Modest trading on JSE US$ market

Trading on the JSE US dollar market on Thursday ended with moderate activity, resulting in five securities changing hands and ended with two stocks rising, two declining after one was left unchanged.
At the close, the market advanced by 12.88 points to 203.04. The PE ratio of the market closed with an average of 13.2 times 2020 earnings.
The volume of shares traded was well below amounts passing through the market on Wednesday as investors exchanged just 161,095 units with a value of US$4,685, in contrast to 1,959,096 units for US$382,572 on Wednesday.
Stocks trading are, First Rock Capital exchanging 15,808 units and shedding 0.8 of a cent to close at 9.2 US cents, Proven Investments gained 5 cents to end at 26 US cents, with the trading of 565 units. Sygnus Credit Investments gained 0.01 cent exchanging 6,912 units and closed at 12.09 US cents and Trans Jamaican Highway swapped 137,067 shares at 0.9 of a US cent after losing 0.1 of a cent.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group 6% preference share traded 743 units at US$1.11.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Proven Investments price drops 23%

Proven Investments took charge of the JSE US market on Wednesday in trading just over half of the total volume passing through the market, but the stock lost 23 percent of the price in doing so.
Market activity resulted in six securities changing hands, with one stock rising, two declining and three left unchanged. The volume of shares traded was 1,959,096 units with a value of US$382,572, in contrast to 3,324,487 units for US$323,180 on Tuesday.
At the close, the market fell 14.37 points to close at 190.16. The PE ratio of the market closed with an average of 12.4 times 2020 earnings.
In market activity, First Rock Capital rose 0.08 of a cent to 10 cents, in trading 1,000 units, Productive Business Solution exchanged 500 units at 77 US cents. Proven Investments shed 6.2 cents and closed at 21.01 US cents after trading 1,700,000 shares up from 1.1 million units passing through the market on Tuesday. Sygnus Credit Investments transferred 96,602 shares at 12 US cents, after losing 2 cents and Trans Jamaican Highway closed at 1 US cent, with 159,394 shares changing hands.
In the preference segment, JMMB Group 6% preference share traded 1,600 units at US$1.11.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Proven shines in US$ market

On a day when only three securities traded on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar market, trading in Trans Jamaica Highway shares cornered 67 percent of the market.

Proven Investments price rose on the JSE US market.

Proven Investments was second with volume traded accounting for a third, but dominated the cash trade, with US$300,441 of the value passing through the market compared to the former, with just US$22,057.
Market activity resulted in three securities changing hands, with the price of one stock rising, two declining and two remaining unchanged compared to five stock trading on Monday. The volume of shares traded was 3,324,487 units value at US$323,180, in contrast to 1,538,242 units with an amount of US$67,633 on Monday. At the close, the market gained 5.05 points to 204.53 and the PE ratio of the market closed with an average of 13.6 times 2020 earnings.
The stocks trading are, Proven Investments closed with the price rising 2.3 cents to end at 27.3 US cents trading 1,107,456 units, Sygnus Credit Investments closed with a gain of 1 cent to finish at 14 US cents, in trading 5,000 stock units and Trans Jamaican Highway exchanging  2,212,031 shares at 1 US cent.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

Trans Jamaica dominates US$ market

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Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar Market climbed over Friday’s level as investors bought nearly three and a half times the amount of Trans Jamaican Highway shares as on Friday.
Market activity resulted in five securities changing hands, with the price of one stock rising, two declining and two remaining unchanged. The volume of shares traded was 1,538,242 units value at US$67,633, in contrast to 464,489 units for US$15,549 on Friday. At the close, the market declined by 2.29 points to 199.48 and the PE ratio of the market closed with an average of 13.5 times 2020 earnings.
The stocks trading are, Proven Investments with the price ending at 25 US cents, with a loss of 1 cent in transferring 2,400 units, Sygnus Credit Investments closed at 13 US cents, in trading 18,247 stock units and Trans Jamaican Highway exchanging 1,476,595 shares at 1 US cent. In the US dollar preference section, JMMB Group 5.75% preference share swapped 5,000 units and shed 13 cents to end at US$2 and JMMB Group 6% gained 1 cent to close at US$1.11, with 36,000 shares changing hands.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

JSE US$ Market ends week quietly

The value and the volume shares trading on the JSE US dollar-denominated Market declined sharply on Friday with one less security changing hands than on Thursday.
Market activity resulted in four securities changing hands, with the price of one stock rising, two stocks declining and one remaining unchanged at the close. Trading accounted for just 464,489 units with a value of US$15,549, in contrast to 6,934,785 units for US$80,338 on Thursday.
At the close, the market index lost 0.15 points to 201.77 and the PE ratio of the market ended with an average of 13.5 times 2020 earnings.
First Rock Capital closed at 9.21 US cents, gaining 0.01 of a cent trading 10,900 units, Sygnus Credit Investments ended at 13 US cents, with a loss of 1 cent exchanging 14,925 units and Trans Jamaican Highway shed 0.01 of a cent and closed at 1 US cent in transferring 431,164 shares. In the US dollar preference section, JMMB Group 6% preference share traded 7,500 units to close at US$1.10.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

