Proven to consider a dividend

proven_logo150x150The Board of Directors of Proven Investments will to consider dividend payments to both its ordinary and preference shareholders at a meeting on November 4.
A dividend of US$0.0022 per ordinary share was paid on December 3, last year. For 2014, the investment company, paid dividends of US$0.0020 per share to ordinary shareholders on June 24 and US$0.0015 per ordinary share, on March 13, this year.
The net profit for the quarter to June 2014, excluding a loss on extra ordinary activities and gain on purchase of subsidiary amounted to US$1.18 million, an increase of 14.3 percent, compared to the same period last year.

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  1. […] $61, Jamaica Money Market Brokers having 142,547 ordinary shares changing hands, closed at $6.95, Proven Investments trading 14,797 shares closed at 18 US cents and Sagicor Real Estate Fund closed with 1,000 shares […]

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