J$ falters on Wednesday

100bill Purchases by dealers of foreign currencies on Wednesday, resulted in the Jamaican currency selling rate slipping against the three main traded currencies. The market closed with dealers buying the equivalent of US$32,445,592 in contrast to US$30,886,074 on Tuesday, while they sold the equivalent of US$36,993,445, previously US$46,140,237.
In US dollar trading , dealers bought US$28,613,770 compared to US$27,806,629 on Tuesday. The buying rate for the US dollar fell 6 cents to $116.84 and US$35,596,264 was sold versus US$44,707,607 on Tuesday, the selling rate increased 3 cents to $117.51. The Canadian dollar buying rate dropped 49 cents to $87.25 with dealers buying C$856,525 and selling C$474,844, at an average rate that rose 9 cents to $89.46. The rate for buying the British Pound declined 31 cents to $180.71 for the purchase of £2,014,694, while £473,498 was sold, at an FX sum 19-8-15average rate that climbed $1.72 to $184.13. At the end of trading, it took J$129.63 to purchase the Euro, with a decline of 41 cents from Tuesday’s rate, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, while dealers purchased the European common currency at J$127.06 for a fall of 32 cents off Tuesday’s rate. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$76,201, while the equivalent of US$293,772 was sold.
Highs & Lows| The highest buying rate for the US dollar, fell 5 cents to $117.70 while the lowest buying and the highest selling rates were unchanged at $96.19 and $123.26 respectively, the lowest selling rate jumped $18.81 to $115. FX H&L 19-8-15The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar dropped $1.80 to $89.70. The lowest buying rate gained 66 cents to $71.63, the highest selling rate dipped 30 cents to end at $92.20 and the lowest selling rate rose 90 cents to $86.60. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, dropped 30 cents to $183.70, the lowest buying rate rose 62 cents to $148.07, the highest selling rate dipped $2.58 to $187.51 and the lowest selling rate inched up 35 cents to $178.

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