US$13M more bought than sold as J$ improves

In Monday’s forex trading, dealers bought just over US$13 million in all currencies than they sold. The amount of the US currency purchased, exceeded the amount sold by nearly $11 million as the Jamaican currency improved in value by the end of trading.
On Monday, dealers bought the equivalent of $47,763,088 versus US$31,703,986 on Friday and sold the equivalent of US$34,622,132 compared to US$30,989,839 on Friday.
FX sum 21-7-14In US dollar trading, dealers bought US$42,021,074 compared to US$26,056,055 on Friday as the buying rate for the US dollar, rose 5 cents to $112.14 and sold US$31,275,581 versus US$24,483,036 on Friday, as the rate eased 2 cents to $112.70.
The Canadian dollar buying rate fell $1.60, to $102.80 with dealers buying C$1,640,272 and selling C$1,119,962 as the rate fell 77 cents, to $105.30.
The Pound closed at $190.22, for the purchase of £2,001,074, down 16 cents, while only £896,565 was sold, with the rate shedding by 25 cents, to $192.28. Other currencies bought, amounted to the equivalent of US$843,908 while selling was the equivalent of US$770,527.
FX 21-7-14HLHighs & Lows| The highest rate for buying the US dollar, the lowest buying rate and the highest selling rate remained unchanged at $113.20, $91.85 and $117.70 respectively, while the lowest selling rate dropped back by $17.99 cents to $92.01.
The highest buying rate for the Canadian dollar declined by 15 cents, to $105.35 and the lowest buying rate was up 4 cents to $83.21, the highest selling rate was unchanged at $107.21 and the lowest was up 5 cents to $100.25. The highest buying rate for the British Pound, climbed 40 cents to $193.60, while the lowest buying rate fell by 50 cents to $153.88 and the highest selling rate rose $3.04 to $199.02, the lowest selling rate was down by 60 cents to $185.40.

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