J$ mostly down in value on Friday

FXTrading280x150 The Jamaican dollar suffered losses on Friday against the US dollar and the Pound, the euro and gained on the Canadian dollar. Dealers bought the equivalent of US$31,243,493 compared with US$24,746,899 on Thursday, while they sold the equivalent of US$30,952,352 versus US$27,237,059 previously.
In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$27,235,624 compared to US$19,916,588 on Thursday. The buying rate for the US dollar rose 20 cents at $116.07 and US$28,289,318 was sold versus US$22,177,217 on Thursday, the selling rate rose 11 cents to $116.66. FX sum 19-6-15The Canadian dollar buying rate dropped $1.19 to $93.65 with dealers buying C$1,262,421 and selling C$1,264,620, at an average rate that fell 84 cents to $95.10. The rate for buying the British Pound declined 85 cents to $180.93 for the purchase of £1,851,088, while £953,554 was sold, at an average rate that rose $2.94 to $186.66. At the end of trading, it took J$132.90 to purchase the Euro, $2.04 more than on Thursday, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, while dealers purchased the European common currency at J$130.14 for $2.11 more than Thursday’s rate. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$103,899, while the equivalent of US$106,323 was sold.
Highs & Lows| The highest buying rate for the US dollar climbed $1.35 to $118.20, the lowest buying rate dropped $2.36 to $93, the highest selling rate rose 33 cents to $122.52 and lowest selling rate added 25 cents $95.61. FX HL 19-6-15The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar declined 45 cents to $95.50, the lowest buying rate ended 17 cents higher at $75.12. The highest selling rate was up 2 cents to $97.90 and the lowest selling rate climbed $1.25 to $91.75. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, dipped 8 cents to $185.07, the lowest buying rate jumped $2.82 to $149.07, with the highest selling rate climbing $3 to $192.17 and the lowest selling rate jumping $3.60 to $179.60.

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