Profits up at Cargo Handlers

The latest quarterly results for Cargo Handlers may not look impressive when compared with the 2012 figures, but the numbers actually beat last year’s by nearly 16 percent when it hit $22.6 million for the quarter to June. For the nine months to June, profits which are at $63.6 million, are up 29.6 percent over the $49 million generated in 2012. Revenues from the main operations is up to $115 million for the nine months from $95 million in 2012, a gain of 21.6 percent and for the quarter to June, revenues are $40 million from $34.6 million in 2012, a gain of 15.6 percent, slower than the nine months growth.

Earnings per share is 54 cents for the quarter and $1.53 year to date and looks as if earnings for the full year will top $2. For 2012, earnings came in at $1.73 per share. While profits are up, this company seems more like a dividend stock than one for great capital gains. Nevertheless, with the price around $13 for the stock and earnings in the $2 range there is room for price appreciation.

Administrative expenses didn’t move by much, from $6.16 million to $6.4 million year to date but other operating expenses are up 19 percent in the latest quarter and for the nine months, the increase was 29.4 percent.

At end of June, cash stood at $89 million, current assets at $123 million and current liabilities at just $20 million and is well covered. Shareholders’ equity stands at $108 million.

Dividend | Last year the company paid $1 per share in two dividends. So far they have made a dividend payment of $1 earlier in the year. No more should be expected, but you will never know.

Cargo Handlers operates out of Montego Bay and carries out stevedoring services.

Related Posts | Cargo Handlers profits up 38%

Cargo Handlers profits up 38%

Cargo Handlers enjoyed a boost in revenues and a 38 percent increase in profit for the six months to March this year. The business is an uncomplicated business, it deals in one main area providing stevedoring services on the wharf in Montego Bay. The company has plant and equipment of with a book value of $11.5 million, an indication of its size. Current assets on books at March this year was $134.6 million and current liabilities $36.2 million. Included in current assets is cash of $102 million. There is no interest bearing debt, another indicator of simplicity.

What the company may lack in sophistication is more than made up in its ability to earn positive and quite robust profits. For the March quarter, the company bettered the earnings of 2012 by netting $18.9 million this year compared to $15.98 million in the 2012 first quarter from revenues of $40.6 million and in the 2012 March quarter $27.7 million. For the six months to March, revenues are up 35 percent to $82.3 million. Earnings per share for the quarter came out at 45 cents and 98 cents for the six months.

The results were achieved despite a $10 million increase in operating expenses compared to what was incurred in 2012 when $9.7 million was incurred in this area. On a year to date basis, $37.7 million was incurred for this cost item versus $28 million in 2012.

The stock is an income play with a high pay out rate. In the last twelve months it paid dividends of $70 million.

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