Pan Jam’s profit dented too

Pan Jamaican investment trust reported net profit of $224 million, down 55 percent on 2012 earnings of $502 million for the quarter ending March.  The results were impacted significantly by Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited (SLJ) participation in the Government of Jamaica National Debt Exchange in February. SLJ recorded a realised loss on the exchange of bonds tendered in the NDX of $1.1 billion. Associated and joint venture companies contributed less profit for the quarter, declining by $136 million compared to the 2012 1st quarter amount of $373 million. The share of SLJ’s earnings, decreased by $175 million (47%) to $194 million.

The earnings per stock come out at $1.05 (2012: $2.36).  The fall in earnings from the associates is temporary and will not affect the company’s operations in a major way going forward. The effect is a reduction in interest income as the bonds swapped carry lower coupon rates than the original ones.

Increased cost | The group incurred an increase in finance costs of $179 million and a decrease of $136 million in the share of results of associated and joint venture companies, this was partly offset by increased investment income of $67 million resulting from foreign exchange gains on our US$ investments. Property income was flat year on year, as a $10 million improvement in rental income was offset by reduced net lease recoveries and property appreciation. Operating expenses increased 13 percent or $28 million, driven principally by a 27% increase in general and administrative costs as a result of staff realignment and increased professional fees.

Sagicor150x150As per the company’s report: “Finance costs increased by $179 million to $195 million for the quarter, resulting from increased debt used to fund the purchase of an additional 8% of SLJ’s shares in July, 2012 and the drawdown of the remainder of the US$17.5 million IFC loan in December, 2012. We have, however, retained a net long position in US$ to ensure that our stockholders’ equity is appropriately protected against devaluation risk. Rentable properties enjoyed occupancy levels exceeding 95% for the 1st quarter, while segment operating profit of $184 million for the quarter was $26 million, 16%, better than last year. Our investment management segment posted operating profit of $28 million for the quarter, more than double last year’s 1st quarter segment operating profit of $12 million.”

Associate & Joint Ventures | “Associated companies consist principally of our 32.8% investment in SLJ. We also hold minority positions in New Castle Co. Limited (owners of the Walkerswood and Busha Browne lines of sauces and seasonings), Mavis Bank Coffee Factory Limited (“Mavis Bank”), Hardware & Lumber Limited (“H&L”), Caribe Hospitality Limited (developers of the planned New Kingston Marriott Courtyard Hotel) and Chukka Caribbean Adventures (“Chukka”) acquired in April 2012.”

PamJamChukkaCove150x150H&L reported net earnings of $9.9 million for the 1st quarter, compared to $3.9 million for the same period last year. Revenue and gross margin both increased compared to last year. The investments in Chukka and Mavis Bank produced solid results.

Total assets amount to $21.7 billion and stockholders’ equity increased to $16.5 billion, equating to a book value per stock unit of $78.

Stock outlook | A dividend of $1.10 per stock unit was paid March 2013.  The company will not pay the usual quarterly dividend in June, having doubled up on the one paid in March.The stock which traded on Wednesday, 22nd May at $54 is considered to be severely undervalued and is a good long term investment.

To read IC Insider’s latest report “Sagicor undervalued despite $B NDX hit” , click here.

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