Profit jump 440% at Supreme Ventures

SupremeVenturesSVL_150x150Profit for the September quarter, at Supreme Ventures jumped 440 percent over the 2013 results, hitting $184 million in the process and a sharp climb from the $34 million realized in the 2013 period.
For the nine months ending September this year, profit after tax rose by a strong 41 percent, to $617 million, with earnings per share of 23 cents, putting the company on target to hit 30 cents per share for the full year to December. The gambling industry can have fettle results from time to time as has happened in the past at this company.
The strong improved profit results, flowed from a 16 percent sales rise in sales revenue in the quarter, to $9.9 billion and a stronger 22 percent for the nine months, to $30.1 billion. Gross profit grew at a slower pace of 7 percent for the three months and 11 percent for the nine months.
Segment results| Segment results show Supreme with challenges. While lottery earnings, climbed 35 percent for the year to date, to reach $1.22 billion and other areas grew from $102 million to $108 million, Sports betting losses are worsening even as revenues climbed from $177 million in 2013 to $418 million in 2014. The sharp growth in sports betting is attributable to betting on world cup football games. The segment lost $87 million in 2013 and $148 million in 2014 so far. Revenues fell for the Gaming and hospitality segment, from $394 million in 2013, to $314 million in 2014, but the losses were reduced from $440 million to $376 million. There are no noticeable improvements in the losses in the September quarter, for either loss making segments.
SVL chrt 9-14Administrative expenses dropped 18 percent, in the quarter due mainly to lower charges for professional fees, compared with the 2013, quarter and 4 percent for the nine months to September. While taxation increased, it was much slower than the growth in pretax profit. If the company could cut out the segment losses or sharply reduce them, earnings could jump as the losses amount to about 20 cents per share after tax.
The financials remain strong with equity of close to $3.9 billion and cash and investments of $1.9 billion against current liabilities of $1.6 billion.

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  1. […] dividend of 23 cents per share to be paid on March 21 and 4 cents per share payable on May 27. SVL paid dividends of 3 cents per share on January 8, last year as well as 3 cents in March, 9 cents in […]

  2. […] trading, valued at $42,590,814, in all market segments. A almost doubling of profits of Supreme Ventures and a the decision of the company to pay out over $800 million in dividends helped to push the […]

  3. […] Supreme Ventures (SVL) will be making a surprise dividend payment to its shareholders in March and May. The company just announced a final ordinary dividend for the year ended December 2014 of 8 cents per share payable on March 21, 2015 to shareholders on record as at March 6. SVL also declared a special dividend of 23 cents per share to shareholders on record as at March 6, with 19 cents per share to be paid on March 21 and 4 cents per share payable on May 27, 2015. The stock will traded ex-dividend on March 4. The ex-dividend date for both dividends is March 4. SVL paid dividends of 3 cents per share on January 8, last year as well as 3 cents in March, 9 cents in May, another 3 in September and 5 cents per stock on December 9, last year. The final regular dividend for 2014 brings the total relating to the 2014 profit to 19 cents per share or 54 percent of profits for the year. The total dividend payment just approved by the company totals 31 cents per share and is just short of the total profit for 2014 of 35.2 cents per share. The company just reported full year results showing profit after tax rising by 93 percent to $930 million from revenues that climbed by 21 percent to $41.3 billion. The profit provided a decent return on equity of 24.2 percent. Earnings per share ended at 35 cents. The December quarter was a very good one for the company with revenues of $11.3 billion and profit after tax of $313 million more than half of the $617 million generated to September. The company enjoyed cost reduction in several line items with professional fees being slashed the most falling $81 million to $239 million. Overall operating cost fell from $2.77 billion to $2.65 billion in 2014. Credible as the gains in profit is for 2014, Management has lots more work ahead in cutting losses in sports betting amounting $194 million up from $130 million in 2013 and Gaming lounges losses of $461 million versus $556 million in 2013. For the December quarter gaming losses amounted to $85 million compared to an average of $126 million in the previous three quarters and sports betting contributed $46 million in losses for the final 2014 quarter. Without the losses in these two areas profit would have been much larger. IC Insider is forecasting profits for 2015 to be in the order of 45 cents per share. At the end of the year the company had cash funds of $2.22 billion and the dividends amounts to $817 million will consume some of the cash on hand by time the payments are made later this month and in May. […]

  4. […] The last traded prices of stocks with losses at the end of trading in the main market are, Supreme Ventures in trading 104,000 units and lost 15 cents in closing at $2 and National Commercial Bank closing […]

  5. […] lower by 2 cents at $9.98, Scotia Group ended with 36,488 shares trading $2 lower at $20.25 and Supreme Ventures ended trading with 30,000 shares changing hands to close 24 cents lower at $1.76. Preference| […]

  6. […] trading with 3,320 shares at 19 US cents, Salada Foods closed with 5,000 shares trading at $8 and Supreme Ventures finished with 30,000 shares changing hands to close at $1.92. Declines| The last traded prices of […]

  7. […] billion is the number for losses at the Gaming and Hospitality segment at Supreme Ventures Limited Revenues in three years. Losses worsened from $252 million in 2012 when it jumped to $553 […]

  8. […] jumped 49 cents to $20.50, Seprod contributed 819 shares as the price climbed 1 cent to $12.01 and Supreme Ventures ended trading with 40,000 shares traded with a gain of 5 cents to $1.95. Firm| The stocks in the […]

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