Cargo Handlers’ Q4 profit doubles

CargoHandlersLiquidBulkCarriersProfit for the September quarter at Cargo Handlers is up 117 percent over the 2013 results to $49.7 million from revenues that climbed a very strong 77 percent. Profit rose by a smaller 55 percent, for the nine months ending September this year, to $131.7 million or $3.52 per share from revenues for the nine months of $220 million.
Other income, mainly foreign exchange gains, fell 13 percent in the quarter and was flat for the year, at $16 million. During the year the company earned $13.6 million from leasing and $8.9 million from management fees charged to a related party – Bulk Liquid Carrier and Petroleum Transport Ltd.
Administrative expenses dropped 31 percent in the quarter and 9 percent for the year but operat9ing expenses climbed 37 percent for the quarter and 22 percent for the year well below the increase in revenues. The company paid a dividend of $1.80 per share during the year for a yield in excess of 13 percent based on the stock price of $13.50 at the start of 2014.
CHL 9-14Looking forward the foreign exchange gains earned in the last two years is unlikely to repeat in 2015 as the Jamaican dollar is unlikely to slip to the same degree it did in the recent past, so earnings will need to exclude most of these gains which amounts to just over 40 cents per share. Investors could be looking at earnings per share around $4.80 in 2015. At a price of $16 the stock is undervalued but they are difficult to come by.
Equity capital stood at $200 million and net book value at $5.33 per share. There is virtually no borrowings and cash of $93 million.
The company is involved in primarily in stevedoring services and is in the process of acquiring a petroleum haulage company which it now manages pending completion of the sale. The stock is listed on the Jamaican Stock Exchange.

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