400 units valued at $2.1 million, there was no trades of the ordinary shares which are quoted in US dollar.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer market sentiment indicator shows that bids for 5 stocks were higher with 4 stocks having offers lower than their last selling price.


TTSE: Slow trading but Republic hits $111

Monday, 29th July 2013 | On a day when Republic Bank closed at a last selling price of $111, up 99 cents and a new 52 weeks high with 5,140 shares trading valued at $565,590, only 5 stocks were active of which 3 advanced, 1 declined and 1 traded firm.  A total of 148,257 shares traded for a value of $3.4 million on the Trinidad market.

Trading activity on the main market accounted for 49,669 shares crossing the floor valued at $1,315,148.13. LJ Williams B shares traded 25,000 units for a value of $18,250 as the stock shed 11 cents to close at 73 cents, a new 52 weeks low. Neal & Massy Holdings with a volume of 11,577 shares accounted for $682,801. Sagicor Financial Corporation contributed 7,952 shares with a value of $48,507. Clico Investment Fund gained 6 cents to end the day at $21.36 while 98,588 shares valued at $2,105,454 changed hands.

IC bid-offer Indicator | At the end of trading, the Investor’s Choice bid-offer market sentiment indicator shows that bids for 4 stocks were higher with 2 stocks having offers lower than their last selling price.


Ready. Set. Go!

Monday, 29th July 2013 | The earnings season has begun! Over the next few weeks, our IC Insider analysts will be busy scouring over company quarterly reports, crunching the numbers and calling it as we see it.

As in any race to perform, there will be winners and losers. The markets will be sure to respond and with the JSE and TTSE having a limited supply of some stocks, the bulls could be on the run.

Buy Rated Stock | Of the 5 company quarterly reports reviewed to date, 3 have been added to our Buy Rated list. National Commercial Bank, One Caribbean Media and Berger TT have interesting story lines that could improve your wealth health.

Better than a broker’s ‘buy’ recommendation, IC Insider has no vested interest in any stock transaction or conflict of interest. Our research is backed by published reports of the company’s performance and insights of future earnings that can be found at ICInsider.com. The final decision to buy, or not, is your personal choice.

Related posts | NCB recovers from NDX hit | OCM profits growth slows | Berger TT profit poised for big gain

To search for published reports for a Buy Rated stock on IC Insider, please use ‘Search IC Insider’ and enter the company name, in full or in part.


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