NCB & Scotia push JSE up

In Monday’s trading, the main market of the Jamaica Stock Exchange climbed sharply, but only 12 securities traded in the market.
JSE closing 23-2-15 At the close bid prices were strongly in support of the market with some slight upward bias. The attached chart shows the bids and offers at the close of the market, with the volumes at the lowest offers and highest bids. The chart provides investors with much more information than has been shown to the public. Investors can get some indication of supply and demand posted in the market with the immediate volumes on the bid to buy or the amounts on offer, at the disclosed prices. What is shown represents only the stocks on offer to sell and the amounts being purchased at the prices shown. IC Insider will now be posting these daily.
In Tuesday’s trading watch Carreras that closed with a bid of $44.51, Grace Kennedy, bid $60 and National Commercial Bank bid of $22.

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