TransJamaica dominate US$ market

Trading picked up on the Jamaica Stock Exchange on the US dollar market on Thursday, with Trans Jamaican Highway accounting for 6.9 million or 99.7 percent of the overall volume passing through the market.
Trading activity resulted in five securities changing hands, with one rising, one stock declining and three remaining unchanged, leading to the volume of 6,934,785 units changing hands with a value of US$80,338, in contrast to 648,937 units for US$25,614 on Wednesday.
At the close, the market lost 0.83 points to 201.92. The PE ratio of the market closed with an average of 13.6 times 2020 earnings.
In trading, First Rock Capital shed 0.8 of a cent to close at 9.2 US cents, in exchanging 7,994 units, JMMB Group 5.75% preference share transferred 3,869 units at US$2.13, JMMB Group 6% preference ended at US$1.10, with 1,100 stock units changing hands. Sygnus Credit Investments traded 7,016 units at 14 US cents and Trans Jamaican Highway ended at 1.01 US cents, in exchanging 6,914,806 shares.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

JSE US Market remains stable

Market activity in the US dollar-denominated market ended with six securities changing hands, compared to seven on Tuesday, with market activity being relatively stable leading to the market Index slipping 0.24 points to 202.75.
The market ended with 648,937 shares trading valued at US$25,614, in contrast to 285,192 units for US$123,486 on Tuesday, as one stock rose, one declined, leaving four unchanged. The PE ratio of the market closed with an average of 13.7 times 2020 earnings.
In trading, First Rock Capital rose 1 cent to close at 10 US cents, with 1,613 units changing hands, Proven Investments remained at 26 US cents, after exchanging 5,019 shares. Sterling Investments swapped 84,955 shares at 2 US cents and Trans Jamaican Highway closed at 1 US cent, with a loss of 0.03 of a cent in trading 549,230 stock units. In the US dollar preference section, JMMB Group 5.75% preference share traded 7,774 shares at US$2.13 and JMMB Group 6% preference share had 346 units exchanged at US$1.10.

Prices of securities trading are those for the last transaction of each stock unless otherwise stated.

7 US$ stocks trade

Trading on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar-denominated market increased after the long weekend break for the Easter holidays as market activity resulted in seven securities changing hands.
The market closed with three stocks rising, the price of one declining and three stocks closing unchanged. The market ended with 285,192 units valued at US$123,486 changing hands, in contrast to 147,823 units for US$12,944 on Thursday from just three stocks. At the close, the market index gained 0.62 points to end at 202.99 and the PE ratio ended at an average of 13.6 times 2020 earnings.
In the ordinary shares segment of the market, Margaritaville traded 490 units at 20.1 US cents, Proven Investments closed at 26 US cents, with 47,555 shares changing hands, Sterling Investments lost 0.3of a  cent to end at 2 US cents, after exchanging 17,457 units. Sygnus Credit Investments closed at 14 US cents trading 46,705 shares and Trans Jamaican Highway finished at 1.03 US cents, with gains of 0.03 of a cent after 123,915 shares changed hands. In the preference segment, JMMB Group 5.75% FR preference share gained 1 cent after transferring 47,570 stock units and closed at US$2.13 and JMMB Group 6% preference share rose 8 cents to US$1.10 exchanging 1,500 units.

JSE US dollar market closes week quietly

Trading activities on the Jamaica Stock Exchange US dollar-denominated market ended the shortened Easter week with reduced volume compared to Wednesday as just three securities were active in the market on Thursday compared to seven on Wednesday.
Market activity resulted in three securities changing hands and ended with no stock gaining while one stock declined and two stocks trading with the price unchanged. The volume of shares traded was 147,823 units with a value of US$12,944, in contrast to 291,094 units for US$266,784 on Wednesday.
At the close, the market slid 2.26 points to 202.37 and the PE ratio of the market closed with an average of 13.7 times 2020 earnings.
The stocks trading were Proven Investments with an exchange of 43,738 shares at 26 US cents. Sygnus Credit Investments closed at 14 US cents trading 4,085 units and Trans Jamaican Highway still dominated the market while trading only 100,000 shares at 1 US cents, after losing a mere 0.03 of a cent.

Prices of securities trading are those for the day’s last transaction unless otherwise stated.

Trading climbs on JSE US$ Market

Thanks to a rise in trading of JMMB Group preference shares and Trans Jamaica Highway, volume trading on the JSE US dollar Market rose on Wednesday over that on Tuesday as investors exchanged seven securities. 
The usual large volume traded by the recently listed Trans Jamaica Highway remained moderate on Wednesday, with just over 100,000 shares changing hands.
Market activity resulted in seven securities changing hands, with three stocks rising and four declining. The volume of shares traded was 291,094 units, with a value of US$266,784, in contrast to 34,926 units for US$4,838 on Tuesday.
At the close, the market index lost 0.18 points to 204.63 and the PE ratio of the market closed with an average of 13.8 times 2020 earnings.
First Rock Capital gained of 0.9 of a cent and closed trading with 3,000 units at 9 US cents, JMMB Group 5.75% preference share lost 1 cent to end at US$2.12, after exchanging 116,312 shares, JMMB Group 6% preference share gained 2 cents with 1,000 units crossing the exchange and closed at US$1.02. Proven Investments picked up half a cent to end at 26 US cents, with 62,971 shares changing hands, Sterling Investments ended at 2.3 US cents, after losing 0.2 of a cent after swapping 5,000 units. Sygnus Credit Investments closed at 14 US cents, with a loss of 1 cent in trading 1,415 units and Trans Jamaican Highway ended at 1.04 US cents, with the loss of 0.02 of a cent in exchanging 101,396 shares.

Prices of securities trading are those for the day’s last transaction unless otherwise stated.

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