Huge US$114m trading Tuesday

US$ bungleTuesday was a big day for trading in the Jamaican foreign exchange market, as dealers bought the equivalent US$113,650,452 and sold US$115,800,882, compared with US$45,414,864 purchased and US$40,270,681 sold on Monday. Changes in the rates of the various currencies were mixed with the US dollar continuing to gain.
In US dollars trading, dealers bought US$110,719,783 compared to US$41,206,124 on Monday with the buying rate for the US dollar rising 57 cents to $120.50 A total of US$114,279,943 was sold versus US$38,724,325 on Monday as the selling rate climbed 3 cents to $120.71. The Canadian dollar buying rate fell 62 cents to end at $82.05 with dealers buying C$1,475,053 and selling C$923,548, at an average rate that fell 62 cents to $83.67. FX sum -12-01-16The rate for buying the British Pound declined by $2.70 to $170.39 for the purchase of £1,158,431, while £465,990 was sold, with the rate rising 96 cents to $173.43. At the end of trading, it took J$130.98 to purchase the Euro, for fall of 57 on Monday’s rate, according to data from Bank of Jamaica, while dealers purchased the European common currency at J$128.21 for a decline of 32 cents on Monday’s rate. The US dollar equivalent of other currencies traded, amounts to US$288,183 being bought, while US$211,300 was sold.
FX HL-12-01-16Highs & Lows| Notable changes to the highest and lowest rates the currencies traded at were, a rise in the lowest selling rate of the US dollar of $1.96 to $100.57, a rise of $1.25 in the highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar to $86.40, a fall in the highest selling rate of $1.55 to $87.95, a rise in the highest buying rate of British Pound, by $1.10 to $177.50 and a $1.80 decline in the lowest selling rate that closed at $167.20.

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