Jamaica Broilers aced 2023 profit

Jamaica Broilers (JBG) recently released full year results to April, with a big jump in earnings, from ongoing operations following the write off of $1 billion relating to the closure of the Haitian operations, with group revenues rising 23 percent from continuing operations and profit after tax rising a solid 56 percent to $5.4 billion from $3.44 billion in 2022.

Jamaica Broilers announced a new acquisition last week

Profit after tax rose a solid 39 percent to $4.3 billion from $3 billion in 2022 after factoring in the above one time write off of the Haitian operation.
Segment results. The group has two main operating segments split between Jamaica and The USA, with results showing revenues in the Jamaican operations jumping 30 percent to $59 billion from $45 billion and the USA climbing 11 percent from $29 billion to $32.5 billion. The Jamaican segment delivered profit of $7.57 billion, up a significant 56 percent from $4.8 billion in 2022, with the USA market delivering $3.8 billion, up a robust 55 percent, compared with $2.45 billion in 2022.
A sharp rebound in the local economy buoyed by a strong recovery in the tourism sector over last year would have contributed a significant part of the local rebound. However, reports are that the company’s main competitor, Caribbean Broilers, had challenges during the period that saw JBG filling the gap and therefore enjoying above average growth and, if correct, could revert to lower levels in the new fiscal year.
Earnings per share reported by the audited results came in at $4.43, after the write off of the Haitian operations, excluding the write off, earnings were a much more attractive $5.35 per share, with just over $7 projected by ICInsider.com for the current year, making it a compelling buy at current prices. The PE is an appealing 6.5 times last fiscal year’s earnings from ongoing operation and just 5 times this year’s earnings at the last traded price of $35 on the Jamaica Stock Exchange. The stock price has a premium of 66 percent over the Net asset value of $21.43 to Friday’s stock price, with the manufacturing sector at 100 percent, which suggest the extent of a potential rise.
Profit margin rose from 24 percent in 2022 to 26 percent in 2023, increasing gross profit by 30 percent to $23.4 billion from $18 billion in 2022.

Christopher Levy – Jamaica Broilers President and Chief Executive.

 Administrative and other expenses rose 9.6 percent, well below the gains in gross profit to $12.4 billion and distribution expenses increased by 17.3 percent to $2.67 billion. Finance cost jumped a sharp 70 percent to $1.85 billion from $1.1 billion. In comparison, finance income swung around by $670 million from $593 million that, mainly was debt forgiveness in 2022, to a loss of $177 million, representing loss on foreign exchange but other income comprising a potpourri of items, some of which may be nonrecurring, moved from $393 million in 2022 to $439 million. Taxation rose 35 percent from $1 billion to $1.37 billion.
The operations generated $9 billion in gross cash flow, up from $6 billion in 2022, that ended at $1.4 billion after working capital needs, compared with $2.2 billion in 2022, as inventories of finished goods and livestock consumed all of the funds generated. The group paid $783 million in dividends net of tax from $463 million in 2022, including $503 million or 42 cents per share paid in March this year and 36 cents or $432 million in November 2022. The payout amounts to 17.6 percent of reported profit, below the expected 20 percent the company indicated it would pay in the past.
The group incurred $8.3 billion in the acquisition of fixed assets well up on the $2.9 billion in 2022 and borrowed $11 billion net of repayment to fund the purchases. Current assets ended the period at $50.7 billion, up from $40 billion in 2022. Receivables amounted to $6 billion, inventories rose to $18.8 billion from $15.6 billion in 2022, farm animals were valued at $21 billion, up from $15 billion in 2022 and cash and bank balances stood at $4.8 billion, up from $3.9 billion. Current liabilities ended the year at $34 million compared with $27 billion the year before. Net current assets ended the period at $16.5 billion versus $13 billion in 2022.
At the end of April, shareholders’ equity amounts to $25.3 billion, with 2022 ending with $21 billion. Long term borrowings ended at $16 billion and short term at $17 billion, up from $10.3 billion and $13.6 billion, respectively, in 2022.
The stock gets an ICInsider.com BUYRATED seal of approval, but investors need to note a few things. Capital spend is impressive and bodes well for continued growth, however, the company is primarily involved in the agricultural business, that can be fickle and several factors could play a role in derailing its fortunes.

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