Profit for C2W Music

Things seem to be looking up at financially challenged C2W Music. The company reports profit of US$42,573 for the 2016, a major improvement over the years of losses since it listed on the Junior Market of the Stock Exchange a few years ago. In 2015 the company lost US$18,510.
Profit arose from fees and royalties amounting to US$$40,569, up from US$7,048 in 2015 and other income of US$26,180 compared to US$14,476 in 2015. Operating and administrative expense declined to US$17,849 almost half of the US$33,693 incurred in 2015. Cost was cut in bad debts to zero from $3,517 in 2015, drop in depreciation and amortization from $8,759 to $423 and travel expenses was wiped out in 2016 compared to $6,577 in 2015 but development and song writing expenses added $13,275 versus a credit of $4,440 in 2015.
The company ended with cash at bank of US$42,728, up from $21,417 at the end of 2015. Shareholders’ equity moved up to US$67,114 from US$24,541, Current liabilities stood at US$190,062 versus US$173,012 in 2015, including loans of $89,312. Current assets are much less than liabilities with only US$44,140 in this category.
If the 2016 results is anything to go by, the stocks is worth watching but the company’s auditors, Baker Tilly Strachan Lafayette, in their report made a number of observation about the contents of the financial report, “We were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the completeness of royalty income due to the inability of the external monitoring agencies to properly document the company’s repertoire of works with their current technological systems. Additionally, due to difficulties with the systems of performing rights societies in the region and the reporting by them to the company, we were unable to determine completeness of sub-publishing revenues. Accordingly, we were unable to determine whether any adjustments to the amounts recorded were necessary.”
“Further, the company derives a portion of its income from sponsorship which cannot be controlled until they are recorded in the accounting records and are, therefore, not susceptible to independent audit verification. Accordingly, we were unable to satisfy ourselves as to the completeness of the contributions recorded.”
“It has been established that the Performing Rights Societies of the Caribbean legally owes C2W Music publishing and sub-publishing, royalties for the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, and are working to rectify systems issues so such royalties could be identified and paid. In addition, the company has moved into a 360 all Rights revenue model which will increase revenues based on numerous other revenue streams other than music publishing revenue, which was previously the Company’s primary source of revenue. The expectations are that the company will generate adequate cash flows and profitability to allow the company to continue in operational existence in the foreseeable future. On this basis, the Directors have maintained the going concern assumption in the preparation of these financial statements.”

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