Big gains in Buy Rated stocks

TCL posted the highest gains of 172% of all IC Insider's Buy Rated selections

TCL posted the highest gains of 172% of all IC Insider’s Buy Rated selections

Profitable investing is not always about current fads but more so about selection and where possible timing of entry and exit. The Market Watch list is mean to help investors to identify some of the stocks with the best prospects for capital gains.
IC Insiderreports on the listing from time to time do investors can see the movements in the individual stocks. In 2014, the Trinidad companies were out performing those in Jamaica and worse most of the junior market stocks that took a hammering, as interest rates climbed up to the first quarter of 2014. Much has changed since then and now stocks in Jamaica are beating the performance of those in Trinidad. BUY Rated fn 4-15IC insider’s selections have been doing well for JSE main market but so well for the juniors.
There have been 5 winners and 9 losers in the junior market providing an average loss of just 2 percent. The JSE main market has 12 winners, so far and 4 losers, for an average gain of 22 percent and TTSE has an average gain of 11 percent with 7 winners and 6 losers. Two previous winners were removed from the Trinidad list.
A number of the Jamaican companies are reporting strong results for the first quarter of 2015 this bodes well for stock prices, the same can’t be said for the Trinidad companies that are mostly reporting flat profits. The other critical factor is that interest rates have been rising in Trinidad which is negative for stocks and they are falling in Jamaica which has already given stocks a big shot in the arm. Currently investors are focused on the bigger main market stocks but the junior will come into their own later on.
NCB has gained 65 percent since last year’s low but should head much higher, Carib Cement with very strong first quarter result should be well up from the $3 it close at on Tuesday. Trinidad is clearly not the place for much investment, unless ones eyes are on the longer term future.

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