TTSE: Trading up not prices

Tuesday, 5th November 2013 | Trading, which has been very poor for the last two trading days on the Trinidad Stock Exchange, picked up a bit to swap 169,000 shares with a value of $5,398,127, resulting in trading of 13 securities of which none advanced, 4 declined and 9 traded firm.

ANSA McAL traded 1,930 units and suffered a 3 cents loss to close at $66.25; First Citizens Bank price dropped by 19 cents to end the day back at $35.56 as it traded 2,833 shares; National Commercial Bank had 23,100 shares changing hands for a value of $26,334 as the price closed up 2 cents to reach $1.14; Guardian Holdings contributed 4,630 shares valued at $69,450 and closed at firm at $15; Guardian Media contributed 10,894 shares with a value of $212,433; Neal & Massy Holdings traded 60,000 shares for a value of $3,459,102 while Scotiabank added 1,300 shares valued at $92,989 as the price moved up by 2 cents to $71.53, a new 52 weeks high.

TTSENov5Clico Investment Fund had a volume of 58,201 shares valued at $1,256,274 as the price fell 1 cent to close at $21.59.

IC bid-offer Indicator| At the end of trading there were bids for 5 stocks that were higher than their last selling prices and 3 stocks on offer lower than the last selling price.

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